- Verifying “Golden” reused IPs
William C Wallace
Texas Instruments
Nitin Jayaram
Texas Instruments
Vijay Kanumuri
Texas Instruments
Nitin Mhaske
Atrenta Inc
William C Wallace:
Senior Digital Designer, Texas Instruments
20+ years of experience, focused on using new methods to reduce risk and increase productivity when making modification on legacy IP
Nitin Jayaram:
Lead DV engineer, Texas Instruments
7+ years of experience, focused on new methods to increase DV productivity
Nitin Mhaske:
Sr Manager, Atrenta Inc nitinm@atrenta.com
13+ years of experience, leading verification for Semis and EDA
Time To Market makes IP reuse imperative in TI’s SoCs with expectations that reused IP development should be less efforts and less risks. However, most of the IPs need to go through some edits to meet current marketing requirement or meet constraints such as power, and timing. Lack of microarchitecture knowledge, poor documentation and rudimentary testing for reused IPs makes verification of new/modified RTL challenging and time consuming. Traditional quality control techniques fails to capture dependencies of these IP edits, risking the SoC.
Assertion Synthesis techniques that learns design behavior based on simulation tests and RTL was used to solve the problem. These techniques automate process of finding functional coverage holes for the IP edits and guided test development to better coverage. With limited design knowledge, these coverage holes are harder to find using traditional coverage techniques. Assertions generated out of these techniques made sure that design edits did not affect the unmodified RTL and respected the SoC requirements.
Typical Third
Party Reused
Typical Internally
Reused IP
TI - SoC
Almost never satisfies “current” SoC marketing requirements
Supported features, configurations
SoC specific Power Intent
Other constraints such as timing, area etc
Original (Micro-architecture) design Intent lost over time
Original developers not available
Changed hand multiple times at multiple locations
Poorly maintained documents
How much verification good enough?
(Any design edits may affect many features)
Existing Env often directed; so cannot trust quality
No standardization like
UVM; makes reuse harder
Lacks functional
Coverage, assertions
Expectations: Reused IP should consume less time/resources
“Many unknowns” makes test development daunting
Modification of existing Env is challenging and time consuming
Regressions of un-modified feature tests may not work as-is
(due to latency changes etc)
Poor documentation, lack of localized assertion makes debugging tougher
Summary: Verification of reused IPs, if not planned properly, may take as much efforts as new IP
IP sign-off to SoC primarily based on two metrics
Code coverage
Functional coverage
Code coverage consume lot of time for Reused IPs
Deprecated Features
Waivers Modification
Functional coverage monitors are subjective, error prone
DV writes high level coverage monitors for modified/new features
Important cross coverage due to micro-arch. dependencies of IP edits is difficult to plan and implement
Quality: Need automated checkers and coverage to find bugs at
IP level; otherwise may be found during late stage in SoC verification.
Productivity: Need guidance to test development
Verifying reused IP from scratch is not practical
Coverage associated to IP edits and their dependencies highly important
Other verification techniques do not work
Formal Model checking difficult to setup and runtime too long
Sequential equivalence does not understand functional impact
Solution: Assertion Synthesis
(Generates assertions and coverage automatically from tests + RTL)
Legacy Tests
New Tests
IP Verification Env
1 to 2 cycle properties generated by analyzing all tests specific to control modules
Assertion Synthesis
“Feature_A == 1’b0” Tests never covers feature_A set
“!(stall && wr) Test never asserts stall and wr same cycle
“stall |->@cs == IDLE” In all Tests, when stall == 1, next cycle cs is always idle
Trivial un-reachable properties removed automatically
If signal “stall” is tied low in RTL, property “stall == 1’b0” or “!(stall && wr)” removed automatically
Redundant properties from others removed automatically
If “feature_A == 1’b0”, redundant low imp properties such as “!(feature_a && feature_b) removed autmatically
Properties divided into different levels
L0 (single signal), L1 (Two signal) and L2(rest)
Properties capturing design assumption/intent categorized as assert; otherwise as cover
L0 Properties: onehot0(sel), cnt < 4’ha
L1 properties: !(rd && wr)
If design does not support rd & wr in the same cycle “!(rd && w)” is an assertion. Otherwise captures TB limitations; so a coverage
Before modification in IP1 starts, run all legacy tests and generate properties for unmodified modules M1, M2..
All properties converted as assertions automatically
SoC w/o review. Assumption is that for unmodified RTL legacy tests has complete coverage; no coverage holes
Integrated the properties back to IP simulations. So any assertion that fires indicates changes in module M4 that violation assumption of unmodified RTL; hence find bugs
# 1
Once sufficient tests are written for module M4, generated properties using all tests for M4 and review
Classified assertions are added back into simulation.
Coverage holes targeted w/ additional tests.
# 2
• Module M4 being new/modified
• Rest of the modules in IP1 unmodified
• IP1 has legacy verification env+tests
When IP coverage matures(holes taken care), integrate all IP assertions into SoC simulations
Any assertion firing can indicate design bug or limitation of IP tests (did not cover fully as SoC intends too)
# 3
Module RTL
Properties sch_rd ~1800
(1 signal)
(2 signals)
(>2 signals)
~14 sch_wr ~1500 galois_eng_pool ~3000 rtc_vbusp ~1000 rtc_func ~250
10-15 Lines/Property for control intensive modules
20-50 Lines/Property for datapath intensive modules
Performance Numbers
PLI overhead during simulation when collecting properties 10-15%
When assertions are added back into simulation, overhead 5-10%
Classification of properties : Avg. 1 min per property
Property: mrd_aes_data_in_index != mwr_aes_data_in_index
Captures micro-architecture design intent: rd and wr index generated in the RTL based on algorithm; Should never be the same.
Property: mrd_aes_data_valid == 1’h1 |-> !isunknown(mrd_aes_data)
Captures X propagation: If data driven unknown in SoC, it would localize failure
Property:!(rd_mac_start && rd_mac_data_out_pop)
Captures code coverage waivers: Known coverage waiver; but an assertion will catch that it is truly not hit in any IP tests or SoC in any corner scenario
Assertion Synthesis captures design usage assumption and intent.
Integrated Assertion in IP simulation and SoC simulation
Property: interrupts <= 3'h5
Finds holes missed by code coverage: Property indicates that higher values of interrupts possible; but missed. This hole could not be found by toggle coverage as all bits toggled
Property: mutex(cache_enable, roll_2k_page_active)
Helps to understand & code micro-arch dependent functional coverage: Cache enable and roll_rk_page_active can be high in the same cycle; but DV missed important dependency
Property: emif_SDataAceept |-> n_mac_seq != MAC_WRT_CMD_STALL
Finds BFM limitation: Data accept high and command accept low can happen in stall; but
BFM did not support this functionality
Assertion Synthesis discovered individual and cross coverage holes missed
Analysis of coverage holes was efficient due to removal of un-reachable and redundant coverage holes
Guided our future test development based on the coverage holes found
IP Tests Simulation
Assertion Synthesis
+ non-reviewed)
SoC Tests
Holds True
Assertions generated using IP tests are directly ported/bound to SoC
After review for modified RTL and W/O review for unmodified RTL
When assertions fire in SoC tests, it indicates either of following
Design bug: IP assumption/intent violated in SoC
Misconfiguration: IP is not used correctly in SoC; saves debug time
IP Coverage holes: IP is missing important coverage; important to particular SoC
When properties from IP used in SoC Context and no assertions fired implies:
SOC did not violate an IP requirement and/or
SOC did not exercises a unique state-space that IP DV did not cover
Performance overhead of running assertions in SoC was comparable as IP (5-10%)
Assertion synthesis guides test development for reused
IPs by finding important functional coverage holes
Integrating assertions generated using Assertion
Synthesis back to IP and SoC simulations give extra quality assurance
Assertions generated from IP need to be ported to SoC Emulation
Find out how effective flow can be for even third party IP
Some learning curve involved in understanding properties
Aggravated due to less knowledge of RTL
Some properties need couple of minutes to review; improves over time
Review & target properties based on Level (Lx) to reduce property review time and prioritize test development
Deliver properties to SOC after coverage matures at IP; not early
DV should still code high level functional coverage for modified/new features
Co-relates to spec better & complement micro-architecture ones from Assertion Synthesis