Building a Decision Support Tool for Delivery of Health Services for Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis Patients Taming of the Queue Workshop March 28 2012 Deborah Marshall, PhD Canada Research Chair, Health Systems and Services Research University of Calgary Alberta Bone and Joint Health Institute Project Team • Co-Investigators from U Toronto and U Calgary: – Deborah Marshall (PI), Cy Frank, Tom Noseworthy, Sonia Vanderby, Dianne Mosher, Mike Carter, Tom Rohleder, Paul Rogers, Colleen Maxwell • Partners: – – – – Alberta Health Services Alberta Bone Joint Strategic Clinical Network Alberta Bone Joint Health Institute Bone and Joint Canada • Contributors: physicians, surgeons, health system administrators, clinic managers, other clinicians When is System View Useful in Health Care? • Many interrelated aspects of health care – Population and societal factors are important and “predictable” (aging population, disease morbidity) • System Model for understanding vs. “answers” – Model building identifies gaps in knowledge and data – Process enhances understanding of relationships – Modular approach to examine changes to system in context of care delivery – Use of models as “flight simulators” – analysis of health policy options Objective: Create a decision-support tool for strategic service planning of care for OA patients Across care continuum and sustainable Tool to enable policy makers, service planners and administrators, and clinicians to evaluate care quality and system performance Balancing the tradeoffs between accessibility, effectiveness and efficiency Inform choices about health system interventions Goal is a sustainable plan for OA care Why System Dynamics Model? Health Care is a System and it is Dynamic • Examines how to balance demand for H&K OA health services, and supply and delivery of those services • Considers resource constraints by changing the flow rate through feedback loops (current demand and backlog) • Conceptually represents the “big picture” • Population-level care delivery • Capacity, flow rates, utilization, wait times • Captures changes projected over time • Enable users to explore numerous scenarios and compare results to inform decisions Studying the Problem: Care Flows for Hip and Knee Replacement Demand for Replacement Inflow Rate Stock Patients waiting for Replacement Outflow Rate Patients Receiving Replacement 4 Phase Development Plan Phase 1 • ‘Proof of Concept’ Model • Demand from OA arrivals (incidence & population projections) • Flow rates affected by stage durations • Patient routings based on historic proportions Phase 2 • Phase I + • Resource use at each stage • Costs associated with resources Phase 3 • Phase II altered • Key resources as inputs with availability affecting flow rates Phase 4 • Phase III + • Factors and feedback loops affecting patient routes & flow rates 7 Phase I Development Process • Literature review initial process diagram • Expert feedback & input via 6 workshops • Refine process diagram • Identify resources throughout process • Identify other factors affecting patient flow Hip & Knee Working Group • 3 workshops • Focus: surgical management process Arthritis Working Group • 3 workshops • Focus: medical management process 8 Overview of Care Process 9 System Model Diagram Medical Management Surgical Management Self Treating R - OA onset Orthopaedics S - Pts - Self Treating R - contact PCP S - Pts awaiting PC R - PC non referred S - Pts in OS care - non surgical Rheumatology R - to PC S - Pts staying in PC R - PC refer to OS S - Pts in PC - referred R - PC refer to RH R - leave - PC R - Pts OS to PC S - Pts awaiting RH S - Pts in RH care R - to RH R - ext MSK to PC Primary Care R - to OS fro m PC S - Pts in OS care - consult R - RH to PC S - Pts awaiting OS from RH S - Pts awaiting MSK MD R - OS non surg R - enter extended R - PC refer to MSK MD R - RH refer to OS S - pts in PC post R - leave PC postspecialist spec S - Pts awaiting OS from PC R - MSK to PC R - MSK MD refer R - pts to ext MSK to OS S - Pts in extended MSK care Rexternal surg R - extend S - extendeded to surg S - external wait pts in OS ca presurg care re - consult S - pts awaiting surgery R - OS to Surg wait S - Pts in OS care S - Pts awaiting - consult from OS - from MSK MSK MD R - to OS from MSK MD R - pts await 2nd primary - LT R - OSm R - OSm - R - OSm - wait non surg extended S - pts awaiting 2nd primary >1 year R - pts await 2nd primary - ST Rexternal to wait R - to OS S - Pts in MSK MD care R - to M SK MD R - depart PC non surg S - Pts in PC non-surgical S - pts awaiting 2nd primary <1 yr R - pts to 2nd primary ST R - dep art wait S - pts to home R - acute to hc S - Pts - home with home care R - pts to surgery R - home yr1 R -depart hc R - sub to hc R - pts to 1st surgery R - other to hc R - depart sub acute S - Pts in acute care R - Pts ext MSK to OS wait Community Care R - pts to 2nd primary LT R - acute to home R - depart acute R - acute to sub acute R - pts to rev - ST R - rev to surgery R - other to sub S - pts to rev in yr 1 S - LT revisio n pts awaitin R - post g surgery surg - to rev ST R - pts to rev longterm S - Pts in sub acute R - sub to other S - Pts in other facility R - depart other Racute to other S - pts in LT followup to rev R - pts to LT - rev R - post surgery no rev ST S - pts in yr 1 post-surgery R - pt departures - ST R - individ uals to LT R - pt departure s - LT © DA Marshall, 2011 S - pts in long term followup Post-Surgical Follow-up 10 Overview of Data Flow Confidential © DA Marshall, 2011 11 Data Requirements and Sources Model Component Information needed Self directing incidence rates population projections duration of time self treating current population self treating Primary Care current population in primary care duration of time in primary care referral proportions current population waiting for rheum & in rheum. care duration of wait for consult & in rheum care referral proportions current populations waiting for screening & consult current populations in screening & in surgeon care Durations of wait times & time in care referral proportions current population waiting for surgery duration of surgery wait & acute care LOS discharge proportions current community care populations durations of time spent in community care discharge proportions current population post surgery repair/revision rates duration of time until revision & time remaining in system Rheumatology Orthopaedics Acute care Community care Rehabilitation & Follow-up Data source(s) Alberta Health Population Registry Ambulatory Care Classification System data Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network Discharge Abstract Database Physician Payments Statistics Canada Population projections Survey of Living Chronic Disease in Canada Physician Payments Central Intake for Triage in Rheumatology Physician Payments Physician Payments Hip and Knee Replacement Central Intake Clinic data Operating Room Data Discharge Abstract Database Discharge Abstract Database Home Care data ? Discharge Abstract Database Alberta Health Population Registry Literature 12 Estimating OA Incidence and Prevalence in Alberta 1. Case Definition of OA – Any diagnosis beginning code 715 or M15 to M19 (ICD9 & ICD10) in 4 data sources: physician claims, ACCS, DAD, Alberta Blue Cross 2. Identify First Incidence – Identify all OA - several scenarios tested different criteria – Cross referenced those with OA from the 4 data sources – First date of incidence identified 3. Determine Prevalence – Linked to AHW registry data • Using the incident cases from step 2, can determine prevalence • Prevalence rate = prevalent cases / total registry population 4. Determine incidence rates – Linked to AHW registry data • Incident cases / (total mid-year registry population– previous year’s prevalence ) • Incident rates calculated by age and gender and year Range of OA Incidence Estimates Age Standardized Incidence rates (for 2008) 20 per 1000 population 16.9 15 10 8.6 8.2 7.6 8.3 8.2 7.7 5 0 Extreme Basic Basic + ExclBasic + Excl Basic + all Basic + Claims only & 5 yrs exclusions ABC & all excl Range of OA Prevalence Estimates 160 140 120 100 80 60 Prevalence nearly plateaus at about 8% after 15 years of data 40 20 0 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Extreme Basic + Excl & 5 yrs Basic Basic + all exclusions Basic + Excl Basic + Blue Cross & all excl Prevalence per 1000 population Example of Questions that Health Policy Makers Would like to Address • What resources are needed to: • Meet the target wait times for hip and knee surgery? • Meet current and future demand for OA services? • What effect do acute and sub-acute utilization policies have on system performance? • What are the resource requirements (human, financial, infrastructure) and how are they best deployed to achieve expected outcomes? • What are the wait time and cost implications of changes in service demand and supply for OA? Scenario 1 - Access What if a prevention program were initiated that reduced OA incidence by 10%? What would the effect be on… The number of OA patients in primary care? The annual number of hip and knee joint replacement surgeries? 17 Scenario 1 - Access 32,500 fewer Patients in Primary Care 350000 12000 300000 10000 250000 Number of Procedures Number of Patients Annual OA Hip & Knee Replacement Surgeries 200000 150000 100000 8000 1,000 fewer 6000 4000 2000 50000 0 2011 2016 base case 2021 2026 incidence -10% 2031 0 2011 2016 base case 2021 2026 2031 incidence -10% 18 Scenario 2 - Effectiveness How does resource use differ among discharge destinations? What is the effect on…. – Physician visit costs? 19 Scenario 2 - Effectiveness Costs of physician resource use by facility type, 2011 $700,000 Rheumatologist Radiologist Physiatrist Orthopaedic Surgeon Internal Medicine GP Emergency physician $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 Calgary Central Edmonton North Sub-acute care Other Facility Homecare Home Sub-acute care Other Facility Homecare Home Sub-acute care Other Facility Homecare Home Sub-acute care Other Facility Homecare Home Sub-acute care Other Facility Homecare Home $0 South 20 Scenario 3 - Efficiency What if all new OA patients had to visit a screener before being eligible for a consult with an orthopaedic surgeon? What would the effect be on… – Patient flows leading to surgery? 21 Scenario 3 - Efficiency Number of Patients 2011 2035 45000 45000 40000 40000 35000 35000 30000 30000 25000 25000 20000 20000 15000 15000 10000 10000 5000 5000 0 0 Awaiting In screening Awaiting screening surgeon consult base case In surgeon In extended Awaiting care pre-surgical Surgery care all screened Awaiting In screening Awaiting screening surgeon consult base case In surgeon In extended Awaiting care pre-surgical Surgery care all screened 22 Implementation as the Meeting Ground of Decision Makers • Clinical Care Delivery - AHS Strategic Clinical Networks: – Establish quality standards, pathways and evidence-informed care models and interventions to create high performing health system • System tools will be needed to meet AHS SCN mandate to transform OA health service delivery • Health Policy - AHW Decision Makers: – Informing long term health care strategies about OA prevention, management and treatment – Inform human resources and reimbursement policies • System tools to explore alternative scenarios and help inform long term strategies Questions for Discussion (1) • Would a system such as this be useful in guiding surgical scheduling practices in the clinic? • Would practitioners be willing use this tool, and if not, why? • What additional features would make it more useful? • What assumptions have we made that may not work in current clinical practice? • Is there a strong desire to provide more scheduling certainty to elective patients? • What are the biggest barriers to providing a surgical ‘window when a decision to treat is made? • What other specialties might benefit from a similar approach or tool? Questions for Discussion (2) • What policy questions about osteoarthritis management are of interest to you in your setting? • How can the system dynamics model help inform decisions in your setting? What scenarios are relevant? • What are the expected ‘bottlenecks’ in your system of care delivery for osteoarthritis? • Are there important aspects of osteoarthritis care delivery missing in the osteoarthritis simulation? If so, what are they? Thank-you!