BRADIARITMIE Pacemaker Sistema di conduzione Fascio di Bachmann Nodo SA Fascio di His Branca Sinistra Via internodale superiore Via internodale media Fibre di Purkinje Via internodale posteriore Nodo AV Branca Destra Disfunzione sinusale Anomalie della formazione o della propagazione dell’impulso sinusale Pause sinusali Idiopatica (degenerativa) Cardiopatie (ischemica, ipertensiva, reumatica, cardiomiopatie, malattie infiltrative, collagenopatie) Iatrogena (CCH, ablazione) Trapianto cardiaco ortotropico Neuromiopatie Sindrome tachi-bradi ESTRINSECA INTRINSECA Bradicardia sinusale Insufficienza cronotropa Farmaci Influenza autonomica Disionie (K, Ca) Ipotermia Ipotiroidismo Diagnosi • ECG • Basale • Monitoraggio ambulatoriale • Test da Sforzo • Modulazione autonomica • SEF Sintomo o non sintomo? Bradicardia sinusale • Persistente • Inspiegata • Inappropriata (ore diurne) Pause sinusali • Arresto sinusale • Blocco SA 800 ms 1600 ms CHAPTER 16 Sick Sinus Syndrome Sindrome tachicardia-bradicardia • BS alternata a tachiaritmie atriali Figure 16.8 Sinus arrest after termination of atrial fibrillation. After a single sinus beat atrial fibrillation recurs. • Pause automatiche Figure 16.9 Bradycardia–tachycardia syndrome. Atrial tachycardia arises during sinus bradycardia. response without AV nodal blocking drugs, suggesting coexistent impaired AV nodal function. Clinical features Sinus arrest without an adequate escape rhythm may cause syncope or near-syncope, depending on its duration. Tachycardias often produce palpitation, and subsequent sinus node depression may lead to syncope or near-syncope as palpitation ceases. Some patients will experience symptoms several times each day, whereas in others symptoms will be infrequent. Systemic embolism is common in the bradycardia–tachycardia syndrome. Chronotropic incompetence Impaired sinus node function may result in an inadequate increase in heart rate dur- Incompetenza Cronotropa • Holter • Test da Sforzo Modulazione autonomica Denervazione farmacologica per valutare la frequenza sinusale intrinseca (ipervagotonia?) Atropina Propranololo 0.04 mg/Kg 0.02 mg/Kg SNRT is the longest pause from the last paced beat to the first sinus return beat at any pacing CL. Ratio of Sinus Node Recovery Time to Sinus Cycle Length. The ratio of Studio Elettrofisiologico (SNRT sinus CL) × 100% tempo recupero del nodo del seno isTRNS lower(SNRT), than 160% in di normal subjects. Total Recovery Time. On cessation of atrial pacing, the pattern of subsequent beats returning to the basic sinus I II III V1 HRA S1 Sinus CL ! 720 ms S1 S1 S1 SNRT ! 1625 ms Secondary pause ! 920 ms 400 ms FIGURE 5–5 Sinus node recovery time (SNRT). Surface ECG leads and high right atrial (HRA) recordings arev.n. shown at the end of a burst of atrial < 1500 msec pacing, suppressing sinus node automaticity. interval corretto per cicloThe di base < 550 msecat which the first sinus complex returns (SNRT) is abnormally long at 1625 milliseconds. With a baseline sinus cycle (CL) equals 720 milliseconds, the corrected Disturbi di conduzione AV Ritardo o impossibilità degli impulsi sinusali di raggiungere in ventricoli BAV II Idiopatico (degenerativa) Cardiopatie (ischemica, ipertensiva, reumatica, cardiomiopatie, malattie infiltrative, collagenopatie) Iatrogeno (CCH, ablazione) Congenito Neuromiopatie BAV III ESTRINSECO INTRINSECO BAV I (BTF) Farmaci Influenza autonomica Diagnosi • ECG • Basale • Monitoraggio ambulatoriale • Test da Sforzo • Modulazione autonomica • SEF NAV o non NAV? NAV o non-NAV? 500 PRI I r a e PA AH HV II HRA A H V Hisprox Hisdist CSprox AH = NAV HV = sotto il NAV RVA 200 ms BDx fascio di His BSx FIGURE 2–19 Intracardiac intervals. Shaded areas represent the 2 branche CSdist BDx pulmonary artery (PA) (blue), atrial–His bundle (AH) (pink), and His 3 fascicoli FASx bundle–ventricular (HV) (yellow) intervals. It is important that the HV FPSx interval be measured from the onset of the His potential in the recording showing the most proximal (rather than the most prominent) His 2 Electrophysiological Testing s ur 41 1000 e nud d-e d or y ee r r. yk ee . k e h trhn mne d eed d uh dx e. he xe o. e 3) ee degree AVN whereas exercise and atropinetoimprove than 300 milliseconds; Fig. 6-1). sinus rate block, and allowing HPS refractoriness recover. (Fig. 6-2). most common site of delay (87% when the QRS complex is Atrium. First-degree AV block caused by intra- or interAVN conduction because of sympathetic stimulation and/or However, exercise and atropine worsen infranodal block delay His-Purkinje System. Intra-Hisian conduction atrial conduction delay is not uncommon. Left atrial enlargeparasympatholysis. In90% contrast, carotid sinus massage may narrow, and more than when the interval is more because of the increased rate of impulses conducted to the or HPS disease can cause first-degree AVPR block. First-degree I 10,15second-degree infranodal block by slowing the improve than 300 HPS. milliseconds; Fig. of 6-1). II AV block in the presence BBB is caused by infranodal allowing HPS refractoriness to recover. 6 sinus rate and PR 80 ms His-Purkinje System. conduction delay Figureof 15.2 First-degree Exercise Testing However, exercise and atropine worsen infranodal block IIIAV block and sinus tachycardia (lead I). PR interval = 0.24 s. conduction delay in 45% ofIntra-Hisian cases. A combination delay AH 196 ms or HPS disease cause AV block. because ofcan the increased rate of impulses conducted toconsidered the within the AVN and in first-degree the HPS must also beFirst-degree Vagolysis and increased sympathetic drive that occur with IV1 10,15 HPS. AV in theenhance presence of BBB is caused infranodal HV 51 ms exercise AVN conduction. Thus, patientsby with firstII (Fig.block 6-2). 6 V6 PR 80 ms degree AV block can have shorter exerconduction delay in 45% of cases. Aintervals combination of Exercise Testing III Atrium. First-degree AV block PR caused byduring intraor delay interHRA cise, and patients with type 1 second-degree AVbe block can AH 196 ms within the AVN and in HPS must also considered V1 atrial conduction delay isthe not uncommon. atrial Vagolysis increased sympathetic withenlargeHis develop and higher AV conduction ratiosdrive (e.g., 3that :Left 2 atoccur rest becomprox (Fig. 6-2). HV 51 ms exercise AVN conduction. Thus, patients with firsting 6 : 5enhance during exercise). H H V6 A A degree AV block can have shorter PR intervals during exerAtrium. First-degree AV block caused by intraor interExercise testing can be a useful tool to help confirm the His • Nodale HRA cise, and patients with type 1 second-degree AV block canenlarge-dist atrial conduction delay is not atrial level of block in secondoruncommon. third-degree AV Left block associated HisCS develop AVorconduction ratios (e.g., 3Patients : 2 at restwith becomproxproxAV block (lead V1). The P wave is superimposed on the terminal portion of the preceding • Raramente, sottonodale Figure 15.3 First-degree with ahigher narrow wide QRS(QRS) complex. pre- BAV I CS s. ing 6 : 5 during H H T wave. PR interval = 0.38 mid sumed type 1 exercise). block or congenital complete heart block and A A CSdist Exercise testing can be a useful tool to help confirm the His dist a normal QRS complex usually have an increased ventricuRVA level block in secondthird-degree AV blockpatients associated lar of rate with exercise.orOn the other hand, with CS PR 80 ms prox 300 ms a narrow or wide QRS complex. with preIII with acquired complete heart block and a Patients wide QRS complex CSmid I sumed type 1 block or congenital complete heart block and ms in ventricular rate. FIGURE 6–1 First-degree atrioventricular block caused by intranodal usually show minimal or AH no 196 increase CS dist V1 II a normal QRS complex usually have an increased ventricuconduction delay, as indicated by the prolonged atrial–His bundle (AH) and normal Additionally, patients with 2 : 1 AV block in whom the site RVA PR 80 ms HV 51 ms PA and His bundle–ventricular (HV) intervals. larof rate with exercise. On the other hand, patients with conduction block is uncertain can benefit from exercise III 300 ms V6 acquired complete heart block and a wide QRS complex testing by observing whether the AV conduction ratio AH 196 ms FIGURE 6–1 First-degree atrioventricular block caused by intranodal HRA usually show or no increase in (e.g., ventricular rate. Figure 15.4 Wenckebach AV block. V1 increases in aminimal Wenckebach-like manner to 3 : 2 or 4 : 3) conduction delay, as indicated by the prolonged atrial–His bundle (AH) and normal Additionally, : 1280 block in whom the site ms HV 51 ms decreasespatients (e.g., towith 3 : 1 2PR or 4AV : 1). In the latter case, the PA and His bundle–ventricular (HV) intervals. Hisprox oforconduction block is uncertain canHPS benefit from exercise I V6 increase in the sinus rate finds the refractory, causing Second-degree atrioventricular block testing by observing whether the AV conduction ratio H II block there is intermittent failure of conduction of atrial impulses HRA the isHalways In abnorsecond-degree AV A higher degrees of block. This response A III some P waves are not followed by QRS complexes. a Wenckebach-like manner (e.g., to 3 :which 2 orto4the :will 3) ventricles. Thus, Hisdist increases mal and in it indicates intra- or infra-Hisian block, Hisprox orrequire decreases (e.g., to 3 : 1 or 4 : 1). In the latter case, the Second-degree V1 block is subdivided into Mobitz type I (also termed Wenckebach) permanent cardiac pacing. I CSprox increase in causing and Mobitz type II block. H the sinus rate finds the HPS refractory, H II Ahigher degrees ofTesting A is always abnorElectrophysiological block. This response CSmid the His III dist and it indicates intrainfra-Hisian block, willfor PR 285 ms CSdist mal Electrophysiological (EP)ortesting is usually notwhich required Mobitz type IV1 (Wenckebach) atrioventricular block V6 require permanent cardiac pacing. CSRVA the diagnosis or treatment of AV block, because theInabove prox this form of second-degree block, delay in AV conduction increases with each noninvasive measures thesuccessive other atrialHRA CSmid Electrophysiological Testing are usually adequate. On300 impulse until an atrial impulse fails to be conducted to the venms hand, EP testing can be of value in symptomatic patients CSdist tricles, i.e. there is progressive increase in PR PRinterval 285 ms until a P wave is not folHisprox Electrophysiological (EP) testing is usuallyare not suspected required for in First-degree whom AV conduction abnormalities butby a QRS FIGURE 6–1 atrioventricular block caused by intranodal lowed complex. After the non-conducted P wave, AV conduction recovers V6 RVA the diagnosis or treatment of AV block, because the above cannotas indicated be documented or thoseatrial–His with equivocal andECG the sequence starts again (Figures 15.4, 15.5 ). Typically, the increments in PR conduction delay, by the prolonged bundle (AH) and normal HRA A H noninvasive measures are usually adequate. On 300 the ms other findings. His interval progressively shorten during the sequence, resulting in progressive mid PA and Hishand, bundle–ventricular (HV) EP testing can be of intervals. value in symptomatic patients AH 120 ms decrease in the interval between QRS complexes. His FIGURE 6–1in whom First-degree atrioventricular block are caused by intranodal prox AV conduction abnormalities suspected but HV 125 ms His conductioncannot delay, asbe indicated by the prolonged bundle (AH) and normalwide documented or those atrial–His with equivocal ECG A H ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHIC FEATURES PA and Hisfindings. bundle–ventricular (HV) intervals. Hismid I II 124 RV AH 120 ms 300 ms without discernibleoforthe measurable the 2 block. Con more likely to occur with block in the HPS. ment may actually increaseblock for the PR interval last increments absent inintype whereas presence BBB conducted suggests (butbeat does not prove) sequences (as in Holter recordings), a true type 2 block can PR intervals is the actual diagnosis; sinus slowing with AV RP interval (im Site oftheBlock. Theofdegree of PR interval prolongation in the cycle (Fig. 6-6); (2) very little incre- 26 lowing a long HPS involvement. short the baseline PRblock. interval be safely excludedrules because narrow QRS type 1 and type 2 block essentially out type 2 block. and QRS durationFurthermore, can help predict site of A When a narrow mental conduction no discernible change in the the isHB. identical to that followin and small interval increments preceding the delay block and blocks almost coexist within Sustained normal QRSPR duration usually indicates AVN involvement, QRS type 2-likenever pattern occurs with intermittent type 1 24,26,27 duration of the PR intervals for a few beats just before terately preceding the noncon suggest involvement. advanced AV block isa true far more in whereasHPS the presence of BBB suggests (but does not prove) sequences second-degree (as in Holter recordings), type common 2 block can mination of a sequence issafely seen excluded most often during long cannot diagnosed if the fi HPS involvement. Furthermore, short baseline PR interval(thisbe because narrow QRS type 1 andbe type 2 Wenckebach cycles and in blocks association increased absent or if the PR interva and small PR interval increments preceding the block almost of never coexist vagal within the isHB. Sustained suggest HPS involvement.24,26,27 advancedbysecond-degree is far more tone, and is usually accompanied slowing of AV theblock sinus thancommon all theinother PR inter BAV II rate; see Fig. 6-5); (3) the PR interval can actually shorten regardless of the number of FIGURE 6–5 Atypical Wenckebach and then lengthen in the middle of a Wenckebach sequence; block. The P-P intervals re 340periodicity 200 beat can280 (type 1 second-degree and (4) a junctional escape end the pause following encompassing the noncond + 60 +80 atrioventricular block). Note the very small 24 a nonconducted P wave, resulting in an apparentincrements shortening P-P interval. II the duration of the PR FIGURE 6–5 in Atypical Wenckebach I• Tipico (raro): 6 of the PR interval.24,26,27 A true Mobitz type II bloc intervals for(type a few1beats just before periodicity second-degree termination of a sequence. Thethe firstcomplex conducted QRS AVN block can completely or parAH AH A H progressivo AH A be reversed AH A H 1. Prolungamento PRAusually atrioventricular block). Note very small P is relatively H His after the pause, however, is associated withwithout associ II slowing and tially by altering autonomic tone (e.g., withwave atropine). increments in the duration of the PR 2. Riduzione progressiva prolungamento PR 1000 fail, intervals for a few just before of Wenckebach block However, del occasionally, these del measures especially in beats forms ms termination of a sequence. The first conducted P AH A A A A A A A variation should be exclude the presence of structural damage (congenital heart disease H H H H H H 3. Riduzione progressiva dell’intervallo RR His wave after the pause, however, is associated with type II AV block can be ob or inferior wall MI) to the AVN. In such cases, progression 1000 ms increased vagal tone during to complete AV block can occur, although such an event is • Nodale block without discernible o more likely to occur with block in the HPS. • Talora, sottonodale (QRS o se provocato da esercizio) PR intervals is the actual di Site of Block. The degree of PR interval prolongation V1 FIGURE 6–6 Atypical Wenckebach (type A 1 second-degree block essentially rules out and QRS duration can help predict the site periodicity of block. atrioventricular [AV] block)QRS causedtype by normal QRS duration usually indicates AVN involvement, 2-like pattern oc heightened vagal tone. Note the greatest V6 V1 FIGURE 6–6 Atypical Wenckebach whereas the presence of BBB suggests (but does not prove) PR piùofbreve increment occurs the PRsequences interval the (as last in Holter reco (type 1insecond-degree HPS involvement. Furthermore, short baselineperiodicity PR interval be safely excluded because conducted beat in theblock) cycle and not inby the second atrioventricular [AV] caused HRA PR interval thetone. pause.Note Also the slowing in the never coex and small PR interval increments preceding the after block blocks almost heightened vagal the greatest V6 24,26,27 sinus rate coinciding with significant increase the suggest HPS involvement. second-degree AV increment occurs in the PRadvanced interval of thein last tipo 1 I HRA His AH A H A H A AH A H 1000 ms His AH A H A H A AH I A H PR interval beat and in then block, suggesting that conducted theAV cycle and not in the second increased vagal tone is responsible for both slowing PR interval after the pause. Also the slowing in the sinus rate coinciding with significant increase in the PR interval and then AV block, suggesting that 220 190 increased vagal tone is responsible for both slowing 1000 ms II His AH AH AH AH AH A AH A H 1000 ms FIGUR perio atriov incre interv termi wave BAV II tipo 2 • Sottonodale • Hissiano (qrs) • Sotto-hissiano (QRS) 138 I FIGURE 6 (Mobi* t Sinus rhy complex waves is (224 mill conduct a His pot II V1 V6 A His H A H A H A H A A H 500 ms 0 msec during at least three beats the blocked P kebach periodicity with minor PRbefore prolongation of 20 in 50% Pofwave patients. Another pattern observed was re aonly blocked in 29% of patients. A third pattern, kebach with minor PR prolongation of 20 patientsperiodicity and termed pseudo–Mobitz type II AV block, re a blocked P wave in 29% of patients. A third pattern, early constant P-R intervals before the blocked P wave, patients and termed pseudo–Mobitz type II AV block, shortening on the subsequent conducted beat (see Fig. early constant P-R intervals before the blocked P wave, 2:1 II second-degree AV block, with constant Mobitz type shortening onbeats the subsequent conducted beat followed (see Fig. at least three before the blocked P wave, Mobitz typeafter II second-degree block, with in constant R interval the blocked P AV wave, was seen 4% of • Nodale at least three beats before the blocked P wave, followed g. 14-4). A mixed, type I Wenckebach and pseudo– RAV interval the blocked P wave, was seen 4% of • was qrsseen block after in 6% of all patients. Ofinpatients g. A mixed, type I IIWenckebach s of14-4). pseudo–Mobitz type block, 44%(>and also demon• P condotta con PR lungo 300pseudo– msec) AV block was seen in 6% of all patients. Of patients Wenckebach conduction patterns at some time.12 • Atropina migliora s of pseudo–Mobitz type II block, 44% also demon• MSC peggiorapatterns at some time.12 Wenckebach conduction BAV II often by noting the in company that block be is indetermined the His-Purkinje system 80% and keeps. : 1 AVAblock associated a wid of casesWhen (Fig. 214-7). longisP-R interval with (>0.30 sec block is in the system in 80% t beats during 2 : His-Purkinje 1 AV block with a narrow QRSand com of cases (Fig. 14-7).aAnormal long P-R nodal site, whereas P-Rinterval interval(>0.30 favorssec in beats during 2 : 1 AV block with a narrow QRS com In general, the response of the block, particular nodal site, whereas a normal P-Rtointerval favors pharmacologic agents may help determine thein general, AV theconduction response ofinthe block,with particular allyInimproves patients AV n pharmacologic agents may help to determine the atropine is expected to worsen conduction in patie ally AV conduction in patients withofAV izedimproves to the His-Purkinje system, because itsne atropine is expected worsen conduction in patie sinus rates without to improving His-Purkinje cond ized to the His-Purkinje system, because of itsbe Carotid sinus stimulation is expected to worsen sinus rateswhereas withoutitimproving cond AV node, either has His-Purkinje no effect or impr Carotid sinus stimulation is expected to worsen b AV node, whereas it either has no effect or impr 1 1540 1550 2 1 3 2 1540 1550 V 31 V1 A 775 HRA V AA 775 HRA H HBE A290 V H HBE 290 T A 785 AA 785 A A 785 V AA 785 H 270 A V H 270 A 765 AA 765 A A 785 V AA 785 H 270 A V H 270 A AA A 500 msec 500 msec pontaneousT 2 : 1 (high-grade) atrioventricular (AV) block localized to the AV node. Surface leads I (1), II ( ntracardiac electrograms recorded from the high right atrium (HRA), His bundle (HBE), and right ventricular pontaneous 2 : 1 followed (high-grade) atrioventricular localized to the AV On node. I (1), ele II ( tions (A) are not by either a His bundle(AV) or ablock ventricular depolarization. theSurface basis ofleads a surface ntracardiac from the right (HRA), bundle and right ventricular V block withelectrograms a narrow QRSrecorded is compatible withhigh a block atatrium either the AV His node or an (HBE), infra-Hisian bundle site. The 14 of the A-H interval (i.e., AV nodal conduction time). Trifascicular II 326 SECTION 2 Clinical Concepts block should be used only to refer to alternating RBBB and LBBB, m disease by causing sinus RBBB with a prolonged H-V node interval (regardless of the presence or III absence of left anterior or posterior drug, however, may be difficult tofascicular block), and LBBB with prolonged addition, sinus anode mayH-V be interval. greaterInthan its the term can Vbe1 used in a patient I system with with second- or third-degree AV block in the His-Purkinje ple, atropine may improve AV node (a) permanent block in all three fascicles, (b) permanent block in two sn-excessive SAwith node acceleration, AV in the third,II(c) permanent 1175 fascicles intermittent conduction HRA m block oneall. fascicle intermittent two fascicles, ally or notin at Thewith response to block in the other AH 100 A A III V1 or (d) intermittent block in allconthree fascicles. Thus, according to its ar. Isoproterenol may improve HV 70 gh V1 H • Sottonodale HAV node as well as occasionally in HBE AH AH A A he H H A HBE • QRS Control 4021 His BAV II 2:1 block (CHB) rests on demonstration in • P condotta con PR normale on atrial and ventricular activation. I 2, • Atropina peggiora RV Atropine 1 mg H A H AH IV transient AV dissociation caused by V1 or ventricular rhythms with similar • II MSC migliora Figure 14-7 Intracardiac tracing of 2 : 1 second-degree atriovensociation). If sufficiently long monide tricular (AV) block located in the His-Purkinje system. Sinus rhythm III to mittent conduction of appropriately 770 is present. Surface leads I, II, III, and V1 with left bundle branch block V ts HRA 1 rary atrial pacing can be performed are displayed with AH intracardiac electrograms recorded from the high 60RR 1175 de A V A His V bundle (HBE), and erdrive the competing junctional or right atrium, H ventricular apex (RV). The A-H H HV 80AH 100 right AV 1175 intervals other atrial complex fails to activate the HRAAV conduction. In the ating intact HV 70 HBE are constant, but every to AH 100 A ventricle even though each atrial depolarization is followed by a His A F), n- CHB can be inferred when HV the 70 H B bundle H deflection. This finding shows that the site of AV block is within in ather thanHBE the typical, irregular venthe His-Purkinje system. (From Josephson ME: Clinical cardiac electroA may be the cause of heart xin toxicity physiology: techniques and interpretations, ed 3, Philadelphia, 2002, on Atropine 1.5 mg IV rn.drug toxicity should be ruled out Lippincott–Williams & Wilkins, pp 92-109.) Atropine 1 mg IV al by AV conduction disease is present. V1 AA 550 AH 75 V 1 ar R-R intervals may occasionally be ar patients with His-Purkinje system disease by causing sinus node AH 75 HV 75 A The effect of anyHgiven RR 1100 (AA 550) slowing. i- (i.e., no evidence of atrial drug, however, may be difficult to m activity H A A H ly AH 75 770 HBE because its effect on the sinus node may be greater than its predict waves) and HRAnot heart block or digied AH HV 60 75 (2:1) effect on the AV node. For example, atropine may improve AV node A V A V or H H HV 80 conduction, but if atropine 1100 causes excessive SA node acceleration, AV ay by the AV junction, he be generated HBE RV C conduction may improve marginally or not at all. The response to he distal conduction system. Rarely, the B infusion less clear. Isoproterenol improve connFigure 14-8of isoproterenol His-Purkinjeis atrioventricular blockmay after atropine- d b o w w o b R a a w ( f b o BAV II alto grado (≥ 3:1) • Sottonodale • Hissiano (qrs) • Sotto-hissiano (QRS) ormalities with ythm ith I II BAV III III Sede? Vedi ritmo di scappamento aVR • Nodo AV (qrs, FC normale) • Fascicoli (QRS, FC molto bassa) • His (qrs, FC bassa) • Ventricolo (QRS, FC estremamente aVL aVF ree AV block is seen on the sociated P waves and QRS n pacemaker rate, with connship as the P waves march icular cycle in the presence m (Fig. 6-14). Every possible ed, with the P waves occurerval, but the atrial impulse cles. The atrial rate is always 26,27 bassa) Site of Block Atrioventricular Node. Most cases of congenital third- degree AV block are localized to the AVN (see Fig. 6-14), as is transient AV block associated with acute inferior wall MI, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, and digitalis toxicity. Complete AVN block is characterized by a junctional escape rhythm with a narrow QRS complex and a rate of 40 to 60 beats/min, which tends to increase with exercise or atropine. However, in 20% to 50% of patients with chronic AV block, a wide QRS escape rhythm may occur. Rhythms Blocco “trifascicolare” Disturbo di conduzione AV distale (dei 3 fascicoli) • Blocco bifascolare + HV lungo PR = AH + HV Blocco His? BDx FASx FPSx Blocco trifascicolare Blocco trifascicolare Sindromi sincopali riflesse neuromediate Disturbi della regolazione di FC e/o pressione arteriosa dovuti a riflessi neurovegetativi Riduzione PA > 50 mmHg input Pausa > 3 secondi PM? Risposta Ø cardioinibitoria Ø vasodepressiva Ø mista sinus node exit block,35 but it can result from atrioventricular (AV) block as well. A vasodepressor response to CSM is defined as a drop in systolic blood pressure of 50 mm Hg or more during massage; this may be difficult to demonstrate in patients who have a significant cardioinhibitory component. In contrast to the induced cardioinhibitory component of carotid sinus hypersensitivity, the vasodepressor response may have a slower, more insidious onset and a more prolonged resolution. Sindrome del seno carotideo Sincope/pre-sincope + ipersensibilità del seno carotideo Correlazione con sintomo Complications Carotid sinus massage is safe if done carefully. CSM is contraindicated in patients with a history of cerebrovascular disease or carotid bruits, because it can cause cerebrovascular accident (CVA, stroke). In a review of 3100 episodes of CSM performed on 1600 patients, the seven complications (0.14%) were neurologic and transient.37 In another review of CSM on 4000 patients, complications were observed in 11 patients (0.28%);38 all were neurologic. After 1 month, nine patients V1 I II III AVR 5s 140/76 Arterial 100 pressure (mm Hg) 0 CSM On 76/42 CSM Off Arterial 100 pressure (mm Hg) 0 (risposta mista) Arterial 100 pressure (mm Hg) 0 1s Figure 15-1 Combined cardioinhibitory and vasodepressor response to carotid sinus massage (CSM). Note slow return of blood pressure despite resolution of asystole. (From Almquist A, Gornick C, Benson W, et al: Carotid sinus hypersensitivity: evaluation of the vasodepressor component. Circulation 71:927, 1985. Copyright 1985 American Heart Association.) epts Sincope vaso- MAP (mm Hg) Sincope/pre-sincope + riflesso vasovagale Riflesso secondario a ted because many patients may trigger definiti 40 ex AV block. In general, patients uential pacing, even when a sigor CSS is present. VVI pacing intact ventriculoatrial (VA) conaker syndrome. Lack of VA conoes not ensure against its future mend dual-chamber pacemakers nus rhythm. of rate-responsive pacing in CSS. ore may have bradycardic comoror chronotropic incompetence, herefore, rate-responsive pacing dies have prospectively (risposta mista)examined pabilities, which has the theoretiher-rate AV sequential pacing to nent during CSS attacks.42 120 100 80 60 40 20 120 HR (beats/min) gic symptoms persisted in two vagale tions include asystole and ven- 100 80 60 40 20 300 Supine Head-up tilt SYNCOPE 400 500 600 700 800 Time (seconds) 900 1000 1100 Figure 15-2 Hypotension and bradycardia induced during a positive drug-free passive tilt-table test. HR, Heart rate; MAP, mean arterial pressure. Chi beneficia di un PM? • Bradiaritmie secondarie a disfunzione sinusale o blocco atrioventricolare, intrinseche o estrinseche Ø Sintomatiche Ø *Asintomatiche, ma potenzialmente fatali se non trattate Ø Non reversibili Pazienti sintomatici* Bradicardia Persistente Bradicardia Intermittente ECG documentato ECG non documentato Pazienti sintomatici* Bradicardia Persistente Bradicardia Intermittente Disfunzione sinusale Sintomatica IB Sintomatica* IIb C Asintomatica III C ECG documentato ECG non documentato BAV acquisito Sintomatico Asintomatico *correlazione non definita BAV II tipo 2 BAV III IC BAV II tipo 2 BAV III IC mortalità Reversibile III C BAV II tipo 1 IIa C BAV II tipo 1* IIa C *sottonodale European Heart Journal (2013) 34, 2281–2329 Pazienti sintomatici* Disfunzione sinusale BAV acquisito Sintomatica Sintomatico Pause sinusali IB Bradicardia Persistente Bradicardia Intermittente BAV II, III IC ECG documentato ECG non documentato Sincope riflessa cardioinibitoria > 40 anni ricorrente senza prodromi IIa B Sincope pause asintomatiche > 6 sec IIa C Reversibile III C European Heart Journal (2013) 34, 2281–2329 Pazienti sintomatici* Bradicardia Persistente Bradicardia Intermittente HV ≥ 70 ms BHP II o III IB BB alternante IC FE < 35% (ICD/CRT-D) IIb B ECG non documentato Sincope riflessa cardioinibitoria Blocco di branca Sincope ECG documentato Asintomatico BB alternante IC altro III MSC Tilt test pausa > 6 sec IB > 40 anni refrattaria senza prodromi IIb B Indagini negative III European Heart Journal (2013) 34, 2281–2329 Cos’è un pacemaker? Dispositivo elettronico che genera energia elettrica sufficiente a depolarizzare il miocardio, dando il via alla contrazione meccanica • Generatore • Elettrocatere (catetere + elettrodi) • Miocardio Generatore 27 Pacing and Defibrillation P1: OTE/PGN part-Ia P2: OTE/PGN BLBK303-Barold-fig QC: OTE/PGN March 9, 2010 T1: OTE 9:42 Trim: 276mm×219mm Printer Name: Yet to Come compares the interval to the rates and int grammed by the clinician. For example, if ∼10 cc 17 events occur with a separation of 1,500 ms ∼20 g heart rate is 40 bpm (HR=60/measured b interval; 60/1.5=40 bpm). In order to und logic behind sensing algorithms and pacing grams, the terminology needs to be introduced Cassa titanio includes the most commonly used terms an (sigillata) tions. These terms will be freely used in fur sions of the logic behind pacing and defibrillat and therapies without further explanation. Th also provide the reader with the vocabulary r Blocco di interpreting and understanding current lite connessione ERIon the topic. publications (elective replacement indicator) The decision process and behavior of Batteria Li-I EOL pacing algorithm are usually described usin (end of life) diagram (Fig. 27.14). An understanding o Circuiti e componenti gram will provide the basis for the anal behavior of pacing systems and will comm associate various parameters that the clinician and d ufacturer must be concerned with. The con Fig. 27.10 Cutaway view of an implantable pulse generator (IPG ate implantation; and they must include an electhat provides good mechanical and electrical Elettrocateteri he difference in voltage mplitude, which is ts per second and should Fig. 1.9 Diagram of a pacing pulse, constant voltage, with leading edge and trailing edge voltage and an afterpotential with opposite polarity. As described in the text, afterpotentials may result in sensing abnormalities. Trasmettono gli impulsi elettrici (dal generatore al miocardio e viceversa) Isolante 9 Diagram of a pacing pulse, constant voltage, with leading nd trailing edge voltage and an afterpotential with opposite . As described in the text, afterpotentials may result in sensing alities. Elettrodo Conduttore Elettrodo Connettore IS-1 brillation and Resynchronization 31 yurethane that have had the e 80A (P80A) and Pellathane oduction of polyurethane as t became clear that clinical fic leads were higher than igation revealed that the failmarily in leads insulated with croscopic cracks developed in ally occurring as the heated manufacture; with additional se cracks propagated deeper ulting in failure of the lead A Unipolare vs Bipolare o undergo oxidative stress in containing cobalt and silver radation of the lead from the ad failure. Some current leads ethane coating, incorporating ty of silicone with the ease of while maintaining a satisfaceter. Silicone rubber is well to abrasion wear, cold flow n, and wear from lead-to-lead Current silicone leads have hat improve lubricity and Preliminary studies have sugating of silicone and polyproved wear.39 Despite lead y testing, and premarketing, nadequate to predict the longds, so that clinicians implantrming follow-up in patients ust vigilantly monitor lead se of internet-enabled remote generator based algorithms generation in the event of nd connectors are standardational guidelines (IS-1 standleads have a 3.2-mm diameter pin.40 These standards were ago because some leads and incompatible, requiring the adaptors. The use of the IS-1 B Fig. 1.15 Lead connectors and configurations. (A) Connector types in defibrillator leads. The top panel shows the proximal end of a defibrillation lead with a three connectors. Top and bottom pins are DF-1 connectors used for high voltage shock delivery for defibrillation, while the middle pin is an IS-1 connector used for pacing and sensing. Bottom images shows a DF-4 connector, in which all four conductors (two for defibrillation and two for pace/ sense) are mounted on a single pin. (B) Unipolar vs. bipolar leads pacing leads. In a unipolar configuration, the pacemaker case serves as the anode, or (+), and the electrode lead tip as the cathode, or (−). In a bipolar configuration, the anode is located on the ring, often referred to as the “ring electrode,” proximal to the tip, or cathode. The distance between tip and ring electrode varies among manufacturers and models. two high-voltage and two low-voltage connections so that a single connector (with single screw) can provide pace-sense and dual coil defibrillation support, signifi- Fissazione attiva vs passiva Pacemaker senza fili Terminologia DDD/VVIR/XYZ Uscita Frequenza base Sensibilità Isteresi Frequenza massima Intervallo AV Cosa fa? DDD/VVIR/XYZ ! Posizione I II III IV V Categoria Camera stimolata Camera sentita Risposta al sensing Modulazione in Frequenza Stimolazione multisito O = nessuna O = nessuna O = nessuna O = nessuna O = nessuna A = atrio A = atrio T = stimolo R = modulazione in frequenza A = atrio V = ventricolo V = ventricolo I = inibizione V = ventricolo D = doppia (A&V) D = doppia (A&V) D = doppia (T&I) D = doppia (A&V) Revised NASPE/BPEG Generic (NBG) Code NASPE > HRS; BPEG > HRUK PACE 25:260-264, 2000 23 Stimolazione Spike all’ECG Impulso Ampiezza 5V Uscita Durata 0.4 ms 21 VOO Lower Rate Interval LRI QRS stimolato LRI QRS spontaneo LRI QRS spontaneo LRI stimolo nel periodo refrattario ventricolare Impulso unipolare Frequenza base QRS stimolato Frequenza base LRI in bpm PM monocamerale programmato in VOO 60 bpm, uscita 2 V x 0.4 ms 68 Rilevazione (sensing) Sensibilità adeguata Sensibilità Sensibilità alta (sente troppo) ECG Elettrogramma ventricolare Livello di sensibilità 5 mV Sensibilità bassa (non sente) Voltaggio* 12 mV *differenza di segnale tra 2 elettrodi Sensibilità adeguata 42 VVI LRI QRS stimolato LRI* Impulso unipolare QRS spontanei sentiti QRS spontaneo che inibisce il PM e resetta il timer PM monocamerale programmato in VVI 60 bpm, uscita 2 V x 0.4 ms, sensibilità 5 mV Isteresi LRI Isteresi LRI* Impulso unipolare FC (bpm) FC spontanea FB FdI QRS stimolato LRI QRS spontaneo LRI* Impulso unipolare FC (bpm) FC spontanea FB FdI QRS stimolato QRS spontaneo PM monocamerale programmato in VVI 60 bpm, isteresi 40 bpm, uscita 2 V x 0.4 msec, sensibilità 5 mV VVIR FC di stimolazione RISPOSTA CURVILINEA URI Sensori Non fisiologici Upper Rate Interval Vibrazione Accelerazione Velocità di risposta LRI Riposo Frequenza massima URI in bpm Fisiologici Ventilazione minuto Esercizio Frequenza massima PM monocamerale programmato in VVIR 60/120 bpm, isteresi 40 bpm, uscita 2 V x 0.4 msec, sensibilità 5 mV DDD PAV Intervallo AV SAV Intervallo AV sentito (SAV) stimolato (PAV) PM bicamerale programmato in DDD 60/120 bpm, intervallo AV 120/150 msec, uscita 2 V x 0.4 msec, sensibilità 5 mV PREPARAZIONE DEL PAZIENTE Indicazione Rischi Limitazioni alla guida Venografia Antibiotici Analgesia Sedazione Cefazolina Vancomicina (allergici/MRSA) Sala di elettrofisiologia Fluoroscopia Monitor parametri vitali Ossigeno Kit pericardiocentesi Carrello emergenza Fig. 5.1 Pacemaker and implantable cardioverter-defibrillator implantation suite. Cardiac resynchronization therapy systems are impla different area that is larger and has additional cine-angiographic capabilities. EQUIPMENT Apart from the fluoroscopy equipment and vital observation monitors—for example, automated Materiale A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. Forbici Divaricatori Copriamplificatore Ciotole Garze Suture Cavi per test Pinze Porta-aghi le d P ge 50 b P Figure 2 Pacing trolley laid out with instruments and equipment before permanent pacemaker implantation. These include: (A) a selection of scissors, (B) self A (i ep si so w le p p o m su to re 145 Sterilità Disinfezione clorexidina 10% regione pettorale sx Procedure Campo sterile 7 Antiseptic solution can be colored with a red ow) to help ensure that the appropriate area of ainted Fig. 7.19 The axilla, neck, and supraclavicular region should be included in the area being cleaned Fig. 7.25 Positioning the window over the site of incision Fig. 7 7 148 Tasca Implantation Technique 148 Anestesia locale Lidocaina 1% Bupivacaina 0.25% maggiore durata Sede sottoclaveare prepettorale 25 Positioning the window over the site of incision Fig. 7.28 Skin incision Fig. 7.29 A retractor may be used to help dissection (identify the cephalic vein if necessary) and make a pocket Fig. 7.27 1% lignocaine is infiltrated into the operation site than one lead is to be inserted. Leads are inserted via an infraclavicular subclavian vein puncture, anchored with sutures and then connected to the generator which is then placed in a subcutaneous Fig. 7.28 Skin incision Fig. 7.30 The fingers are used effectively for blunt Fig. 7.31 Making the pacemaker pocket pocket fashioned by blunt dissection over pectodissection ralis major. Fig. 7.2 (identif 7 Implantation Technique 156 Accesso venoso Percutaneo Ascellare Fig. 7.61 Vessel dilator and sheath being inserted into the cephalic vein over the guidewire Succlavia IJV EJV RIV 150 IJV EJV LS-CV RS-CV AxV LIV SVC BV CV MBV MCV Fig. 7.34 In Electrode Positioning Chirurgico Cefalica Axillary Vein Approach Fig. 7.63 Venous anatomy of the upper limb/upper mediProcedure astinum relevant to pacing. MCV median cephalic vein, MBV median basilic vein, BV basilic vein, CV cephalic vein, AxV axillary vein, RS-CV right subclavian vein, RIV right innominate vein, LIV left innominate vein, LS-CV left subclavian vein, EJV external jugular vein, IJV internal jugular vein, SVC superior vena cava The axillary vein is an alternative conduit for the placement of pacing and defibrillation leads for several reasons. Unlike the cephalic vein, the axillary vein is almost always large enough to accommodate multiple pacing leads. When compared to the subclavian vein, the axillary vein affords a less acute course. This potentially decreases mechanical stress on the implanted leads or catheters and results in a lower incidence of mechanical lead failure. Additionally, subclavian access is associated with the risk of inadvertently accessing the noncompressible subclavian artery and the potential for increased mechanical stress on the lead from crossing the subclavius muscle and the clavipectoral fascia. Finally, use the axillary system. The axillary vein begins at the lower margin of the teres major muscle as a continuation of the brachial vein. It continues its course proximally until it terminates at the lateral margin of the first rib to become the subclavian vein. Along its course, it receives tributaries from the cephalic and basilic veins (Fig. 7.63). The vein is accompanied, along its course, by the axillary artery, which lies slightly superior and posterior to the vein. Overlying the vein are the Fig. 7.54 Self-retaining retractor canfolbe used to help pectoralis minor and clavipectoral fascia, identify cephalic veinmajor. lowed more and superanchor ficiallythe by the pectoralis A clinician can thus accurately and reliably cannulate the target vessel while minimizing the Fig. 7.62 Lead being inserted into the cephalic vein 155 Fig. 7.35 G Fig. 7.65 Fig. 7.64 Fluoroscopic-guided axillary vein puncture. The arrow shows the tip of the needle just lateral to the medial border of the first rib Fig. 7.57 A “vein-picker” (yellow) is used to help insertion of a guidewire into the cephalic vein and beyond an essential component of pacemaker and ICD insertion, ultrasonography is rarely, if ever, used Fig. Vessel 7.43 Vessel blue)guidewire and guidewire Fig.Vessel 7.40 dilator Vessel dilator and being sheathadvanced being advanced Fig. 7.43 dilator dilator (blue) (and being being Fig. 7.40 and sheath over over removed from sheath ( white ) the guidewire and through the clavipectoral fascia under the guidewire and through the clavipectoral fascia under removed from sheath (white) the clavicle the subclavian the clavicle into theinto subclavian vein vein Fig. 7.35 Guidewire inside needle within subclavian vein Introduttore Pelabile Attenzione a inspirazione! Fig. 7.33 Puncture of the subclavian vein. Top: Landmarks: The subclavian vein passes between the junction of the medial and middle thirds of the clavicle and the suprasternal notch/sternoclavicular joint. Bottom: The needle is kept parallel to the frontal plane and close to the deep surface of the clavicle/sternum in order to avoid puncture of the pleura and subclavian artery (Fig. 7.36). If a second lead is being inserted, a second SCV puncture is made and a second guidewire inserted as just described (Figs. 7.37 and 7.38). Some operators screen the wire to Fig. 7.36 removed guidewire within the Fig. Fig.The 7.44ventricular The ventricular is inserted the introFig. Needle 7.41 pressure Firm pressure is necessary to advance the 7.44 lead is lead inserted into theinto introFig. 7.41 Firm isand necessary toleft advance the subclavian vein ducer sheath introducer into the subclavian vein ducer sheath introducer into the subclavian vein below the diaphragm in order to ensure that the guidewire has not been inadvertently placed into the subclavian artery – before advancing the introducer sheath. This may be particularly helpful in patients with low systemic pressures. A 20 cm long vessel dilator/sheath combination is then placed over each guidewire in turn Fig.Lead 7.45 isLead is advanced the sheath Fig. Introducer 7.42 Introducer fully inserted overofone the 7.45 advanced throughthrough the sheath and intoand into Fig. 7.42 fully inserted over one the of Fig. theatrium right atrium guidewires the right guidewires 7 158 Elettrocatetere Implantation Technique 7 Implantation Technique 160 Stiletto LIV LIV RIV RIV Fluorsocopia SVC into the lumen of SVC Fig. 7.69 Steel stylet being introduced Fig. 7.68 This curve on the distal end of the stylet will help the operator to get the pacing lead across the tricus- the lead via the plastic “funnel” pid valve and the lead’s tip into the RV apex. A bigger PA PA curve can be made on the stylet to help in positioning the RA RA tip of an active-fixation lead onto the interventricular sepTV tum or RV outflow tract TV RV RV IVC IVC b a RIV SVC Fig. 7.70 LIV Gray knob on the proximal end of theLIVstylet which is inside this bipolar lead. Note the plastic “funnel” RIV which helps to place the stylet into the lead’s lumen SVC PA PA RA RA TV TV RV IVC c Fig. 7.75 Technique for placing a permanent ventricular lead into the right ventricular apex. (a) The lead and its stylet are inserted via the axillary or subclavian vein, innominate vein, and SVC into the Right atrium. Notice the position of the tip of the stylet (---) within the lead. (b) With the IVC RV d Once the lead tip has been shown to enter the RVOT, there is no doubt that the lead is not in the coronary sinus or in the low RA. (f) The lead/stylet can then be withdrawn slightly. (g) The curved stylet may then be advanced to the tip of the lead and the two advanced forward into the RV apex with 170 Lead Measurements at Implantation Test elettrocateteri Cavi per test 169 Fig. 7.95 Disposable wire connections for lead parameter testing during implantation. The black/red connections in the left hand are inserted into the pacemaker analyzer while the other black/red connections (arrow) are attached to the distal and proximal electrodes on the pacemaker lead Fig. 7.95 Disposable wire connections for lead parameter testing during implantation. The black/red connections in the left hand are inserted into the pacemaker analyzer while the other black/red connections (arrow) are attached to the distal and proximal electrodes on the pacemaker lead 172 Analizzatore (PSA) Fig. 7.97 Close-up of the connecting wire and its terminals Lead Measurements at Implantation Fig. 7.96 Connection wire stretched across the operating For satisfactory long-term pacing, low stimulation and sensing thresholds should be present at implantation. High thresholds or poor R- or P-wave amplitudes suggest that the cathode tip is not abutting excitable myocardium. If this is the case, the leads should be repositioned. Thresholds rise after pacemaker implantation, and usually peak 1–3 months after lead fixation. Thresholds are measured using a commercially available pacing systems analyzer (PSA) – ideally matched to the generator to be implanted. This should ensure that they both have similar sensing and generating circuits. It is important that the unipolar7.96 or bipolar electrodewire constretched figurationacross shouldthe beoperating the Fig. Connection drape same as that being used in the implanted system. Fig. 7.98 Close-up view of the analyzer’s lead being Fig. 7.99 attached to the distal (black) and more proximal (red) attached to increasepacemaker output by electrodes of this bipolar lead to capture. With a pulse d Fig. 7.100 Technician threshold of <1 V Fig.performing 7.97 Close-up the connecting wire and its terminals leadofsensing, RV and <1.5 V in t pacing and impedance in the RV if the checks active fixation lead Lead Measurements at Implantation high, e.g.,1.5 V in but it should fall w When testing b For satisfactory long-term pacing, low stimula-ensure that the dis tion and sensing thresholds should be present atelectrode are conne implantation. High thresholds or poor R- orand anode (+ve), P-wave amplitudes suggest that the cathode tip isreversed, the pacing not abutting excitable myocardium. If this is thea longer duration energy is delivered case, the leads should be repositioned. Thresholds rise after pacemaker implantation,threshold will be lo ear, however, and 0 and usually peak 1–3 months after lead fixation.of efficient impulse Thresholds are measured using a commercially When testing un available pacing systems analyzer (PSA) – ideallythe lead should be matched to the generator to be implanted. This(−ve) and the proxim should ensure that they both have similar sensinga metal object such wound. paced In this situ distal circuits. tip negative electrode the lead m andthe generating It is important that on the unipoanode should be sim 7.97electrode –7.99). The technician then begins lar (Figs. or bipolar confi guration should be the the satisfactor otherwise falselyrec hi sensing pacing measurements the PSA should same as thatand being used in the implantedusing system. Pacing the RV (Fig. 7.100 ). Forlead unipolar the negative gram of > A sterile bipolar is usedleads to connect the Fig. 7.103 Technician doing atrial lead tests using the complex with LBB (black) PSA lead is connected to the single distal shift due t uni/bipolar electrodes on the pacing leads to thepacing the pacemaker analyzer/programmer RV outfl 7 174 Implantation Technique Fig. 7.108 Suturing the ventricular lead to the fascia over pectoralis major Fig. 7.112 Once the leads have been anchored, the connector pins are inserted into the ports on the header of the pacemaker Per finire Fig. 7.120 The pacemaker is inserted into the pocket ensuring that the header is placed inferiorly away from the skin edges Fig. 7.114 The atrial lead is inserted into its relevant port and particular notice has to be taken to ensure that the distal pin has passed beyond the second securing screw Fig. 7.123 Braided, absorbable Vicryl suture is suitable Fig. The skin edges for closure of7.126 this subcutaneous layerare now easy to approximate Fig. 7.129 Subcuticular suture being inserted Fissazione EC Connessione con Fig. 7.109 Suturing the ventricular lead generatore Chiusura tasca punti intradermici punti sottocutanei Fig. 7.121 The leads are placed behind the generator punti cutanei Lead Measurements at Implantation Fig.The 7.127 Absorbable 3:0tissue Dexonand II on a straight Fig. 7.124 subcutaneous fatty pocket are cutting needle is ideal for the subcuticular layer closed with interrupted absorbable sutures II Fig. 7.113 Ventricular lead is inserted into its appropriate port Fig. 7.120 The pacemaker is inserted into the pocket ensuring that the header is placed inferiorly away from the skin edges secure fix inside the pacemaker (Fig. 7.117). Some operators check the serial numbers on each lead with the pacing technician to ensure Fig. 7.110 Anchoring the atrial lead Fig. 7.122 The subcutaneous fatty tissue and pocket are closed with interrupted absorbable sutures I 177 Fig. 7.130 A pleasing end result is obtained by placing each subcuticular “bite” in close proximity to each other Fig. 7.115 The screwdriver is used to secure the leads inside the header Fig. 7.123 Braided, absorbable Vicryl suture is suitable for closure of this subcutaneous layer that the atrial and ventricular leads are inserted into the correct respective ports in the pacemaker header. Fig. 7.128 A continuous subcuticular suture is used to bringThe thesubcutaneous skin edges together Fig. 7.125 fatty tissue is closed with interrupted sutures III Fig. 7.131 The suture is completed by applying tension to both ends of the subcuticular suture and the ends are then removed Complicanze Tasca • • • • Ematoma Erosione Sindrome di Twiddler Infezione Elettrocatetere • Pneumotorace, emotorace, embolismo gassoso • Perforazione miocardica • Dislocazione • Stimolazione diaframmatica, pettorale, intercostale • Trombosi venosa e sindrome della cava superiore • Rottura conduttore e/o isolante • Infezione Dislocazione EC Fig. 12.12 Histology in this case shows a perforation track into the epicardial fat and an atrophic RV myocardium. It was not clear whether this had been caused by the emergency TPM (removed) which had been placed during the resuscitation of this elderly lady brought in unconscious in complete heart block and a ventricular rate of 10 per min Fig. 12.14 Some active fixation leads are firmly fixed to the myocardium and forceful traction may result in myocardial avulsion and fatal, sudden hemopericardium unless surgical drainage and repair is not urgently performed unlikely to solve the problem and surgical intervention is likely to be required. If the guidewire is still in situ, an attempt can be made to close such a perforation with the Angioseal™ device or similar percutaneous closure device. Early recognition and immediate vascular repair is Fig. 12.10 Transthoracic echocardiogram (subcostal paramount. view) shows the helical coil tip (red arrow) of this activeVenous oozing from the insertion site of a fixation lead protruding through the apex of the right ventemporary electrode is more likely to occur if the tricle (RV). The green arrow shows the lead within the RV central venous pressure is raised, for example, in cavity, and the yellow arrows the failure anterior, andis antipatients with heart or ifapical, the patient septal portions of the RV. RV right ventricular free wall coagulated. Generally the subclavian route should be avoided if the patient is anticoagulated with Fig. 12.8 A smaller pneumothorax may be localized to heparin or coumarin anticoagulants and the the apex (green arrow) cephalic vein used instead. After permanent pacemaker implantation, Fig. 12.13 Echocardiography should confirm hemopericontinued bleeding into the pacemaker pocket is cardium (arrow) and be helpful in determining the success usually as a result of a missed bleeding arteriole of pericardiocentesis or vein within the pocket. Hematoma formation with the old “helifix” leads than the more modern usually occurs within the first few hours and if “screw-in” electrodes. large/tense or if associated with pain requires drainage by opening the pocket under sterile conditions in theater without delay (Fig. 12.15). Hemorrhage Anticoagulant therapy should be stopped prior to pacemaker implantation and the INR normalSerious bleeding only occurs if the subclavian ized with vitamin K or fresh frozen plasma if artery is punctured. Swift removal of the needle necessary. Wherever possible, aspirin and clopiwill often solve the problem. However, if the dogrel should be stopped for 1 week before in an operator is unaware of the inadvertent arterial attempt to minimize hematoma formation which puncture and the introducer sheath is pushed may increase the incidence of later pocket into the artery, simply removing the sheath is infection. Perforazione miocardica Fig. 12.11 Frail elderly patients may have extremely thin RV myocardium and RV perforation is not difficult, especially when positioning the lead with the stiffening stylet in position. RV lead is shown in situ with tip close Early Complications 251 Pneumotorace Emotorace Hemothorax Fig. 12.4 Underwater sealed chest drain (arrow) is Hemothorax may occur inserted if the needle is inserted through both walls of either the subclavian artery Fig. 12.6 Large pneumothorax (arrows) requires inseror vein (Fig. 12.16) and especially tion of chest drain if the introducer sheath is also pushed into the subclavian artery and then withdrawn. A widening mediastinal shadow, a new ipsilateral pleural effusion, or total opacification of the ipsilateral thorax on the chest X-ray might follow serious bleeding following subclavian artery puncture and suggests hemothorax. A fall in hemoglobin and typical signs on examination of the chest would support this serious complication that demands urgent surgical referral. Fig. 12.16 Hemothorax is a serious complication – 254 Fig. 12.15 Small hematoma as a result of venous oozing within pacemaker pocket Ematoma Hemothorax 12 Complications of Pacemaker Implantation Late Complications 261 Trombosi venosa e sindrome VCS Fig. 12.34 Multiple leads placed in the subclavian vein (arrow) may lead to fibrosis and/or thrombosis and signs of venous obstruction Lead Displacement Atrial and ventricular pacing leads may dislodge from their implantation positions between discharge and the first follow-up appointment. Loss of atrial or ventricular pacing or sensing on the ECG may be the first clue to a problem, although a recurrence of dizziness/near syncope/syncope may result from ventricular lead displacement if the patient is pacemaker dependent. X-ray of theFig. 12.37 Venography of chest in PA and lateral views should confirm thethe left axillary/left subclavian vein identifies diagnosis (see Figs. 12.21–12.23). Repositioning subclavian/axillary vein of the leads will be necessary to restore the thrombosis (black arrow). function. Distended collateral veins Twiddler’s syndrome can be a cause of earlyare evident Fig. 12.35 subclavian vein thrombosis causes disonLeft venography lead displacement. tended veins) in the left pectoral region, left side of neck (white arrows (arrow) and left arm as well as discomfort and swelling of the left arm 268 12 Complications of Pacemaker Implantation Fig. 12.48 Insulation breaks on leads can result in local muscle twitching, premature battery depletion, and loss of capture. Careful scrutiny of the chest X-ray might suggest the problem (arrow) Rottura conduttore e/o isolante Late Complications Infection Pacemaker pocket infection is a serious complication which invariably necessitates removal of the whole system – generator and electrode(s), and implantation of a new pacing system. It is usually due to poor aseptic technique, poor skin preparation, and poor practical technique and prolonged Fig. 12.49 Magnified view of the site in question confirms a section of lead without its insulation (green arrow). Loss of capture and low lead impedance result Fig. 12.51 Magnified view showing fractured lead insulation at site of “anchoring” silk suture proced of ear tion in Wi comm Patien discom may b and 1 or pus pocke the wo antibio started IV an ods, w may g treat. to ex (Fig. remov quentl If course of the may d diogra 12 Complications of Pacemaker 280 Sindrome di Twiddler Late Complications Fig. 12.76 Defibrillator lead removed in a patient with Twiddler syndrome. Constant rotation of the device within 281 the lead displaced into the left brachiocephalic vein. The lead had to be extracted and a new lead inserted wound releases bloody, yellow pus phylococcus aureus or Staphylococcus is. It is best to remove the infected elecproceed to permanent pacing as soon as if indicated – in order to avoid this on which can lead to septicemia. When rary pacemaker is required to be left in 2 days, for example in acute MI, the Tasca ite should be washed daily with chloror povidone iodine solution and then ith a sterile, transparent dressing. When Elettrocatetere s obvious or confirmed, the electrode removed after inserting a new electrode erent route. Blood cultures should be antibiotics administered intravenously. on of a permanent pacemaker site r in <1% of cases. Again the responnism is nearly always staphylococcus 0). Superficial infection of the wound usually be promptly treated with antiocket infection, however, will require generator extraction, wound drainage onged systemic, anti-staphylococcal (Figs. 12.31–12.33). Lead extraction ot too difficult early after implantation, screw-in leads have to be unscrewed myocardium before applying traction to ). Removal late after implantation can Infezione Fig. 12.33 Large globules of pus (arrow) can be sent for culture and antibioticsensitivity testing. Leads and generator have to be removed Fig. 12.31 Redness, pain, swelling, and tenderness of the pacemaker pocket are the usual signs of serious Staphylococcus aureus infection. Although antibiotics diminish the signs of inflammation, chronic exudates/disfrom an old pacing system that could not be charge from the wound forms a crust covering the removed in entirety) (Fig. 12.34 ). Itwound presents as discomfort and swelling in the ipsilateral arm and shoulder, often with distended veins in the upper arm and in the subclavicular and pectoral region and often an engorged external jugular vein (Figs. 12.35 and 12.36). Venography of the axillary/subclavian vein will confirm the diagnosis and the exact site of occlusion (Figs. 12.37 and 12.38). Patients should be treated initially, at least, by analgesia and anticoagulant therapy for 3–6 months. Usually the swelling, discomfort, However, it should be avoided in patients with bacteremia and in younger/fitter individuals who will require a new pacing system, since persistent bacteremia, tricuspid endocarditis, and infection of the new system is likely to follow. Extraction procedures are discussed in Chap. 19. Subclavian Vein Thrombosis/ Thrombophlebitis and signs of phlebitis will disappear as recanalization of the thrombosed subclavian vein occurs within the first 4–6 weeks. In the rare event of persistent, progressive edema and pain in the arm, removal of the pacing leads and generator will be necessary and a new system will be required on the contralateral side. Late Complications Complications seen after hospital discharge are listed in Table 12.2.