Cell Biology Review Game

Earth Science Topic #12 Review Game
The younger extrusive igneous rocks on the ocean
floor have a higher heat flow rate than older
extrusive igneous rocks. Which graph best shows
the relationship between heat flow rate and
distance from the mid ocean ridge?
The first S-wave arrived at a seismograph station 11 minutes
after an earthquake occurred. How long after the arrival of the
first P-wave did this first S-wave arrive?
a. 3 min 15 s
b. 4 min 55 s
c. 6 min 05 s
d. 9 min 00 s
Which map best indicates the probable locations of continents
100 million years from now if tectonic plate movement continues
at its present rate and direction?
Base your answer on A seismogram recorded at a
seismic station is shown below.
Which information can be determined by using this seismogram?
a. the depth of the earthquake's focus
b. the direction to the earthquake's focus
c. the location of the earthquake's epicenter
d. the distance to the earthquake's epicenter
Base your answer
on the map below.
Letters A through
F are locations on
Earth’s surface.
Which location is closest to a
divergent plate boundary at an
oceanic ridge?
a. A
c. C
b. B
d. E
Base your answer to the next question on the earthquake seismogram
When did the first P-waves arrive at this seismic station?
a. 3 minutes after an earthquake occurred 2,600 km away
b. 5 minutes after an earthquake occurred 2,600 km away
c. 9 minutes after an earthquake occurred 3,500 km away
d. 11 minutes after an earthquake occurred 3,500 km away
Base your answer on The
seismogram below shows
P-wave and S-wave arrival
times at a seismic station
following an earthquake.
The distance from this seismic station to the epicenter of the
earthquake is approximately
a. 1,600 km
b. 3,200 km
c. 4,400 km
d. 5,600 km
What is the approximate difference in arrival times of the
P-waves and the S-waves at a seismographic station that
is 3,000 kilometers from an earthquake epicenter?
a. 2 min 15 sec
b. 3 min 40 sec
c. 4 min 30 sec
d. 5 min 40 sec
Base your answer on Which map best represents the general
pattern of magnetism in the oceanic bedrock near the mid-Atlantic
Base your answer on The
diagram below shows a cross
section of sedimentary rock
Which statement about the deposition of
the sediments best explains why these
layers have the curved shape shown?
a. Sediments were deposited in
horizontal layers and later disturbed by
crustal activity.
b. Sediments were deposited on an
uneven curving seafloor.
c. Sediments were deposited after
widespread volcanic eruptions.
d. Sediments were deposited between
two diverging oceanic plates.
If a seismograph recording station located 5,700 kilometers from
an epicenter receives a P-wave at 4:45 p.m., at which time did
the earthquake actually occur at the epicenter?
a. 4:24 p.m.
b. 4:29 p.m.
c. 4:36 p.m.
d. 4:56 p.m.
Active volcanoes are most abundant along
a. edges of tectonic plates
b. eastern coastline of continents
c. 23.5° N and 23.5° S parallels of latitude
d. equatorial ocean floor
What is the approximate percentage by volume of
oxygen in the crust of the Earth?
a. 20%
b. 30%
c. 70%
d. 90%
Base your answer to the next
question on the diagram below,
which shows details of a section
of a rift valley in the center of a
mid-ocean ridge. The vertical
lines in the diagram represent
faults and fractures within the
ocean floor bedrock.
What will be the primary result of the continuation of the
geologic processes indicated at this location?
a. Earths magnetic field will reverse direction.
b. Continental crust will be forced downward.
c. Earths circumference will increase.
d. New oceanic crust will form.
Base your answer on the diagram below,
which represents seismic stations A, B,
and C. The distance from each station to
an earthquake’s epicenter is plotted.
The P-wave of an earthquake originating 2,600
kilometers from seismic station A arrived at 5:24:45
a.m. What was the arrival time of the S-wave from
the same earthquake?
a. 1:24:45 a.m.
c. 5:28:45 a.m.
b. 5:21:05 a.m.
d. 9:24:05 a.m.
The P-waves (compressional waves) from
an earthquake travel through the Earth's
a. crust, only
b. crust and mantle, only
c. crust, mantle, and inner core, only
d. crust, mantle, outer core, and inner
The Himalaya Mountains are located along a portion of the
southern boundary of the Eurasian Plate. At the top of Mt.
Everest (29,028 feet) in the Himalaya Mountains, climbers
have found fossilized marine shells in the surface bedrock.
From this observation, which statement is the best
inference about the origin of the Himalaya Mountains?
a. The Himalaya Mountains were formed by volcanic
b. Sea level has been lowered more than 29,000 feet
since the shells were fossilized.
c. The bedrock containing the fossil shells is part of an
uplifted seafloor.
d. The Himalaya Mountains formed at a divergent plate
Which statement about the Earth's mantle is correct?
a. The density of the mantle is greatest 300 km below the
Earth's surface.
b. The highest temperatures within the Earth occur in the
c. The greatest pressures within the Earth exist in the mantle.
d. The temperature of the mantle 300 km below the Earth's
surface is very near its melting point.
Which statement correctly compares seismic P-waves with
seismic S-waves?
a. P-waves travel faster than S-waves and pass through Earth’s
liquid zones.
b. P-waves travel faster than S-waves and do not pass through
Earth’s liquid zones.
c. P-waves travel slower than S-waves and pass through Earth’s
liquid zones.
d. P-waves travel slower than S-waves and do not pass through
Earth’s liquid zones.
Which combination of temperature and
pressure is inferred to occur within Earth’s
stiffer mantle?
a. 3500°C and 0.4 million atmospheres
b. 3500°C and 2.0 million atmospheres
c. 5500°C and 0.4 million atmospheres
d. 5500°C and 2.0 million atmospheres
Base your answer on the
map below which shows the
locations of deep-sea core
drilling sites numbered 1
through 4. The approximate
location of the diverging
plate at the East Pacific
Ridge is shown by a dashed
line. Point A is located on
the East Pacific Ridge.
Compared to the thickness and density of
the continental crust of South America, the
oceanic crust of the Pacific floor is
a. thinner and less dense
b. thinner and more dense
c. thicker and less dense
d. thicker and more dense
Base your answer on The map
below shows the location of an
earthquake epicenter in New York
State. Seismic stations A, B, and
C received the data used to locate
the earthquake epicenter.
The seismogram recorded at
station A would show the
a. arrival of P-waves, only
b. earliest arrival time of P-waves
c. greatest difference in the
arrival times of P-waves and Swaves
d. arrival of S-waves before the
arrival of P-waves
Base your answer on
The diagram below
represents a cross
section of a portion of the
Earth's crust.
Which past activity in this region is suggested by the shape of these
sedimentary rock layers?
a. widespread volcanic activity
c. glacial deposition
b. horizontal sorting
d. crustal movements
The Earth's core is believed to be composed primarily of
a. oxygen and silicon
b. aluminum and silicon
c. iron and nickel
d. carbon and iron
Which diagram correctly shows how mantle convection currents are
most likely moving beneath colliding lithospheric plates?
Which element is most abundant
in Earth's crust?
a. nitrogen
b. hydrogen
c. oxygen
d. silicon
Base your answer on The
diagram below shows the
bedrock structure beneath a
series of hills.
Which process was primarily responsible for
forming the hills?
a. folding
b. faulting
c. deposition
d. vulcanism
Rock strata containing fossils of shark's teeth are
found at an elevation of 5,000 meters. Which
process most likely caused the shark's teeth to be
located at this elevation?
a. crustal subsidence
b. ocean floor spreading
c. crustal uplift
d. continental glaciation
Base your answer on The photograph below shows a large crater
located in the southwestern United States.
Some fragments taken from the site have a nickeliron composition. This evidence indicates that the
crater probably was formed by
a. the impact of a meteorite from space
b. the collapse of a cavern roof
c. an eruption of a volcano
d. an underwater explosion of steam
The rock between 2,900 kilometers and 5,200
kilometers below the Earth's surface is inferred
to be
a. an iron-rich solid
b. an iron-rich liquid
c. a silicate-rich solid
d. a silicate-rich liquid