Using Systems Thinking to Improve Safety in

Using Systems Thinking to
Improve Safety in Radiation
Prof. Nancy G. Leveson
Aeronautics and Astronautics
Engineering Systems
To understand and prevent accidents,
must consider system as a whole
And so these men of Hindustan
Disputed loud and long,
Each in his own opinion
Exceeding stiff and strong,
Though each was partly in the right
And all were in the wrong.
John Godfrey Saxe (1816-1887)
Facts about Accidents
• Almost never have single causes
– “Root cause seduction”
– Accidents are complex processes
• Usually involve flaws in
– Engineered equipment
– Operator behavior
– Management decision making
– Safety culture
– Regulatory oversight
Human Error as a Cause
• ALL accidents are caused by “human error” (except “acts
of God,” like hurricanes)
• Almost always there is:
– Operator “error”
– Flawed management decision making
– Flaws in the physical design of equipment
– Safety culture problems
– Regulatory deficiencies
– Etc.
Do Operators Really Cause Most
• When say human error, usually mean “operator error”
• Hindsight bias
• Operator error vs. design error
Hindsight Bias
(Sidney Dekker, 2009)
“should have, could have, would have”
Overcoming Hindsight Bias
• Assume nobody comes to work to do a bad job.
– Assume were doing reasonable things given the complexities,
dilemmas, tradeoffs, and uncertainty surrounding them.
– Simply finding and highlighting people’s mistakes explains
– Saying what did not do or what should have done does not
explain why they did what they did.
• Investigation reports should explain
– Why it made sense for people to do what they did rather than
judging them for what they allegedly did wrong and
– What changes will reduce likelihood of happening again?
Fumbling for his recline button Ted
unwittingly instigates a disaster
Operator Error: Traditional View
• Operator error is cause of most incidents and accidents
• So do something about operator involved (suspend,
retrain, admonish)
• Or do something about operators in general
– Marginalize them by putting in more automation
– Rigidify their work by creating more rules and procedures
Operator Error: System View
• Operator error is a symptom, not a cause
• All behavior affected by context (system) in which occurs
• To do something about error, must look at system in
which people work:
– Design of equipment and interface with equipment
– Usefulness of procedures
– Existence of goal conflicts and production pressures
– Etc.
Mental Models
• Cannot guarantee safety
• Safety comes from people being skillful in judging when
and how they apply.
• Old view: Safety improvements come from organizations
telling people to follow procedures and enforcing this.
• New view: Safety improvements come from
organizations monitoring and understanding the gap
between procedures and practice.
An Engineering View of Safety: Overview
• Safety is a control problem
– Accidents occur when the system design does not enforce
constraints on safe behavior
• Safety must be designed into a system
– Engineering relies on modeling and analysis to analyze
system design
• Identify physical behavior that can lead to accidents
• Identify where human errors are prone to happen
• Design or redesign the system to prevent accidents
Safety as a Control Problem
• Goal: Design an effective control structure that
eliminates or reduces adverse events.
• Controls may be:
– Physical design
– Processes
– Social (cultural, policy, individual self-interest)
[Need more than just checklists]
• Engineers use a proactive approach
– Predict and manage adverse effects
– Through modeling and analysis (identify scenarios that can
lead to accidents)
• A change in emphasis:
“prevent failures”
“enforce safety constraints on system behavior”
• Losses (accidents) are the result of complex dynamic
processes where the safety constraints are not enforced
by the safety control structure
• Most major accidents arise from a slow migration of the
entire system toward a state of high-risk
– Need to control and detect this migration
© Copyright Nancy Leveson, Aug. 2006
Every Controller Contains a Process Model
Model of
Accidents occur when model of
process is inconsistent with real
state of process and controller
provides inadequate control
Controlled Process
Feedback channels are critical
-- Design
-- Operation
A Systems Engineering Approach
to Radiation Therapy Safety
• Identify system hazards
• Establish system safety requirements to reduce the
occurrence and/or consequences of hazards
• Ensure they are enforced by or implemented in the
safety control structure
• Do a hazard analysis
– Identify unsafe control actions
– Identify the causes of the unsafe control actions
• Eliminate or control hazards
• Establish risk management controls and procedures
Identify Accidents and Hazards
– Injury or death of patient related to treatment
– Injury or death of staff or visitor
– Equipment damaged
– Environmental damage?
H1. Overdose
H2. Underdose
H3. Inadequate fractioning
H4. Non-patient exposure to radiation
H5. Equipment stress
Highest Level Safety Constraint
“Process of care” must not be compromised
– Patients, staff, and visitors must not be exposed to an
unhealthy dose of radiation
– Equipment must not be stressed beyond documented
design limits
RT Hazards and Safety Constraints
H1: Patient tissues receive more dose than clinically desirable
SC1: The system must be able to prevent delivery of higher than clinically
desirable dose
H2: Patient tumor receives less dose than clinically desirable
SC2: The system must be able to deliver sufficient dose to treat the tumor.
H3: Patient treatment is improperly fractioned
SC3: Each fraction must not exceed more than TBD Gy and must not be
delivered TBD’ hours after the previous one without treatment plan being
H4: Non-patient (esp. personnel) is unnecessarily exposed to radiation
SC4: The system must be able to prevent unnecessary exposure of
personnel and non-patients to radiation
H5: Equipment is subject to unnecessary stress
SC5: The system must prevent excessive equipment exposure to radiation.
System Safety Requirements
• A complete, formally documented, effective, and safe clinical
treatment plan must be created for each patient undergoing
radiation treatment. A radiation oncologist must select and formally
approve the plan ultimately selected for treatment.
– Changes to the treatment plan must be evaluated and approved by a radiation
– Standard operating processes must be provided that have been evaluated for
safety and effectiveness. If SOPs are tailored, they must be evaluated and
approved by
– Immobilization treatment devices must provide accurate treatment delivery and
must not restrict the treatment techniques.
– Radiation safety guidelines (ACR/ASTRO and NRC) must be followed when
therapy uses unencapsulated radionuclides.
– Dosimetry treatment plan must administer intended dose of radiation to the target
volume while minimizing radiation exposure to normal tissues.
– A pretreatment quality assurance program must be in place and followed for
every patient. The QA program must provide for checking the accuracy of both
the dose calculation and the data used for treatment.
System Safety Requirements
• Verification and documentation of accuracy of treatment delivery
(conforms to original or latest clinical and dosimetric plans) must be
provided (includes management of organ movement).
• Modification of initial treatment plan (to adjust for changes) must be
approved by radiation oncologist.
• Equipment must be calibrated and maintained according to AAPM
guidelines and applicable state and federal regulations concerning
radiation treatment delivery technology.
– Procedures must be created and followed to ensure that any possible
sign of impending machine malfunction is quickly recognized and
diagnosed and any necessary corrective or reparative action is taken
prior to use of the machine to deliver a clinical treatment to patient.
– All radioactive sources must be carefully controlled and monitored at
least to the extent required by regulatory agencies.
• Radiation oncologist, along with other members of the team, must
review and manage ongoing treatment to ensure that it is effective
and safe.
System Safety Requirements
• Follow-up evaluation and care must be provided to manage acute
and chronic morbidity resulting from treatment.
– A process must be established to monitor for unexpected morbidity,
tumor relapse, [etc.], to identify any possible safety problems during
treatment and to identify measures that might reduce the risk of toxicity
for future patients. All suspicious findings must be thoroughly
investigated and resolved.
• [Patients must receive an appropriate level of medical, emotional,
and psychological care during and after treatment]
• Staff must be protected from accidental radiation exposure.
• Appropriate arrangements must be made for emergency patients.
• Procedures must be evaluated periodically to ensure they are being
followed and, if not, then determine why. Use the information to
improve the procedures.
• All emergency equipment and safety devices must be operational at
all times during hazardous operations.
System Safety Requirements
• Management of change procedures must include hazard analysis for
any planned change to individual treatment plans and to the facility
itself including any safety-critical equipment.
• Procedures must be in place to identify and remediate any
unplanned changes over time to behavior within the system or within
its environment that can affect system hazards.
• Reporting systems must be created that follow Just Culture
– Leadership must make all staff feel comfortable (and rewarded) for
raising safety concerns without fear of reprimand or reprisal.
– All members of the team must be empowered to be active participants
in improving the safety of clinical processes.
– Trends and migration toward states of higher risk must be identified and
effective procedures created to disseminate this information to all staff
and to provide corrective measures.
System Safety Requirements
• Procedures must be in place to identify and investigate thoroughly
all serious or potentially serious incidents. Recommendations must
be implemented to eliminate or mitigate all identified factors
contributing to the adverse events. Follow-up must be provided to
ensure that recommendations have been implemented and are
effective. Lessons learned must be documented and disseminated.
• A process must be established to evaluate the safety (identify
hazards) associated with any equipment purchased from vendors or
created in the hospital. Thoroughness and quality of the vendor’s
hazard analysis and design for safety must be a major criterion in
selecting a vendor. A two-way communication channel must be
established to provide on-going communication about errors,
incidents, and potential hazards.
System Safety Requirements
• The hospital must establish the safety of integrated systems
purchased from multiple vendors and the introduction of new
equipment into the total clinical environment. Sophisticated hazard
analysis methods must be used to identify potential safety concerns
about individual equipment or the integrated equipment and
operational environment.
– Hazard logs must be created and maintained and used in the
investigation of adverse events and in periodic performance audits to
ensure that hazards are being adequately controlled and that the staff is
sufficiently educated about the hazards involved in their job. Leading
indicators of increasing risk must be identified and monitored.
– All staff must be educated on the hazards of their job responsibilities
and the equipment they operate
– Hazard analysis must include the analysis of human–automation
interaction. Design methods must be used to minimize any potential
human errors and HMI hazards, including investigating and reducing the
frequency of spurious alarms and providing error messages and
indications of safe operating limits for any potentially hazardous
System Safety Requirements
• Safety-related decisions must be independent from cost and
efficiency concerns. Conflicts must be identified and transparent
resolution procedures created and followed to resolve any conflicts.
• The hospital must have a documented safety policy and a
documented safety management plan. This policy and management
plan must be periodically reviewed and updated and communicated
to staff. Conformance with the safety policy and safety management
plan must be monitored.
• The hospital must create and maintain a comprehensive safety
information system.
• Robust feedback channels must be provided to enhance risk
awareness to those with responsibilities related to the safety of the
patients and safety.
Trace System Safety Requirements
to Safety Control Structure
• All personnel must have and maintain a minimum level of
knowledge and training.
[pointers to Board Certification Process, Education process
including continuing education, responsible official for training at
UCSD, each staff component]
[includes initial orientation, education, credentialing, continuing
education, and periodic evaluation]
• Completion of any component of care must be appropriately
documented in the patient record
• Patients must be evaluated to determine if treatment is
– Patient evaluation must be conducted by a qualified physician in
consultation with other team members.
Control Structure
for Gantry 2
Treatment Definition
Therapeutic Requirements
1. Treatment Specifications
QA results
(fraction definition,
Patient physionomy
target positioning information,
steering file)
2. Capability Upgrade Requests
Treatment Delivery
Patient health outcome
Patient Preparation
Patient well-being
Beam Creation and Delivery Patient physiognomy changes
Treatment Definition – D1
Zooming into
Tumor Board
Approve patient
Request therapy slot for patient
Medical Doctor
Define tumor volume
Specify treatment doses
Approve treatment plan
Propose treatment plan
Cure evaluation
Medical Physicist
Define field direction
Combine CT and MRI images
Calculate dose distribution
Treatment Planning Software
Define fields (direction, energy, intensity)
Steering File Generator
Capability upgrade requests
Steering file with treatment specification
(fraction definition,
patient positioning information,
beam properties)
QA results
Patient physiognomy changes
Treatment Delivery – D0
Patient Position
Beam Creation and Delivery
Patient well being
Patient physiognomy changes
Zooming into Treatment Delivery
Treatment Definition – D0
Capability upgrade requests
Cure evaluation
QA results
Treatment specifications
(fraction definition, patient positioning information, beam characteristics)
Design Team
Treatment Delivery – D1
Problem reports
Change requests
Performance audits
Operations Management
operating procedures
Work orders Problem reports
Resources Change requests
Software revisions
Hardware modifications
replacements results
Problem reports
Change requests
Problem reports
Change requests
Medical Team
Start treatment
QA results Patient position
Interrupt treatment Sensor info
Interrupt treatment Position
PROSCAN facility (physical actuators and sensors, automated controllers)
Patient Position
Beam Creation and Delivery
Panic button
Patient well being
Patient physiognomy
Beam and Patient Alignment Control
Treatment Definition – D0
Patient list,
Treatment Report
Operation Management
Patient list,
Patient list,
Medical Team
Local Operator
Choice of Steering file
Manual Corrections
Treatment Delivery – D2
Steering File Application Progress
System Status
Positioning Offsets
Steering File
Application Progress
Beam location
at detector
Beam in
Gantry + Table
Gantry + Table
Patient Position
on Table
Patient & Fixation
devices selection
Gantry + Table in
Room referential
Gantry + Table
Medical Team
+ Patient
CT imaging
position on
Process Attributes
Beam & Patient alignment
Process model
not close
"close" is to be understood as "potentially leading to
detrimental radiation exposure".
"personnel" is to be understood as "non-patient" (can
include visitors, family members...)
"close" = close to beamline or inside the treatment room
"not close" = not close to beamline and outside of the
treatment room
readiness (esp.
no patient
not ready
“Ready”: patient is in treatment room, at treatment point,
Treatment plan right
in the correct position and ready for dose delivery
"Not ready": patient is in treatment room, but not ready
for dose delivery (e.g. incorrect position)
"Right"/"Wrong" refer to whether the correct treatment
plan has been selected and loaded for the patient awaiting
"None": no treatment plan has been loaded
not ready
"Not master": other areas have the power to control
not master beamline elements
Facility mode
"Ready"/"Not ready": with respect to treatment start
"Therapy": facility is configured for patient treatment
application. All the patient safety and machine interlocks
are enabled and remote operator control is disabled.
Example: Operator
Starting Treatment
Previous progress information
Daily plan and updates
System hazards: …
Controller: Area Operator
Control actions:
1.2 Load steering file
1.3 Start treatment
Beam characteristics
Treatment progress
Therapy Delivery System
– Load steering file
– Start treatment
Beam characteristics
Actuator settings
Treatment progress
• STPA Step 1: identify unsafe
control actions
• STPA Step 2: identify unsafe
scenarios that lead to the
unsafe control actions
Beamline controllers
Irradiation at patient
Previous progress information
Daily plan and updates
Example Unsafe Control Actions (1)
Treatment is started while personnel are in room (↑H-R4)
Treatment is started while patient is not ready to receive
treatment (↑H-R1, H-R2
Note: This includes “wrong patient position”, “patient feeling
unwell”, etc.
Treatment is started when there is no patient at the treatment
point (↑H-R2, H-R3)
Treatment is started with the wrong treatment plan (↑H-R1,H-R2)
Treatment is started without a treatment plan having been
loaded (↑H-R1,H-R2)
Example Unsafe Control Actions (2)
Treatment is started while the beamline is not ready to receive
the beam (↑H-R1, H-R5)
Treatment is started while not having mastership (↑H-R1, H-R2,
Treatment is started while facility is in non-treatment mode (e.g.
experiment or trouble shooting mode) (↑H-R1, H-R2)
Treatment start command is issued after treatment has already
started (↑H-R1, H-R2)
Treatment start command is issued after treatment has been
interrupted and without the interruption having adequately been
recorded or accounted for (↑H-R1, H-R2)
Treatment does not start while everything else is otherwise ready
(↑H-R1, H-R2)
Hazard Causal Scenarios
(Causes of Unsafe Control Actions)
UCA4: Treatment is started with wrong treatment plan
(missing input) – no treatment file available and TDS loads previously
used one
(wrong input) – error in treatment planning and treatment file is
(wrong input) – operator loads file from previous fraction
(distorted transmission) – changes to daily plan not correctly
communicated/understood by operator
(actuator failure) – GUI fails to transmit the new steering file and TDS
uses previously loaded one
also: inadequate feedback (sensor failure, wrong sensor calibration, …),
external perturbations etc.
Causal Scenarios
• Scenario 1 - Operator was expecting patient to have been
positioned, but table positioning was delayed compared to plan (e.g.
because of delays in patient preparation or patient transfer to
treatment area; because of unexpected delays in beam availability
or technical issues being processed by other personnel without
proper communication with the operator).
• Controls:
– Provide operator with direct visual feedback to the gantry
coupling point, and require check that patient has been
positioned before starting treatment (M1).
– Provide a physical interlock that prevents beam-on unless table
positioned according to plan
Example Causal Scenarios (2)
• Scenario 2 - operator is asked to turn the beam on outside of a
treatment sequence (e.g. because the design team wants to
troubleshoot a problem) but inadvertently starts treatment and does
not realize that the facility proceeds with reading the treatment plan.
• Controls:
– Reduce the likelihood that non-treatment activities have access
to treatment related input by creating a non-treatment mode to
be used for QA and experiments, during which facility does not
read treatment plans that may have been previously been
loaded (M2);
– Make procedures (including button design if pushing a button is
what starts treatment) to start treatment sufficiently different from
non-treatment beam on procedures that the confusion is unlikely.
Organizational Aspects of Risk
• Example so far focuses on physical level
• Also requirements and control responsibilities at management
level to satisfy system safety requirements
• Can identify unsafe control actions and causal scenarios at
higher levels of the control structure (perform a risk analysis)
and build in controls to prevent them
• Behavior and control structures change over time
– Prevent migration to higher levels of risk
– Detect when occurs
© Copyright Nancy Leveson, Aug. 2006
Additional information in:
Nancy Leveson, Engineering a Safer World:
(Systems Thinking Applied to Safety)
MIT Press, January 2012