PPTX - Unicamp

Forensic Detection of Image
Manipulation Using Statistical
Intrinsic Fingerprints
Fernando Barros
Filipe Berti
Gabriel Lopes
Marcos Kobuchi
Seminar Series
MO447 - Digital Forensics
Prof. Dr. Anderson Rocha
‣ Introduction
‣ System Model and Assumptions
‣ Statistical Intrinsic Fingerprints of Pixel Value
‣ Detecting Contrast Enhancement
‣ Detecting Additive Noise in Previously JPEGCompressed Images
‣ Conclusion
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
‣ In recent years, digital images have become
increasingly prevalent through society.
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
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2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
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2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
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2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
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Fake Pictures?
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
© http://10steps.sg/inspirations/photography/70-strange-photos-that-are-not-photoshopped/
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
‣ At present, an image forger can easily alter a digital
image in a visually realistic manner.
‣ As a result, the field of digital image forensics has
been born.
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
State Of The Art
‣ Identification of images and image regions which have
undergone some form of manipulation or alteration
‣ No universal method of detecting image forgeries
‣ Different techniques, with their own limitations
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Some techniques
‣ Lighting Angle Inconsistencies
‣ Inconsistencies in chromatic aberration
‣ Absence of Color Filter Array (CFA) interpolation
induced correlations
‣ Classifier based approaches
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
‣ Most image altering operation leave behind distinct,
traceable “fingerprints” in the form of image alteration
‣ Because these fingerprints are often unique to each
operation, an individual test to catch each type of
image manipulation must be designed
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Some works with fingerprints
‣ Resampling
‣ Double JPEG compression
‣ Gamma correction
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
This work
‣ Pixel value mapping leaves behind statistical artifacts
which are visible in an image’s pixel value histogram
‣ By observing the common properties of the histogram
of unaltered images, it’s possible to build a model of
an unaltered image’s histogram
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
This work
‣ A number of operations are in essence pixel value
mapping, it’s proposed a set of image forgery
detection techniques which operate by detecting the
intrinsic fingerprint of each operation
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
System Model
and Assumptions
Digital image
‣ In this work, digital images created by using an
electronic imaging device to capture a real world
Each pixel is assigned a value by measuring the light
intensity reflected from a real world scene
Inherent in this process is the addition of some zero
mean sensor noise which arises due to several
phenomena (shot noise, dark current, etc)
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Color image
‣ For color images, it is often the case that the light
passes through a CFA so that only one color
component is measured at each pixel location in this
In that case, the color component not observed at
each pixel are determined through interpolation
At the end of this process the pixel values are
quantized, then stored as the unaltered image
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
‣ h(l) can be generated by creating L equally spaced
bins which span the range of possible pixel values
‣ Tabulate the number of pixels whose value falls
within the range of each bin
‣ Gray levels values in P = {0, … , 255}, Color values in
‣ Pixel value histogram uses 256 bins
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
‣ None of the histograms contains sudden zeros or
impulsive peaks
‣ Do not differ greatly from the histogram’s envelope
‣ To unify these properties, pixel value are described as
interpolatably connected
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Interpolatably connected
‣ Any histogram value h(l) can be aproximated by ĥ(l)
‣ Each value of ĥ has been calculated by removing a
particular value from h then interpolating this value
using a cubic spline
‣ Little difference from h and ĥ
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Fig. 1. Left: Histogram of a typical image. Right: Approximation of the histogram at left by
sequentially removing then interpolating the value of each histogram entry.
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
System Model
‣ To justify this model, a database of 341 unaltered
images captured using a variety of digital cameras
‣ Obtained each image’s pixel value histogram h and its
approximated histogram ĥ
‣ The mean squared error between both along with the
signal power of h to obtain an SNR~30.67dB
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Fingerprints of
Pixel Value
Pixel Value Mapping
‣ A number of image processing operations can be
specified entirely by a pixel value mapping
‣ Leave behind distinct, forensically significant artifacts,
which we will refer as intrinsic fingerprint
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Intrinsic Fingerprint
Original: x; Tampered: y
‣ Intrinsic Fingerprint
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Discrete Fourier Transform
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Example: Histogram
Synthesized Image
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Real World Image
Example: DFT
Synthesized Image
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Real World Image
Example: Frequency Domain
Synthesized Image
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Real World Image
Example: Frequency Domain
Synthesized Image
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Real World Image
Intrinsic Fingerprints
‣ When examining a potentially altered image, if the
histogram of unaltered pixel values is known, the
tampering fingerprint can be obtained using
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
‣ In most real scenarios, one has no a priori knowledge
of an image’s pixel value histogram, thus the
tampering fingerprint cannot be calculated
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
‣ It’s possible to ascertain the presence of a tampering
fingerprint by determining identifying features of a
mapping’s intrinsic fingerprint
Searching for their presence in the histogram of the
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
‣ Contrast Enhancement operations seek to increase
the dynamic range of pixel values within images.
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Detection of Globally Applied
Contrast Enhancement
‣ Usually nonlinear mappings
‣ Consider only monotonic pixel value mappings.
‣ Thereby, disconsidering simple reordering mappings.
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Globally Applied Contrast
‣ Two significant mappings
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Globally Applied Contrast
‣ Euclidian norm increases!
‣ The energy of the DFT as well
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Globally Applied Contrast
‣ Therefore, all contrast enhancement mappings result
in an increase in energy.
‣ This energy is related to the intrinsic fingerprint.
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Globally Applied Contrast
‣ Expected DFT’s to be strongly low-pass signal.
‣ Therefore, the presence of energy in the high
frequency regions is indicative of contrast
‣ Contrast enhancement will cause isolated peaks and
gaps in the histogram.
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Globally Applied Contrast
‣ Saturation Case
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Globally Applied Contrast
‣ Solution
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Globally Applied Contrast
‣ Measuring the energy
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Globally Applied Contrast
‣ Defining the best c with 244 images e N = 4
‣ γ = 1.1
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Globally Applied Contrast
‣ Results
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Globally Applied Contrast
‣ Database of 341 unaltered images, taken in different
resolutions and light conditions
‣ The green color layer created the grayscale images.
‣ γ ranging from 0.5 to 2.0
‣ 4092 grayscale images
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Globally Applied Contrast
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Globally Applied Contrast
= 4 e c = 112
of 99% at a Pfa approximately of 3% or less
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Locally Applied Contrast
‣ Defined as applying a contrast mapping to a set of
contiguous pixels within an image.
‣ Can identify cut-and-paste forgeries.
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Locally Applied Contrast
‣ To detect it, the image is divided in smaller blocks and
the global technique is applied to the blocks.
‣ Who small(and big!?) are these blocks?
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Locally Applied Contrast
‣ Test the 341 unaltered images and use γ ranging from
0.5 to 0.9.
‣ Blocks of size 200x200, 100x100, 50x50, 25x25, and
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Locally Applied Contrast
‣ The contrast enhancement can be reliably detected
using testing blocks sized 100x100 pixels with a Pd of
at least 80% in every case at a Pfa of 5%.
‣ When γ ranged
from 1.0 to 2.0, the Pd was of 95% at
a Pfa of 5%
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Locally Applied Contrast
‣ In order to test the copy-and-paste, Photoshop was
used to create the image (c).
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Locally Applied Contrast
‣ The image was divided in 100x100 pixel blocks and
tested local contrast enhancement on the red(d),
green(e) and blue(f) color layers.
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Locally Applied Contrast
‣ The image was divided in 50x50 pixel blocks and
tested local contrast enhancement on the 3 the color
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Locally Applied Contrast
‣ Applying a detection
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Histogram Equalization
‣ Histogram equalization effectively increases the
dynamic range of an image’s pixel values by
subjecting them to a mapping such that the
distribution of output pixel values is approximately
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Histogram Equalization
‣ In order to identify it, we calculate the “uniformity” of
the histogram.
‣ The process will introduce zeros into an image’s pixel
value histogram, so mean absolute differences and
mean square differences won’t work.
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Histogram Equalization
‣ For histogram equalized saturated images, the
location of the impulsive component is often shifted.
‣ Suppose that the number of pixels in the lowest bin is
greater than 2N/255.
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Histogram Equalization
‣ If the lowest l such that h(l) > 0 is greater or equal to 1
and h(l) > 2N/255, the image is identified as saturated.
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Histogram Equalization
‣ Test the 341 unaltered images and the 341 histogram
equalized images.
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Histogram Equalization
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Histogram Equalization
‣ Analyze the frequency domain.
‣ α(k) is a weighting function used to deemphasize the
high frequency regions in H(k)
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Histogram Equalization
‣ Best conditions using α
(k) was with r1 = 0.5,
obtaining Pd of 99% with a Pfa of 0.5% and a Pd of
100% with a Pfa of 3%.
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Histogram Equalization
‣ Test 2046 images.
‣ r =4
‣ P of 100%
with a Pfa of 1%.
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Additive Noise in
Previously JPEGCompressed
Additive Noise
‣ Additive noise can be used to mask previous
modifications to images.
‣ Previous techniques has dealt with detection of
localized fluctuations of SNR in an image.
‣ Fail on detection of globally added noises.
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Additive Noise
‣ This technique applies a predefined mapping with a
known fingerprint to a potentially altered image.
‣ If some noise was intentionally added, then an
identifying feature of this fingerprint will be absent.
‣ We’ll be able to detect the presence of an additive
noise if application of mapping does not introduce a
fingerprint with this feature.
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Scale and Round mapping
‣ For additive noise detection it’ll be used scale and
round mapping:
‣ And the set
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Scale and Round mapping
‣ Cardinality of U (v) is periodic in v with period p.
‣ So, the intrinsic fingerprint of scale and round
operation will contain a periodic component with
period p.
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Hypothesis Testing Scenario
‣ JPEG compression/decompression schematics
© Compressed Examples by JISC Digital Media. All files © University of Bristol, 2009
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Hypothesis Testing Scenario
‣ So, if a monotonically increasing mapping is applied to
any color layer in the YCbCr color space, that
mapping’s fingerprint will be introduced into the
histogram of the color layer value.
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Hypothesis Testing Scenario
‣ Final stage of JPEG decompression: pixel
transformation from YCbCr to RGB, mathematically
described by this equation:
‣ Values less than 0 is set to 0 and greater than 255 is
set to 255.
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Hypothesis Testing Scenario
‣ Defining:
‣ Detection of additive noise can be formulated as an
statistical hypothesis testing problem:
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Hypothesis Testing Scenario
‣ The fingerprint left by the mapping:
‣ helps to rewrite both hypothesis as:
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Hypothesis Testing Scenario
‣ Under hypothesis H
, zi can be expressed as:
‣ The term round(cx ) dominates the behavior of z and,
so, the number of distinct xi values mapped to each zi
value will occur in a fixed periodic pattern.
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Hypothesis Testing Scenario
‣ This will result in a periodic pattern discernible in the
histogram, which corresponds to the intrinsic scale
and round mapping.
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Hypothesis Testing Scenario
‣ Under hypothesis H
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
, zi has a different behavior:
Hypothesis Testing Scenario
‣ This hypothesis leads to 3 additional terms containing
scale and round mapping, each with their own scaling
‣ If this constants and the original scaling has no
common period, no periodic pattern will be introduced
into the histogram, as can be observed in the figures.
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Hypothesis Testing Scenario
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Additive Noise Detection
‣ Detection of the addition of noise to a previously
JPEG-compressed images is the same as detection of
the periodic fingerprint within the normalized
‣ This detection is well suited for frequency domain and
produces peaks with arbitrary location.
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Additive Noise Detection
‣ Applying DFT in the normalized and pinched-off
histogram we obtain Gzi, it is possible to measure the
strength of the peak introduced into it:
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Additive Noise Detection
‣ Then it is used the following decision rule to determine
presence of additive noise:
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Additive Noise Detection
Images - 1st performance test
‣ 227 unaltered images from 4 different digital cameras
from unique manufacturers.
‣ Diversity of JPEG-compressed images using camera’s
‣ Set of altered images created by decompression and
addition of unit variance Gaussian noise to each pixel
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Additive Noise Detection
Images - 1st performance test
‣ All altered saved with original images resulting in a DB
of 554 images.
= 80% @ Pfa = 0,4% (if Pfa <= 6,5% Pd goes to
nearly 99%).
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Additive Noise Detection
Images - 1st performance test
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Additive Noise Detection
Images – 2nd performance test
‣ 244 JPEG-compressed images at different quality.
‣ Q=90, 70, 50 and 30.
‣ Again, unit variance Gaussian noise added.
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Additive Noise Detection
Images – 2nd performance test
‣ For images with Q >= 50.
‣ P = 99% @ P = 3,7%.
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Additive Noise Detection
Images – 2nd performance test
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
‣ Statistical Intrinsic Fingerprints of Pixel Value
‣ Detecting Contrast Enhancement
‣ Detecting Additive Noise in Previously JPEGCompressed Images
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
A. Swaminathan, M.Wu, and K. J. R. Liu, “Digital image forensics via intrinsic fingerprints,” IEEE Trans. Inf.
Forensics Security, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 101–117, Mar. 2008.
2013 Seminar Series – Digital Forensics (MO447/MC919)
Thank You!