ROWAN TREE SURGERY Patient Survey Results 2014 90% of respondents would recommend the surgery to a friend T hink ing a b o ut the R o wa n T re e S urg e ry , ho w lik e ly wo uld y o u b e to re c o mme nd this s urg e ry to a frie nd , wo uld y o u b e : Very likely Fairly likely Not very likely Not at all likely Don't know Thank you, but you also told us….. Please keep the same doctors too much change some doctors being at the practice on more days More consistency with doctors We Agree and hope the recent changes help Dr Latha Kestur Who was with us last year, has returned to Rowan Tree in a permanent position after a brief spell as a GP in London She will be working: Mornings Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday Afternoons Monday, Wednesday, Friday Dr Chloe Davis Joined us in September 2013 and from February 2014 has increased her sessions She will be working: Mornings Monday, Wednesday and Thursday Afternoons Thursday Dr Usha Aron Started the practice over 25 years ago, and is beginning to plan for her retirement. Dr Aron looks after our nursing home patients and Minor Surgery at the practice on a Friday. Patient appointment sessions take place on Tuesdays (late night opening) 6 and 8pm Fridays 3 to 4pm Dr Jon Angel Along with Dr Aron is helping to steer the practice along the correct path for the future. He is very active in the behind the scenes work involved in running the practice Patient appointment sessions take place on Wednesday afternoons 95% of respondents felt the doctor was good or vey good at involving you in decisions about your care La s t time y o u s a w o r s p o k e to a GP fro m T he R o wa n T re e S urg e ry ho w g o o d wa s the GP a t inv o lv ing y o u in d e c is io ns a b o ut y o ur c a re ? Very good Good Neither good nor poor Poor Very poor Doesn't apply We then asked some questions about the practice and compared the responses with those given last year This year 5% of respondents did not know about the telephone number 01892 573108 This number is an alternative to the previous 0844 number. Last year over 50% or respondents did not know about the 01892 573108 number This year 10% of respondents were unaware patients could order repeat prescriptions on line, compared to 20% last year. We have introduced a new system called patient access, which enables you to order repeat prescriptions from the surgery website and also book a doctors appointment on line. The Electronic Prescription Service is still not know to almost 50% of respondents. If you use a regular pharmacy and let us know you wish to collect all your medication from this pharmacy we can send your prescription to them electronically. This is a more efficient process for the surgery and the pharmacist. Last year 25% of respondents did not know about the surgery website, this year almost 30% of respondents did not know about it. Our website address is Last year 18% of respondents did not know the surgery opening times compared to 14% this year. We are open from 8am to 6:30pm On Tuesdays we are open longer We have appointments from 7:30am and later appointments until 7:50pm Over 40% of respondents in both years are not aware of the services available when the surgery is closed. We asked you to rate the surgery on the following, where 1 is poor and 7 is excellent Quality of care from the doctors Way treated by the receptionists 2014 2013 Quality of care from the nurses Treated with respect and courtesy 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 We asked you to rate the surgery on the following, where 1 is poor and 7 is excellent Getting through on the phone quickly 2014 See a doctor quickly if urgent 2013 Book appointment for a time that suits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 We asked you to rate the surgery on the following, where 1 is poor and 7 is excellent The level of privacy at reception Quality and amount of information 2014 2013 The physical environment 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 We asked what is good about the practice and you wouldn’t want to change You said There is always someone able to see my children when needed and myself. All staff are lovely and extremely helpful. kindness and friendly environment being able to get an appointment or speaking to a doctor on the same day doctors and reception staff are well informed and excellent clean and welcoming surgery the receptionist are very empathic and allow you to go to the back room to talk privately, very polite and friendly We asked you what we could improve And there are some common themes • We have already mentioned greater consistency with doctors Other areas are • Appointments, availability and running to time • Telephone lines busy at 8am • Privacy at Reception • Too much information in the waiting room • Better play area/ facilities for children Thank you for your feedback We are now looking at what we are able to do to make things better An action plan will be available to view on our website and we will keep you updated 3% of patients over 16 responded to our survey this year, with slightly more responses from females. P le a s e ind ic a te b e lo w, a re y o u: Male Female Prefer not to answer We received responses from a wide range of ages. P le a s e ind ic a te y o ur a g e g ro up : 16-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+ Prefer not to answer