Cardiovascular Anatomy and Physiology Daymar College Lisa H. Young, RN, BSN, MA Ed. Dextrocardia Skeleton of the heart Walls of the Heart Heart Valves Structures of the AV Valves Heart Valves 39n4XWv7flQ Left Ventricle Wall Surfaces Heart Chambers Left and Right Atrium Receives un-oxygenated blood from the body and the lungs. Expands to accommodate large volumes of blood from the body. Left and Right Ventricles Thick muscular walls to forcefully expel blood to the body. Does not expand well. Heart Chambers Auricles (Left & Right) Arch of Aorta Subclavian Artery (Left & Right) /musc31-new.html Other Heart Structures Aortic Arch & Arteries Blood flows from higher-pressure to lower pressure Pressure order: highest to lowest ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Left ventricle Left atrium Right ventricle Right atrium Pressure Differences of the Heart Pressure differences in the left and right heart Right & Left heart pressures: Pulmonary Vascular Resistance Systemic Vascular Resistance ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Right atria Right ventricle Pulmonary arteries Pulmonary veins Left atria Left ventricle Aorta 2-6 mmHg 25/0 mmHg 25/8 mmHg 8 mmHg 6 mmHg 120/0 mmHg 120/80 mmHg ◦ Less 2.5 mmHg/L/min or 200 Dynes ◦ less than 20 mmHg/L/ min or 1600 Dynes Normal Values 0SEGGk BzP6I Animation of Blood Flow Blood Flow Fetal Blood Flow Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Sympathetic Nervous System Adrenergic response Norepinephrine released Increased heart rate and blood pressure Decreases digestion Heart Rate Parasympathetic Nervous System Cholinergic response Acetycholine released Decreases heart rate, blood pressure Increases digestion Heart Rate Electrical Cells Automaticity Excitability Conductivity Mechanical Cells Contractility Extensibility Cardiac Cells Chemical Basis for Impulse Formation =7EyhsOewnH4 Cardiac Action Potential Phases Electrical Conduction Pathway Cardiac Cycle Hypokalemia (low potassium levels) nA Hyperkalemia (high potassium levels) WXo Hypocalcemia (low calcium levels) x_A Hypercalcemia (high calcium levels) wIFo Cardiac Electrolytes Hypomagnesemia (low magnesium) C968MY Hypermagnesemia (high magnesium) R4s_Gc Cardiac Electrolytes Phases of Systole Ventricular Systole/Diastole Heart Action during Systole A B Atrial Kick Compliance Preload: L Ventricular Wall Stress at End Diastolic Volume Afterload: L Ventricular Wall Stress During Systole (Ejection out L Ventricle) Contractility Physiologic Control Mechanisms of Blood Pressure Pressure Volume Loop wkDREQM V4VdaY Cardiac Cycle (Pressure/Volume) Heart rate X Stroke Volume = CO 5 liters / min. (at rest) 4- 8 liters / min when pumping Frank –Starling Law Decreased cardiac output signs and symptoms Epinephrine, thyroxine, sympathetic nervous system, fever, fear, exercise, low BP increase CO Cardiac Output Right heart oxygen saturation – 75% Left heart oxygen saturation – 95% Mean arterial pressure – 93 mmHg Systemic blood pressure – 120/80 mmHg Aortic pulse pressure – 40 mmHg Cardiac output – 5L/min Stroke volume – 60 – 130 mL/beat Normal Values Baroreceptors ◦ Specialized nerve tissue (sensors) ◦ Detect changes in blood pressure ◦ Increase / decrease sympathetic tone ◦ Dilation of blood vessels Carotid Arteries and Aortic Arch Chemoreceptors specialized nerve tissue (sensors) detect changes in concentration of pH, 02, C02 sympathetic or parasympathetic response Carotid Artery and Aortic Arch Coronary Arteries & Veins Coronary Veins Anterior View of the Heart Systemic Vasculature Layers Vascular Layers & Arterioles Vascular Circulation Coarctation of the Aorta (CoA) Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) Septal defects Tetralogy of Fallot Transposition of the great arteries (TGA) Congenital Heart Disease Health History A. Chief complain B. Family History C. Coping and emotional history D. Medications E. Surgeries F. Activities of daily living Cardiovascular Assessment General appearance Inspection Palpation Percussion Ausculatation m/watch?v=MIfmjFG6B TQ Assessing the Heart Cardiac output X peripheral vascular resistance Systolic measurement Diastolic measurement Korotkoff sound Blood Pressure Location Pressure points Heave and Thrill Pulse Pressure Aortic Pulse Pressure Mean Arterial Pressure Pulses v=74v4mEWhOao Measuring Blood Pressure Process 7 important aspects m/watch?v=diG519dFV Ns Distal arteries What affects measurement Changes related to cuff size Classifications BP Norm classificat al ion Prehypertensi ve Stage 1 Stage 2 SBP (mmHg) < 120 120 to 139 140 to 159 160 DBP (mmHg) < 80 80 to 99 90 to 99 > 100 “Silent Killer” Essential Hypertension Malignant Hypertension Secondary Hypertension Pseudohypertension Risk Factors Hypertension Cause Signs and symptoms Diagnostic Tests Treatment Hypertension Myocardial Infarction Atherosclerosis watch?v=qRK7-DCDKEA P Provokes (Relieves) Q Quality R Region / Radiation S Severity T Time •Other associated complaints / Pertinent Assessing Chest Pain tch?v=4h80Isb72Xg tch?v=H_VsHmoRQKk Chest Pain Tightness Squeezing Aching Pressure Shoulder pain Jaw pain Dyspnea Syncope Palpitations Angina Caused by exertion. Result of progressive CAD. Symptoms: typical chest pain. ST segment depression OR T wave inversion ST segment resolves, no elevated enzymes STEMI vs NonSTEMI Test Initial elevation Peak Return to Normal CK :Creatine kinase 2–6 hours 18-36 hours 3 – 6 days CKMB : Creatine kinase MB 2-3 hours 24 hours 2 – 3 days LDH : Lactic dehydrogenase 12-24 hours 24-48 hours 5 -6 days Myoglobin 1-2 hours 4-6 hours 24 hours Troponin 4-8 hours 14-18 hours < 10 days Cardiac Enzyme Duration Cardiac Diagnostic Procedures • • • • • • • Percutaneous coronary intervention Intracoronary Stenting Directional Atherectomy Rotational Atherectomy Extraction techniques Laser Cutting balloons Cardiac Revascularization m9fzYxU&NR=1&feature=endscreen vtNLc Heart Failure Pulmonary edema Shortness of breath, fatigue, and exercise intolerance HTN, CAD, MI, ischemic heart disease, valvular heart disease and cardiomyopathy Complications Adaptation Congestive Heart Failure Pregnancy and childbirth Increased environmental temperature or humidity Severe physical or mental stress Thyrotoxicosis Acute blood loss Pulmonary embolism Severe infection Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Hypervolemia Sepsis Non-heart Related Causes of CHF Acute Decompensated Heart Failure: sudden development of symptoms Sudden Death Chronic: symptoms over long period of time with development of compensatory mechanisms Classifications of CHF Left-side Heart Failure: ineffective left ventricular contraction Left ventricular dysfunction Neurohormonal responses: SNS RAAS Left-ventricular Remodeling Classification of CHF Right-side Heart Failure: ineffective right ventricular contraction Systolic Dysfunction or Heart Failure: during systole, left ventricle can’t pump blood out Classifications of CHF Heart Structure Changes with CHF Diastolic Dysfunction or Heart Failure: during diastole, left ventricle can’t relax to fill with blood Systolic dysfunction 2/3 of pts with heart failure Decreased left ventricular contractility and ejection fraction. Diastolic dysfunction 1/3 of pts with heart failure Impaired left Usually ventricular relaxation related to and abnormal filling chronic hypertension or ischemic heart disease. Classifications of CHF Most common cause is CHD resulting in MI or Chronic ischemia. Left-side Heart Failure Dyspnea, initially on exertion Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea Cheyne-Stokes respirations Cough Orthopena “Cardiac Asthma” Tachycardia Fatigue Right-side Heart Failure Edema, initially dependent Jugular vein distention Hepatomegaly Ascites Clinical Signs & Symptoms Blood tests ECG changes Chest X-ray Cardiac catheterization Echocardiography Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) Cardiopulmonary exercise test Tests for Diagnosis of CHF Medications Medication Class Expected Action ACE inhibitors / ARBs Interrupt response of RAAS Reduce mortality and morbidity Beta-blockers Interrupt response of SNS Reduce hospitalizations Not used in acute decompensated state Diuretics Loop diuretics with the addition of a thiazide diuretic if needed Decrease ECF load Maintain ECF volume status and sodium balance No impact on mortality Digoxin Dosage is usually 0.25 mg Improves symptoms Symptomatic and on more than 3 meds. Aldosterone antagonists Reserved for moderate to severe heart failure Treatment for CHF Lifestyle Changes Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Surgical / devices interventions Treatment for CHF Dyslipidemia LDL (low-density lipoprotein) HDL (high-density lipoprotein) Triglycerides Lipoprotein Disorders of CAD Dietary changes Medications Exercise Monitor cholesterol levels Management of Lipoprotein Disorders What is Diabetes? Diabetes and CAD/CVD CAD: Coronary Artery Disease CVD: Cerebral Vascular Disease Greater risk for heart disease What causes heart disease in diabetics? Diabetes and CAD/CVD Metabolic syndrome Risk Factors excessive fat tissue in and around abdomen Blood fat disorders Insulin resistance High fibrinogen inhibitor Raised blood pressure Elevated high-sensitivity C-reactive protein Diabetes and CAD/CVD Other types of heart disease that occur in people with diabetes: TIAs Heart Failure Cardiomyopathy Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) Diabetes and CAD/CVD Cardiac Revascularization Heart Transplant (LVAD) Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) Clinical Procedures - Treatments Cardioversion (defibrillation) Thrombolytic Therapy Clinical Procedures: Treatment Cardiac Catheterization Diagnostic Procedure