University Hospital of Wales, Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS)Unit. Innovation and Research-Innovative models of care. Victoria Williams Cardiology Nurse Practitioner Louise Birch Cardiology Nurse Practitioner Michelle Ball Cardiology Nurse Practitioner Sarah Barnett Cardiology Nurse Practitioner Aims of the presentation • To outline the expanding role of the nurse practitioner within Cardiology at University Hospital of Wales (UHW) • To Describe and illustrate the development of the role through the establishment of a nurse led Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) service, demonstrating innovative ways of working to improve patient care. Learning Outcomes • To illustrate the role of the advanced practitioner within Cardiology at UHW • To understand how the ACS service is run and how successful outcomes have been achieved • To consider how the role and the service will evolve and develop in the future. Background of the NP role within Cardiology • Established in 2010 • In response to European work Time Directive (EWTD) • To streamline the patient Journey • Improve multi-disciplinary communication • Improve patient outcomes and satisfaction • Cardiology Co-ordinator established role since 2004 • Roles merged 2010 • Both practitioners undertaking MSC Advanced Practitioner Pathway • Team has expanded to include 2 further Part-time positions • ACS service launched in September 2010. University Hospital of Wales • Tertiary Cardiology centre • Contracted to provide tertiary services to District General Hospitals within south east Wales Aims of ACS service • Reduce patient length of stay in both DGH & tertiary centre • Reduce waiting times for intervention • Meet European and NICE guidelines • Improve patient outcomes • Improve patient journey Collaborative working District General Hospitals Electronic referral within strict criteria Training and education re: ACS protocols Pre-operative workup and investigations Repatriation of patients awaiting follow on services Cardiac Catheter Theatre Cardiology Nurse Practitioners Central point of contact. Co-ordinating the care pathway from point of referral to discharge. Electronic referral system Telephone triage of ACS/Complex transfers. Advanced Clinical Assessment Skills. Cardiology Ward Protected beds within ward area High turnover of ACS patients Increased workload and expertise. Collaborative approach between nursing staff, NPs & Medics Nurse-led discharge protocols. Allocated catheter slots Re-organisation of consultant rota Flexi sessions to back fill for annual leave/study leave UniversityHospital Hospitalof ofWales Wales University Acute Coronary SyndromeInpatient InpatientReferral Referralform form Acute Coronary Syndrome Electronic Referral Please complete and save with patients nameas asfile filename name Please complete and save with patients name Email with patient name SUBJECTheading heading Email with patient name in in SUBJECT PLEASE NOTE: You are sending confidential patient information, thisform formshould should ONLY ONLY be be sent sent from from an PLEASE NOTE: You are sending confidential patient information, this an NHS NHS email email address address PATIENT DETAILS PATIENT DETAILS Surname Surname Forename(s) Forename(s) DoB DoB NHS no. NHS no. Hosp no. Hosp no. Gyna Pain Anne Mike 09/12/1958 09/12/1978 123456789 123456789 A123456 A123456 Ref Hosp Ref Hosp Ref Con Ref Con Ward Ward Ward tel Ward tel Weight Kg Weight Kg Address: Address: 21 River St, Cardiff, CF123AB 32 craze Rd. Cardiff, CF321ba Llandough Hospital Llandough Hospital Dr C Pain Dr C Pain CCU CCU 5645 5645 79Kg 79Kg PRESENTATION DETAILS PRESENTATION DETAILS Condition for transfer Condition for transfer Major complications Major complications Previous interventions Previous interventions NSTEACS NSTEACS Tachyarrythmia (not AF) (echo mandatory) CABG (Please include graft details) DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM 08/11/2011 10:00 08/11/201113:00 10:00 08/11/2011 08/11/201113:20 13:00 08/11/2011 08/11/201111:00 13:20 09/11/2011 09/11/2011 11:00 SYMPTOM ONSET SYMPTOM ONSET CALL FOR HELP CALL FOR HELP LOCAL HOSP ARRIVAL LOCAL HOSP REFERRAL TOARRIVAL UHW REFERRAL TO UHW History/Co-m orbidities ECHO History/Co-m orbidities chest pain, initially on exertion, last episode @ ECHO 2/7 hx of intermittent awaited Chest rest pain. raditing to Lt arm assoc SOB. ECG inferior TWI. PMH: Nil RISK RISK Age Age BP BPST deviation STHypertension deviation Family Hist Hypertension Family Hist 50 to <60 70 toto <80 110 <120 130 toYES <140 NO YES YES2 2 Creat Creat Heart Rate Troponin Heart Rate Troponin Smoking Smoking awaited 35 to 70 141 176 60 to <70 90Elevated to <100 Elevated Previous Previous CHF CHF Arrest Diabetes Arrest Elevated Diabetes Cholesterol Elevated Cholesterol I (no CHF) III (Pulmonary NO oedema) No YES No NO YES GRACE RISK SCORE Risk of Death (%) GRACE RISKRisk of Death/MI (%) SCORE 15.0 Risk of Death/MI (%) In Hospital In Hospital To 6 months 1.0 (%) Risk of Death 49.0 4.0 62.0 23.0 76.0 86.0 To 6 months RESULTS & TREATMENT RESULTS & TREATMENT BLOODS BLOODS 14.8 Hb 260 Plt 10 Hb 9 Wbc 260 Plt 2.65 Trop I/T 9 Wbc MRSA status unknown 2.65 Trop I/T (if known) MRSA status <3 CRP unknown (if known) 64 Creatinine 45 CRP REFERRERS DETAILS 155 Creatinine Antiplatelets 300mg loading + 75mg maintenance Aspirin Clopidogrel 300mg loading + 75mg maintenance 600mg loading + 75mg Maintenance Clopidogrel Prasugrel 300mg loading + 75mg Maintenance None given Prasugrel Other None given Other REFERRERS ASSESSEDDETAILS AND REFERRED BY? (Full Name) A Doctor ASSESSED AND REFERRED BY? (Full Name) For UHW use A Doctor Accepted by ForDate UHWand use time tranferred Accepted Ward by Date and time tranferred Consultant Ward Date on Ladder Consultant Date and time procedure performed Date on Ladder Date and time procedure performed Anticoagulation Antiplatelets Aspirin Anticoagulation Type given Type given Clexane dose Clexane adjustment dose for renal adjustment function? for renal function? CONTACT DETAILS (Hosp switch and bleep) 02920 744744 (6565) CONTACT DETAILS (Hosp switch and bleep) 02920 744744 (6565) Free text: Free text: DATE (DD/MM/YYYY) 09/11/2011 DATE (DD/MM/YYYY) ©drf 09/11/2011 ©drf Advanced clinical skills • All members of the team are at different stages of their Msc pathway • We all utilise advanced clinical skills as part of the role to enhance the service. • Undertaking regular competency based training and assessment Wider components of the NP role within cardiology • Co-ordination and organisation of complex patients • Organisation of in-patient and outpatient pacing calendar • Reviewing A&E admissions with the Cardiology SPR. • Assist the junior medical team and nursing staff with ward duties as necessary. Successful outcomes • Reduced bed days in DGH and tertiary centre • Reduced waiting times for intervention • A more streamlined service for patients • Improved communication between all members of the team • Improved patient satisfaction and less complaints Comparative information for ACS patients referred to UHW from DGHs Within the South East Cardiac Network. (Aug 2010/June 2011) 20 18 16 14 no of Days 12 Aug-2010 10 Jun-2011 8 6 4 2 0 Average total pre Averagetotal ref erral days ref erral to transf er days Average total UHW bed days Average total bed days The future of the ACS service • Plans to develop a cardiology assessment ward utilising 19 beds within the directorate • accommodating all cardiology admissions and transfers • Development of an assessment tool and pathway to be utilised in A&E by both NPs and SPR • To streamline in house service Future of the NP role • • • • Independent prescribing Post intervention clinics Ultimately all Msc trained first point of contact for the assessment acute and sick patients • Incorporated into the junior doctor rota.