Lymphedema course - University of the Western Cape

Lymphedema course
al lymph drainage and complete decongestive therapy course
y lymphedema is regarded as a chronic, condition that may arise at any stage in the lifespan of individuals. Lymphedema is an
ulation of lymph fluid in the tissues and manifests as a swelling most commonly of the limbs. Primary lymphedema may be due
c factors. Secondary lymphedema is caused by external factors such as surgery, infection, trauma, cancer and cancer treatment.
Africa has the second highest incidence of HIV and AIDS and a burgeoning incidence of cancer. These diseases may compromise
atic system. Despite the increased incidence and morbidity of these diseases very few health practitioners have the clinical skill t
y those at risk of lymphedema or to manage the condition. Therefore the aim of this course is to enhance the skills of health
oners in order for them to contribute to the reduction of lymphedema risk factors as well as to effectively manage the condition
008, The School of Nursing at the University of the Western Cape in conjunction with the Norton School of Lymphatic Therapy (
a course on Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT). This course includes; Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD), Compression Bandagin
re and Remedial Exercise.
e of course/course description
edema is a common complication after removal of lymphnodes for surgery related to cancer. Currently there is no course availa
Africa that addresses MLD and CDT. This course aim to cover that gap.
end of the course you will be expected to be able to:
nstrate an understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic system
he indications and contra-indications of MLD and CDT
mpetent to apply MLD and CDT to patients suffering of primary or secondary lymphedema
nstrate competency in bandaging techniques for upper and lower extremities
nstrate an understanding in the importance of remedial lymphedema exercises and skin hygiene.
equirements : You should have a first degree or diploma in health or health related sciences or the social sciences, and/or severa
of working experience in the treatment of patients with lymphedema.
ourse: Phone to obtain the next date
Ms. S Walker 021 959 3482
Ms. N Johannes 021 959 3482
Course Convenor