The UK Marine Act – An integrated approach to marine management. Dr Darius Campbell Head of Marine Environment, Strategy and Evidence, Defra The Vision Clean, Healthy, Safe, Productive and Biologically Diverse Oceans and Seas. The Importance of the Sea • Resources • Climate change A variety of habitats Sandbanks Rocky Reefs Seagrass Beds The Importance of the Sea • Transport • Heritage • Recreation 44,000 different kinds of plants and animals recorded in UK waters – half UK’s Biodiversity. Human Activities Land use Tourism Oil &Gas How do we balance the needs of the environment Coastal Defence with our own social and economic needs? Mariculture Ports & Navigation Military Activities Culture Conservation Dredging & Disposal Submarine Cables Fishing Renewable Energy Marine Recreation Mineral Extraction The UK Marine Act • Comprehensive marine planning • Efficient licensing of activities • A Marine Management Organisation • New nature conservation powers • Better local fisheries and environmental management • Better protection for freshwater fish • Exclusive Economic Zone • Coastal Access Marine Management Organisation Marine plans The MMO’s main functions Fisheries management Marine nature conservation Marine Licensing Emergencies Where? Marine Scotland Northern Ireland delivery mechanism (under development) Welsh Assembly Government for new fisheries zone and under executive devolution of planning in offshore area adjacent to Wales Welsh Assembly Government and MMO for certain functions Marine Scotland for devolved matters and executive devolution of new functions under the Bill (planning and nature conservation) MMO for non-devolved matters Marine Management Organisation (MMO): Delivering planning, licensing, fisheries management and enforcement functions Maps not to scale Note: Northern Ireland and Welsh Assembly Government can ask MMO to undertake functions on their behalf Planning – how does it work High level objectives Live within environmental limits Achieving a sustainable marine economy Promote good governance Use sound science Marine Policy Statement (MPS) Marine Plans Licensing Ensure a strong, healthy and just society Stage 1 - UK Marine Policy Statement (MPS) • Shared statement of UK marine policy • Jointly agreed and adopted by all UK administrations • UK objectives and priorities for sustainable development of the seas • Brings together all UK policies with impacts on marine environment. Stage 2 - Series of marine plans •Prepared by the new MMO, (or other planning authority) •Looks at all activities, resources and needs of an area •Sets out in the Marine Policy Statement should be applied. •Guides decisions on licence applications, other public bodies, and to inform stakeholders Proposed Marine Plan Areas North East Offshore North East Inshore North West East Offshore East Inshore West Inshore South East Inshore South West Inshore South Offshore South Inshore South Inshore Central Stage 3 Marine licensing • Clearer, simpler, streamlined core marine licensing • Support for marine planning and holistic decision-making • Minimise regulation consistent with our policy objectives • Savings • The MMO for most marine activities, except larger ports and offshore wind farms What’s new for marine licensing? • Marine licences will cover the entire life of the development • Transparent appeal mechanism • Proportionate enforcement tools Conserving Biodiversity Marine Protected Areas Special Areas of Conservation (Habitats Directive) Special Protection Areas (Birds Directive) Marine Conservation Zones (Marine Act) Part 5 – Marine Conservation Zones • To conserve flora, fauna and habitats: rare, threatened or representative • Secretary of State must designate a network of MPAs • The network will be ecologically coherent and established by 2012 • Sound science – socio-economic consequences can be considered • Restrictions in MCZs dependant on objectives Selection of Marine Conservation Zones • Regional projects to recommend sites • Stakeholders involved early • Ministers attach great weight to recommendations • Too early to predict extent of Zones • Consultation required Inshore Fisheries Conservation Authorities • Management of sea fisheries resources • Ensure conservation objectives of any Marine Conservation Zones • Collect statistics Source: 2006/10/17/turner_trawler_race2_465x349.jpg Darius Campbell. Darius