POSTOPERATIVE CARE OF THE GERIATRIC PATIENT AGS Maria-Karnina Iskandar, MD Amit Patel, MD Konstantin Balonov Anesthesiology Residents Ruben J. Azocar, MD Associate Professor of Anesthesiology THE AMERICAN GERIATRICS SOCIETY Geriatrics Health Professionals. Leading change. Improving care for older adults. OBJECTIVES • Review the impact of postoperative complications in the elderly • Discuss the most common postoperative issues in the elderly • Review the issues related to postoperative delirium and postoperative cognitive dysfunction Slide 2 DEVIATION FROM THE ROUTINE • Geriatric patients compensate on a daily basis for physiological declines in every organ system • Periods of extreme stress, such as surgery and anesthesia, can decompensate the older adult • In 2005, patients over 65 years accounted for approximately 7 million surgeries/year (3.6 times more than patients <65) Slide 3 Number of Complications per 1000 Surgeries EFFECT OF AGE AND DISEASE ON RISK OF PERIOPERATIVE COMPLICATIONS Number of Comorbidities Can Anaesth Soc J. 1986;33:336. Slide 4 5 PREOPERATIVE VISIT • Review comorbidities and their current state • Assess functional, cognitive and nutritional status • Provide recommendations to prevent perioperative complications Slide 5 IMPLICATIONS OF COMPLICATIONS • 30-day mortality for 60-year-olds vs. patients 801 1.1% vs. 3.7% if no complications 15.1% vs. 26.1% if ≥1 complications 3-month mortality in patients 70 vs. nonsurgical controls2 2.9 hazard ratio if no complications 7.3 hazard ratio if ≥1 complications • If survive 3 months, complications minimally increase subsequent mortality • Diminished functional status/↑dependency compared to patients with no complications 1. Hamel M et al. JAGS. 2005;53:424. 2. Kawalpreet M et al. Anesth Analg. 2003;96:583. Slide 6 WHICH COMPLICATIONS ARE SEVERE? • Heart failure: incidence of 5% in some studies, with mortality as high as 65%1 • Pulmonary: 2.4 hazard ratio for death2 • Renal: 6.1 hazard ratio for death2 • Infection: UTI just as likely to lead to death as deep surgical wound infection is3 • CNS: stroke, delirium, post-op cognitive dysfunction 1. Roche JJ et al. BMJ 2005;331:1374. 2. Kawalpreet M et al. Anesth Analg. 2003;96:583. 3. Hamel M et al. JAGS. 2005;53:424. Slide 7 AGE AND PERIOPERATIVE COMPLICATIONS Complication Rate (%) Mortality from the Complication (%) Age <80 Age ≥80 Age <80 Age ≥80 Myocardial infarction 0.4 1.0 37.1 48.0 Cardiac arrest 0.9 2.1 80.0 88.2 Pneumonia 2.3 5.6 19.8 29.2 >48 hours on ventilator 2.1 3.5 30.1 38.5 Cerebrovascular accident 0.3 0.7 26.1 39.3 Prolonged Ileus 1.2 1.7 9.2 16 Complication Hamel M et al. JAGS. 2005;53:424. Slide 8 CV COMPLICATIONS (1 of 3) • Most frequent: hypertension or hypotension • Second most frequent: dysrhythmias • Third most frequent: ischemia Slide 9 CV COMPLICATIONS (2 of 3) • Common causes of hypotension Chronic medications (eg, levodopa, bromocriptine, tricyclic antidepressants) Altered pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics causing prolonged/residual effects • Common causes of dysrhythmias Hypoxia, hypercarbia Electrolyte imbalance, metabolic alkalosis/acidosis Preexisting cardiac disease Slide 10 CV COMPLICATIONS (3 of 3) • HR and rhythm can have greater impact on BP than in younger patients • Treatment: Be more cautious than in younger patients about administering IVF as first-line treatment Consider increasing heart rate and peripheral vasoconstriction (alpha-adrenergics or mixed alpha/beta-agonists) Utilize Trendelenburg position as adjuvant Slide 11 PULMONARY COMPLICATIONS (1 of 2) Why are geriatric patients more at risk of post-op pneumonia, hypoxemia, hypoventilation, and atelectasis? • Decline in pulmonary reserve, increased V/Q mismatch • Diminished hypoxic & hypercapnic ventilatory drive • Altered pharmacology of anesthetic drugs intraoperatively, causing residual/prolonged effects • Decrease in laryngeal reflexes makes them more prone to aspiration Slide 12 PULMONARY COMPLICATIONS (2 of 2) • Patients at most risk are those with: CHF Arrhythmias Dementia CVA Seizure disorder Emergency surgery • Inappropriate reversal of neuromuscular blockade: subclinical paralysis might interfere with respiratory muscles and lead to atelectasis Slide 13 RENAL COMPLICATIONS • Geriatric patients are more at risk of post-op renal dysfunction Aging process changes renal circulation and tubular function Patient-related factors: HTN, DM, CRI Intraoperative factors: prolonged hypotension, massive transfusions • Consider placing Foley in at-risk patients, to monitor urine output throughout perioperative period Slide 14 TIME FRAME OF DELIRIUM AND POST-OP COGNITIVE DYSFUNCTION PACU 24- 72 hrs. • Emergence Delirium • POD Weeks/ Months • POCD Persistent • Dementia PACU = post-anesthesia care unit POD = post-op delirium POCD = post-op cognitive dysfunction Silverstein et al. Anesthesiology. 2007;106:622-628. Slide 15 POSTOPERATIVE DELIRIUM (POD) DSM-MS IV: A change in mental status, characterized by: • A prominent disturbance of attention and reduced clarity of awareness of the environment • An acute onset, developing within hours to days, and tends to fluctuate during the course of the day Slide 16 MAIN CLINICAL FEATURES OF POD • • • • • • • • • • • • Acute onset Fluctuating course Inattention Disorganized thinking Alteration in consciousness Cognitive deficit (memory, orientation, executive functions) Hallucinations Psychomotor disturbances Lethargy (hypoactive delirium) Agitation (hyperactive delirium) Alterations of sleep-wake cycle Emotional disturbances Slide 17 RISK FACTORS FOR POD Patient-related Other • • • • • • • • • • • • Pain Hypoxemia Hypercarbia Hypotension Metabolic disorders Sepsis Substance abuse Preexisting disease (depression/dementia) • Visual/hearing impairments Restraints Cardiac surgery CNS drugs Sleep deprivation Slide 18 PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF POD (1 of 3) Mantz J. Anesthesiology. 2010;112(1):189-195. Slide 19 PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF POD (2 of 3) • Multifactorial • Deficit in cholinergic transmission (“cholinergic hypothesis”) Acetylcholine plays important roles in attention, consciousness, and memory, and it is critically affected in dementia Anticholinergic intoxication produces a delirium that can be reversed by cholinesterase inhibitors and by the propensity of antimuscarinic drugs to induce delirium Serum anticholinergic activity is associated with delirium Cholinesterase inhibitors do not typically treat or prevent postoperative delirium Slide 20 PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF POD (3 of 3) • γ-aminobutyric acid Many sedative/hypnotics, including inhaled anesthetics, propofol, and benzodiazepines, potentiate γ-aminobutyric acid-mediated transmission through γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptors in the CNS • The monoamine transmitters have prominent neuromodulatory roles in regulating cognitive function, arousal, sleep, and mood, and they are modulated by cholinergic pathways Excess of dopaminergic transmission has been implicated in hyperactive delirium, which can respond to antipsychotic dopamine receptor antagonists such as haloperidol Slide 21 IMPACT OF POD • Morbidity Risk of injury CV/neurological events ? Post-op cognitive dysfunction after ICU delirium • Mortality • Loss of autonomy • Longer hospital stay: 6.0 days vs. 4.6 days • Nursing home placement • Health care costs: average additional cost $2,947 Slide 22 PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT OF POD • Identification of patients at risk Baseline cognitive impairment • Mini-Mental State Exam • DEAR score (Age, cognition, ADLs, hearing/visual impairment, chemical use) • Dementia/depression Consider geriatric consultation • Avoid/minimize/treat delirium-related factors • Hospital Elder Life Program Cognitive impairment, sleep deprivation, immobility, visual/hearing impairment, and dehydration Slide 23 BOSTON MEDICAL CENTER’S DELIRIUM-FREE PASSPORT • Multidisciplinary effort • Checklist at all stages of perioperative period Pilot in total knee replacement patients • Education phase Slide 24 PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT OF POST-OP DELIRIUM Preoperative Clinic • Assess for risk • DEAR score • Mini-Cog score • Medical consult • Patient/family education (verbal, brochure Preoperative Area Intraoperative PACU • Review delirium assessment • Monitor depth of anesthesia • Order set • Counseling • Maintain euvolemia • CAM score • Regional anesthesia • Avoid benzos • Assess hydration status • Monitor/treat potential causes of delirium • Avoid deliriumcausing drugs • Assessment of patients • R/O causes of delirium Postoperative • Postoperative interventions • Remove Foley • Return dentures, hearing aids, glasses • Reorientation • Family at bedside • Avoid dehydration • Remove Foley • Medication reconciliation • Return dentures, hearing aids, glasses • Pain control • Medical consult • Facilitate normal sleep cycle • Avoid delirium-causing drugs • Mobility/avoid restraints Slide 25 MORE ABOUT MANAGEMENT OF POD • Seek/treat cause Delirium is a medical emergency Medical issues are a frequent cause of delirium • Hyperactive delirium Haloperidol Atypical antipsychotics Avoid benzodiazepines Slide 26 POSTOPERATIVE COGNITIVE DYSFUNCTION (POCD) • Deterioration of intellectual function presenting as impaired memory or concentration • Not detected until days or weeks after anesthesia • Duration of several weeks to permanent • Diagnosis is warranted only if: Corroborated with neuropsychological testing There is evidence of greater memory loss than one would expect due to normal aging Slide 27 IMPLICATIONS OF POCD Abrupt decline in cognitive function heralds: • Loss of independence • Withdrawal from society Leaving the labor market prematurely Dependency on social transfer payments • Death Steinmetz J. Anesthesiology. 2009:110;548-555. Slide 28 INCIDENCE OF POCD • ISPOCD collaborative research effort 19941996 Members from 8 European countries and USA 13 hospitals • Anesthesia and surgery were associated with POCD 26% of patients at 1 week after surgery 10% of patients at 3 months after surgery • Hypotension and/or hypoxemia not related to occurrence of POCD Moller et al. Lancet. 1998:351;857-861. Slide 29 LONG-TERM FOLLOW-UP OF ISPOCD COHORT • Re-evaluated patients at 1 and 2 years • The rate of POCD decreased to approximately 1%, which was not statistically significant Abildstrom et al. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2000;44:1246-1251. Slide 30 AGE AND POCD (1 of 2) • Single site, University of Florida, 1999–2002 • 1200 patients undergoing elective surgery Young — 18 to 39 years of age Middle-aged — 40 to 59 years of age Elderly — 60 years and older • Controls — primary family members • Study design identical to ISPOCD study Same psychometric test battery Outcome endpoints: POCD (primary) and mortality (secondary) Monk et al. Anesthesiology. 2008;108:18-30. Slide 31 AGE AND POCD (2 of 2) • POCD was common in all age groups at hospital discharge (33%44%) • 3 months after surgery the incidence of POCD was: 4%5% in those younger than 65 13% in adults older than 60 years, particularly those with less than high school education Associated with increased 1-year mortality Monk et al. Anesthesiology. 2008;108:18-30. Slide 32 POCD AND NONCARDIAC SURGERY • Systematic review • POCD affects a significant proportion of people in the early weeks after major noncardiac surgery, with the older adult being more at risk • Minimal evidence that patients continue to show POCD up to 6 months and beyond • Studies on regional versus general anesthesia have not found differences in POCD Newman S. Anesthesiology. 2007;106:572-590. Slide 33 POCD • Is POCD a measurable deterioration in older patients shortly after surgery and anesthesia with gradual resolution such that the incidence declines to levels nearly indistinguishable from control subjects by approximately 1 year? • More research needed Slide 34 35 CONCLUSIONS • Surgery and anesthesia have a great impact in the decreased physiological reserve of the elderly • The number of comorbidities plays an important role in the incidence of complications • CNS, cardiac, pulmonary and renal complications have the greatest impact in the older individual ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Supported by a grant from the Geriatric Education for Specialty Residents Program (GSR), which is administered by the American Geriatrics Society and funded by the John A. Hartford Foundation of New York City Slide 36 THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME! Visit us at: Slide 37