Presenter : Shao-Chieh Hou In this paper we present a software/hardware co-debug platform to deal with the various debug problems in multiplecore SOC systems with multiple-clock domains. This platform allows designers to debug embedded processors, buses, IP cores, as well as the application programs being developed. It can be used at various design and manufacturing stages including component development, hardware/software codesign, system prototyping, and post-silicon debugging. Three major mechanisms are integrated into this platform, namely a software debug mechanism for multi-core programming, an onchip hardware debug mechanism for various hardware IPs, and a two-way cross trigger mechanism to synchronize the debug processes of software and hardware. Experimental results on a FPGA prototyping board demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of this platform in identifying the root causes of failures for multiple-core SOC systems with multiple-clock domains. SoC become more and more complex SoC is not only hardware, but also software Many function IPs homogeneous/heterogeneous core integrate To find problem in HW or SW is waste time Breakpoint is always in SW, not in HW If the IP is Write-only, the coresight is no use Simulation may be a solution, but Not all problem happened in simulation Error happens in FPGA or real chip 3D Depth Map App[10] Bus information Dump[9] Processor Debug[6] Experiment environment SoC Debug[2][3] CoreSight[4] Use Method This paper IP Phase Debug[5][8] Multi-Core Multi Thread Program Trigger at difference time 1500-base internal Scan Chain Wrapper HW Trace/Control center If IP is Write-only =>Scan base debug Multi-Cycle SoC =>Break point should at “safe” time SW-oriented Input in SW, send by CTM through CTI0 to CTI1. The signal input into TAM controller. By BKT controller, the HW is also setup. HW-oriented Input in HW, send by CTM through CTI1 to CTI0. The signal output into TAM controller. By ICE, the SW is also setup. 4 ARM11 Core, 1video decoder, 2CTM and 5 CTI 3D depth map generator: Add 3D depth to 2D video Perform 3D depth Perform Video The paper proposed a SW/HW Co-debugger platform for SoC Multi-core Multi-clock The Platform can be use in FPGA, and postsilicon test The architecture for the paper is useful for our platform 1500Wrapper->Wrapper ICE ETM->Tracer and Program Trace or ICE Cross Trigger Unfortunately, the paper doesn’t give us Experiment result Detail IP information Detail mechanism for integrate Calculated address and allows TAM controller to access memory Send enable signal to core while TAM like a slave For scan wrapper setup and output Break-Point Setup Controller Generate 1149.1 control signal for scan