Chris Rittey - Sheffield Children's Hospital
Definite SUDEP
• Patient suffered from epilepsy
• Patient died unexpectedly in reasonable health
• Death occurred suddenly (where known)
• An obvious medical cause of death was not found
• Death was not the direct result of seizure or SE
• Probable SUDEP
• As above but no PM
• Possible SUDEP
• SUDEP cannot be ruled out but insufficient information
Nashef et al, 1997
Risk factors
Management strategies
Providing information
Incidence much lower in reported series in children
Rates fairly consistent across studies in UK, Europe
and USA
Main issue remains ascertainment
Epilepsy related deaths
Harvey et al 1993
6.6/10000 patient years
Donner et al 2001
2/10000 (SUDEP)
Callenbach et al 2001
3.8/1000 (all deaths)
Camfield & Camfield 2002 2.8/1000
Weber et al 2005
4.3/10000 (SUDEP)
McGregor et al 2006
17 over 12 years (11 <19
years) – 7 def, 9 prob
Nickels et al 2012
4.4/10000 (SUDEP 2.2)
Camfield & Camfield
Population based cohort study
All children who developed epilepsy in
Nova Scotia (1977-1985) – population
692 children – 26 deaths
Only 4 unexpected deaths – 2 epilepsy
related, 1 SUDEP (21 year old woman)
Lancet 2002, 359: 1891-95
Callenbach et al
Dutch epilepsy study group
1988-1992 – all children with epilepsy (<
16 years) – 494 children (22 excluded)
5 year follow-up or to death
9 deaths – no SUDEP
Pediatrics 2001; 107: 1259-63
Nesbitt et al
Retrospective UK review from tertiary
paediatric neurology service (97
deaths)/CEMACH (168 deaths)
Neurology cohort - 66% deaths unrelated to
seizure disorder, 7 unexplained deaths (7.3%)
CEMACH cohort – 79% unrelated to seizure
disorder, 25 unexplained (9.7%)
Dev Med Child Neurol 2012; 54: 612-17
Risk factors for SUDEP
Majority of cases of SUDEP in adults had childhood
onset epilepsy
• Most deaths occur in sleep
• Risks for childhood SUDEP include
• Male sex
• Symptomatic epilepsy
• Prone sleep posture (?)
• Risks not identified
• Low AED levels, polypharmacy, specific AEDs
SUDEP in adults
Risks identified:
• Polypharmacy
• Duration of epilepsy
• Young age at onset of epilepsy
• Male gender
• Symptomatic epilepsy
• Lamotrigine therapy
• Lack of terminal remission
Hesdorfer et al, Epilepsia 2011; 52: 1150-59
Idiopathic epilepsy
Extremely low risk of epilepsy related
death and SUDEP in children with idiopathic
Very rare reports of epilepsy related
deaths in children with idiopathic epilepsy
Nesbitt et al suggest risk of 65/100000 (cf
diabetes 45/100000)
Causes of death
In childhood majority of deaths unrelated to
seizure disorder (i.e. due to underlying
condition or co-morbidities)
Sillanpaa & Shinnar
Long term follow-up of childhood onset
epilepsy - 245 children, 40 years, 60 deaths
33/60 epilepsy related deaths
23/60 SUDEP (8 < 19 years)
4/60 status epilepticus (2 < 19 years)
6/60 drowning (3 < 19 years)
Epilepsy & Behaviour 2013; 28: 249-55
Mechanisms of SUDEP
SUDEP is likely to be the consequence of
a variety of processes
Likely mechanisms
‘electrocerebral shutdown’
Respiratory mechanisms
Most witnessed cases occur with GTCS
Most reported cases had difficulty with
Apnoea a frequent finding in VT recorded
Likely that central and obstructive apnoea
plays a role
Respiratory mechanisms
Several postulated mechanisms
– Respiratory arrest
– Neurogenic pulmonary oedema
– Asphyxiation
• Recent interest in 5HT defects in SUDEP
(Richerson and Buchanan, Epilepsia 2011)
– mouse models
– 5HT role in control of breathing
– common pathway with SIDS
Cardiac mechanisms
Most important mechanism likely to be cardiac
dysrhythmia caused by seizure
ventricular tachyarrhythmias
role of long QT syndromes
Right hemispheric control of sympathetic
cardiac control
cardiovascular dysregulation common in
children with right temporal lobe seizures
Cardiac mechanisms
Possible role of stress induced release of
Potential role of environmental stress 
possible therapeutic interventions
SUDEP reported in people with VNS but
evidence suggests slight reduction of
SUDEP risk in this population
Almost all witnessed cases of SUDEP are
associated with a seizure
• Reduced SUDEP rate in people undergoing
successful epilepsy surgery
• Phase II trials in adults suggest increased
mortality and SUDEP in those randomised to
• Suggests causal relationship between seizure
Aim for seizure freedom
Suggestion that where this cannot be achieved
aggressive attempts at seizure control can
reduce but not eliminate risk of SUDEP
Careful attention to basic safety precautions
(bathing, swimming)
Pet ownership (?) – see Terra et al, Seizure
2012; 21: 649-51
What do we tell our patients?
SUDEP is a risk for patients with epilepsy
not in remission
In neurologically normal children risk is not
significant until adolescence/adulthood
? Need to discuss at all with families of
children with idiopathic epilepsy likely to
remit in childhood (e.g. BCECTS)
Gayatri et al
Questionnaires to parents attending regional
paediatric neurology service and to 71 UK
paediatric neurologists
• Parental questionnaire – repeated after 3
• 100 children (57 focal/epileptic
• 1/3 had heard of SUDEP before the study
• 91% wanted to be told about SUDEP (74% at
diagnosis, 16% when seizures poorly controlled)
Gayatri et al
Majority of parents reported no adverse effects of
being given SUDEP information
• Approx 50% said they would alter care for their child
following information
•Neurologist questionnaire – 46 responses
• 43/46 (93%) provided SUDEP information
• 20% - to all patients
• 63% - to patients with intractable seizure
• 46% - to parents and children (> 12 years)
SUDEP checklist
Several risk factors for SUDEP are
potentially modifiable
et al suggest use of evidence
based checklist may allow clinicians and
patients to identify and act on these
Potential benefit in improving discussion
about epilepsy related death
Seizure 2013 – in press
Children with epilepsy have a 3-4 x
increase risk of death than the general
• Most deaths in children with epilepsy are
not related to the seizure disorder
• Death may occur as a result of SE,
accident and SUDEP
SUDEP risks are extremely low in children but
finite risk in those with poorly controlled
symptomatic epilepsies
• Strategies directed towards optimal seizure
control likely to be most useful in reducing
SUDEP rate
• Parents want to be told about SUDEP
• Checklist may be of value but will probably
need modification in childhood