MECHANISM OF SECOND DENTITION Diphyodont and Heterodont humans homodont: all tooth are alike; heterodont: teeth have diferent shapes; poliphyodont: changing of teeth for the whole lifetime diphyodont : 2 sets of teeth – mammals; Root development - MOORREES et al. • Root ¼ root ½ root ¾ root completely develped • Apex open •Apex ½ closed •Apex closed MOORREES CF, FANNING EA, HUNT EE Jr. AGE VARIATION OF FORMATION STAGES FOR TEN PERMANENT TEETH. J Dent Res. 1963 Nov-Dec; 42:1490-1502. SECON DENTITION MECHANISM Mechanism – several factors responsible for normal second dentition process • Primary teeth period, after development of primary teeth – transitory period: maxillary bones are preparing for the permanent teeth arrival. SECOND DENTITION Physiological developmental phenomenon; Dynamic process: root development, periodontal development, functional occlusion. SECOND DENTITION IMPORTANCE Normal develpment of the craniofacial complex; Treatment planing, timing - orthodontics; Cariology. 6 years: M1 First permanent molars: at the end of the line; • „Sechsjahrmolaren”; • There are no changing of teeth, so it goes often unnoticed by the parents! ERUPTION - TIMETABLE PERMANENT T. 1. Molars 1. incisos Lateral incisor Hidasi Fehér 6 6-7 8 8 Upper ♂ 4→5→3 ♀ 3→4→5 vagy 4→3→5 6-8 7-9 Eruption sequences Lower Eruption sequences ♂, ♀ 3→4→5 Canine 11 9-12 9-10 10-12 2. Molar 12 11-13 3. Molar - 17-21 1. and 2. Praemolars CHARACTERISTICE Percentil presence of permanent teeth: prevalence of a particular tooth at a given moment in the population. dierences between the arches; sexual dimorfizm; Dental age determination!; dental status or the given age. CHARACTERISTICS Average eruption time: the age when the percentil presence of the tooth is 50%. IMPORTANCE: describes the second dentition process; comparative studies between populations; acceleratio: comparison with older data!; Percenti presence: tooth type 15-40% Average eruotion time: tooth type 1-1,5 years. BONE MATURATION Second dentition is paralell with bone maturation: • Tanner-Whitehouse method TW2 (Tanner et al. 1975); Orthodontic diagnostic value! GROWTH- TANNER End of secondary dentition Chronological age SECOND DENTITION CRITERIA Presence of the permanent toothgerm Optimal position of the toothgerm Sufficient space Physiological root resorption PRESENCE OF THE PERMANENT TOOTH GERM Aplasia prevalence: 3-4%; Gábris et al.: I2˃pm2˃ PM2˃i1 Persisting primary teeth Bolk’s terminal reduction theory APLASIA: 35; 31; 41; 45. Persisting primary teeth: 75; 71; 72; 85 Bolk’s terminal reduction theory: EXEPTION LOWER PERMANENT FIRST INCISORS 15 OPTIMAL POSITION OF THE PERMANENT TOOTHGERM Lower incidors: lingual eruption, erupting often in the presence o the primary incisors; Extraction of the primary teeth; Upper canines: Ectopia; Retentio/Impactio MESIODENS • DENS SUPERNUMERARIUS • DENS SUPPLEMENTARIUS 17 Early primary teeth extraction Physiological root resorption Genetical code! PATHOLOGY TIME SPACE THE PATHOLOGICAL TRIAS: Perturbance of the rootresoption; Persisting primary models; Retained permanent teeth. PATHOLOGY DENTITIO PRAECOX DENTITIO TARDA DENTITIO DIFFICILIS INFRAOCCLUSIO SECUNDARIA Partialis retentio; reinclusio; Submergentia; „Halbretention” „submerged deciduous teeth” Eruption cyst/haematoma Importance of the distal plane in primary dentition