Head and Spine Injuries Part A

30: Head and Spine Injuries
Cognitive Objectives
(1 of 5)
State the components of the nervous system.
List the functions of the central nervous system.
Define the structure of the skeletal system as it
relates to the nervous system.
Relate mechanism of injury to potential injuries of
the head and spine.
Describe the implications of not properly caring
for potential spine injuries.
State the signs and symptoms of a potential
spine injury.
Cognitive Objectives
(2 of 5)
Describe the method of determining if a
responsive patient may have a spine injury.
Relate the airway emergency medical care
techniques to the patient with a suspected spine
Describe how to stabilize the cervical spine.
5-4.10 Discuss indications for sizing and using a
cervical spine immobilization device.
5-4.11 Establish the relationship between airway
management and the patient with head and
spine injuries.
Cognitive Objectives
(3 of 5)
Describe a method for sizing a cervical spine
immobilization device.
Describe how to log roll a patient with a
suspected spine injury.
Describe how to secure a patient to a long
spine board.
List instances when a short spine board should
be used.
Describe how to immobilize a patient using a
short spine board.
Cognitive Objectives
(4 of 5)
Describe the indications for the use of rapid
List the steps in performing rapid extrication.
State the circumstance when a helmet should
be left on the patient.
Discuss the circumstances when a helmet
should be removed.
Identify different types of helmets.
Describe the unique characteristics of sports
Cognitive Objectives
(5 of 5)
Explain the preferred methods to remove a
Discuss alternative methods for removal of a
Describe how the patient’s head is stabilized to
remove the helmet.
Differentiate how the head is stabilized with a
helmet compared to without a helmet.
Affective Objectives
(1 of 2)
Explain the rationale for immobilization of the
entire spine when a cervical spine injury is
Explain the rationale for utilizing immobilization
methods apart from the straps on the cots.
Explain the rationale for utilizing a short spine
immobilization device when moving a patient
from the sitting to the supine position.
Affective Objectives
(2 of 2)
Explain the rationale for utilizing rapid
extrication approaches only when they indeed
will make the difference between life and death.
Defend the reasons for leaving a helmet in
place for transport of a patient.
Defend the reasons for removal of a helmet
prior to transport of a patient.
Psychomotor Objectives
(1 of 3)
Demonstrate opening the airway in a patient
with a suspected spinal cord injury.
Demonstrate evaluating a responsive patient
with a suspected spinal cord injury.
Demonstrate stabilization of the cervical spine.
Demonstrate the four-person log roll for a
patient with a suspected spinal cord injury.
Demonstrate how to log roll a patient with a
suspected spinal cord injury using two people.
Psychomotor Objectives
(2 of 3)
Demonstrate securing a patient to a long spine
Demonstrate using the short board
immobilization technique.
Demonstrate the procedure for rapid extrication.
Demonstrate preferred methods for stabilization
of a helmet.
Demonstrate helmet removal techniques.
Psychomotor Objectives
(3 of 3)
Demonstrate alternative methods for
stabilization of a helmet.
Demonstrate completing a prehospital care
report for patients with head and spinal injuries.
Anatomy and Physiology
of the Nervous System
Central Nervous System
Sensory and Connecting Nerves
• The connecting nerves in the spinal cord form a reflex
• If a sensory nerve in this arc detects an irritating
stimulus, it will bypass the brain and send a direct
message to a motor nerve.
How the Nervous System Works
• The nervous system controls virtually all of our
body activities including reflex, voluntary and
involuntary activities
• Voluntary activities are action that we consciously
perform (ie, passing a dish)
• Involuntary activities are actions that are not under
our control (ie, body functions)
• Body functions are controlled by the autonomic
nervous system
Autonomic Nervous System
• Two components
• Sympathetic nervous system
– Reacts to stress with a flight or fright response.
– Some common responses are dilated pupils,
increased pulse rate, or rising BP.
• Parasympathetic nervous system
– Causes the opposite effect of the sympathetic
nervous system
Spinal Column
Anatomy and Physiology
of the Skeletal System
Two layers of bone protect the brain.
Skull is divided into cranium and face.
Injury to the vertebrae can cause paralysis.
Vertebrae are connected by intervertebral disks.
Head Injuries
• Scalp lacerations
• Skull fractures
• Brain injuries
• Medical conditions
• Complications of head injuries
Scalp Lacerations
• Scalp has a rich blood supply.
• There may be more serious, deeper injuries.
Skull Fracture
• Indicates significant force
• Signs
– Obvious deformity
– Visible crack in the skull
– Raccoon eyes
– Battle’s sign
Concussion (1 of 2)
• Brain injury
• Temporary loss or alteration in
brain function
• May result in
unconsciousness, confusion,
or amnesia
Concussion (2 of 2)
• Brain can sustain bruise when
skull is struck.
• There will be bleeding and
• Bleeding will increase the
pressure within the skull.
Intracranial Bleeding
• Laceration or rupture
of blood vessel in brain
– Subdural
– Intracerebral
– Epidural
Other Brain Injuries
• Brain injuries are not always caused by
• Medical conditions may cause spontaneous
bleeding in the brain.
• Signs and symptoms of nontraumatic injuries
are the same as those of traumatic injuries.
– There is no mechanism of injury.
Complications of Head Injury
Cerebral edema
Convulsions and seizures
Leakage of cerebrospinal fluid
Signs and Symptoms (1 of 3)
• Lacerations, contusions, hematomas to scalp
• Soft areas or depression upon palpation
• Visible skull fractures or deformities
• Ecchymosis around eyes and behind the ear
• Clear or pink CSF leakage
Signs and Symptoms (2 of 3)
• Failure of pupils to respond to light
• Unequal pupils
• Loss of sensation and/or motor function
• Period of unconsciousness
• Amnesia
• Seizures
Signs and Symptoms (3 of 3)
Numbness or tingling in the extremities
Irregular respirations
Visual complaints
Combative or abnormal behavior
Nausea or vomiting
Spine Injuries
• Compression injuries occur from a fall.
• Motor vehicle crashes or other types of trauma can
overextend, flex, or rotate the spine.
• Distraction: When spine is pulled along its length;
causes injuries.
– Hangings are an example.
Significant Mechanisms of Injury
Motor vehicle crashes
Pedestrian-motor vehicle collisions
Blunt or penetrating trauma
Motorcycle crashes
Driving accidents
Recreational accidents
• Your unit is on standby at the All American College
during a gymnastic tournament.
• A bystander comes to you and states a 19-year-old
female gymnast has fallen head first from a
balance beam.
• You find the patient prone on a rubber mat awake
and breathing normal. No threats to life are
You are the provider
• What is the mechanism of injury?
• What injuries do you suspect?
• What is the next step in the assessment process?
You are the provider
Scene Size-up
Observe scene for hazards; take BSI precautions.
Anticipate problems with ABCs.
Pay attention for changes in level of consciousness.
Call for ALS backup as soon as possible when
serious MOI is present.
• Look for a deformed helmet or deformed
• You manually stabilize the spine and log roll the
• You assess the ABCs and place the patient on
oxygen via nonrebreathing mask.
• She said she felt pain in her neck right away and
has tingling in her arms and legs. You begin a rapid
trauma assessment.
You are the provider continued (1
of 2)
• Why did you do a rapid trauma assessment?
• What steps comes next?
You are the provider
continued (2 of 2)
Initial Assessment
• Ask the patient:
– What happened?
– Where does it hurt?
– Does your neck or back hurt?
– Can you move your hands and feet?
– Did you hit your head?
• Confused or slurred speech, repetitive questioning,
or amnesia indicate head injury.
• Ask when patient lost consciousness.
• Stabilize the spine.
• Use jaw-thrust maneuver to open airway.
• Vomiting may occur. Suction immediately.
• Move patient as little as possible. Do not remove
• Consider providing positive pressure ventilations.
• A pulse that is too slow can indicate a serious
• Assess and treat for shock.
Transport Decision
• If patient has problems with ABCs, provide rapid
• You check for an absence of a distal pulse. Pulse
is normal. Bleeding is not noted.
• You determine that this patient is a low-priority
You are the provider continued (1 of 3)
• What do you need to be sure to ask during the
SAMPLE history?
• Describe the rest of your emergency care.
You are the provider continued (2 of 3)
• You quickly inspect and palpate the chest for
DCAP-BTLS. This was unremarkable.
• You start the patient on high-flow oxygen.
• You apply a cervical collar and immobilize her to a
long board.
• The patient could vomit. Be ready to reposition the
long board and suction.
You are the provider continued (3 of 3)
Focused History and Physical Exam
• The absence of pain does not rule out a potential
spinal injury.
• Do not ask patients with possible spinal injuries to
move their neck.
Rapid Physical Exam for
Significant Trauma (1 of 2)
• Quickly use DCAP-BTLS.
• Decreased level of consciousness is the most
reliable sign of head injury.
• Expect irregular respirations.
• Look for blood or CSF leaking from ears, nose, or
Rapid Physical Exam for
Significant Trauma (2 of 2)
• Look for bruising around eyes, behind ears.
• Evaluate pupils.
• Do not probe scalp lacerations. Do not remove an
impaled object.
Focused Physical Exam
for Nonsignificant Trauma
• Watch for change in level of
• Use Glasgow Coma Scale.
• Pain, tenderness, weakness,
numbness, and tingling are
signs of spinal injury.
• May lose sensation or become
• May become incontinent
Baseline Vital Signs/
SAMPLE History
• Complete set of baseline vital signs is essential.
• Assess pupil size and reactivity to light; continue
to monitor.
• Gather as much history as possible while
preparing for transport.
Interventions (1 of 2)
• Control bleeding.
• Fold torn skin flaps back
down onto the skin bed.
• Do not apply excessive
• If dressing becomes
soaked, place a second
dressing over it.
Interventions (2 of 2)
• Once bleeding has been controlled, secure with a
soft self-adhering roller bandage.
• Monitor and treat for shock.
• Protect airway from vomiting.
• Provide immediate transport.
Detailed Physical Exam
• Perform if time permits.
• Can help identify subtle or covert injuries
Ongoing Assessment
• Focus on reassessing ABCs, interventions, vital signs.
• Communication and documentation
– Hospital may prepare better with info from your
– Document changes in level of consciousness.
– Include history.
– Document vital signs every 5 minutes if unstable,
every 15 minutes if stable.
Emergency Medical Care
of Spinal Injuries
• Follow BSI precautions.
• Manage the airway.
– Perform the jaw-thrust maneuver to open the
– Consider inserting an oropharyngeal airway.
– Administer oxygen.
• Stabilize the cervical spine.
Stabilization of the Cervical Spine (1 of 3)
• Hold head firmly with
both hands.
• Support the lower jaw.
• Move to eyes-forward
Stabilization of the Cervical Spine (2 of 3)
• Support head while
partner places cervical
• Maintain the position
until patient is secured
to a backboard.
Stabilization of the Cervical Spine (3 of 3)
• Do not force the head into a neutral,
in-line position if:
– Muscles spasm
– Pain increases
– Numbness, tingling, or weakness
– There is a compromised airway or
breathing problems.
Emergency Medical Care
of Head Injuries
• Establish an adequate airway.
• Control bleeding and provide adequate
• Assess the patient’s baseline level of