Identification and Management of
Wildlife Damage
Kurt C. VerCauteren, Richard A.
Dolbeer, and Eric M. Gese
Wildlife Damage Management
Wildlife Damage in the US
 Cost is ~ $22 billion annually
Control is important due to
 Expanding human populations
 Intensified land-use practices
Wildlife Damage Management Must
Be . . .
► Based
on sound economic, ecological, and sociological
► Carried
out as positive, necessary components of
wildlife management programs
 Actions must be justified, environmentally safe,
humane, and in the public interest
Four Principle Components
(1) Problem definition
Species causing problem
Number of animals
Amount of loss
Nature of conflict
(2) Ecology of the
problem species
(3) Management methods
 Develop an appropriate
management strategy using
(1) and (2)
(4) Evaluation of
management effort
 Assess the results relative
to cost and impact on target
and non-target populations
Legal Requirements for Management
It is important to understand the laws regarding target
and non-target species
 Capture, possession, or killing
of most mammals, reptiles,
and amphibians is regulated
by state or provincial laws
 Federal regulations require that
a depredation permit be obtained
before most migratory birds can
be captured, killed, possessed, or
transported to control
Examples of Damage by Birds
Aviation safety, Building damage, Nuisance
Blackbirds, Starlings
Aviation safety, Crops (corn, sunflower, rice),
Pigeons, House Sparrows
Grain contamination, Building Damage
Crows, Ravens, Magpies
Predation (birds, livestock), Crops (corn, fruit),
Herons, Egrets, Cormorants
Commercial and natural fisheries
Aviation safety, Predation (poultry, livestock)
Damage to wooden structures, Nuisance
Ducks, Geese, Sandhill
Aviation safety, Crops, Nuisance
Examples of Control Techniques for
Modification and Cultural
►Netting and Screening
►Frightening Devices
►Toxicants and Capture Agents
Habitat Modification and Cultural Practices
► Can
be implemented to
make roosting, loafing,
or feeding sites less
► Lure
crops may be used to
control waterfowl or
► Bird-resistant
crops may
also be used to limit losses
Proofing and Screening
► Plastic
netting to protect crops
► Netting or wire screening may be used to exclude birds
from building structures
► Building ledges can be angled 45o to deter perching
► Spikes and electric wires can be used to deter perching
► Overhead
monofilament lines
can be used to
deter many bird
Frightening Devices
► No
device is 100% effective
 Birds quickly habituate
► Propane
► Pyrotechnics
► Recorded alarm / distress
► Flags,
kites, and
helium balloons
► Strobe lights
► Ultrasonic devices
Repellents, Toxicants, and Capture Agents
► Repellents
on smell and taste
are generally
► Condition-aversive
repellents are more
 Produce illness or
responses upon
► Toxicants
and capture agents
require knowledge of the habits
and food preferences of the target
 DRC-1339: used to control
starlings, gulls
 Avitrol: frightening agent
used to control pigeons, gulls,
house sparrows, starlings,
 Alpha-chloralose: used to
capture waterfowl and pigeons
Examples of Ungulate Damage
Cervids (deer, elk)
Aviation and vehicle safety, crops
(soybean, corn, alfalfa, stored ), trees,
urban landscapes, and disease
Feral swine
Crops, pasture, yards, and native habitat
Examples of Control Techniques for
► Lethal
 Regulated
 Sharp shooting
► Habitat and Food
► Fencing and Barriers
► Frightening and Hazing
► Dogs as Deterrents
► Repellents
► Fertility Control
Lethal Control
managed hunting is the most
practical and effective method of
the most ecologically, socially, and
fiscally responsible method
Habitat and Food Modification
► Select
unpalatable/ resistant plants
► Reduce
permanent cover
► Harvest
crops as soon as ripe
► Lure
crops / Baiting
 In some situations
these may actually
increase local
Exclusion: Fencing and Barriers
Fencing can be a long-term,
nonlethal control method.
Fencing provides protection by
acting as a physical barrier and/or
psychological barrier
Variables to consider: level of
protection desired, seasonality of
the resource being protected,
physical ability of the target
species, motivation to breach,
behavioral characteristics, cost,
longevity of materials, potential
negative effects
Frightening and Hazing
► Ungulates
habituate quickly
► Many marketed devices do
not work
► Devices that target multiple
senses are the most
► Persistent hazing can be
► Dogs may be used as
► Limited
► Odor repellents: designed to
repel animals, and either mimic
predator odors or are repugnant
► Contact repellents are applied
directly to the target resources
and change the hedonic quality of
the item, and/or cause illness
(aversive conditioning)
► Systemic repellents: are
incorporated into plants naturally,
by supplementation, or genetic
Fertility Control
► Wildlife contraceptives
have the potential to be
complimentary management tools, however; it is
unlikely that fertility control will become a stand-alone
management strategy
► Methods
include chemosterilants, intrauterine devices,
immunocontraceptives, and surgery
► Recent
developments include single-shot fertility
control methods, orally delivered contraceptives, viralor bacterial-vectored delivery methods
Examples of Damage by Rodents and
Small Mammals
Beaver, Muskrat, Nutria
Waterways, Wetlands, Trees, Crops (rice, sugarcane)
Deer & White-footed mice
Seed predation, Crops, Home invasion
Ground Squirrel
Pasture, Rangeland, Gardens, Crops (forage, grain, fruit, nut)
Burrowing, Gardens, Crops (alfalfa, soybean, vegetables,
Trees, Shrubs, Crops (field & garden)
Burrowing (turf, pasture, crop fields)
Pocket gopher
Burrowing, Crops (field, root), Trees, Pasture
Prairie Dog
Burrowing, Crops, Grasslands, Crops
Rabbits & Hares
Landscape plantings, Gardens, Crops, Rangeland, Trees,
Tree Squirrels
Trees, Shrubs, Plantings, Nuisance, Power lines
Fruit, Seed Crops, Herbaceous & Woody Plants, Nuisance
Commensal rodents
Grain Crops, Birds, Livestock, Property damage, Burrowing
Rodents and Other Small Mammals
► Damage
is frequently difficult to measure; most species
are nocturnal and not easily observed. Characteristics of
damage may provide clues. Quantification of damage
is often made by comparing the damaged site with an
undamaged area, then converting the losses to dollars.
► Damage
to plants may be generally grouped as:
Root damage
Trunk debarking
Stem & branch cutting
Needle clipping
Examples of Control Techniques
► Habitat
► Cultural Practices
► Exclusion
► Frightening Devices
► Removal
► Biological Management
► Fertility
► Repellents
► Fumigants
► Toxicants
Habitat Modification and Cultural
► Elimination
of food
and shelter
► Remove
brush, debris,
woodpiles, garbage,
refuse, tall vegetation
► Mechanical
► Provision
alternative foods
► Remove
insect and
invertebrate food
► Installation of
barriers that prevent access to structures
or areas, or eliminate contact with specific objects
► “Rodent
Biological Management and Fertility
► Biological
 Introduction of agents of disease and predatory
species. Be careful, historically has led to dire
unintended consequences (e.g., mongoose).
► Fertility
 In time may be an effective supplemental tool.
Oral and immunological agents are being
developed as are viral-vectored
► Repellents
are most effective
when applied to foods
► Several
compounds are registered for use,
however; efficacy data is often lacking
► Chemical
repellents include:
 Sensory repellents
 Semiochemical odors
 Taste avoidance
behavior compounds
Fumigants and Toxicants
► Fumigants
are used for lethal control of burrowing
mammals. Examples include smoke-producing gas
cartridges, aluminum phosphide, choloropicrin, and
methyl bromide
► Toxicants
are labor and cost efficient, and are the most
commonly used method of control. Potential hazards to
non-target wildlife must be considered prior to use.
Two types of toxicants are commonly used
 Anit-coagulants
 Non-anti-coagulants
Foothold traps are commonly used to trap beaver, muskrat,
and nutria; smaller sizes are used to capture small mammals.
Body gripping traps are used for beaver, muskrat, nutria,
moles and pocket gophers. Snap traps are typically used to
control rats and mice. Snares may be used to capture or kill
beaver, rabbits, and other animals.
Shooting may be used to
selectively eliminate some
pest mammals
Live traps are often used to
capture mammals of all sizes
Examples of Damage by Carnivores
and Other Mammalian Predators
Small Mammals, Birds, Lambs, Poultry, Burrowing
Black & Grizzly Bear
Livestock, Field crops, Beehives, Nuisance, Trees
Coyote, Wolves, Dogs
Predation (livestock, big game, poultry), Fruit crops
Mountain Lion, Bobcat, Lynx
Predation (livestock, horses, big game, poultry, pets)
Predation (small mammals, livestock, poultry), Fruit
Predation (poultry), Nuisance
Predation (poultry, livestock, small vertebrates, birds),
Crops (corn), Nuisance
Predation (waterfowl, poultry), Nuisance
Weasels & Mink
Predation (poultry, small vertebrates, birds, fish)
Feral Cats
Predation (songbirds, small vertebrates)
Carnivores and Other Mammalian Predators
Livestock depredation has been a concern to livestock producers
for centuries. Accurate assessment of a predation event requires
careful observation. Signs of predation and the possible predator
involved should be searched for on the prey item and around the
kill site. Scavenging should not be confused with predation.
Examples of Control Techniques
for Carnivores
Livestock Husbandry Practices
► Guard Dogs
► Guard Llamas
► Guard Donkeys
► Fencing and Barriers
► Frightening Devices
► Repellents and Aversive
► Reproductive Interference
► Relocation
Financial Incentives
► Livestock Protection
► M-44s
► Aerial Hunting
► Trapping
► Calling and Shooting
► Hunting with hounds
► Snares
Livestock Husbandry Practices
► Confine
or concentrate herds
► Use of herders
► Shed lambing/ calving
► Remove dead livestock
► Synchronized birthing
► House young livestock in
areas with little cover,
and in proximity
to humans
Guard Dogs
► Studies
investigating the efficacy of guard dogs have
shown the dogs to be effective in some situations.
Efficacy decreases in areas of thick cover, or when
large flocks are dispersed over rough terrain
► Use
of guard dogs
precludes the use of
other control devices
such as traps, snares,
or toxicants
Guard Llamas and Guard Donkeys
► Llamas
can be a practical
and effective technique to
deter predators
(especially coyotes and
► Donkeys
may also be used
as livestock guardians
against coyotes and dogs.
They are most effective in
small, fenced pastures
Fencing and Barriers
► Barriers
include flagging, exclosures, electric fence,
nest screen, moats.
► Fencing
is best suited for protecting small areas. Standard
fencing will not always deter predators. Adding electric
fence along, or above the fence improves efficacy,
however; the effect of
the electric fence on the
species being protected
must be considered.
Burying wire mesh
helps prevent predators
from digging into an area.
Frightening Devices
► Lights
► Distress
► Loud noises
► Scarecrows
► Plastic streamers
► Propane cannons
► Radio Activated Guard
(RAG) device
► Motion Activated Guard
(MAG) device
► All
of these devices
provide temporary relief
only. Changing the
location, pattern of
disruption, or combining
techniques may prolong
the success.
► Light
may be the most
important component of
the frightening device.
Repellents and Aversive
► Repellents
 There are no
available repellents
that effectively
deter predation
► Aversive
 Use of lithium
chloride may reduce
consumption of prey,
but does not deter
predation in coyotes
 May be effective in
“teaching” black
bears to fear and
avoid humans
Reproductive Interference
and Relocation of Problem Animals
Reproductive Interference
► Presently there are no
► Relocation programs have
had limited success with
reproductive control
bears and wolves
measures, although use of
► Relocation efforts are
expensive, but are
agents has been
considered worthwhile
and necessary in the
► Vasectomization of
management of
coyotes and wolves has
endangered species
been investigated as well.
Financial Incentives
► Assessment
of local economic and ecologic conditions
should be performed before implementing a
compensation program. Incentives may be best realized
if tied to conservation outcomes
 “Predator Friendly Products” which come from
ranches that do not kill predators
► Problems
with compensation programs:
 Producers feel they don’t receive fair market value
 Compensation is not paid for “missing” animals
 Compensation doesn’t encourage correction of poor
management practices
Livestock Protection Collar
► The
collar fits around the neck of lambs and kid goats,
and contains bladders filled with 1080 (an acute
toxicant). It is is designed to kill coyotes when they
puncture a bladder during a predatory attack.
► Advantage:
 Selective removal
of problem animals
► Disadvantage:
 Cost & labor
 Accidental puncture
of the bladders
mechanical device that injects sodium cyanide into
the mouth of an animal when it bites/pulls on the device
► M-44
is registered and authorized by different agencies
depending on the country of use for coyotes, foxes, and
feral dogs
► Disadvantages:
 Not species specific
 Does not always
remove the problem animal
 Numerous use restrictions
Aerial Hunting
Fixed- and rotary-wing
aircraft are commonly used
in control programs for
wolves, coyotes, bobcats,
and foxes. Hunting is most
effective with snow cover
Federal law requires each
state where aerial hunting is
allowed to issue aerial
hunting permits. Some
states also require low-level
flying waivers.
► Cage
traps can be used to capture predators of all sizes
► Foothold traps are more effective and available in
various sizes
► Most
states have regulations on types of traps, baits,
sets, and trap visitation schedules. Some states no
longer allow foothold traps. Consult state and local
regulations prior to conducting any trapping activity
Calling and Shooting
► Can
be a selective means to control coyotes, bobcats,
and foxes. Commercial and recorded calls mimic the
sound of a rabbit in distress or a pup in distress.
Morning and late afternoon are
the most effective times
to employ calling,
although calling
at night and using a
spotlight (where legal)
may be effective as well.
Hunting Hounds
Hunting dogs are used for lethal control. State and local
laws should be consulted prior to pursuing carnivors with
dogs. Two types of dogs are commonly used
► Sight
 Greyhound
 Most effective in open
► Trail
 Redbone, Walker,
Bluetick, Black & Tan
 Hunt by scent in packs
► Constructed
of wire or cable looped through a locking
device that allows the snare to tighten
► Two
 Body snares are used
primarily on coyotes and
foxes, in areas where the
predator crawls under a
fence, at a den entrance,
or in a narrow passageway
 Spring activated foot snares
are used to capture large predators
Wildlife Damage Management is an increasingly important part
of the wildlife profession because of expanding human
populations, intensified land-use practices, increasing
prominence of wildlife vectoring disease, and other reasons.
Many species at one time or another require management actions
to reduce conflicts with people, livestock, or other wildlife
There are few “silver bullet” easy remedies.
Integrated Wildlife Damage Management Strategies, using a
variety of techniques to dynamically target problem individuals
or species are usually preferred and most effective for long-term