Office of the Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan

Illinois Hospital Association



Discuss the SASETA mandates for transfer hospitals

Discuss how best to meet the immediate needs of the sexual assault patient

Discuss the best practice for preserving evidence

Discuss the role of law enforcement in the transfer process

Discuss special considerations for Critical Access


Scope of Sexual Assault


Scope of sexual assault is staggering

1 in 7 women in Illinois = 670,000 women

5,620 rapes reported to Illinois law enforcement in


The Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault Centers helped 9,991 survivors of sexual assault in FY 2009

Served an additional 8,442 anonymously on 24-hour rape crisis hotlines



Sexual Assault Survivors Emergency Treatment Act


Passed in 1975 (called the Rape Victims Emergency

Treatment Act)

Mandates emergency and forensic services to sexual assault survivors of ALL ages – overseen by the Illinois Department of Health (IDPH)

Establishes the statewide evidence collection program – overseen by the Illinois State Police (ISP)

Provides for reimbursement of costs for emergency and forensic services and follow-up care – overseen by the

Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS)

SASETA Designation


SASETA administrative rules through IDPH

Requires hospitals to submit a transfer or treatment plan every 3 years

Transfer services

Defined as “the appropriate medical screening examination and necessary stabilizing treatment prior to the transfer of a sexual assault survivor to a hospital that provides hospital emergency services and forensic services to sexual assault survivors pursuant to a sexual assault treatment plan or area-wide sexual assault treatment plan” 410 ILCS 70/1a

~24 transfer hospitals in Illinois per IDPH website

SASETA Requirements


All transfers must comply with the federal

Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act


Medical screening examination needed

 All unauthorized personnel (including law enforcement) shall remain outside the examination room

Must be stable prior to transfer

 Use your trauma patient protocol as a guide

First attempt to transfer to designated treatment hospital

SASETA Requirements


Sexual assault patient shall be given an appropriate explanation concerning the reason for the transfer to another hospital for treatment

Emergency department staff of the transfer hospital shall notify the receiving hospital of the transfer of a sexual assault patient

Patient must consent to transfer

Transfer hospital shall offer to call a friend, family member or rape crisis advocate to accompany the patient

SASETA Requirements


Receiving hospital shall

Have available space and staff for the treatment of a sexual assault patient

Agree to accept the transfer and to provide the appropriate treatment of a sexual assault patient

Must respond within minutes to ensure the privacy, shall refer to the patient by code to avoid embarrassment, and shall offer a private room

SASETA Requirements


Transfer hospital shall send a copy of the ED record

Shall not reflect any conclusions regarding whether a crime occurred

Records shall include

 Complete ED admission form

Clinical findings

Nurses’ notes

Any person present during the MSE

 Any treatment provided

 Test results

SASETA Requirements


Transfer hospital shall maintain chain-of-custody

Handle the sexual assault patient and her/his clothing minimally

If removal of clothing is necessary, attempt to remove without cutting, tearing or shaking garments

Shall not attempt to obtain any evidence specimens

Nothing that would be collected with the SA evidence kit (hair combings, swabs, blood)

If any clothing or other loose possessions must be collected as evidence

Left to dry if possible

Placed in separate paper bags – can be placed in a larger bag for convenience after properly sealed/labeled

Bag(s) shall be transported with the patient

SASETA Requirements


If the patient does not have any life-threatening conditions, may be transported to receiving hospital by police or friend/family member

Consent of patient needed

If not medically stable, must be transferred by ambulance, in accordance with EMTATLA requirements

When to Transfer


Anytime a patient states that (s)he has been sexually assaulted within 7 days and consents to a medicalforensic examination

SASETA rules mandate evidence collection up to 7 days following sexual assault

It is not the healthcare professional’s role to determine if the report of sexual assault is “valid” or to investigate

If after 7 days

Refer for medical examination

Do not need to transfer unless a medical emergency exists or injury is noted

How to Transfer


Triage patient

Perform a medical screening examination

Do not need entire patient history of the sexual assault

 Need general information only – enough to facilitate transfer

Who, what, when, where

Do not conduct a genital examination unless medically necessary

Do not collect evidence unless necessary

Do not provide medication unless necessary

How to Transfer


Call receiving hospital for transfer acceptance

Provide physician and nurse report to receiving hospital

Provide patient with a copy of ED record and transfer paperwork

Written patient consent needed

If medically stable, allow patient to be transported by law enforcement or friend/family member

Must follow all mandated reporting requirements

Emergency Department Record


Shall not include any conclusions

Discourage the use of “Alleged Sexual Assault”

Use these as possible diagnosis

 Sexual Assault

 Sexual Assault Examination

Sexual Assault by History

Evaluation of Sexual Assault

Patient states…

How to Communicate


Assume that rape occurred

Use open ended questions

Poor question: “So, you think you were raped?”

Good question: “Please, tell me what happened.”

Avoid leading questions or questions that could indicate blame

Do not start a question with “Why?”

If clarification needed, reflect patient’s own words back to them

Allow time for answer



You are safe here

I’m sorry this happened to you

You did not deserve to be hurt

You did not ask to be hurt

The person who did this is the only one responsible

You did everything right

You are very brave

Thank you for coming to see me

I’m glad I got to meet you

We are going to get you to the right place for the best treatment

Explain Process


Provide an explanation of why transfer is necessary

Provide an explanation of the transfer process

Provide an explanation for what to expect at the receiving hospital

Medical advocate



Explain the Medical-Forensic


Six main steps of the SANE exam:


Obtain consent

2. History

3. Head – to – toe assessment


Detailed genital assessment

Only exception would be if no genital contact reported by patient for adolescent/adult population


Evidence collection

6. Medication administration and discharge instructions

Evidence Preservation


Do not collect evidence unless necessary

What about allowing the patient to urinate or have a drink?

What if clothing must be collected?

How to properly seal

Evidence bags sealed with clear tape

Examiner labels with date and initials – on and off the tape

Label outside of bag with patient name, date, time of collection, examiner name and contents of bag

Can place individually sealed bags in one large bag

Give to patient or law enforcement

Role of Law Enforcement


Mandated reporting requirements

Respond to transfer hospital

Facilitate transfer and provide transportation

Critical Access Hospitals


Staffing – Would it make sense for a Critical Access

Transfer Hospital to have a SANE on staff, as a resource for the MDs and other nurses? How could the SANE keep up skills?

Weather – If weather is bad and transferring the patient may be dangerous, what should the CAH do?

Other concerns?



Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) oversees billing

Patients with private insurance – transfer hospital must bill private insurance

Any monies normally covered by patient – bill the Illinois Sexual

Assault Program (co-pay, deductible, co-insurance, etc.)

Patients with Medicaid/Medicare – bill Medicaid/Medicare

Others patients – transfer hospital can utilize the Illinois

Sexual Assault Program for payment

For billing questions

Kathy Prunty at

or 217-782-3303





&ChapAct=410%26nbsp%3BILCS%26nbsp%3B70%2F&C hapterID=35&ChapterName=PUBLIC+HEALTH&ActName=


SASETA (Administrative Rules)



To view a listing of treatment/transfer hospitals

 ex.htm



Shannon Liew, RN, BSN, SANE-A

SANE Coordinator

Office of the Illinois Attorney General

100 West Randolph Street, 13 th Floor

Chicago, IL 60601


Barbara E. Haller

Illinois Hospital Association

Director, Health Policy & Regulation

1151 E. Warrenville Road

Naperville, IL 60566


Karen Senger, RN, BSN

Supervisor of Central Office Operations

Division of Health Care Facilities and Programs

525 West Jefferson Street, 4th Floor

Springfield, IL 62761
