I can interpret multiplication startegies (i.e. 35 is 5 times as many as 7) DOK 1 & 2 4.OA.1 I can write a multiplication equation given information. DOK 1 & 2 4.OA.1 I can determine when to multiply and divide in word problems. DOK 1, 2 4.OA.2 I can write an equation using a variable to represent the unknown DOK 2 4.OA.2 I can use multiplication and division in two or more ways. DOK 2 4.OA.2 I can interpret remainders in word problems. DOK 2 4.OA.3 I can choose the correct operation to perform at each step of a multi-step word problem. DOK 2 4.OA.3 I can write an equation using a variable to represent the unknown. DOK 3 4.OA.3 I can use mental math and estimation to check if my answer is reasonable. DOK 3 4.OA.3 I can recognize prime and composite numbers up to 100. DOK 1 4.OA.4 I can define factors and multiples. DOK 1 4.OA.4 I can list all the factor pairs for numbers up to 100. DOK 1 4.OA.4 I can define prime and composite. DOK 1 4.OA.4 I can determine the multiples of a given whole number. DOK 1 4.OA.4 I can continue a given number or shape pattern. DOK 1 4.OA.5 I can make a pattern that follows a given rule. DOK 1 4.OA.5 I can identify and explain a pattern to determine parts not stated in the rule. DOK 2 4.OA.5 I can explain that in a multidigit whole number, a digit in one place represents ten times what it represents in the place to its right. DOK 1 4.NBT.1 I can read and write numbers in standard form up to one million. DOK 1 4.NBT.2 I can read and write numbers in word form up to one million. DOK 1 4.NBT.2 I can read and write numbers in expanded for up to one million. DOK 1 4.NBT.2 I can compare two multi-digit numbers up to one million using the <, >, or = sign. DOK 1 4.NBT.2 I can use the value of the digit to the right of the place to be rounded to determine whether to round up or down. DOK 1 4.NBT.3 I can recognize how to use place value and what digits to look for in order to round a multi-digit number. DOK 1 4.NBT.3 I can add and subtract numbers up to one million. DOK 1 4.NBT.4 I can multiply a multi-digit number up to 4 digits by a one digit number without a calculator. DOK 1 4.NBT.5 I can multiply a 2 digit by 2 digit number without a calculator. DOK 1 4.NBT.5 I can solve multiplication of two –digit numbers using rectangular arrays, place value, and the area model. DOK 2 4.NBT.5 I can explain my chosen strategy. DOK 2 4.NBT.5 I can divide a multi-digit number up to 4 digits by a one digit number without a calculator. DOK 1 4.NBT.6 I can show the relationship between multiplication and division. DOK 2 4.NBT.6 I can solve a division problem using a rectangular array, place value, and the area model. DOK 2 4.NBT.6 I can explain my chosen strategy. DOK 2 4.NBT.6 I can use visual fraction models to show how two fractions are equivalent. (3/4 = 6/8). DOK 1, 2 & 3 4.NF.1 I can generate equivalent fractions by multiplying the numerator and denominator by the same number. DOK 1, 2 & 3 4.NF.1 I can compare two given fractions by making equivalent fractions with common denominators of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 100. DOK 1, 2 4.NF.2 I can compare two fractions using the symbols (<, >, =) and explain each comparison. DOK 2, 3 4.NF.2 I can compare two fractions that come from the same whole. DOK 1 4.NF.2 I can explain that comparing two fractions is only valid when they refer to the same whole by using visual models. DOK 2, 3 4.NF.2 I can use benchmark fractions such as ½ to compare two fractions. DOK 2 4.NF.2 DOK 1, 2, & 3 4.NF.3 I can add two fractions knowing that I am joining parts referring to the same whole. DOK 1, 2, & 3 4.NF.3a I can subtract two fractions knowing that I am separating parts referring to the same whole. DOK 1, 2, & 3 4.NF.3a I can use a visual model to split a fraction in more than one way, including splitting a fraction into a sum of its unit (original) fraction. DOK 1, 2, & 3 4.NF.3b I can record how I split a fraction by using an equation. DOK 1, 2, & 3 4.NF.3b I can use a faction model to show how I split a fraction. DOK 1, 2, & 3 4.NF.3b I can add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators. DOK 1, 2, & 3 4.NF.3c I can replace mixed numbers with equivalent fractions. DOK 1, 2, & 3 4.NF.3c I can replace improper fractions with a mixed number. DOK 1, 2, & 3 4.NF.3c I can add and subtract fractions with like denominators. DOK 1, 2, & 3 4.NF.3d I can solve addition and subtraction word problems using drawings, pictures, and equations. DOK 1, 2, & 3 4.NF.3d DOK 1 & 2 4.NF.4 a. I can use repeated addition of a unit fraction to equal the original product and understand that it is the same as multiplying a fraction by a whole number. DOK 1 & 2 4.NF.4a I can understand that the product is a multiple of the unit fraction. DOK 1 & 2 4.NF.4a I can multiply a fraction by a whole number. DOK 1 & 2 4.NF.4b I can multiply a fraction by a whole number using a visual model. DOK 1 & 2 4.NF.4b I can solve word problems using multiplication of a fraction by a whole number. DOK 1 & 2 4.NF.4c I can use visual fraction models and equations to represent the problem. DOK 1 & 2 4.NF.4c I can rewrite a fraction with a denominator of 10 as an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 100. DOK 1 & 2 4.NF.4c DOK 1 & 2 4.NF.4c I can add two fractions with denominators 10 and 100. DOK 1 & 2 4.NF.4c I can recognize a relationship between a fraction and the decimal representation. DOK 1 4.NF.6 I can represent fraction with denominators of 10 and 100 as a decimal. DOK 1 4.NF.6 I can locate a decimal on a number line. DOK 1 4.NF.6 I can compare two decimals up to the hundredths place and record the comparison using symbols, ,<, >, =. DOK 1, 2, & 3 4.NF.7 I can justify the comparison by using different methods about the size of the decimals and by using a visual model. DOK 1, 2, & 3 4.NF.7 I can change one unit to another unit when given DOK 1 4.MD.1 measurements of length, mass, or time. DOK 1 4.MD.1 I can make a table to list number pairs to show the DOK 1 4.MD.1 relationship between measurement units. DOK 1 4.MD.1 I can explain the size of different units of measurement with in the same system. DOK 1 4.MD.1 I can add, subtract, multiply, and divide word problems to find distances, time, volume, mass, money, fractions, and decimals. DOK 1 & 2 4.MD.2 I can use a number line to compare and contrast different amounts. DOK 1 & 2 4.MD.2 I can convert a measurement given in a larger unit into an equivalent measurement in a smaller unit in order to solve the problem. DOK 1 & 2 4.MD.2 I can explain the formulas for area and perimeter of a rectangle. DOK 1 & 2 4.MD.3 I can use the formulas for are and perimeter to solve real world problems. DOK 1 & 2 4.MD.3 I can solve area and perimeter equations in which there is an unknown factor. DOK 1 & 2 4.MD.3 I can make a line plot to show data measurements in unit fractions. DOK 1 & 2 4.MD.4 I can find the sum or difference of fractions solving word problems that use a line plot. DOK 1 & 2 4.MD.4 I can analyze and interpret a line plot to find the sum or difference of fractions. DOK 1 & 2 4.MD.4 DOK 1 I can recognize that angles are measured in degrees and are formed from part of a 360degree circle. DOK 1 4.MD.5a Describe angles as geometric shapes that are formed wherever 2 rays share a common endpoint. DOK 1 4.MD.5b I can explain the angle measurement in terms of degrees. DOK 1 4.MD.5b I can use a protractor to measure an angle in whole number degrees. DOK 1 4.MD.6 I can use a protractor to create a given angle measurement. DOK 1 4.MD.6 I can explain that the angle measurement of a larger angle is the sum of the angle measures of its non-overlapping parts. DOK 1 & 2 4.MD.7 I can use addition and subtraction to solve for the missing angle measurements. DOK 1 & 2 4.MD.7 I can solve an equation with a with an unknown angle measurements. DOK 1 & 2 4.MD.7 I can draw and show points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute,obtuse), and perpendicular and parallel lines. DOK 1 4.G.1 I can identify points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, obtuse), and perpendicular and parallel lines in two dimensional figures. DOK 1 4.G.1 I can classify two-dimensional figures based on their properties that include parallel and perpendicular lines or the presence or absence of angles. DOK 1 & 2 4.G.2 I can recognize right triangles. DOK 1 & 2 4.G.2 I can identify, define, and draw lines of symmetry. DOK 1 4.G.3