Macao Blood Transfusion Service, Macao Health Bureau Components of Blood Blood Blood vessel Plasma WBC Platelets RBC Functions of Blood RBC Hemoglobin Function: O2 delivery Given to patients with low Hemoglobin level. Tissue Functions of Blood WBC Function: Help the body fight infection and other diseases, as part of the immune system Platelets Function: Prevent and stop bleeding For patients undergoing treatment for cancer and those with platelets dysfunction. Functions of Blood Plasma Contain: Water, Protein, clotting factors and salt. Function: transport blood cell,nutrients, enzymes and plasma hormones etc. For treatment of coagulation disorders. A pos RBC Blood Group Blood Group Blood group Determined by the presence of different proteins on the Group A Group B red cell membrane. A antigen- group A B antigen- group B A and B antigen- group AB None – group O Group AB Group O Rh Blood Group System Rh Blood Group System One of the 23 known D antigen blood group systems. Consist of 45 different RhD positive antigens. Clinical significant antigens: D、C、c、E、 No Dantigen e. D antigen is the most important. RhD negative RhD negative Variations of % RhD negative between 澳門市民負型血型的百分比 populations: Caucasians: 15% Asian: 0.3 to 0.5% 0.47% 99.53% 正型血型 負型血型 Rh blood group of Macao population Introduction Established in 1988. A government department. Supplies blood and blood components to the hospitals in Macao free of charge. The only institution in Macao authorized to collect blood and provide blood transfusion service. A member of ISBT, AABB and China Society of Blood Transfusion. Functions of Macao Blood Transfusion Centre Promotion and Education. Recruitment of voluntary non-remunerated blood donors. Blood donors service. Blood collection. Preparation and storage of blood. Quality assurance. Training. Hospital service. Promotion of Good Transfusion Practice. Blood Donation Policy Non-remunerated Voluntary Anonymous Who may donate blood? Healthy 17 – 69 yrs Weight: 45Kg Hb: 12.5g/dl 13.5g/dl Interval: 3 months for male 4 months for female 血液發放 Envio de sangue / Issue of blood Statistics 2008 17- 69 yrs Issued to hospitals: 12702 units 421,608 Donors 2.5% 12353 Blood units 10546 Give Blood and Save lives !!