NON-INVASIVE CAPNOGRAPHY ALS Blue In-Service Part III Oxygenation and Ventilation What is the difference? Oxygenation and Ventilation Ventilation (capnography) CO2 O2 Oxygenation (oximetry) Cellular Metabolism Oximetry and Capnography • Pulse oximetry measures oxygenation • Capnography measures ventilation and provides a graphical waveform available for interpretation Oxygenation • Measured by pulse oximetry (SpO2) – Noninvasive measurement – Percentage of oxygen in red blood cells – Changes in ventilation take minutes to be detected – Affected by motion artifact, poor perfusion and some dysrhythmias Oxygenation Pulse Oximetry Sensors Pulse Oximetry Waveform Ventilation • Measured by the end-tidal CO2 – Partial pressure (mmHg) or volume (% vol) of CO2 in the airway at the end of exhalation – Breath-to-breath measurement provides information within seconds – Not affected by motion artifact, poor perfusion or dysrhythmias Ventilation Capnography Lines Capnography waveform Oxygenation and Ventilation • Oxygenation – Oxygen for metabolism – SpO2 measures % of O2 in RBC – Reflects change in oxygenation within 5 minutes • Ventilation – Carbon dioxide from metabolism – EtCO2 measures exhaled CO2 at point of exit – Reflects change in ventilation within 10 seconds Oxygenation versus Ventilation • Monitor your own SpO2 and EtCO2 • SpO2 waveform is in the second channel • EtCO2 waveform is in the third channel Oxygenation versus Ventilation • Now hold your breath • Note what happens to the two waveforms SpO2 EtCO2 How long did it take the EtCO2 waveform to go flat line? How long did it take the SpO2 to drop below 90%? • Numeric reading: HR 100 • Waveform: • Numeric reading: HR 100 • Waveform: Capnography in EMS Capnography in EMS Low-flow sidestream technology Using Capnography • Immediate information via breath-to-breath monitoring • Information on the ABCs – Airway – Breathing – Circulation • Documentation Using Capnography Airway • Airway – Verification of ET tube placement – Continuous monitoring of ET tube position • Circulation Circulation – Check effectiveness of cardiac compressions – First indicator of ROSC – Monitor low perfusion states Using Capnography • Breathing – Hyperventilation – Hypoventilation – Asthma – COPD Using Capnography Waveforms Trends • Documentation – Waveforms • Initial assessment • Changes with treatment – EtCO2 values • Trends over time Why Measure Ventilation— Intubated Patients • • • • • Verify and document ET tube placement Immediately detect changes in ET tube position Assess effectiveness of chest compressions Earliest indication of ROSC Indicator of probability of successful resuscitation • Optimally adjust manual ventilations in patients sensitive to changes in CO2 • A 2005 study comparing field intubations that used capnography to confirm ETT placement vs. non-capnography use showed a 0% unrecognized misplaced ETT and 23% in the non-EtCO2 monitored group • Confirm ETI with waveform capnography!! Why Measure Ventilation— Non-Intubated Patients • Objectively assess acute respiratory disorders – Asthma – COPD • Possibly gauge response to treatment Why Measure Ventilation— Non-intubated Patients • Gauge severity of hypoventilation states – – – – – Drug and ETOH intoxication Congestive heart failure Sedation and analgesia Stroke Head injury • Assess perfusion status • Noninvasive monitoring of patients in DKA End-tidal CO2 (EtCO2) Pulmonary Blood Flow Ventilation Right Ventricle Artery Vein Oxygen CO2 O2 O2 Perfusion Left Atrium a-A Gradient arterial to Alveolar Difference for CO2 Ventilation Right Ventricle Alveolus Artery EtCO2 PaCO2 Perfusion Vein Left Atrium End-tidal CO2 (EtCO2) • Normal a-A gradient – 2-5mmHg difference between the EtCO2 and PaCO2 in a patient with healthy lungs – Wider differences found • In abnormal perfusion and ventilation • Incomplete alveolar emptying • Poor sampling End-tidal CO2 (EtCO2) • Reflects changes in – Ventilation - movement of air in and out of the lungs – Diffusion - exchange of gases between the air-filled alveoli and the pulmonary circulation – Perfusion - circulation of blood End-tidal CO2 (EtCO2) • Monitors changes in – Ventilation - asthma, COPD, airway edema, foreign body, stroke – Diffusion - pulmonary edema, alveolar damage, CO poisoning, smoke inhalation – Perfusion - shock, pulmonary embolus, cardiac arrest, severe dysrhythmias Physiological Factors Affecting ETCO2 Levels Interpreting EtCO2 and the Capnography Waveform • Interpreting EtCO2 – Measuring – Physiology • Capnography waveform Capnographic Waveform • Normal waveform of one respiratory cycle • Similar to ECG – Height shows amount of CO2 – Length depicts time Phase 1 • First Upstroke of the capnogram waveform • Represents of gas exhaled from upper airways (I.e. anatomical dead space) Phase 2 • Transitional Phase from upper to lower airway ventilation, and tends to depict changes in perfusion Phase 3 • Represents alveolar gas exchange, which indicates changes in gas distribution • All increases of the slope of Phase 3 indicates increased maldistribution of gas delivery Capnographic Waveform • Waveforms on screen and printout may differ in duration – On-screen capnography waveform is condensed to provide adequate information the in 4-second view – Printouts are in real-time – Observe RR on device Capnographic Waveform • Capnograph detects only CO2 from ventilation • No CO2 present during inspiration – Baseline is normally zero C A B D E Baseline Capnogram Phase I Dead Space Ventilation • Beginning of exhalation • No CO2 present • Air from trachea, posterior pharynx, mouth and nose – No gas exchange occurs there – Called “dead space” Deadspace Capnogram Phase I Baseline B A I Baseline Beginning of exhalation Capnogram Phase II Ascending Phase • CO2 from the alveoli begins to reach the upper airway and mix with the dead space air – Causes a rapid rise in the amount of CO2 • CO2 now present and detected in exhaled air Alveoli Capnogram Phase II Ascending Phase C Ascending Phase Early Exhalation A II B CO2 present and increasing in exhaled air Capnogram Phase III Alveolar Plateau • CO2 rich alveolar gas now constitutes the majority of the exhaled air • Uniform concentration of CO2 from alveoli to nose/mouth Capnogram Phase III Alveolar Plateau Alveolar Plateau C D III A B CO2 exhalation wave plateaus Capnogram Phase III End-Tidal • End of exhalation contains the highest concentration of CO2 – The “end-tidal CO2” – The number seen on your monitor • Normal EtCO2 is 35-45mmHg Capnogram Phase III End-Tidal C A D End-tidal B End of the the wave of exhalation Capnogram Phase IV Descending Phase • Inhalation begins • Oxygen fills airway • CO2 level quickly drops to zero Alveoli Capnogram Phase IV Descending Phase C A B D IV Descending Phase Inhalation E Inspiratory downstroke returns to baseline Capnography Waveform Normal Waveform 45 0 Normal range is 35-45mm Hg (5% vol) Capnography Waveform Question • How would your capnogram change if you intentionally started to breathe at a rate of 30? – – – – Frequency Duration Height Shape Hyperventilation RR : EtCO2 Normal 45 0 Hyperventilation 45 0 Waveform: Regular Shape, Plateau Below Normal • Indicates CO2 deficiency Hyperventilation Decreased pulmonary perfusion Hypothermia Decreased metabolism • Interventions Adjust ventilation rate Evaluate for adequate sedation Evaluate anxiety Conserve body heat Capnography Waveform Question • How would your capnogram change if you intentionally decreased your respiratory rate to 8? – – – – Frequency Duration Height Shape Hypoventilation RR : EtCO2 Normal 45 0 Hypoventilation 45 0 Waveform: Regular Shape, Plateau Above Normal • Indicates increase in ETCO2 Hypoventilation Respiratory depressant drugs Increased metabolism • Interventions Adjust ventilation rate Decrease respiratory depressant drug dosages Maintain normal body temperature Capnography Waveform Patterns Normal 45 0 Hyperventilation 45 0 Hypoventilation 45 0 Capnography Waveform Question How would the waveform shape change during an asthma attack? Bronchospasm Waveform Pattern • Bronchospasm hampers ventilation – Alveoli unevenly filled on inspiration – Empty asynchronously during expiration – Asynchronous air flow on exhalation dilutes exhaled CO2 • Alters the ascending phase and plateau – Slower rise in CO2 concentration – Characteristic pattern for bronchospasm – “Shark Fin” shape to waveform Capnography Waveform Patterns Normal 45 0 Bronchospasm 45 0 Capnography Waveform Patterns Normal 45 0 Hyperventilation 45 0 Hypoventilation 45 0 Bronchospasm 45 0 The Intubated Patient Confirm ET Tube Placement 45 0 Detect ET Tube Displacement • Capnography – Immediately detects ET tube displacement 45 0 Hypopharyngeal Dislodgement Source: Murray I. P. et. al. 1983. Early detection of endotracheal tube accidents by monitoring CO2 concentration in respiratory gas. Anesthesiology 344-346 Detect ET Tube Displacement • Only capnography provides – Continuous numerical value of EtCO2 with apnea alarm after 30 seconds – Continuous graphic waveform for immediate visual recognition Esophageal Dislodgement 45 0 Source: Linko K. et. al. 1983. Capnography for detection of accidental oesophageal intubation. Acta Anesthesiol Scand 27: 199-202 Confirm ET Tube Placement • Capnography provides – Documentation of correct placement – Ongoing documentation over time through the trending printout – Documentation of correct position at ED arrival Capnography in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation • Assess chest compressions • Early detection of ROSC • Objective data for decision to cease resuscitation CPR: Assess Chest Compressions • Use feedback from EtCO2 to depth/rate/ force of chest compressions during CPR 45 0 CPR: Detect ROSC • Briefly stop CPR and check for organized rhythm on ECG monitor 45 0 ETCO2 & Cardiac Resuscitation • Non-survivors – Average ETCO2: 4-10 mmHg • Survivors (to discharge) – Average ETCO2: >30 mmHg Optimize Ventilation • Use capnography to titrate EtCO2 levels in patients sensitive to fluctuations • Patients with suspected increased intracranial pressure (ICP) – – – – Head trauma Stroke Brain tumors Brain infections Optimize Ventilation • High CO2 levels induce cerebral vasodilatation – Positive: Increases CBF to counter cerebral hypoxia CO2 – Negative: Increased CBF, increases ICP and may increase brain edema • Hypoventilation retains CO2 which increases levels Optimize Ventilation • Low CO2 levels lead to cerebral vasoconstriction – Positive: EtCO2 of 25-30mmHG causes a mild cerebral vasoconstriction which may decrease ICP – Negative: Decreased ICP but may cause or increase in cerebral hypoxia • Hyperventilation decreases CO2 levels CO2 Optimize Ventilation • Treatment goals • Avoid cerebral hypoxia – Monitor blood oxygen levels with pulse oximetry – Maintain adequate CBF • Target EtCO2 of 35 mmHg The Non-intubated Patient CC: “trouble breathing” The Non-intubated Patient CC: “trouble breathing” Bronchitis? The Non-intubated Patient Capnography Applications • Identify and monitor bronchospasm – Asthma – COPD • Assess and monitor – Hypoventilation states – Hyperventilation – Low-perfusion states Capnography in Bronchospastic Conditions • Air trapped due to irregularities in airways • Uneven emptying of alveolar gas – Dilutes exhaled CO2 – Slower rise in CO2 concentration during exhalation Alveoli Capnography in Bronchospastic Diseases • Uneven emptying of alveolar gas alters emptying on exhalation A • Produces changes in ascending phase (II) with loss of the sharp upslope • Alters alveolar plateau (III) producing a “shark fin” C B D II E III Capnography in Bronchospastic Conditions Capnogram of Asthma Normal Bronchospasm Changes in dCO2/dt seen with increasing bronchospasm Source: Krauss B., et al. 2003. FEV1 in Restrictive Lung Disease Does Not Predict the Shape of the Capnogram. Oral presentation. Annual Meeting, American Thoracic Society, May, Seattle, WA Capnography in Bronchospastic Conditions Asthma Case Scenario Initial After therapy Capnography in Bronchospastic Conditions Pathology of COPD • Progressive • Partially reversible • Airways obstructed – Hyperplasia of mucous glands and smooth muscle – Excess mucous production – Some hyper-responsiveness Capnography in Bronchospastic Conditions Capnography in COPD • Arterial CO2 in COPD – PaCO2 increases as disease progresses – Requires frequent arterial punctures for ABGs • Correlating capnograph to patient status – Ascending phase and plateau are altered by uneven emptying of gases Capnography in Bronchospastic Conditions COPD Case Scenario 45 Initial Capnogram A 0 Initial Capnogram B 45 0 Capnography in CHF Case Scenario • • • • 88 year old male C/O: Short of breath H/O: MI X 2, on oxygen at 2 L/m Pulse 66, BP 164/86, RR 36 labored and shallow, skin cool and diaphoretic, 2+ pedal edema • Initial SpO2 69%; EtCO2 17mmHG Capnography in CHF Case Scenario • Placed on non-rebreather mask with 100% oxygen at 15 L/m and aggressive SL nitroglycerin as per protocol • Ten minutes after treatment: SpO2 69% EtCO2 17mmHG 99% 35 mmHG 45 35 25 0 Time condensed to show changes Capnography in Hypoventilation States • Altered mental status – – – – – – Sedation Alcohol intoxication Drug Ingestion Stroke CNS infections Head injury • Abnormal breathing • CO2 retention – EtCO2 >50mmHg Capnography in Hypoventilation States 45 0 Time condensed; actual rate is slower • EtCO2 is above 50mmHG • Box-like waveform shape is unchanged Capnography in Hypoventilation States Hypoventilation 65 55 45 35 25 0 Time condensed; actual rate is slower Capnography in Hypoventilation States Hypoventilation 45 0 Hypoventilation in shallow breathing Capnography in Low Perfusion • Capnography reflects changes in • Perfusion – Pulmonary blood flow – Systemic perfusion – Cardiac output Capnography in Low Perfusion Case Scenario • • • • • • 57 year old male Motor vehicle crash with injury to chest History of atrial fib, anticoagulant Unresponsive Pulse 100 irregular, BP 88/p Intubated on scene Capnography in Low Perfusion Case Scenario 45 35 25 0 Low EtCO2 seen in low cardiac output Ventilation controlled Capnography in Pulmonary Embolus Case Scenario 45 35 25 0 Strong radial pulse Low EtCO2 seen in decreased alveolar perfusion Capnography in Rebreathing Circumstances Elevated Baseline 45 0 Baseline elevation • Oxygen mask • Poor head and neck alignment • Shallow breathing – not clearing deadspace Capnography in DKA Case Scenario 45 0 Rapid rate, normal waveform and elevated EtCO2 seen in early respiratory compensation in DKA Source: Flanagan, J.F., et al. 1995. Noninvasive monitoring of end-tidal carbon dioxide tension via nasal cannulas in spontaneously breathing children with profound hypocarbia. Critical Care Medicine. June; 23 (6): 1140-1142 Capnography Applications on Non-intubated Patients • New applications now being reported – – – – – Pulmonary emboli CHF DKA Bioterrorism Others? A rt e ry O xy g e n O2 V e in Quiz Time! Sudden Loss of Waveform Apnea Airway Obstruction Dislodged airway (esophageal) Airway disconnection Ventilator malfunction Cardiac Arrest Increase in ETCO2 • Possible causes: Decrease in respiratory rate (Hypoventilation) Decrease in tidal volume Increase in metabolic rate Rapid rise in body temperature (hyperthermia) Esophageal Tube • A normal capnogram is the best evidence that the ETT is correctly positioned • With an esophageal tube little or no CO2 is present Rebreathing • Possible causes: Faulty expiratory valve Inadequate inspiratory flow Insufficient expiratory flow Inadequate Seal Around ETT • Possible causes: Leaky or deflated endotracheal or tracheostomy cuff Artificial airway too small for the patient Decrease in ETCO2 • Possible causes: Increase in respiratory rate (Hyperventilation) Increase in tidal volume Decrease in metabolic rate Fall in body temperature (hypothermia) Obstruction • Possible causes: Partially kinked or occluded artificial airway Presence of foreign body in the airway Obstruction in expiratory limb of the breathing circuit Bronchospasm Muscle Relaxants • “Curare Cleft”: Appears when muscle relaxants begin to subside Depth of cleft is inversely proportional to degree of drug activity You Survived! 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