Chapter 13 Section 2 Review Page 330


Section 13-2 Review

Page #330:1-8


Summarize the difference between mafic and felsic magma.

Mafic Magma

 magnesium & iron

 dark

 less viscous

Felsic Magma

 silica & feldspars

 light

 more viscous


Explain how the composition of magma affects the force of volcanic eruptions.

More viscous magma traps gases more easily than less viscous magma, which may lead to more explosive eruptions.


Compare three major types of lava flows.

• Pahoehoe – ropy

• Aa – jagged

• Blocky Lava – large chunks




Define pyroclastic material, and list three examples.

Pyroclastic material consists of fragments of rock that form during an explosive eruption.

Pyroclastic Material

volcanic ash/dust volcanic bombs lapilli

Volcanic Ash



Identify the three main types of volcanic cones.

 shield volcano

 cinder cones

 composite volcano

Types of Volcanoes

Shield Volcano

Mauna Loa - Hawaii

Cinder Cone

Composite Volcano


Describe how calderas form.

A caldera forms when the magma chamber of a volcano empties, causing the volcanic cone to collapse in upon it, or when magma is ejected violently and the cone is destroyed.


Crater Lake


List three events that may precede a volcanic eruption.

 earthquake activity

 rock temperatures increase

 volcano area bulges


Why would a sudden increase of earthquake activity around a volcano indicate a possible eruption.

Sudden earthquake activity could be caused by magma moving upward through the rock around the volcano.

The End

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