Theories of Classical Conditioning Critical CS-US relationship • Important (critical) things to note about classical conditioning: – the CS MUST precede the US – the CS MUST predict the US – if the CS does not predict the US, no conditioning occurs – the CR does not have to be identical to the UR • E.g., subtle differences even Pavlov noticed) • may even be opposite: Morphine studies • Any response is a classically conditioned response if it – occurs to a CS – after that CS has been paired with a US – but does NOT occur to a randomly presented CS-US pairing Theories: WHY do organisms respond to predictability? • Pavlov: Stimulus substitutability theory • Kamin: Surprise theory • Rescorla and Wagner: Computational Model Pavlov: Stimulus Substitution Theory – Basic premise of theory • w/repeated pairings between CS and US, CS becomes substitute for the US • thus, the response initially elicited only by US is now also elicited by CS – sounds pretty good: • salivary conditioning: US and CS both elicit salivation • eyeblink conditioning: both elicit eyeblinks – Theory was doing well until we found compensatory CRs Pavlov: Stimulus Substitution Theory – Criticisms and Flaws: • CR is almost never an exact replica of the UR • an eyeblink to UR of air puff = large, rapid closure • eyeblink to CS of tone = smaller, more gradual closure • Defense of theory: Hilgard (1936): Why differences in CR and UR: – intensity and stimulus modality of the CS and US are different – Thus: differences in Response magnitude and timing are to be expected – But still doesn’t explain OPPOSITE CR Pavlov: Stimulus Substitution Theory • BIGGER PROBLEM: – whereas many US's elicit several different R's, as a general rule not all of these R's are later elicited by the CS • E.g. Zener (1937) – dog presented w/food as US: • found that the dog elicited a number of UR responses to the food • E.g., salivation, chewing, swallowing, etc. – CS not elicit all of those responses • NO CRs of chewing and swallowing • Just the CR of just salivation • on other hand: CR may contain some of responses that are not part of CR: – Zener found that dogs turned head to bell – But no head turns to presentation of food Modifications of SST • MODIFICATIONS OF SST: (Hilgard) – only some components of UR transferred to CR – CS such as a bell often elicits unconditioned responses of its own, and these may become part of CR • SIGN TRACKING: Hearst and Jenkins 1974 – emphasized this change in form of CR vs. UR – Also Jenkins, Barrara, Ireland and Woodside (1976) • Sign Tracking : animals tend to – orient themselves toward – approach – explore any stimuli that are good predictors of important events such as the delivery of food 1 4 2 Set up: 1. Initial training: Light turns on above feederfeeder releases pieces of hot dog 2. Test: a. Light turns on above feeder, then above each of the other walls b. Forms a sequence of 1234 3. What is optimal response? 3 Jenkins, Barrara, Ireland and Woodside (1976) 4. But: Dog “tracked the sign” Modifications of SST • Strongest data against SST theory: Paradoxical conditioning – CR in opposite direction of UR • Black (1965): – heart rate decreases to CS paired w/shock – US of shock elicits UR of heart rate INCREASE – But CS of light or tone elicits CR of heart rate DECREASE • Seigel (1979): conditioned compensatory responses – – – – Morphine studies evidence of down regulation in addiction Actual cellular process in neurons (and other cells, too!) thus SST theory appears incorrect Perceptual Gating Theory • Perceptual gating theory: – Idea that only if CS is biologically relevant will it get processed – If a CS doesn’t get processed it can be predictive/informative – Animals attend to biologically relevant stimuli • Problem: – Data show that under certain circumstances a stimulus is “attended to” or “processed”, but still does not serve as a CS with an accompanying CR – Issue remains: is the stimulus the most predictive? – Second issue: Defining “biologically relevant” Kamin’s work: 1967-1974 Blocking and overshadowing • Overshadowing: – – – – use one "weak" and one "strong" CS CS1+CS2US reaction to weaker stimulus is blotted out by stronger CS Demonstrated by Pavlov • Blocking: – Train 1 CS, then add a second CS to it: • CS1 US • CS1+CS2US – test each individually after training – Find that only one supports a CR – One stimulus “blocks” learning to second CS – Demonstrated by Kamin Kamin’s blocking experiment • used multiple CS's and 4 groups of rats • the blocking group receives – series of L+ trials which produce strong CR – series of L+T+ trials – then tested to just the T • control groups receives – SAME TOTAL NUMBER OF TRIALS AS BLOCKING GROUP – no first phase – L+ only; Test T – T+ only; Test T – LT+ only: Test T Kamin’s blocking experiment • prediction: since both received same # of trials to the tone- should get equal conditioning to the tone • results quite different: Blocking group shows no CR to the tone- the prior conditioning to the light "blocked" any more conditioning to the tone • directly contradicts frequency principle (remember associationism!) Group Control Control Control Blocking Phase I ------L+ Phase II L+ T+ LT+ LT+ Test Phase Result T T elicits no CR T T elicits CR T T elicits a CR T T elicits no CR Things we know about blocking: • the animal does "detect" the stimulus: – can’t be perceptual gating issue – EXT of CR with either T alone or with LT – EXT occurred faster with compound LT • appears to be independent of: – length of presentation of the CS – number of trials of conditioning to compound CS • constancy of US from phase 1 to 2 important!!!! – US must remain identical between the two phases or no blocking • influenced by: – Type of CR measure (used CER, not as stable as non fear CR) – nature of CS may be important- e.g. modality – intensity of CS or US stimuli important • depends on amount of conditioning to blocking stimulus which already occurred Change in either US or CS can prevent/ overcome blocking • Change the intensity of the CS from phase 1 to phase 2 – – – – – Overshadowing could be playing a role strong vs weak stimulus e.g. experiments when changed from 1 ma to 4 ma shock quickly condition to compound stimulus little or no overshadowing or blocking • Change in intensity of either CS stimulus– Change in context from Phase 1 to Phase 2 • lT • Lt then T then T – presents a different learning situation and no blocking • Any ideas about what is happening? Explanations of Blocking: • Poor Explanation: Perceptual gating theory: – tone never gets processed – tone not informative – data not really support this (evidence that do “hear” tone) • Good Explanation: Kamin's Surprise theory: – – – – – • to condition requires some mental work on part of animal animal only does mental work when surprised bio genetic advantage: prevents having to carry around excess mental baggage thus only learn with "surprise" situation must be different from original learning situation Better Explanation: Rescorla Wagner model: – particular US only supports a certain amount of conditioning – if one CS “hogs” all that conditioning- none is left over for another CS to be added – question- how do we show this? Recorla: Which is more important? CS-US correlation vs. contiguity • CS-US contiguity: – CS and US are next to one another in time/space – In most cases, CS and US are continguous • CS-US correlation: CS followed by the US in a predictive correlation: • If perfect correlation (most predictive)- most conditioning • p(US/CS) = 1.0 • p(US/no CS) = 0.0 • But: life not always a perfect correlation CS-US correlation is more critical • Rescorla (1966, 1968): Showed how 2 probabilities interact to determine size of the CS – CS = 2 min tone; presented at random intervals (M = 8 min) – for: Group 1: p(shock/CS) = 0.4 during 2 min presentation – For Group 2: p(shock/no CS) = 0.2 • Which group should show more conditioning? • WHY? Robert Rescorla (1966) Examined predictability 6 types of Groups • CS-alone – present CS alone with no US pairing – problem: not have same number of US trials as experimental animals do, may actually be extinction effect • Novel CS group: – looks at whether stimulus is truly "neutral" – may produce habituation- animal doesn't respond because it "gets used to it" • US-alone – present US alone with no CS pairing – problem: not have same number of CS trials Rescorla: 6 types of control groups • Explicitly unpaired control – CS NEVER predicts US – that is- presence of CS is really CS-, predicts NO US – animal learns new rule: if CS, then no US • Backward conditioning: – US precedes CS – assumes temporal order is important (but not able to explain why) – again, animal learns that CS predicts no US • Discrimination conditioning (CS+ vs CS-) – use one CS as a plus; one CS as a minus – same problem as explicitly unpaired and backwardworks, but can work in certain circumstances (taste avoidance) Rescorla: Results with 6 Groups • CS-alone: No conditioning, but habituation to CS • Novel CS group: novel worked better than CS with previous experience. • US-alone: habituation to CS • Explicitly unpaired control: – Got GREAT conditioning – Learned that the CS NEVER predicts the US! • Backward conditioning: – US preceded CS – assumed temporal order is important – It was: Animal learned that CS predicts NO US, but US predicted CS • Discrimination conditioning (CS+ vs CS-) – use one CS as a plus; one CS as a minus – Got discrimination – Animals paid attention to whatever stimulus was MOST PREDICTIVE! CS-US correlation: Summary of Results • whenever p(US/CS) > p(US/NO cs): – CS = EXCITATORY CS – that is, CS predicts US – amount of learning depended on size difference between p(US/CS) and p(US/no CS) • whenever p(US/CS) <p(US/NO CS): – CS = INHIBITORY CS – CS predicts ABSENCE of US – amount of learning depended on size difference between p(US/CS) and p(US/no CS) • whenever p(US/CS) = p(US/NO cs): – CS = NEUTRAL CS – CS doesn’t predict or not predict CS – no learning will occur because there is no predictability. CS-US correlation vs. contiguity • Thus: appears to be the CORRELATION between the CS and US, not the contiguity (closeness in time) that is important • Can write this more succinctly: – correlation carries more information – if r = + then excitatory CS – if r = - then inhibitory CS – if r = 0 then neutral CS (not really even a CS) Classical condition is “cognitive” (oh the horror of that statement, I am in pain) • PREDICTABILITY is critical • Learning occurs slowly, trial by trial – Each time the CS predicts the US, the strength of the correlation is increased – The resulting learning curve is monotonically increasing: • Initial steep curve • Levels off as reaches asymptote – There is an asymptote to conditioning to the CS: • Maximum amount of learning that can occur • Maximum amount of responding that can occur to CS in anticipation of the upcoming US • We can explain this through an equation! Answers to Blocking and Overshadowing • Overshadowing: – use one "weak" and one "strong" CS – reaction to weaker stimulus: less CR – Reaction to stronger stronger stimulus: more CR • Blocking: – What is being predicted – Does LT give any more information/predictability than L alone? – If not, then L “blocks” learning to LT Assumptions of Rescorla-Wagner (1974) model • Model developed to accurately predict and map learning as it occurs trial by trial • Assumes a bunch of givens: – Assume animal can perceive CS and US, and can exhibit UR and CR – Helpful for the animal to know 2 things about conditioning: • what TYPE of event is coming • the SIZE of the upcoming event • Thus, classical conditioning is really learning about: – signals (CS's) which are PREDICTORS for – important events (US's) Assumptions of R-W model • assumes that with each CS-US pairing 1 of 3 things can happen: – the CS might become more INHIBITORY – the CS might become more EXCITATORY – there is no change in the CS • how do these 3 rules work? – if US is larger than expected: CS = excitatory – if US is smaller than expected: CS= inhibitory – if US = expectations: No change in CS • The effect of reinforcers or nonreinforcers on the change of associative strength depends upon: – the existing associative strength of THAT CS – AND on the associative strength of other stimuli concurrently present More assumptions • Explanation of how an animal anticipates what type of CS is coming: – direct link is assumed between "CS center" and "US center": • e.g. between a tone center and food center • In 1970’s: other researchers thought R and W were crazy with this idea • Now: neuroscience shows formation of neural circuits! – assumes that STRENGTH of an event is given • the conditioning situation is predicted by the strength of the learned connection – THUS: when learning is complete: • the strength of the association relates directly to the size or intensity of the CS • Asymptote of learning = max learning that can occur to that size or intensity of a CS • Maximum amount of learning that a given CS can support More assumptions • The change in associative strength of a CS as the result of any given trial can be predicted from the composite strength resulting from all stimuli presented on that trial: – Composite strength = summation of conditioning that occurs to all stimuli present during a conditioning trial – if composite strength is LOW: • the ability of reinforcer to produce increments in the strength of component stimuli is HIGH • More can be learned for this trial – if the composite strength is HIGH: • reinforcement is relatively less effective (LOW) • Less can be learned for this trial- approaching max of learning More assumptions: • Can expand to extinction, or nonreinforced trials: – if composite associative strength of a stimulus compound is high, then the degree to which a nonreinforced presentation will produce a decrease in associative strength of the components is LARGE – if composite associative strength is lownonreinforcement effects reduced The Equation!: • Yields an equation: THE Rescorla Wagner (1974) model!!!!! Vi =αißj(Λj-Vsum) • Vi = amount learned (conditioned) on a given trial • Αi = the salience of the CS • ßj = the salience of the US • (Λj-Vsum) = total amount of conditioning that can occur to a particular CS-US pairing • • What does this equation say? The amount of conditioning that will occur on a given trial is a function of: • The size of the salience of the CS multiplied by • The size of the salience of the US multiplied by • (The maximum amount of learning minus the amount of learning that has already occurred). Let’s use this in an example: First example: • A rat is subjected to conditioned suppression procedure: – CS (light) ---> US (1 mA shock) – Question: what is associative strength? – 1 = associative strength that a 1mA shock can support at asymptote ( λ j ) • • – (I am arbitrarily setting this value for easy math) So, we will say that the associative strength of a 1 mA shock = 100 units of association/learning VL = associative strength of the light (strength of the CS-US association) • thus: λ 1 = animal’s maximum reaction to the size of the observed event (actual shock) • VL = measure of the Subjects current "expectation" about the light predicting the light. • VL will approach λ 1 over course of conditioning: VL = λ 1 First trial: CSL USshock • CS (light+tone) --> 1 mA shock on trial 1 (no previous pairing) – Λj = max amount of conditioning that can occur to the CSL : Let’s set it at 100 – Vsum = assoc. strength of all paired trials so far (0) – Can set αi = 0.5 – Can set ßj = 1.0 – VL = αißj(Λj-Vsum) just plug in numbers – VL = 0.5*1.0(100-0) = 50 units of conditioning/learning Second example: 2CS's: • CS (light+tone) --> 1 mA shock – Vsum = VL + VT = assoc. strength of the 2 CS's – (still 0 on trial 1) – Vsum = αißj(λn) – if VL and VT equally salient: • VL = 0.5αißj; • VT = 0.5αißj – VT = 0.5*0.5*(100-0) = 25 units of learning WHY is this equation important? • We can use the three rules to make predictions about amount and direction of classical conditioning • λ j > Vsum = excitatory conditioning – The degree to which the CS predicted the size of the US was GREATER than expected, so you react MORE to the CS next trial • λ j < Vsum = inhibitory conditioning – The degree to which the CS predicted the size of the US was LESS than expected, so you react LESS to the CS next trial • λ j = Vsum = no change: – The CS predicted the size of the US exactly as you expected Now have the Rescorla-Wagner Model: • Model makes predictions on a trial by trial basis • for each trial: predicts increase or decrement in associative strength for every CS present • Can specify amount and direction of the change in conditioning! Now have the Rescorla-Wagner Model: • Restate the equation: Vi =αißj(λ j -Vsum) • Vi = change in associative strength that occurs for any CS, i, on a single trial • λ j= associative strength that some US, j, can support at asymptote • Vsum = associative strength of the sum of the CS's (strength of CS-US pairing) • αi = measure of salience of the CS (must have value between 0 and 1) • ßj = learning rate parameters associated with the US (assumes that different beta values may depend upon the particular US employed) Can say this easier! • How much you will learn on a given trial (Vi) is a function of: – αi or how good a stimulus the CS is (how well it grabs your attention) – ßj or how good a stimulus the US is (how well it grabs your attention – Λj or how much can learning can be learned about the CS-US relationship – AND Vsum or how much you have learned ALREADY! Okay, you got all that? Let’s put this baby to work…….. …….we will try a few examples The equation: Vi =αißj(λ j-Vsum) • Vi = change in associative strength that occurs for any CS, i, on a single trial • αi = stimulus salience (assumes that different stimuli may acquire associative strength at different rates, despite equal reinforcement) • ßj = learning rate parameters associated with the US (assumes that different beta values may depend upon the particular US employed) • Vsum = associative strength of the sum of the CS's (strength of CS-US pairing) • λ j= associative strength that some CS, i, can support at asymptote • In English: How much you learn on a given trial is a function of the value of the stimulus x value of the reinforcer x (the absolute amount you can learn minus the amount you have already learned). Acquisition • first conditioning trial: Assume (our givens) – CS = light; US= 1 ma Shock – Vsum = Vl; no trials so Vl = 0 – thus: λ j-Vsum = 100-0 = 100 – -first trial must be EXCITATORY • BUT: must consider the salience of the light: – αi = 1.0 – ßj = 0.5 Acquisition • first conditioning trial: CS = light; US= 1 ma Shock – Vsum = Vl; no trials so Vl = 0 – thus: λ j-Vsum = 100-0 = 100 – -first trial must be EXCITATORY • BUT: must consider the salience of the light: αi = 1.0 and learning rate: ßj = 0.5 • Plug into the equation: for TRIAL 1 – VL = (1.0)(0.)(100-0) = 0.5(100) = 50 – thus: V only equals 50% of the discrepancy between Aj an Vsum for the first trial Acquisition • Plug into the equation: –for TRIAL 1 –VL = (1.0)(0.)(100-0) = 0.5(100) = 50 –thus: VL only approaches 50% of the discrepancy between Aj and Vsum is learned for the first trial Acquisition • TRIAL 2: – Same assumptions! – VL = (1.0)(0.5)(100-50) = 0.5(50) = 25 – Vsum = (50+25) = 75 Acquisition • TRIAL 3: – VL = (1.0)(0.5)(100-75) = 0.5(25) = 12.5 – Vsum = (50+25+12.5) = 87.5 Acquisition • TRIAL 4: – VL = (1.0)(0.5)(100-87.5) = 0.5(12.5) = 6.25 – Vsum = (50+25+12.5+6.25) = 93.75 • TRIAL 10: Vsum = 99.81, etc., until reach ~100 on approx. trial 14 • When will you reach asymptote? R-W explains 1 CS learning 100 Amt of learning 80 60 40 20 0 0 2 4 6 8 Trials learning to Vlight Total amount learned (Vsum) 10 12 How to explain overshadowing? Yep, it is good old Rescorla-Wagner to the rescue! Remember Overshadowing • Pavlov: compound CS with 1 intense CS, 1 weak – after a number of trials found: strong CS elicits strong CR – Weak CS elicits weak or no CR • Note: BOTH CSs are presented at same time – Why would one over shadow or overpower the other? – Why did animal not attend equally to both? Overshadowing • Rescorla-Wagner model helps to explain why: • Assume – αL = light = 0.2; αT = tone = 0.5 – ßL = light = 1.0 ; ßt = tone = 1.0 • Plug into equation: – Vsum = Vl + Vt = 0 on trial 1 – VL = 0.2(1)(100-0) = 20 – Vt = 0.5(1)(100-0) = 50 – after trial 1: Vsum = 70 Overshadowing • TRIAL 2: – VL = 0.2(1)(100-(50+20)) = 6 – Vt = 0.5(1)(100-(50+20)) = 15 – Vsum = (70+(6+15)) = 91 • TRIAL 3: – – – – VL = 0.2(1)(100-(91)) = 1.8 Vt = 0.5(1)(100-(91)) = 4.5 Vsum = (91+(1.8+4.5)) = 97.3 and so on thus: reaches asymptote (by trial 6) MUCH faster w/2 CS's • NOTE: CSt takes up over 70 units of assoc. strength CSl takes up only 30 units of assoc. strength Overshadowing R-W explains 2 CS learning 120 100 Amt of learning 80 60 40 20 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Trials Vsum for light V sum for tone V sum total 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Blocking • Similar explanation to overshadowing: – Does not matter whether VL has more or less saliency than Vt, – CS has basically absorbed all the associative strength that the CS can support • Why? Blocking • give trials of A-alone to asymptote: – reach asymptote: VL = λ j =100 =Vsum • NOW add trials to compound stimuli: – CS of the light has salience: αL =.5465 – CS of tone has salience of: ßt =0.464 – Note that CStone has higher salience! – Eh, oh, the math is going to be TOO HARD to do!!!!! Blocking • Or IS the math to hard to do? • First compound V1 Trial: • Vt= αß(Λj-Vsum) • What is Vsum after the training to the CS light? • That’s right Vsum = ___________ • Vt=0.*1.0*(100-100)= _____________ • No learning! How could one eliminate blocking effect? • increase the intensity of the US to 2 mA with λ j now equals = 160 – Learning so far: Vsum still equals 100 (learned to 1 mA shock) – But now: TOTAL learning is increased to 160! How could one eliminate blocking effect? • plug into the equation: • (assume Vl and Vt equally salient) – Vt = 0.2(1)(160-100) = 0.2(60) = 12 – Vl = 0.2(1)(160-100) = 0.2(60) = 12 – Vsum = 100+12+12 =124 How could one eliminate blocking effect? • on trial 2: – Vsum = 124 – Vt = 0.2(1)(160-124) = 0.2(36) = 7.2 – Vl = 0.2(1)(160-124) = 0.2(36) = 7.2 – Vsum now = (124+14.4) = 138. – Again, monotonically increasing curve. • Thus, altering the salience of the US alters the learning • Does altering the CS make the same change? Can also explain why probability of reward given CS vs no CS makes a difference: • π = probability of US given the CS or No US given No CS • can make up three rules: – if πax > πa then Vx should be POSITIVE – if πax < πa then Vx should be NEGATIVE – if πax = πa then Vx should be ZERO • modified formula: (assume λ1 =1.0; λ 2 =0; ß1 =.10; ß2=.05; α1=.10; α2=.5) • Πa = probability of reward. Explaining loss of associate value despite pairings with the US: • R-W model makes a unique prediction: Conditioned properties of stimuli can DECREASE despite continued pairings with the US • Lose associative value if presented together on conditioning trial after they have been trained separately Explaining loss of associate value Phase 1 A I pellet Phase 2 Phase 3 TEST A A I pellet B I pellet B A • At the end of Phase 1: VAand VB= Ʌ; both equally and perfectly predict 1 pellet • Phase 2: Compound stimuli with same US • No change in US • Should VAand VB remain unchanged? • But animal interprets differently: VAand VB=2 Ʌ • Animal is surprised (disappointed): get suppression to A and B in Phase 3 Conditioned Inhibition • Two kinds of trials: – CS+: CS predicts US – CS+ and CS-: predicts NO US • Must consider CS+ and CS+ & CS- trials separately: – CS+: pairs CS+ US, V+ approaches Ʌ • Excitatory conditioning ceases as V+ approaches Ʌ – On Non reinforced trials: CS+ and CS• • • • No excitatory conditioning to CS+, but disappointment BUT: inhibitory conditioning to CSValue of CS+ + CS- must sum to 0 to get inhibition CS- value is then NEGATIVE: CS+ - CS- = 0 Extinction of excitation and inhibition • V for CS+ has reached Ʌ – Now begin presenting CS+ without US • CS+ begins to lose its excitatory value – V for CS+ will approach 0 Critique of the Rescorla-Wagner Model: • R-W model really a theory about the US effectiveness: – says nothing about CS effectiveness • How WELL a CS predicts as a combo of salience and probability – states that an unpredicted US is effective in promoting learning, whereas a well-predicted US is ineffective • Reason has to do with brain processing of all of this Critique of the Rescorla-Wagner Model: • Fails to predict the CS-pre-exposure effect: – two groups of subjects (probably rats) – Grp I CS-US pairings Control – Grp II CS alone CS-US pairings PRE-Expos • Bob and Tom effect – Bob always hangs with Tom – You are dating Tom – You have a BAAAAAD breakup with Tom – Now you hate Bob….why? Critique of the Rescorla-Wagner Model: • In pre-exposure effect, simply being around a neutral stimulus alters its ability to become conditioned • Original R-W model doesn't predict any difference, – Assumes no conditioning trials occur when CSs presented in absence of US so Vsum = 0 – This appears to be wrong • Conditioning likely occurring any time 2 stimuli are together – Form an incidental association – Need to modify the equation to account for this – They have, but we won’t! Critique of the Rescorla-Wagner Model: • Original R-W model implies that salience is fixed for any given CS – R-W assume CS salience doesn't change w/experience – these data strongly suggest CS salience DOES change w/experience • Newer data supports changes salience – data suggest that Salience to a CS DECREASES when CS is repeatedly presented without consequence – CS that is accidentally paired with another CS INCREASES in salience – NOW: appears that CS and US effectiveness are both highly important • Model has stood test of time, now widely used in neuroscience • Given birth to attentional models of CC Attentional Models of CC • Alternative focus: how well the CS commands attention – Assumes that increased attention facilitates learning about a stimulus – Procedures that disrupt attention to CS disrupt learning • Different attentional models differ in assumptions about what determines how much attention a CS commands on any given trial – Single attentional mechanisms: Kamin’s surprise – Multiple attentional mechanisms: Multiple attentional mechanisms: • Three attentions: – looking for action: attention a CS commands after it has become a good predictor of the CS – Looking for learning: how well the organism processes cues that are not yet good predictors of the US, and thus have to be “learned about” – Looking for liking: the emotional/affective properties of the CS • Assume that the outcome of a given trial alters the degree of attention commanded by the CS on future trials – Surprise? Then an increase in looking for learning on next trial – Pleasant outcome? Increases emotional value of CS on next trial Timing and Information Theory Models • Recognized that time is important factor in CC – Focal search responses become conditioned when CS-US interval is short – General search responses become conditioned when CS-US interval is long – Suggests that organisms learn both • What is predicted • WHEN what is predicted will occur Temporal coding hypothesis • Organisms learn when the US occurs in relation to the CS • Use this information in blocking, second-order conditioning, etc. • What is learned in one phase of training influences what is learned in subsequent phase • Large literature supports this Importance of Inter-trial interval • More conditioned responding observed with longer inter-trial interval – Intertrial interval and CS duration (CS-US interval) act in combination to determine responding – Critical factor: relative druation of these two temporal intervals rather than absolute value of either one by itself • Holland (2000) – Conditioned rats to an autidory cue that was presented just before delivery to food – CR to CS: nosing of food cup (goal tracking) – Each group conditioned with • • 1 of 2 CS durations: 10 or 20 sec 1 of 6 intertrial intervals: 15 to 960 sec – Characterized responses in terms of ratio of the intertrial interval (I) and the CS duration (T). • Time spent nosing the food cup during CS plotted as function of relative value of I/T – Results: as IT ratio increases, the percentage of time the rats spend with the nose in the food cup increases Importance of Inter-trial interval • Relative Waiting Time Hypothesis – Organism making comparison between events during the I and T – How long one has to wait for the US during the CS vs. how long one has to wait for the US during the intertrial interval • When US waiting time during CS is shorter than intertrial interval: – I/T ratio is high and CS is highly informative about the next occurrence of the US – Lots of responding • When US waiting time during CS is same or longer than intertrial interval wait: – I/T ratio is low, CS is not highly informative – Less responding Comparator Hypothesis • Comparator hypothesis assumes that animal compares what happens in one situation to what happens in another: animal COMPARES expectations across settings • Revaluation effects: e.g. in blocking – Not that can’t learn to second CS, but that responding is blocked to CS2 – Can get responding to CS2 by presenting alone, with out the US! • Anytime there is a change in the predictive value of a CS the organism will re-evaluate its value • Result is a disruption in responding to the changed CS Comparator Hypothesis • Note that this model is a PERFORMANCE model – It is not what is learned, but what is performed that is critical – Organism compares cues that may occur in various settings and alters responding depending on value of the cues in a given setting • Not changing excitatory value of the US, but comparing the value of the predictive CSs for that US. Comparator Models Model assumes organism learns three associations during course of conditioning: 1. Association between target CS and US 2. Association between the target C S and the comparator cues 3. Association between comparator stimuli and the US Comparison between the direct and indirect activations determines the degree of excitatory or inhibitory responding Comparator model predictions • The comparison between the CS-US and the comparator-US associations at testing are important: • Allows prediction that extinction of comparator-US associations following training of a target CS will enhance responding to that CS • Thus, in blocking, extinction of CSA will unmask conditioned responding to CSB • Not that responding to CSB was blocked, but that it was masked because, – when comparing CSA to CSA+CSB, the compound CSs provided no increased predictability – Only when lessen predictiveness of CSA does CSB become “important” • Organism responds to the BEST predictor under the circumstances! Dopamine and Rescorla Wagner Model • Turns out that changes in dopamine (DA) levels in dorsal striatal limbic cortical pathway vary as we learn • And guess what: these levels can be predicted by the RW model! • But, once a CS-US pairing (or an operant R-SR pairing) become well learned, the circuit begins to involve lower parts of the brain – Circuit begins to involve basal striatal areas – Becomes an “automated” or mastered behavior – No longer involves being “surprised”; is the most robust predictor amongst comparitors • A response to another CS will occur along the DA pathway if the CS-US relation change!!!!! – Change in the conditional value of a CS