Parkinson`s disease

Parkinson's Disease
Dr. Kleyn
Department of Geriatric Medicine
James Parkinson
1817, England
Shaking palsy
Paralysis agitans
“Involuntary tremulous motion, with
lessened muscular power, in parts not in
action and even when supported; with a
propensity to bend the trunk forward, and
to pass from a walking to a running pace,
the senses and intellects being uninjured.”
Parkinson’s disease is a chronic
neurodegenerative movement disorder
affecting voluntary and emotional
movements and most commonly seen in
the elderly, but is also found in the young
and inexorably progresses leading to
significant disability.
Primarily a disease of the elderly
 Mean age 55, Range 20 - 80 years
 Juvenile parkinsonism- Less than 20 years
 M/F = 3:2
 Prevalence increases with age
Aging and Parkinson’s disease
Exponential fall
Linear fall
Anatomy-Basal Ganglia
Chemical Balance in Corpus Striatum
 Inhibitory
Chemical Balance in Corpus Striatum
 Excitatory
 Inhibitory
Parkinson’s disease - Pathophysiology
Pathology - Lewy Bodies
hyaline inclusion
 Spherical dense
hyaline core with
a clear halo
 Mechanism of
Lewy body dementia
Parkinson’s disease
Pathology-Parkinson’s disease
Classification and Etiology
Idiopathic Parkinson’s disease
 Parkinson-like syndromes
Drug induced parkinsonism
 Hypoxia
 Tumor
 Trauma
 Vascular:Multiinfarct
 Toxin:Mn, CO, MPTP and cyanide
 Post-encephalitic parkinsonism (von Economo’s
 Normal pressure hydrocephalus
 Wilson’s disease, Hutington’s disease
Classification and Etiology
Medications that can cause parkinsonian
symptoms, but not PD itself, include the following:
Reserpine-containing antihypertensives
Some evidence also indicates that certain
environmental factors (including smoking and
coffee drinking) may actually have protective
Clinical features of Idiopatic Parkinson’s
Major features
Minor features
Resting tremor in hands,
arms, legs, jaw, and face
 Bradykinesia
 Rigidity- cogwheel or
Speech abnormalities
Parkinson’s disease Symptomatology
Parkinson’s disease -Symptomatology
Tremor dominant
 Rest
 Fixed frequency 3-6 Hz
 Not a feature of old age
 Pill-rolling
 Usually starts in one limb, and then to
other limbs
 Rarely starts in lower limbs
 Intermittent for many years
 They usually disappear briefly during
movement and do not occur during
 Tremors can also eventually occur in the
head, lips, tongue, and feet. In younger
patients tremor is usually predominant
and often suggests a less aggressive
form of the disease.
Parkinson’s disease-Symptomatology
 Striatal hand: Ulnar deviation, MCP
flexion, IP extension
 Striatal
 Sitting
toe: Big toe dorsiflexion
en bloc: Collapses into a chair on
attempting to sit down
Parkinson’s disease-Symptomatology
 Kyphosis
 Flexed elbows, knees
and hips
 Hands held in front of
 Trunk bent forward
 Head bowed
Parkinson’s disease-Symptomatology
Slowness of motion (bradykinesia) is one of the classic
symptoms of Parkinson's disease.
Hypomimia- “masked facies”,expressionless face, blinking
 Speech abnormalities Hypophonia: soft voice
 Aprosody of speech: monotonous and lack of inflection
 Tachyphemia: do not separate syllables together, running
words together
 Patients may eventually develop a stooped posture and a slow,
shuffling walk. The gait can be erratic and unsteady.
Parkinson’s disease-Symptomatology
Motor fluctuations
Freezing phenomenon- Sudden, transient inability
to perform active movements, lasting no more than a
few seconds
Start hesitation
Turn hesitation
Target hesitation
Palilalia (speaking)
Apraxia of eyelid opening
Kinesia paradoxica-Despite severe rigidity and
bradykinesia, they may rise suddenly and move
Parkinson’s disease-Symptomatology
“Today is a sunny day in Toronto"
Loop drawing:
Interloop distance
Parkinson’s disease-Symptomatology
Festinating gait
Drooling of saliva
Low resting blood
 Sweating
 Blepharospasm/
Movement Disorders
Parkinson’s disease
Hutington’s disease
Multiple system atrophy
Motor neuron disease
Cortical basal ganglionic
Patients with PD may develop
a stooped posture and a slow,
shuffling walk. The gait can be
erratic and unsteady.
Movement Disorders
Movement Disorders
“On” phase
There are currently no blood or laboratory tests that
have been proven to help in diagnosing PD. Therefore
the diagnosis is based on medical history and a
neurological examination. The disease can be difficult
to diagnose accurately.
Doctors may sometimes request imaging studies (i.e.
MRI’s or brain scans) or laboratory tests in order to
rule out other diseases.
Differential diagnosis of Parkinson’s diseases.
N e u ro lo g ic d is o rd e r
M u ltip le s y s te m a tro p h y
E s s e n tia l tre m o r
H u n tin g to n ’s d is e a s e s
T o x in -in d u c e d
p a rk in s o n is m
D ru g -in d u c e d
p a rk in s o n is m
C o rtic a l b a s a l g a n g lio n ic
d e g e n e ra tio n
F e a tu re s
P ro m in e n t d y s a u to n o m ia
C e re b e lla r d y s p h a n c tio n o r
p e rip h . n e u ro p a th y .
K in e tic tre m o r p lu s in s ta b ility .
F a m ily h is to ry .
Y o u n g e r p a tie n t,fa m ily H x ,
n o tre m o r.
E x p o s u re to C O , c y a n id e , M n ,
M P T P , m e th a n o l o r la c q u e r
th in e r.
A n tid o p a m in e rg ic e x p o s u re
B ila te ra l o n s e t. R e v e rs ib ility .
A lie n lim b ,d y s to n ia ,m y o c lo n u s ,
p a rie ta l s e n s o ry lo s s .
Parkinson’s disease - Management
Nonpharmacologic Management
S u pp o rt
P at ient
A ssess em oti o n al n eeds
P e e r su p p o rt
G ro u p su p p o rt(dise a se sta g e a pp ro p ria te
P ro fe ssio n al co u n se lling
L e g a l/fin a n cia l co u n se lling
O ccu p a tio n al co u n se lling
(e a rly d ise a se )
Fam ily
Nonpharmacologic Management
E x e rc is e
E d u c a tio n
A s s e s s e x e rc is e c a p ac ity a n d lim ita tio ns
T ra in in g
A e ro b i c
S tre n g h th e n in g
S tre tc h in g
N o n w e ig h t b e a rin g
R e g u la r,fo c u s s e d e x e rc ise
Nonpharmacologic Management
N u t r it io n
O b t a in d ie t a r y h is t o ry
E d u c a te a b o u t b a la n c e d d ie t
N u t r it io n a l c o u n s e llin g
Drugs for Parkinson’s disease
A m a n ta d in e
W e ll to le ra te d , p o s s ib le a n k le
e d e m a o r liv e d o re tic u la ris
A n tic h o lin e rg ic s
G o o d fo r tre m o r
A v o id in p a tie n ts a g e 6 5 a n d o ld e r
S id e e ffe c ts in c lu d e d ys k in e s ia ,
c h o re a , d y s to n ia
C o n tro v e rs ia l n e u ro p ro te c tiv e
a g e n t. M in im a l s ym p to m . b e n e fit
H e lp fu l w ith s u p e rim p o s e d
re s tle s s le g s sy n d ro m e
C a rb id o p a /L e v a d o p a
S e le g ilin e
B ro m o c rip tin e
S e le c tiv e C O M T
in h ib ito r
A d ju n c tiv e th e ra p y ; in c re a s e s
b io a v a ila b ility o f le v a d o p a ; s id e
e ffe c ts in c lu d e d ia rrh e a ,
d y s k in e s ia
The Management of Parkinson’s disease
P a rk in so n's d ise a se
N o n P h a rm a c o lo g ic
P h a rm ac o lo g ic
E d u c a tion
N e uro p ro te ction
? S e le g ilin e
S u pp o rt
F u n c tion a l im pa irm e nt
E x e rc ise
? A n tic h olin e rg ics
N u trition
? A m a nta d ine
D o p a m in e A g o n ists
L e vod o pa
C o m b in e d the ra py
D o p a m ine a g o n ist
L e vod o pa
+ /C O M T in h ib itor
S u rg ic al th e rap y if un a c c e pta b le c o n trol
w ith m e d ic a l th e ra py
Surgical Therapy- Deep brain stimulation
When symptoms are
uncontrollable with
medical therapy
 None ablative method is
 Transpalntation of fetal
nigral cells
 Thalamotomy
Parkinson’s disease - Imaging
Predicted developments
Research into the causes of Parkinson’s diseases are
likely to show that multiple genetic and environmental
factors are involved
 Disease of early onset is more likely to be genetic
 New drugs acting on both dopaminergic and nondopaminergic transmitter systems will become available
over the next 10 years
 Clinical trials of new drugs with neuroprotective and
neurorescue properties are in progress
At no time in the past have the basic and clinical
sciences applied to Parkinson’s disease been so
Future progress in understanding the causation
and pathogenesis of the disorder will permit the
development of new treatments that will slow, halt,
or even reverse the currently progressive course
of Parkinson’s disease.