Ellman Sandstone Cheveux™ Permanent Hair Reduction 810 Diode Laser From Razor to Laser • Methods of hair removal – Shaving – Waxing / plucking – Depilatories and creams (bleaches) – Electrolysis / electrothermolysis – Laser/light-based hair removal 2 Benefits of Laser Hair Removal • • • • • Treats a large area quickly Low risk of side-effects Temporary hair reduction for all hair types Long-term growth delay Permanent hair reduction 3 Absorption Spectrum of Major Chromophores in Skin Cheveux™ Diode Laser How Laser Hair Removal Works • Laser energy is selectively absorbed by the melanin in the hair follicle and converted to heat, injuring the follicle. • Most hair is permanently removed. Hair that does regrow is finer and lighter than before. 5 Appropriate Pulse Durations • Pulse duration: key in destroying the follicle without excessive damage to the epidermis – With a pulse duration and energy chosen properly for a particular skin type, the follicle can be destroyed with minimal heat damage to the epidermis (selective photothermolysis). • The larger the target, the longer the thermal relaxation time (defined as the time required for an object to cool to 50% of the temperature achieved immediately following laser exposure). – Finer hair has shorter TRT. – Coarser hair has longer TRT. • Longer pulses allow heat to safely spread from the epidermis, especially important with darker skin types (e.g. 100ms, 400ms). 6 Who is a Candidate? • The Cheveux™ is safe and effective on all skin types and tanned skin • Works best on darker hair – Red or light brown hair may take more treatments to be effective – Blonde, gray and white hair do not contain melanin so treatments are not recommended • Can treat any area of the body – For safety avoid treating within ocular socket/orbit or on mucous membrane 7 Number of Treatments • Three phases of normal hair growth: – Anagen (active) – Catagen (regression) – Telogen (resting) • Follicle most susceptible during anagen phase • 1/3 to 2/3 of hair is in Anagen phase at any time • Hair has most melanin in the bulb during Anagen phase and absorbs the most energy to disable stem cells • Multiple treatments required 4 to 6 weeks apart – 3-6 treatments for lighter skin patients – 4-8 treatments for darker skin patients – During initial treatment, only 1/3-2/3 hair will be effected • Permanent reduction typically 50-90% following multiple treatments 8 Pre-Treatment • Pt. cannot wax, pluck or undergo electrolysis for 6 weeks beforehand – Can shave or trim • Avoid active tanning in area to be treated for 4 weeks prior to treatment • No self-tanning products 2 weeks prior to treatment • Obtain photographs 9 Pre-Treatment • Patient selection – Gray or blond hair not good candidates – Avoid treating if history of pronounced keloids – Avoid treating over tattoos or permanent make-up – History of herpes simplex virus (HSV) - pretreat with antiviral medication – Stop Accutane for at least 6 months – Caution if patient on photosensitizing medications – Caution if history of hyper- or hypopigmentation 10 Eye Safety • Can cause severe retinal injury • No treatment within bony orbit of eye (outer canthus). Treatment of eyebrows not recommended. • Ocular Hazard Zone: – 164 feet / 50 m • Use occlusive goggles when treating the face 11 Safety • • • • • Enclosed room, windows covered Laser safety sign posted outside door Laser in standby when not actively used Key removed when not in use Laser beam directed only at target or calibration port 12 Safety • • • • • Footswitch clean and out of way when not in use Do not treat over paper or cloth Do not store flammables in the room Available fire extinguisher Follow ANSI standards for Class IV laser – Contact Laser Institute of America (LIA) (800) 34LASER for current ANSI and OSHA standards 13 Laser Hair Removal Technique • Treatment is simple and straightforward – Set patient expectations – Obtain health history – Informed consent signed – Area clean and shaved prior to treatment – If desired, topical anesthetic cream applied 30-60 minutes before treatment • Caution if lidocaine allergy – Settings chosen based on skin type and hair density – Look for the presence of a tan 14 – Test spotting recommended Fitzpatrick Skin Type Classification Scale Skin Type Skin Color Characteristics I White; very fair; red or blond hair; blue eyes; freckles Always burns, never tans II White; fair; red or blond hair; blue, hazel, or green eyes Usually burns, tans with difficulty III Cream white; fair with any eye or hair color; very common Sometimes mild burn, gradually tans IV Brown; typical Mediterranean Caucasian skin Rarely burns, tans with ease V Dark Brown; mid-eastern skin types Very rarely burns, tans very easily VI Black Never burns, tans very easily Suggested Treatment Parameters Fitzpatrick Skin Type Starting Fluences (Test Spots) I 35J/cm2 Wait at least 15-30 minutes. Observe epidermal response, increase or decrease by 2-5 J/cm2. II 350J/cm2 Wait at least 15-30 minutes. Observe epidermal response, increase or decrease by 2-5 J/cm2. III 25J/cm2 Wait at least 15-30 minutes. Observe epidermal response, increase or decrease by 2-5 J/cm2. Tolerated Fluences Pulse Width 15-60 J/cm2 Auto 30 ms – high hair density areas 15-60 J/cm2 Auto 30 ms – high hair density areas 10-45 J/cm2 Auto – finer hair 30 ms – coarser hair or high hair density areas 16 Suggested Treatment Parameters Fitzpatrick Skin Type IV Tolerated Fluences Pulse Width 20 J/cm2 for 100 ms 10-45 J/cm2 30 ms – finer hair 100 ms – coarser hair or high hair density areas 1-10 J/cm2 for 400 ms 1-10 J/cm2 100 ms for coarse hair Starting Fluences (Test Spots) Wait at least 15-30 minutes. Observe epidermal response, increase or decrease by 2-3 J/cm2. 17 Suggested Treatment Parameters Fitzpatrick Skin Type V VI Starting Fluences (Test Spots) Tolerated Fluences Pulse Duration 15-20 J/cm2 for 100 ms 1-35 J/cm2 100 ms 1-10 J/cm2 for 400 ms 1-10J/cm2 400 ms 10-20 J/cm2 for 100 ms 10-20 J/cm2 100 ms 1-10 J/cm2 for 400 ms 1-10J/cm2 400 ms Wait at least 48-72 hours. Observe epidermal response, increase or decrease by 1-2 J/cm2. Wait at least 48-72 hours. Observe epidermal response, increase or decrease by 1-2 J/cm2. 18 Suggested Treatment Parameters Fitzpatrick Skin Type Starting Fluences (Test Spots) Tolerated Fluences Pulse Duration All Skin Types – Tanned Skin Use low range of fluences recommended for one skin type darker than patient’s skin type (e.g. treat tanned skin type III as skin type IV). Perform test spots on areas with same degree of tan as area to be treated. n/a 100 ms 19 Operator Technique •Secure wrist strap! •Apply water-based gel on area to be treated (this may be kept refrigerated) •Apply gel in no bigger than 12 inch square area as it tends to dry out •Spot size is 9mmX9mm – laser spreads under skin •Overlap 10% •Larger spot sizes – deeper penetration in skin •Apply slight compression •Keep chilled tip flat on the skin surface at a 90o angle -Surface skin is cooled by chilled tip (4° C) to minimize heating of skin •Inspect and clean tip frequently during treatment! 20 •Caution if treating over moles or suspicious lesions Expected Sequelae and Tips • • • • • • • • • • • • Observe skin for unwanted effects such as excessive erythema, blistering Perifollicular edema is to be expected – resolves in 2 hours Perform a test spot behind ear to ensure safety to skin – wait 24 hours Do not overlap over 10% or treat area twice Make sure tip is always in contact with skin when treating Place wet gauze under lip when treating Do not try to sculpt eyebrows Never treat inside orbital rim Use goggles when treating glabellar area to protect eyes Place cotton ball in ears when treating tregus Place white sponge behind ear when treating pinna Stop treatment If greying or separation Positive Clinical Endpoints • Perifollicular erythema and edema - Bumps around follicle several minutes after treatment - Less pronounced on darker skin types Courtesy C. Dierickx M.D. 22 Post-Treatment • Sunburn sensation is normal • Takes 2 weeks for hair to shed • If desired, cold compress, aloe or hydrocortisone cream applied after treatment • Gently clean area twice daily • Stop glycolics, retinoids etc • Sunscreen for 6 weeks over the area • Describe singed hair and shedding process • Patient returns in 4-8 weeks for next treatment • After completion of initial treatment touch-up treatments at 6 month intervals may be required to disable resistant hairs in treatment area 23 Potential Risks • Perifollicular edema/erythema – Favorable post-treatment response – Usually resolves w/in 24 hours • Local blisters - too high fluence, dark skin • Hyper/Hypopigmentation – Transient, should clear within 6-12 months, – Fluence and skin type dependent • Scarring – Extremely rare 24 Ideas For Getting Started Promote • Good idea to treat staff so they can speak knowledgeably about procedure • Mention availability to patients • Brochures • Posters in waiting room, office bathrooms, exam rooms • On-hold message introducing laser • Phone staff should be able to answer basic questions 25