Agents That Affect Bone Mineral Homeostasis Functions of the bone: 1. Principal structural support for the body 2. Ca and PO4 reservoir 3. Space for hematopoesis Two hormones serve as principal regulators of Ca & P homeostasis: parathyroid hormone (PTH) & vitamin D (active metabolite) Certain of secondary regulators— calcitonin, glucocorticoids & estrogens—are useful therapeutically 2 Some mechanisms contributing to bone mineral homeostasis. 3 4 Actions of PTH & vitamin D on gut, bone, & kidney. PTH Vitamin D Intestine ↑ Ca & P absorption (by ↑ ↑ Ca & P absorption by 1,25 [OH]2D 1,25(OH)2D production) Kidney ↓ Ca excretion, ↑ P excretion Ca & P excretion may be ↓ by 25(OH)D & 1,25(OH)2D Bone Ca & P resorption ↑ by high doses. Low doses may ↑ bone formation ↑ Ca & P resorption by 1,25(OH)2D; bone formation may be ↑ by 24,25(OH)2D Net effect Serum Ca↑, serum P ↓ on serum levels Serum Ca & P both ↑ 5 6 7 CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY Conditions that alter bone mineral homeostasis: Effects on bone can result in: osteoporosis (abnormal loss of bone; remaining bone histologically normal) osteomalacia (abnormal bone formation due to inadequate mineralization) osteitis fibrosa (excessive bone resorption with fibrotic replacement of resorption cavities) 8 Osteomalacia Osteitis fibrosa cystica 9 ABNORMAL SERUM Ca & P LEVELS 10 HYPERCALCEMIA Hypercalcemia causes CNS depression, including coma, & is potentially lethal Arrhythmia cardiovascular collapse give MgSO4 (IV) to offset the dynamic effect Major causes (other than thiazide therapy) are hyperparathyroidism & cancer with or without bone metastases Less common causes are hypervitaminosis D, sarcoidosis, thyrotoxicosis, milk-alkali syndrome - seldom require emergency ↓ of serum Ca (with exception of hypervitaminosis D) Ca X PO4 must be < 55 mg2/dL2 in order to prevent ectopic calcification in soft vital tissues 11 Treatment of hypercalcemia 1. Saline Diuresis 500-1000 mL/h of saline to reverse dehydration & restore urine flow + loop diuretic to ↑urine flow but also ↓Ca reabsorption in ascending limb of loop of Henle 2. If more prolonged treatment of hypercalcemia is required: 1. Bisphosphonates Etidronate in saline IV for 3 days. Pamidronate appears to be more effective 12 Bisphosphonates MOA: inhibit bone resorption less than 10% of an oral dose of these drugs is absorbed. Food reduces absorption even further empty stomach. That’s why: pamidronate is not available as an oral preparation. all currently available bisphosphonates have this complication (with the possible exception of etidronate) Nearly half of the absorbed drug accumulates in bone; C/I: Decreased renal function, esophageal motility disorders, and peptic ulcer disease are the main 13 3. Calcitonin: ancillary treatment. effect lasts for 6-10 hours. Calcimar (salmon calcitonin) is available for parenteral & nasal administration (preferred) MOA: (1) inhibits osteoclastic bone resorption ((although with time both resorption and firmation of bone are reduced) (2) In kidney: Reduces Ca and PO4 reabsorption Useful for the treament of Paget’s disease, Hypercalcemia and osteoporossis 14 4. Gallium Nitrate (IV) Acts by (-) bone resorption Due to nephrotoxicity, patients should be wellhydrated & have good renal output before starting infusion 15 5. Plicamycin(Mithramycin): (risk of thrombocytopenia followed by hemorrhage), hepatic & renal toxicity 6. Phosphate: IV is hazardous procedure if not done properly: sudden hypocalcaemia, ectopic calcification, acute renal failure, hypotension Must be given slowly (6-8 hrs) then switch to oral phosphate Very risky 16 7. Glucocorticoids: Glucocorticoid hormones alter bone mineral homeostasis by: 1. antagonizing vitamin Dstimulated intestinal calcium transport, 2. by stimulating renal calcium excretion, and by 3. blocking bone formation no clear role in acute treatment of hypercalcemia. However, chronic hypercalcemia may respond within several days to glucocorticoid therapy Prednisone (30-60 mg/day) 17 HYPOCALCEMIA Main features (neuromsucular): tetany, paresthesias, laryngospasm, muscle cramps, & convulsions Major causes in adult: hypoparathyroidism, vitamin D deficiency, chronic kidney disease & malabsorption, infusions of citrated blood Neonatal hypocalcemia usually resolves without therapy Treatment: Ca & vitamin D (or its metabolites) 18 Treatment of Hypocalcemia 1. Calcium: IV: gluceptate, gluconate, chloride. Gluconate is the preferred form (less irritating to veins) Rapid infusion can lead to cardiac arrhythmias Oral: carbonate, lactate, phosphate, citrate Carbonate is preparation of choice: high % of Ca, ready availability, low cost, & antacid properties Treatment: Severe symptomatic hypocalcemia: slow infusion of 5-20 mL of 10% Ca gluconate. Avoid rapid infusion (cardiac arrhythmias) Less severe cases: oral Ca (carbonate to provide 400-1200mg of elemental Ca 19 2. Vitamin D 1,25(OH)2D3 (calcitriol), is the metabolite of choice for rapid action (↑serum Ca within 24-48 hrs). Also ↑ serum P but usually not observed early in treatment Combined effects of calcitriol on both Ca & P make careful monitoring of serum Ca × P product important to avoid ectopic calcification 20 HYPERPHOSPHATEMIA Causes: renal failure, hypoparathyroidism & vitamin D intoxication Emergency treatment: by dialysis or glucose & insulin infusions Chronic treatment: 1.↓ dietary phosphate 2. Ca supplements 3. Al(OH)3-containing antacids (potential to induce Al-associated bone disease) 4. Phosphate-binding gels (Sevelamer) 21 Diet Management of hyperphosphatemia Minimize (but not avoid: cheese (no more than 1 oz per day, milk (250 mL per day), egg (no more than 1 per day- maximum 3-4 per week), heart, liver, kidney (no more than once per fortnight Avoid: Pilchards, Sardines, Kippers, Herrings, Whitebait, Sprats, Fish Roe, Prawns or Crab, All Bran., Cocoa powder, Horlicks and Ovaltine, Evaporated milk, Chocolate (especially milk) and Fudge, Chocolate spread, Peanut butter, Nuts, popcorn. 22 Hypophosphatemia Causes: e.g. hyperparathyroidism, vitamin D deficiency, idiopathic hypercalciuria, vitamin D-resistant rickets, various other forms of renal phosphate wasting Leads to: reduction in the intracellular levels of ATP, interfere with normal hemoglobin-to-tissue oxygen transfer, and Rhabdomyolysis 1. 2. 3. Treatment: Depending on the clinical situation, replacement options include dietary phosphate, oral phosphate preparations, and IV phosphate 23 SPECIFIC DISORDERS INVOLVING THE BONE MINERAL-REGULATING HORMONES 24 NUTRITIONAL VITAMIN D DEFFICIENCY Vitamin D deficiency in pediatric & geriatric populations on vegetarian diets & with ↓sunlight exposure Prevention: 800-1200 units/d of vitamin D Treatment: higher dosages (4000 units/d) 25(OH)D No other metabolite is indicated Diet should also contain adequate amounts of Ca & P 25 26 CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE Major problems: loss of 1,25(OH)2D & 24,25(OH)2D production, retention of P →↓ionized Ca levels → 2ry hyperparathyroidism With loss of 1,25(OH)2D production, < Ca is absorbed from intestine & < bone is resorbed under influence of PTH → hypocalcemia → exacerbation of hyperparathyroidism Bones show mixture of osteomalacia & osteitis fibrosa Less commonly hypercalcemia (adynamic bone disease) 27 Use of Vitamin D Preparations Vitamin D in patients with substantial degree of renal failure cannot be converted to its active metabolites Two analogs of calcitriol, doxercalciferol & paricalcitol, are approved for the treatment of 2ry hyperparathyroidism of chronic renal failure. They are less likely to induce hypercalcemia 28 Use of Vitamin D Preparations 1,25(OH)2D3 (calcitriol) rapidly corrects hypocalcemia & at least partially reverses 2ry hyperparathyroidism & osteitis fibrosa. ↑ serum Ca in 1-2 days Dihydrotachysterol, analog of 1,25(OH)2D, is equally effective. ↑Ca in 1-2 weeks Neither calcitriol, nor dihydrotachysterol correct osteomalacia, & neither should be used in patients with hypercalcemia Calcifediol (25[OH]D3) is < effective than calcitriol in stimulating intestinal calcium transport → < hypercalcemia requires several weeks to restore normocalcemia 29 INTESTINAL OSTEODYSTROPHY 1. 2. Malabsorption of Ca & vitamin D →combination of osteoporosis & osteomalacia Liver disease may: ↓production of 25(OH)D from vitamin D Impaired secretion into bile of vitamin D metabolites & conjugates → deplete body of endogenous vitamin D & metabolites In mild forms of malabsorption, vitamin D can be used. In severe disease: calcitriol & calcifediol 30 INTESTINAL OSTEODYSTROPHY 1. 2. Malabsorption of Ca & vitamin D →combination of osteoporosis & osteomalacia Liver disease may: ↓production of 25(OH)D from vitamin D Impaired secretion into bile of vitamin D metabolites & conjugates → deplete body of endogenous vitamin D & metabolites In mild forms of malabsorption, vitamin D can be used. In severe disease: calcitriol & calcifediol 31 OSTEOPOROSIS Osteoporosis is abnormal loss of bone predisposing to fractures. Occurs in: postmenopausal women older men Chronic/long term glucocorticoids therapy hyperparathyroidism malabsorption syndrome 32 Postmenopausal osteoporosis may be accompanied by ↓1,25(OH)2D levels & ↓intestinal Ca transport Estrogen deficiency → best treated with cyclic doses of estrogen The most rapid loss of bone occurs within the first 5 years after menopause → administration of estrogens after this time may be < effective. If estrogens are discontinued, accelerated bone loss may occur → treatment with estrogens should be started shortly after onset of menopause & may need to be continued for life 33 Risk of endometrial carcinoma is minimized by addition of a progestin Estrogen therapy may be reserved for women with ↓bone mineral content at the time of menopause or those who lose bone rapidly in the first year after it Treatment may reinitiate menstrual bleeding. Other complications: hypertension & thrombophlebitis Small ↑risk (if it exists at all) of breast cancer is outweighed by ↓ risk of osteoporosis 34 Vitamin D is often employed + dietary Ca supplementation In several large studies, vitamin D supplementation (400-800 IU/d) has been shown to be useful Calcitriol & its analog 1α(OH)D3 ↑bone mass & ↓ fractures Use of these agents for osteoporosis is not FDA-approved, though they are used in other countries 35 Fluoride: the only agent that can directly (+) bone formation →↑ bone density Calcitonin is approved for use in treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Reduces bone resorption Bisphosphonates: Alendronate & most recently, risedronate, are approved for treatment of osteoporosis Raloxifene, SERM, without adverse effects on breast or uterus, has been approved for prevention (not treatment) of osteoporosis Like estrogen, ↑bone density & ↓fractures in spine. However, ↑risk of thrombophlebitis 36 PAGET'S DISEASE OF BONE This is a disease of bone that initially results in the excessive resorption of bone (by osteoclasts) followed by the replacement of normal bone marrow with vascular and fibrous tissue. Many patients are asymptomatic and diagnosed by routine X-rays. The goal of treatment: ↓ bone pain & prevent progressive deformity, hearing loss, high-output cardiac failure, & immobilization hypercalcemia Calcitonin & bisphosphonates are DOC Treatment failures may respond to plicamycin (highly toxic) 37 Paget’s disease of bone 38 Calcitonin is administered intranasally, SC or IM Sodium etidronate, alendronate, risedronate, & tiludronate are bisphosphonates currently approved for this condition in the USA Pamidronate is used in other countries Etidronate, but not pamidronate & alendronate can cause osteomalacia & ↑incidence of fractures Alendronate & newer bisphosphonates cause gastric irritation when used at high doses 39