PROGRAMME VI. MATERIAL-TECHNICAL EQUIPPING AND INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF STATE SERVICES PRESENTED BY THE INSTITUTE SEISMOLOGY OF ACADEMY SCIENCES OF REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN (REF 57/4 IN THE CONSOLIDATED LIST 2014) ABSTRACT TO THE PROJECT "CAPACITY BUILDING IN THE PREVENTION AND REDUCTION OF RISKS NATURAL DISASTERS AND EMERGENCY SITUATIONS " SECTION: IMPROVING OF THE EARLY WARNING SYSTEM FROM EARTHQUAKES PROJECT GOAL: REDUCTION OF DAMAGE AND HUMANS LOSS IN DURING STRONG EARTHQUAKES. OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT: The task of earthquake early warning system is the rapid determination of the start of earthquake, estimation of the expected intensity of the protected city. This can be done to find the energy that comes from the fast P-waves of earthquake, which rarely caused of damage. Using of information on P-waves, we first estimate the location and magnitude of earthquakes. Less destructive P-waves arrives first, and from it we can determine how much damage we can expect from arrival of S-waves. In depending from distance of early warning system can control of alarm for 20-200 seconds before arrival strong S-waves. The method can provide a warning before arrival of S-waves, which caused strong shaking and usually caused of big parts of damage. Such as systems EEW are already out of work in the world. Present time early warning systems existing in Japan, Taiwan, Mexico, Turkey and Romania. Effectiveness of the project: - Early warning system about strong earthquakes is destination for supply protects the most important sites such as: pre-school and educational institutions, hospitals and nursing homes, power supply systems, transport and others. - Early warning system focal of preparing earthquake allow beforehand estimate of probability of the manifestation zone and forces expected earthquake, hereunder to take extraordinary actions on reduction its negative consequences. These measures allow greatly reduce the economic, engineering and humanities negative consequences of strong earthquakes. Fig.1. Arrangement of Network of Seismic Stations of Uzbekistan, which will be used for supply Early Warning System about earthquakes Fig.2. Network of Seismic Stations of world to which probably access on realized of this project. For determine of location of active zone of the forthcoming strong earthquakes M≥5.0, are using the original method of magnetic location ULF that was out worked in the Institute IEMPRW RAS (Institute of Earth Magnetism and Propagation Radio Waves of Russia Academy Sciences). In 2000–2002yy. together with Japanese colleagues have been obtained the first positive results of using Russian equipment and their scientific methods. Previously, equipment magnetic location in the range of ULF (geophysical complex "Sourse-1") in during several years was used in the sub-auroral zone in Russia for study dynamics of ionospheric current systems, responsible for the disturbance of the magnetic field of the Earth. At present, the method claimed in a many of countries. In 1980 years, by Uzbek seismologists were discovered phenomenon of "Electromagnetic radiation at the final stage of preparation of earthquake." By us had been out worked hardware-software package that allows take the bearing on angles of arrival of signals and on data Seismic Array and define locate of source. This technology also will be involved in during of realization of that project. Fig.3. Technology for early detection of potential earthquakes zone Fig.4. Graph on different geophysical field connection with earthquake. Project Location: The Republican Seismological Service at the Institute Seismology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan The cost of the project in USD USA: 750,000 The plan of proposed financing: 2014 -10000 2015 -370000 2016 -370000 Project implementation period: 2014-2016 years