CROATIAN EARTHQUAKE CATALOG Ines Ivančić Croatian Seismological Survey, Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Zagreb CROATIAN EARTHQUAKE CATALOG (CEC) • The gathering of seismological data in Croatia has a history longer than a century – • continuous instrumental observations since 1908 (Zagreb seismological station) The CEC has been compiled using all data on earthquakes from the archives of the Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb (the catalogues, macroseismic reports, seismograms, and other related documents…) • Its first revision was described by Herak, M., Herak, D. and Markusic, S. (1996) • The catalogue is routinely updated – hypocentral locations and magnitudes are obtained through location procedure using all data from Croatian stations as well as those reported by other regional networks Croatian earthquake catalog 373BC – 2011 Croatia and the surrounding areas 41.7 – 46.7 N 12.7 – 19.7 E 47524 earthquakes Croatian earthquake catalog Estimating the completeness Time distribution of seismic events (mainshocks) by year, (ML ≥ 2.0) Frequency-magnitude distribution Noncum. FMD 1908-1974: MC ≥ 4.0, (bML = –0.86); 1975-2004: MC ≥ 3.0, (bML = –0.94); 2005-2011: MC ≥ 2.0, (bML = –0.90); (max.-likelihood b-value, after Gutenberg-Richter relationship) Croatian earthquake catalog 373BC-1907 975 earthquakes • 1879 – Dr. Mijo Kišpatić: First comprehensive chronicle of earthquakes (from 1502 – 1879) • 1880 – the major Zagreb earthquake was the main impetus for the scientific study of earthquakes in Croatia Croatian earthquake catalog 1908-1974 2680 earthquakes Andrija Mohorovičić Wiechert mechanical seismographs: Year1908 Small horizontal mass 80 kg 1908 Year 1909 Large horizontal mass 1000 kg Continuous instrumental recording of earthquakes since 1908. Seismographic stations Seismographic stations Croatian earthquake catalog 1975-2004 18718 earthquakes 1975 – seismographic network improvements Seismographic stations 1975 2005 Croatian earthquake catalog 2005 - 2011 25151 earthquakes • 2005 – … – increasing the number of seismographic stations – further upgrading of seismographic stations with the installation of digital equipment – All stations are transmiting the data to Zagreb in real-time Seismographic stations Croatian seismographic network Magnitude determination • For earthquakes before 1908 catalog lists magnitude Mm computed from intensity • The magnitude ML formula applied by our Department was derived in the ‘Balkan project’ (1974). It was retained even after introduction of electromagnetic and digital seismographs: • Magnitude revision for the events after the installation of digital seismographs yielded new calibrating functions for local magnitudes (ML and MWA) which produce distance-independent estimates ‐ Amax is the trace amplitude in nm on the simulated Wood-Anderson seismograph (magnification 2080); ‐ SC is station correction Magnitude determination • Magnitude ML is determined from station ZAG until the year 2005. • After the year 2005 magnitude ML is the median magnitude from Croatian stations – Magnitudes ML were recalculated for each Croatian station with new calibrated function for local magnitudes in the period 2005 – 2011 and the median magnitude was determined for each event • The correspondence between the three magnitudes is close to 1:1 relationship – enabling an easy conversion from ML to MW Earthquake magnitudes Individual (station) magnitudes Magnitude determination MW vs. MWA MW vs. ML ML vs. MWA Croatian Earthquake Database Accumulation of all kinds of seismicity-related data in various files and shapes: • Earthquake records (> 55,000 in 2012) • Fault-plane solutions (>200 earthquakes) • Phase readings for all analysed earthquakes (>35,000 files with over 500000 phase readings) • Macroseismic data (380 events) and maps archive • Digital seismograms • Strong-motion data relational database enables easy acces and management of data relational database Croatian Earthquake Database – Queries Macroseismic catalogue Earthquake catalogue Table of relations Earthquakes felt in Samobor Query1: Finding the macroseismic intensity in Samobor for the Pokupsko earthquake in 1909 Query2: corresponding macroseismic map Croatian Earthquake Database – Queries STON – SLANO 1996. M = 6.0 Imax = VIII MCS Croatian earthquake catalogue Some statistics… ML-max per year (1900-2011) Number of earthquakes (M ≥ 3.0) per year Croatian earthquake catalogue The most seismically active areas in Croatia are: -Greater Zagreb area (NW Croatia) - Croatian Primorje - Dalmatia (SE Croatia) The strongest earthquakes in Croatia ML ≥ 6.0 Red dots: events after 1850 Yellow dots: 373BC - 1850 BSHAP Epicenter Map for Croatia and Adjacent Areas 373 BC – 2011 •3398 earthquakes ML ≥ 3.0 •D ≤ 15 km of the Croatian border Croatian earthquake catalogue BSHAP format • Magnitude ML determined from station ZAG. After 2005, this is the median magnitude from Croatian stations • Magnitude ML determined from other sources • Reference list is verified and updated with respect to BSHAP source codes Conclusions • Magnitude revision yielded new calibrating functions for local magnitudes (ML and MWA). Magnitudes were recalculated with new calibrated function for local magnitudes in the period 2005 – 2011. • The correspondence between the three magnitudes is close to 1:1 relationship, enabling easy conversion from ML to MW. • A procedure for routine computation of moment magnitude using spectra of local and regional earthquakes has been established. • Croatian Earthquake Database is a significant effort towards data organization and usability. • The completeness of the Croatian earthquake catalog has been investigated. • Duplicate events were removed. • Reference list was verified and updated with respect to BSHAP source codes.