MR Imaging of the Rotator Cuff Timothy G. Sanders, M.D. MRI Technique -T1 and T2 FS -Oblique Coronal -T1 and T2 FS -Oblique Sagittal -T2 FS and GRE -Axial Osseous Outlet and Acromion • Rotator Cuff Surrounded by a Bony Arch • Mechanical Impingement leads to degeneration of the cuff • Anterior Acromion Most Important Structure Leading to Impingement Normal Osseous Outlet Clavicle Coracoid Acromion Acromial Types Type I Acromial Types Type II Acromial Types Type III Acromial Types Type IV Acromial Down Sloping Anterior Down Sloping Evaluated on Sagittal Images Axis of Acromion Normal Axis of Acromion Anterior Down Sloping Acromial Down Sloping Lateral Down Sloping Evaluated on Coronal Images Axis of Acromion Normal Axis of Acromion Lateral Down Sloping Acromial Spur -Spur -Deltoid Tendon (Mimics Spur) -Contains Marrow Signal -Black (No Marrow Signal) Os Acromiale Os Acromiale Ossification Center Usually Closes by 22-25 y.o. Normal Appearing Anterior Acromion on Axial Image Os Acromiale (Axial Images) -Can be unstable resulting in impingement of Rotator Cuff during contraction of the deltoid Os Acromiale (Sagittal Images) Normal AC Joint “Double” AC Joint Sign Os Acromiale AC Joint Os Acromiale “Double” AC Joint Acromion • • • • Type (I, II, III) Anterior/ Lateral Down Sloping Inferior Spur Os Acromiale Coracoacromial Ligament -Normal Ligament <3 mm -Thick Ligament can Impinge on Anterior Rotator Cuff Acromioclavicular Joint -AC degenerative change, capsular hypertrophy -Cuff less rigidly confined -Does it cause mass effect on rotator cuff? AC Joint Sprain/Separation Grade I Grade II -Capsular edema, effusion -Capsular edema, effusion -No elevation -Elevation distal clavicle Osteolysis of Distal Clavicle Post-traumatic osteolysis -Complication of trauma (occurs within 2 months of injury, self limiting) -Repetitive stress (wt. lifters) -X-ray: loss of normal cortical line- distal clavicle Coracoid Impingement -Normal Coracohumeral Distance is 11 mm -Narrowed C-H Distance can Impinge on Subscapularis Osseous Outlet and Acromion • Acromion – Type, Down Sloping, Spur, Os Acromiale • AC Joint – Deg. Change, Hypertrophy (mass effect?) • Coracoacromial Ligament (thickened?) • Coracohumeral Impingement (subscap?) Rotator Cuff (Sagittal) Supraspinatus; Infraspinatus; Teres Minor; Subscapularis Rotator Cuff (Coronal) -Primary Plane for Evaluating the Supraspinatus Tendon -Musculotendinous Junction at 12:00 Position Rotator Cuff (Axial Plane) -Supraspinatus Tendon Rotator Cuff (Axial Plane) -Primary Plane for Evaluating Subscapularis -Infraspinatus Located Posteriorly Rotator Cuff (Coronal) - Infraspinatus -Subscapularis - Located Posteriorly - Located Anteriorly - Slopes upward - Multi-slip tendon Rotator Cuff Pathology • Tendonopathy • Tear – Partial Thickness, Full Thickness, Complete • Musculotendinous Retraction • Fatty Atrophy • HADD/ Calcific Tendonitis Tendonopathy -Increased T1-signal; thickened/ attritional changes (thinned) -Intermediate T2-signal (No Fluid Signal) Partial Thickness Tear (Articular) -T2: Fluid Signal extending into black tendon -Partial Thickness Undersurface Tear Partial Thickness Tear (Bursal) -Fluid Signal Extending into the Bursal Surface of the Supraspinatus Tendon Partial Thickness Tear (Interstitial) -Fluid Signal within the Substance of the Tendon -Does Not Involve the Articular or Bursal Surface Intramuscular Cyst Rotator Cuff -High Association with 1. P.T. Undersurface Tear 2. Small F.T. Tear 3. DDX: Paralabral Cyst Intramuscular Cyst Rotator Cuff -Intramuscular Cyst Supraspinatus -Small Undersurface P.T. Tear Delamination (retraction of deep fibers) Full Thickness Tear -Fluid extends through the entire thickness of the tendon (superior to inferior) -Mild retraction of musculotendinous junction Massive Tear Musculotendinous retraction -Measure in centimeters; can affect prognosis Fatty Atrophy -Mild, Moderate, Severe -Streaks of high signal on T1 -Loss of muscle bulk (Sagittal) Calcific Tendonitis -HADD: Dark Globular Area on all Pulse Sequences -Blooming Artifact on Gradient Echo Images Subscapularis -Subscapularis: Attaches to lesser tuberosity -Extra-articular Biceps: Best Seen on Axial Image -In Bicipital Groove; Transverse Ligament Avulsion of Subscapularis -Subscapularis Muscle can Avulse off of Lesser Tuberosity -Associated with Dislocation of the Biceps Tendon -Seen best in Axial Plane CH Ligament Biceps Tendon (Anatomy) LHBT LHBT •Coracohumeral ligament primary stabilizer of LHBT Biceps Tendonitis/ Tear -Thick Tendon; Increased Signal -Intra-articular -Extra-articular Biceps Tendon (Anatomy) •Subscapularis/ transverse humeral ligament •Secondary stabilizer Biceps Subluxation: Pattern I 1. CHL: intact 2. Subscapularis tendon: complete tear - No Dislocation of LHBT Pattern II: Intra-articular 1. CHL: torn 2. Subscapularis tendon: complete tear - Intra-articular dislocation of LHBT Pattern III: Extra-articular 1. CHL: torn 2. Subscapularis tendon: superficial fibers torn -Extra-articular dislocation of LHBT Pattern IV: Interstitial 1. CHL: torn 2. Subscapularis tendon: intact - Subluxation of LHBT into substance of subscapularis tendon and muscle: interstitial tear Rotator Cuff Pathology • Tendonopathy • Tear – Partial Thickness, Full Thickness, Complete • • • • Musculotendinous Retraction Fatty Atrophy HADD/ Calcific Tendonitis Nerve Entrapment Syndromes