Musculoskeletal Problems NUR 302 Unit IV Neurovascular Assessment 5 Ps Pain Pulses Pallor Paresthesia Paralysis or decr motor strength Sprains & Strains Sprain: injury to ligaments around joint Strain: stretching of a muscle & sheath S/S: pain, edema, decr function, bruising Health promotion: warm up exercises Care: rest, elevate, ice, compression, analgesics, after 24-48hrs heat, PT Dislocation & Subluxation Dislocation: complete separation of articular surfaces of joint Subluxation: partial displacement Realign & reduce joint ASAP- prevent avascular necrosis Relieve pain, support & protect joint, prevent contractures Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Compression of median nerve under the transverse carpal ligament in wrist S/S: weakness esp thumb, pain & numbness, clumsiness, + Phalen’s sign, + Tinel’s sign Educate about risks, wrist splint, stop aggravating action, hydrocortisone, surgery, eval of neurovascular status Repetitive Strain Injury Cumulative trauma to tendons, ligaments, muscles-> tiny tears, inflammation, scarring S/S: pain, weakness, numbness, impaired function Education, approp job design, avoid precipitating activity, PT, careful use of analgesia Rotator Cuff Injury Complex of 4 muscles that stabilize & rotate humerus, tear gradual, degenerative or from trauma Pain, can’t abduct arm or shoulder MRI, arthrogram Rest, ice & heat, NSAID, corticosteroid injections, PT Surgery, shoulder immobilizer, PT Meniscus Injury Meniscus- fibrous cartilage in knee, injured by rotational stress when knee is flexed & foot fixed. Tenderness, pain at abduction & adduction of leg at knee, knee unstable Arthroscopy, arthrogram, MRI Ice, immobilize, crutches, PT, surgery Bursitis Inflammation of bursae from trauma, friction, gout, rh.arthritis, infection Warmth, swelling, pain, decr ROM Rest, ice, immobilize, NSAIDs Aspiration of bursae fluid, cortisone injections, bursectomy Muscle Spasms Pain, palpable muscle mass, tenderness, decr ROM, limited ADL H&P – R/O CNS problems PT – heat or ice, exercise, massage, hydrotherapy, ultrasound, bracing Meds – mild analgesics, NSAIDs, skeletal muscle relaxants Bone Cancer Multiple Myeloma- plasma cell cancer invades bone marrow S/S- back pain , anemia, blding tendencies Dx- biopsy Prognosis- poor Tx- Chemo, radiation, corticosteroids Bone Cancer Osteogenic Sarcoma- primary tumor, grows fast, long bones, distal femor Children & young adults, age 10-25 S/S- gradual pain, swelling, after injury Tx- pre-op chemo then resection of tumor, amputation Bone Cancer Osteoclastoma- destructive, occurs in ends long bones Age 20-35 S/S- swelling pain, joint problems Dx- biopsy, x-ray-> bone destruction & expanded bone ends Rx- surg curettage, bone graft, chemo Can reoccur Ewing’s Sarcoma Rapid growth of medullary cavity of long bone Metastasis early esp lungs S/S:pain, swelling, paplable soft tissue mass, incr size affected part, fever, leukocytosis Tx: radiation, chemo, resection or amputation Amputation Indications- circul impairment, tumors, uncontrolled infection, cong disorders Assess for potential for revasculariz. therapy by arteriogram Explain reason for amputation, reassure, rehab, answer questions Manage underlying diseases Nursing Care Assessment- dx tests, labs, swelling, jt function, s/s mets Pain- medicate, gentle handling extremity, rest Care of pt receiving chemo, radiation Psychol support Care off pt with amputation Nursing Care Dsg change- sterile technique, molding limb with compression bandage Immediate post-op fitting in OR or delayed fitting Prevent flexion contractures- avoid sitting in chair with hips flexed or pillow under stump, prone 30min, 3-4X/day Teach transfer to chair, ROM, arm strength, crutch walking, refer to prosthetics Nursing Care H Promotion- teach diabetic, PVD pts & families foot care, assessment Psychol support- depression, grieving, body image disturbance Pre-op- upper extrem strengthening, explain post-op care, phantom pain Post-op- hemorrhage- check VS, dsg very thick, notify MD, tourniquet Osteomyelitis Enter via arterial bld supply-> stay in area of decr circulation-> infection incr pres in bone-> ischemia-> bone death-> bone separates-> forms sequestra Acute s/s- systemic- fever chills, nausea, malaise & local- bone pain, swelling, tenderness, warmth, drainage Chronic- pus -> ischemia-> granulation tissue turns to scar ->infection unreachable by meds Osteomyelitis Dx- wound, bld,sequestrum C&S, bone biopsy, elev WBC & sed rate, no s/s on x-rays til 10 days-wks, seen on nuclear bone scans 24-72 hrs, CT& MRI Rx- antibiotics- central line IV, continue at home 4-6 wks or 3-6 months, surg debridement, wound irrig, hyperbaric O2 Nursing Care Teach jt replacemt pts s/s infection & prophylactic antibiotics teeth cleaning, procedures etc Pain- gentle moving of extremity, elevate, correct alignment, immobilize Dressings- sterile, wet-dry, vac system Teach meds, care of venous access device, nutrition, follow up care Acute Low Back Pain Risk factors- lack of muscle tone, excess wt, poor posture, smoking, job, long sitting, stress Injury->s/s develop later due to grad increase in muscle spasm Rx- analgesics, NSAIDs, muscle relaxants, corset. Severe pain- bed rest, epidural corticosteroid & anesthetic Health Promotion- body mechanics, exercise Chronic Low Back Pain Degen disc disease, injury, obesity, posture, lack of exercise, systemic disease Hern disc- back pain with buttock & leg pain, paresthesia, muscle weakness Dx- x-rays, MRI, CT, myelogram, EMG Tx- rest, corset, heat or ice, NSAIDs, muscle relaxants Chronic Back Pain Progressive worsening or loss of bladder/bowel control-> surgery Percutaneous laser diskectomy Diskectomy or microsurgical diskectomy Laminectomy Spinal fusion Stable Vertebral Fractures Disrupted ligament -> unstable Complication fx displacement ->spinal cord injury Keep spine in proper alignment, assess neurovas status, bladder & bowel Log rolling, no trapeze, heat, traction, no turning of torso or upright position, orthotic device, jacket cast, halo vest Spinal Surgery Nursing Care Bed rest (flat) 1-2 days, logroll, position Muscle spasm- meds, correct turning Leakage CSF->headache, report Neuro s/s- movement, sensation, strength q24h, compare with pre-op Assess paralytic ileus, bladder emptying Spinal fusion- orthosis, check donor site Teach- avoid sit/stand long, body mechanics Foot Problems See table 59-22 Health Promotion- proper fitting shoes Post-op- elevate, check neuovas status, pins/wires may extend thru toes, dressings, slipper, boot or cast, crutches, don’t walk on heel Teach hygiene, trim toe nails straight across, see podiatrist if poor circulation Osteoporosis Low bone mass, structural deterioration of bone tissue-> increased bone fragility Elderly & post-menopausal women fx hip, spine, wrist Risk factors- female, incr age, family history, Caucasian or Asian, small, oophorectomy, sedentary, insuf Calcium Alcoholism, rh arthritis, DM, cirrhosis, kidney disease, intest malabsorption Osteoporosis Long term meds- corticosteroids, antiseizure, Al antacids, heparin, INH, tetracycline, thyroid replacemt meds Genetic marker- VDR gene S/S: “silent”, bump or fall->fx, vertebrae collapse->back pain, ht loss, kyphosis Dx: shows on x-ray only after 25-40% loss, BMD, DEXA, Ca, phos, alk phos Nursing Care Prevention- Ca Intake: premenopausal & postmen women taking ERP1000 mg, 1500mg postmenopausal women Vit D needed for Ca absorption Exercise builds & maintains bone mass Keep pts with osteoporosis ambulatory, prevent potential pathological fx Drug Therapy Calcitonin- Calcimar-inhibits osteoclastic bone resorption Biphosphates- Fosamax- inhibits osteoclast mediated bone resorption, incr bone mineral density & bone mass Evista- mimics estrogen on bone, doesn’t effect uterus or breast tissue Paget’s Disease Excessive bone resorption, replacement bone marrow by vascular, fibrous tissue that makes bone larger S/S- skeletal pain, waddling gait, elev alk phos shorter, large head, wt bearing bones curved, complication- patholog fx Tx- Calcitonin, Fosamax, radiation, brace, analgesics, muscle relaxants Fractures Types: avulsion, comminuted, displaced, greenstick, impacted, interarticular, longitudinal, oblique, pathologic, spiral, stress, transverse Communicating or noncommunicating – open or closed Location Stable or unstable Clinical Manifestations Determined by history of injury Pain & tenderness, muscle spasm Edema, swelling, deformity, ecchymosis Loss of function, crepitation Immobilize in position found Children – epiphyseal plate Process of Union of Fx Fracture hematoma Granulation tissue Callus formation Ossification Consolidation Remodeling Age, displacement, site, blood supply Factors that affect bone healing Age Severity of the trauma Type of bone Injured Inadequate immobilization Infection Nutrition Fracture Reduction Manipulation or closed reduction – nonsurgical, manual reduction Open reduction – surgical, often internal fixation (ORIF) with wires, screws, rods Complication open reduction- infection Advantage – early ambulation Traction – skin or skeletal Traction Skin - Buck’s, Russell's, Bryant’s, Pelvic belt Short term (48-72hrs) til surgery, skel tx Circumferential – head halter Skeletal - Overhead arm, lateral arm, balanced suspension traction See table 59-6 Traction Care Maintain weight (freely hanging) Inspect Skin Pin Site Care Neurovascular Assessment External Fixator Device Metal pins inserted into bone & attached to external rod, stabilizes fx, holds pieces in place Assess loose pins s/s infection- exudate, redness, tenderness, pain Pin care Cast Materials Traditional- Plaster of Paris * Stockinette, Padding, Plaster Rolls * Feels hot when first applied * 24-72 hours to dry * Petal the cast Synthetic- Fiberglass; Polyester cotton knit Cast Materials Traditional- Plaster of Paris * Stockinette, Padding, Plaster Rolls * Feels hot when first applied * 24-72 hours to dry * Petal the cast Synthetic- Fiberglass; Polyester cotton knit Casts Long arm cast: support & elevate, use sling-> decr edema, encourage finger movement If proximal humerus fx, traction by hanging, aids healing Body jacket cast: assess bowel sounds, “cast syndrome”, resp status, bladder, pres over iliac crest, position q2-3 hrs Casts Hip spica cast- femoral fx, children, when drying place in prone position, slightly turn, don’t use support bar to turn, skin care to cast edges, same care as jacket cast Long leg cast, short leg cast, Jones dressing – elev above heart 24 hrs, initially no wt bearing, later heel or shoe cast, check for pressure areas Drug Therapy Pain due to muscle spasms Soma, Flexaril, Robaxin S/E: drowsiness, headache, weakness, GI upset, potential abuse Other belief - Relieve pain, spasm will disappear Nutritional Therapy Need protein & vit C for healing Immobility & callus formation increases Calcium needs Increase fluids to 2000 – 3000 cc Hi fiber diet, fruits & veg prevent constipation Jacket cast – don’t over eat Health Promotion Prevention precautions- work sports, home, driving Seat belts, helmets etc, stretching before exercise Elderly- look at environment, exercise, vit D & calcium Nursing Care Fractures Initial assessment, quick history, to ER Guarding, deformity, laceration, loss of function, rotation, edema, crepitus ecchymosis, compare to uninjured side Focus on area distal to injury – pulse ?, decreased cap refill, cool vs bluish & warm, decreased or absent sensation, paresthesia Emergency Management Priority: ABC, life threatening injuries, control bleeding Splint above & below fx site Neurovascular status, elevate, ice Don’t manipulate protruding bones, tetanus VS, LOC, O2 sat, pulses, pain Pre-op Care Routine pre-op teaching Explain type of immobilization & activity limits, time Pain meds Skin prep Post-op Care VS, neurovascular checks Proper alignment & positioning Pain meds Observe for bleeding, report increase Patency of wound drain Care of cast or traction, pin care Prevent constipation & renal calculi Ambulatory & Home Care Cast care- do not get wet, remove padding, put things in cast or if synthetic cast – check with MD before wet, dry after Report: incr pain, swelling, burning under cast, sores or odor, discolored fingers/toes Elevate, move joints Follow up with MD Ambulatory & Home Short term rehab PT: strengthening, assistive devices, ambulation progression Crutch walking: two-point gait, four-point gait, swing-to gait, swing-through gait Involved limb advanced at same time or immed following the device Hold cane in hand opposite of involved extremity Complications of Fractures Infection- open fx, surgery, irrigation, debridement, left open vs closed, drains Compartment Syndrome- compression, upper & lower extrem by fascial sheath or bone-> stop venous & arterial bld flow-> ischemia-> cell damage. Tx- fasciotomy S/S Unrelieved pain distal to injury, numb, tingling, decr-> loss function, cool , no or poor pulse. Check myoglobin in urine & output Complications of fractures Venous thrombosis esp with hip fx, due to stasis, immobility Prevent- SCD ,TEDS, ROM, anticoag Fat Embolism- fx long bones, pelvis, jt replacement, sp fusion, crush injuries S/S- chest pain, tachypnea, cyanosis, tachycardia, dyspnea, decr o2 sat Little repositioning til immobilize fx Types of Fractures Colles’ fracture –distal radius Fx of humerus- hanging arm cast, shoulder immobilizer, swathe, elev HOB, axilla skin care Fx pelvis- check neurovasc status lower extremities, GI & GU function, turn only when ordered, carefully, back care Types of Fractures Femoral shaft fx- complications also soft tissue damage, bld loss Rx- skel traction 8-12 wks or internal fixation, restricted wt bearing til union Tibial fx- long leg cast, assess neurovas q2h for 48 hrs, need strengthening of quadriceps & upper arms, non wt bearing 6-12 wks, then walking heel Hip Fracture S/S- external rotation, muscle spasm, shortened extremity, pain Buck’s or Russell’s tx til surgery of pin or femoral head replacement Complications- avascular necrosis, dislocation, nonunion, degen arthritis Pre-op- manage pain, care of tx, position, teaching- trapeze, pre-op Hip Fracture Post-op- VS, dsg & hemovac, neurovas stasus, pain, abductor pillow Pinning- OOB by PT, crutches or walker Prosthesis- hip precautions- no 90 degree flexion, elev tiolet seat, shower chair, chair with arms & elev leg, keep straight when sitting, pillow bet legs when lying on side, turning, do not cross legs Maxillofacial Fractures Establish & maintain patent airway Remove foreign material, blood, prn suction, packing to control hemorrhage Treat as if cervical spine injury & suspect injury to eye esp global rupture Soft tissue injury-> swelling-> hard to assess, dx CT scan Alteration in body image