• • • By stressing the fact that casework help is not standardized. As we go along, we shall talk about different factors that may determine caseworker’s differential response to a similar situation. The individual, the client, is seen as a whole – as a thinking, feeling, and acting being - in continuous interaction with his total social environment. You, as the Social Caseworker, represent not only the agency which has employed you but also your profession – Social Work. That is, you have to practice (use knowledge and skills & techniques) within the professional value-system, ethics and principles but at the same time be responsible for achieving the goals of the employing agency. • • • • While you generally work within the service delivery systems devised by the organization, you have a commitment to performing the role of a change – agent in case these systems are dehumanizing or degrading for the clients. You have to be constantly aware of your personal self and make sure that it does not interfere in your social casework practice. It is all the more important in Social Casework because its clients’ problems and concerns have heavy emotional component. Human problems of living are complex and multidimensional and require sensitive handling. • • • Therefore, Social Casework Practice may very often require interagency collaboration. You will very often be a part of a team of professionals. In primary settings, you are likely to be the main professional for service delivery, whereas, in secondary settings, you may have an ancillary status. It is important for you to communicate your contribution as a social work professional to other professionals in the team. Social Casework service may be offered for prevention, promotion, cure/ remedy, rehabilitation, placement, reformation, palliative care, or for modification of social environment. Fields of social casework practice are broad areas or settings in which casework method is utilized to help individuals and families. Various fields can be determined on the basis of the following components: a) Person-in-context – The context here includes the total social environment of the client -a male adult with visual impairment, a middle-aged woman abandoned by her husband, an orphaned child in a Foundling Home. • • • b) The concern or the problem requiring help – Destitution, chronic illness requiring major changes in life-style, drug dependence, rehabilitation, trauma caused by riots or serious accident, bereavement, role conflict, displacement. c) The human service organizations that provide the location for providing help, like, schools, hospitals, childcare institutions, short stay homes, institutions for the elderly and juvenile homes. The first two dimensions can be analyzed further from two perspectives: a) Common human needs – beside survival needs, every individual has needs for affection, for security, for achievement and for belonging (to a group). b) Special human needs – needs that arise because a person has a disabling impairment, is suffering from a chronic illness requiring major changes in life style, has deficit of coping or social skills, needs arising due to traumatic experiences like accident, riots, natural calamities or needs of very young or old persons. c) Societally caused needs – those that arise due to certain conditions in society itself, for example, discriminatory practices, oppression, deprivation, or displacements due to large developmental projects. The needs perspective helps the worker in understanding the source and extent of the problem as it applies in each case. It helps in knowing about the impact of the unfulfilled need on the client and his social environment. The worker is able to help the clients decide upon the action plan for dealing with their problematic situation by fulfilling the unmet needs. An individual experiences a number of life changes as he/she goes through his life cycle, that is, from birth to death. She/he is seen as moving in life through a series of developmental stages, each stage requiring the individual to successfully complete some tasks before he/she moves on to the next one. In most cases, human beings move through this cycle without major unsettling stresses. But if the person is not able to achieve this transition smoothly, he/she may find life changes stressful and is thus unable to adapt to the new demands. d) The human service organizations: The mandate of these organizations is that of ‘service’, that is, to maintain and improve the general well-being and functioning of people. Examples of such organizations are schools, hospitals, correctional institutions, and social welfare and development agencies. Human Service Organizations are characterized by a) goals and objectives, b) specific client groups, c) personnel, d) programmes and services, e) service delivery systems, f) Material resources and networks. The Individual • Person and his/her interaction with social environment are influenced significantly by a number of factors. These factors determine as to how different clients react to a similar situation /problem/concern differently. Their expectations from the caseworker may also vary accordingly. Some of these factors are: • Age: The needs and concerns, problems and difficulties faced by a child are invariably different from those of a young adult or an elderly person. Again, how the individual--- of any specific age group --- looks at the situation under study, feels about it and wants it to be handled may differ according to the age of the individual. • • Sex: The experiences and conditions of male and female persons in a given society are socially and culturally determined. The status in society (rights, privileges and power within the family and society at large), division of tasks, role expectation, role transitions, and role conflicts affect men and women differently. The stereotyping of image and roles tend to become oppressive and discriminatory for women specially. Caste: In Indian society, caste based discrimination affects individuals and families across age and sex divisions, although females suffer the most. The low status because of belonging to lower castes results in deprivation, oppression, and lack of opportunity, depression, apathy and inertia. • • • Class: The income group an individual belongs to determine the life goals and motivation for striving for change. Outlook towards life and problems of living are likely to affect persons belonging to: a) lower income groups; b) middle income groups; c) affluent groups; or d) those who are below poverty line. Religion: In a pluralistic society like India, belonging to minority groups’ religion has its own difficulties. Religion holds a very important place in an Indian person’s upbringing. Understanding of religious beliefs, customs and moral values is essential in helping a person. Region: People belonging to rural, urban or tribal areas tend to demonstrate specific response-patterns and preferences in life. Persons hailing from a small city, a village or a metro city, are exposed to different stimuli. Their life experiences will, therefore, be different from one another. Their needs and expression of concerns may also be different. • • • Family is a special social group wherein members are bound to each other by blood or marriage. The main function of family is child rearing and growth and development of each member. Families fulfill their social responsibility by socializing children in the culture of the society. In fulfilling their functions, families interact with a large number of social systems and organizations like, kinship network, religious and economic institutions, schools, the work place, civic authorities, welfare and legal framework etc. Unique patterns of interaction – within the family (among members), and with outsiders evolve overtime. Family is a system wherein the experience of any one member affects the other members. Doctors are the main professional groups in the hospital, responsible for medical care of the patients. The recognition of psycho-social and cultural dimensions of illness and hospitalization has enabled employment of trained social workers in the hospitals. Social Casework is utilized in the OPDs (outpatient departments), the Wards, and Special Clinics. The heavy work load of doctors in large Govt. Hospitals generally leads to lack of clear communication between the medical staff and the patients and their families. In such a scenario, the main roles expected of social workers are those of mediator; enabler; coordinator of services; case manager; mobilization of family, community and hospital resources; and acting as a member of the team of professionals. Working with the patient and his/her family is a major task of the social worker. Therefore, Social Casework is a primary method in medical social work practice • • • The caseworker works as a member of the team of professionals including psychiatrists, psychologists and occupational therapists. Psychiatrists are the main professional group in charge of care and treatment of the mentally ill or emotionally disturbed persons. The patients may be attending OPDs, day care, or may be hospitalized. The main tasks of the caseworker are to maintain constant contact with the family of the patient; mediate between the doctors and the patient/family; provide counselling to the patient; assist in discharge and after care of the patient. The worker provides the necessary support to the family and helps the other family members understand the needs of the mentally ill person. The patients who are suffering from chronic illness, like diabetes, asthma, and heart disease, need help in understanding their illness and the demands of the treatment, and adjusting their life-styles to the limitations imposed by the condition. The families of the patients also need support and guidance in dealing with the patient’s condition that may have long-term implications for the entire family. In some cases, especially among those belonging to lower incomegroups, the financial burden may need to be eased out by identifying and mobilizing resources in the kinship network or community at large. While working with the terminally ill patients, the first dilemma the worker faces is to inform the patient and his family about the illness. The patients suffering from a terminal illness, like cancer and AIDS, have additional stress factor – the thought of impending death and anxiety about the family after their death. The tasks of the caseworker include: • a) Ensuring palliative care to reduce pain and discomfort, b) talking about death, • c) Involving the patient in planning for the family after his/her death, d) providing opportunity to family members to talk about death and dying, e) providing support--- emotional and material -- to the patient/family. In the case of AIDS, the caseworker will need to tackle the issue of stigma attached with contracting AIDS and the possibility of infection getting passed on the other family members. Schools are institutions for formal education, with a fixed routine, set syllabus, and a well-established pattern of teaching and learning. Teachers are the main professional group and they spend the maximum time with students. Schools vary in size--- from small single teacher schools in the villages and tribal areas to large bureaucratic organizations with thousands of students. Schools may offer primary, middle, secondary or senior secondary education. Again, some may be Government schools/aided by the Govt. or fully private independent schools. Despite progressive and child-centered educational philosophy, schools are characterized by emphasis on syllabus (information content), formal examination system for evaluating achievements and formal teacher-child relationships. a) Children’s Homes: Children who are destitute, orphans, or have run away from home and can not be sent back home; those who are violence, risk to health (e.g., healthy children of leprosy patients) or moral danger are generally placed in children’s homes. Most of these Homes operate under the provisions of Juvenile Justice Act and, therefore, provide custodial care. Children are committed for specific periods. There is sometimes a feeling among inmates that they are under detention. Only in a small number of cases adoption and foster care services are or can be offered. Homes, run by the Govt. or voluntary organizations, are expected to provide custody and care to the children. Social Worker is an important professional here. Living arrangements may be dormitory or cottage types. Social Caseworker is expected to help each inmate adjust to the life within the Home and achieve psychosocial development. As the children have often gone through traumatic experiences before they are placed in Homes, it is very important for them to come to terms with their life, talk about it and get over the pain and the sense of betrayal. The worker is expected to provide pastoral care, liaison with schools where the children go for education, help children develop positive relationships within the institution, and prepare for life after the stay in the Home is over. • • • b) Correctional Institutions: These include homes/special schools for the delinquent, prisons, remand/observation homes, beggar homes etc. The main task of the Social Caseworker is to help those in conflict with law by enabling them to understand themselves and their relationship with others. They need to understand what is expected of them as members of society. The aim is to rehabilitate these persons – to help them in such a manner that they can engage in socially constructive activities once they go back to their homes. The worker helps the clients change /modify their values (so that they are in line with the social values); change their behavior and response patterns. The residents of these institutions often have a feeling of hostility towards society or they suffer from a sense of inferiority and inadequacy. Social Casework aims at correcting these attitudes and feelings by modifying the clients’ immediate environment, working with their families and maintaining a supportive professional relationship with them. The Caseworker works as a member of a team of professionals like, probation and parole officers, psychologists, psychiatrists, and vocational counsellors and educators. c) Homes for the Aged: The number of old age homes has been increasing in cities. The stresses and constraints of urban living have often led to adult children opting to send their aging parents or relatives to residential institutions. The residents in these homes need nursing care, understanding and emotional support. The caseworkers in these institutions help the residents cope with loss of the loved ones, illness, lack of energy, loneliness, and loss of economic independence and the thought of approaching death. The caseworker enables the client maintain his/her self-esteem. He/she also helps the family deal with suppressed or open feelings of guilt so as to encourage them to maintain cordial relation with the client. The worker needs to identify and mobilize community resources like motivating and orienting volunteers to d) Residential institutions for women: Short stay homes, rescue homes, nari niketans, widow homes etc. are some of the settings where casework practice takes place. Most of the inmates are those women who are destitute, abandoned or battered by their husbands, widows with no relative to give them support, victims of crimes including prostitution or kidnapping. These residents need to build their skills – vocational and social – to become independent persons capable of taking care of their lives. The caseworkers try to bring about conciliation between the client and her family, if any. Where marriage is indicated, pre-marital counseling is provided. There are residential and non-residential organizations offering variety of services to the differently abled. The main task of the caseworker is to fulfill the objectives of the organizations such as a) care; b) rehabilitation vocational training, education , employment; c) offering services according to governmental provisions and special concessions; d) advocacy to reduce or remove social discrimination against the differently abled; and e) facilitating the client’s acceptance and understanding of his/her situation and also recognition of his/her potential. Victims of natural calamities are victims of floods, earthquakes, and drought. Victims of man-made disasters include victims of communal violence (riots), serious accidents, mega projects of development etc. Some of the common experiences of most of the victims of disasters are trauma; loss of loved ones; loss of livelihood or assets; homelessness; feeling of helplessness; feeling of anguish or hostility (desire for revenge); loss of community feeling; despair and a sense of fatality or sometimes high/unrealistic expectations from the worker. Social caseworkers are employed in family counselling centers, crime women cells, legal aid cells, family courts and women resource centers. The aim of the professional interventions is to enable women become empowered, confident, and independent and also utilizes available legal provisions and safeguards for her protection. There are increasing numbers of cases of rape victims. The worker has to help link the family with police, courts, hospitals, schools, and agencies working for rehabilitation of these victims. Special techniques are used to help the victim come out from trauma, and restore her selfconfidence and self-esteem.