BioCog: Biomarker-based Outcome Prediction of Postoperative Cognitive Disorders Georg Winterer Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine BioCog: New Research Program Goals: Establish a large Biobank: Postoperative Cognitive Disorders (Neuroimaging & Molecular Biomarkers) Biomarker-based Outcome Prediction Understanding the Pathology 2-Level Procedure: A. Conducting a Series of (smaller) Stand-Alone Studies B. In parallel, collecting Material for Building a large Biorepository Postoperative Cognitive Disorders Postoperative cognitive impairment is characterized by the progressive deterioration of sensory and cognitive function following surgery with incidences of up to 30-80% Postoperative Cognitive Delirium POD Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction POCD DSM-IV: 293.0 DSM-IV: 294.0 Acute Chronic Postoperative Cognitive Disorders Association of POD & POCD1 In N = 948 non-cardiac surgical patients with cognitive assessment at 3 months follow up POCD occurred: - in 19% with no documented prior delirium - in 32% after short delirium duration (1–2 days) - in 55% after more-prolonged delirium Association of POD & Dementia2 OR = 12.52 [95% CI, 1.86-84.21] of POD and subsequent dementia after 3.2 and 5.0 years of follow-up (corrected for baseline dementia, severity of illness, age) 1 ISPOCD1 study: Rudolph et al Anaesthesia 2008 63:941-47 et al JAMA 2010 304:443-51 2 Meta-analysis: Witlox Postoperative Cognitive Disorders: Multimorbid Condition Multiple Factors* associated with POD/POCD3 - age per se inflammation extent of surgical trauma (inflammatory response) cholinergic parameters: (e.g. anticholinergic medication) diabetes/life style cardiovascular/hypovolemic shock neuropsychiatric disorders (depression, alcoholism, dementia etc.) These factors have been implicated in the development of (Alzheimer) „dementia“ POD = Acute Model Condition of Chronic (multimorbid) Dementia * Explained variance unknown 3Deiner & Silverstein Br JAnaesth 2009 103 Suppl 1:141-46 Pathophysiogical/Molecular Mechanisms of Interest Cholinergic Mechanisms • Anticholinergic (pre-)medication POD/POCD • Serum anticholinergic activity is associated with delirium • Age-related decrease of cholinergic brain function (Ncl basalis Meynert) Alzheimer Disease (treatment: cholinergic agonists) Inflammatory Response Mechanisms • Surgical trauma (systemic) inflammatory response POCD • Mouse model: Systemic inflammation delirium (cognitive dysfunction) with prior decreased cholinergic brain function • Acetylcholine ( via nACHRA7) attenuates release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, macrophage migration into hippocampus/cognitive decline 4Field et al J Neurosci 2012 32:6288-94 Cholinergic-Inflammatory Interface: when cytokines and acetylcholine collide Postoperative Cognitive Disorders: Biomarkers POD/POCD: Clinical Observations and some Experimental Animal Data but: very few (small) Biomarker Studies so far Biomarkers: Tests to follow Body Processes and Diseases - Risk/Clinical Outcome Predictors Treatment Response Predictors - Molecular Biomarkers (e.g. Genes,Proteins) Brain Imaging Biomarkers (structural/functional) Understand/Predict the Disease Process Support/Speed-up Drug Development Javitt et al Nature Rev Drug Development 2008 Postoperative Cognitive Disorders: Neuroimaging vs Molecular Biomarkers Neuroimaging Biomarkers: Window into the brain: - allows studying abnormal brain structure and function with high sensitivity In part independent of specific molecular pathology Molecular Biomarkers: - Tracking specific molecular processes Limited sensitvity (plasma) because of blood-brain barrier (except CSF) Postoperative Cognitive Disorders: Structural Neuroimaging Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) Cortical/hippocampal Volume N = 123 normal elderly (NL) vs N = 41 patients with minimal cognitive impairment (MCI) Age: 55-90 years pre- vs postsurgery (5-9 months) Postsurgical atrophy in NL and MCI but cognitive decline only in MCI Problems: Sample size/heterogeneity, lack of sensitivity of structural MRI Kline et al Anesthesiology 2012 Cognitive Performance Postoperative Cognitive Disorders: Structural Neuroimaging Study Design Improvements: - Prospective POD/POCD study design rather than retrospective study - Increase sample size - Reduce clinical variance (post-operative interval, age group etc.) - Reduce technical variance (multicenter design N > 10 inappropriate) - Add targeted high-resolution scans (e.g. Ncl. Basalis Meynert*) Add functional Neuroimaging/Electrophysiology with generally higher sensitivity compared to structural MRI * Ncl. Basalis Meynert = main cholinergic input to cortex Postoperative Cognitive Disorders: Electrophysiology/Functional Imaging Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL): - Vascular perfusion imaging (without contrast agent) - In Alzheimer Disease (AD), excellent agreement with gold standard (FDG-PET) to measure hypoperfusion - No POD/POCD studies yet Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI): - Excellent spatial resolution of BOLD fMRI studies - In AD, abnormal frontoparietal/mediotemporal activation/functional connectivity during memory tasks/resting state in AD (risk) - No POD/POCD studies yet Altered ASL/fMRI patterns in POD/POCD (risk) are likely because two small (and older) SPECT/Xenon perfusion studies indicated decreased perfusion in critical brain regions PharmfMRI: Ncl. Basalis Meynert Ncl. Basalis Meynert = main cholinergic input to cortex 10 never-smokers vs 13 regular smokers In smokers, higher activation in Ncl. Basalis Meynert Vossel et al. J Psychopharmacol (2010) National DFG Priority Program: Nicotine: Molecular & Physiological Effects in CNS DFG study conducted at Helmholtz Research Center Jülich PharmfMRI: Opposite Nicotine Response in High vs Low Performers Study Design: Nicotine (Nasal Spray 1mg) vs Placebo (Cross-Over) Visual Oddball Task (Selective Attention) R = 0.41 P = 0.009 R = 0.34 P = 0.03 High Activation in Poor Performer (Reaction Time/Variability) and vice versa Group Level fMRI Analysis: Increased Activation with Nicotine N = 19 Smokers, N = 22 Never-Smokers (Selected from a large Population-Based Sample N =2400) Warbrick et al Psychopharmacology (2011) National DFG Priority Program: Nicotine: Molecular & Physiological Effects in CNS DFG study conducted at Helmholtz Research Center Jülich CHRNA4 & Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) - Imaging Genetics Nicotinic CHRNA4 Exon 5 SNP: rs1044396 P = 0.042 Frontal P = 0.047 Parietal N = 47 Healthy Subjects, Visual Oddball task) Winterer et al (2007) Human Molecular Genetics National DFG Priority Program: Nicotine: Molecular & Physiological Effects in CNS Simultaneous fMRI/EEG Acquisition Employed Task Conditions: Resting, Oddball, Posner, N-Back, Verbal Memory Laser-Stimulation (Pain) EEG/ERP Continuous EEG-Recording during MR-Scan. Sampling: 5000Hz MR Volume-triggered Stimulus Presentation 32-Channel BrainCap MR fMRI EPI Sequence: 33 Slices (3mm) TR = 2000ms Helium Pump switched off! Siemens Magnetom Trio Additional Physiological /Stress Monitoring: Electrodermal Activity (EDA), ECG, RR, SO2 Partnership in Product Development Why simultaneous fMRI/EEG? With nicotine challenge, EEG-informed fMRI is more sensitive than either modality alone N = 32 (19 Smokers) (From Population-Based Sample) Warbrick et al J Cogn Neurosci (2011) National DFG Priority Program: Nicotine: Molecular & Physiological Effects in CNS DFG study conducted at Helmholtz Research Center Jülich Why simultaneous fMRI/EEG? While it is not yet entirely clear whether fMRI is abnormal in POD/POCD, EEG is heavily altered in various types of delirium/dementia incl. POD/POCD • Quantitative EEG (QEEG) predicts short-term/longterm cognitive decline in normal elderly, MCI patients and AD • Resting QEEG predicts cognitive decline (dementia) in normal elderly with a sensitivity of 88.9% and a specificity of 84.3% with 7-9 years follow-up • Preoperative resting QEEG slowing predicts POCD, while intraoperative EEG slowing predicts POD Luckhaus et al Int J Geriatr Psychiat 2008 23:1148-55; Prichep et al Neurobiol Aging 2006 27:471-81; Hofsté et al Int J Clin Monit Comput 1997 14:29-36 Subanesthetic Ketamine Challenge: Pharmacological Model of POD Functional Connectivity (Small World Properties) of Ketamine Effects Resting State: EEG-informed fMRI Analysis Normalized Cluster Coefficient Ketamine Delirium Reaction more frequent in Elderly NMDA-blockade: Desinhibition of GABAergic Interneurons Benzodiazepines can worsen delirium Increased „Clustering“ i.e., Communication in Visual Cortex (hallucinations?) Contrast Ketamine > Placebo: 1-70Hz, Z > 2.3, corrected Within-subject cross-over design (N = 12) Musso et al. NeuroImage 2011, Musso et al (in preparation) Postoperative Cognitive Disorders: Molecular Biomarkers Genetics: No genetic risk markers have yet been associated with POD/POCD Genomewide association studies (GWAS) currently not feasible because sufficiently large (international) samples are missing Systems Candidate Gene Approach:* Genetic Biomarker DNA: e.g. Sequencing all cholinergic genes (exons, promoters = 46.7Kb) to capture common and rare variants Genetic Biomarker RNA: e.g. Sequencing transcripts from peripheral blood (approx. 80% of genes expressed in blood cells are shared with brain tissue) * Other potential candidate genes: genes coding for proteins involved in inflammatory response Molecular Biomarkers: Specific Molecular Mechanisms Plasma/CSF Markers: Plasma markers have the advantage that they can be easily (and repeatedly), however, large samples required (blood-brain barrier etc) CSF markers* more closely reflect CNS pathology Markers that have been associated with POD/POCD: Inflammation: CRP/pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines/TNF/interleukins (IL-8) Cholinergic: anticholinergic activity (acetylcholine esterase) Others: HbA1c//cholesterol/triglycerides/cortisol/fasting glucose/HVA/cortisol Potential candidates: Additional inflammation markers incl. migration factors/cytokine products, signature of the action of macrophage-derived pro-inflammatory cytokines Others: Oxidative stress markers, AD-markers (Phospho-Tau etc.) *Spinal anesthesia allows collecting CSF markers (incidence of POD is comparable for spinal vs general anesthesia) Small Scale BioCog: Research Program - Design Imaging Drug Challenge Studies CSF Studies (with Imaging) N ~ 50-200 Large Scale Exploratory Drug Trials (with Imaging) Biorepository: Blood (DNA, RNA), Plasma Pre-Surgery - 1 Day Post Surgery - 4 Weeks Post Surgery Neuroimaging-Backbone (MRI, ASL, EEG/fMRI) Training Set: N = 400 Test Set: N = 1200 N = 1600 2013 2018 Biomarker Establishment Industry-standard biomarker development requires taking the technical, biometrical and organisational steps to ensure that valid biomarkers are selected • Standardized data collection/analysis - with advice from European Medicines Agency (EMA) • Training set (N = 400), test set (N = 1200) after optimization of data analysis/reduction of multivariate solution space • Deliverables: reference ranges, sensitivity and specificity with receiver operating characteristic (ROC), positive and negative predictive values (PPV, NPV), false discovery rate (FDR), reliability BioCog: Perspective • BioCog is being established because of the unmet need (Outcome Prediction, Treatment) • We anticipate that one group (e.g. Charité group) will not be sufficient to address this unmet need alone • We suggest to give this effort an international dimension (Europe and beyond) Utrecht (Arjen Slooter) has already joined forces Biobanking POD/POCD: Establish a European Biobank Collecting a minimum of data/specimen according to a common Protocol/Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) across sites Adapted from: National DFG Priority Program: Nicotine: Molecular & Physiological Effects in CNS Thank you for your attention! Georg Winterer & COCI/PoDeCoD Group Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin Campus Virchow Klinikum and Campus Charité Mitte, Berlin, Germany Contact and/or