14.00 WFA Conference 2014 James Conlon


10 / 20kV Grid Connections – What is a

Planning Exemption

Step by Step Guide to Obtaining a Planning

Exemption for a 10 / 20kV Grid Connection


James Conlon, Jennings O’Donovan & Partners Ltd.









Connaught Region 13 TH September 2011 1

Company Profile

Jennings O’Donovan &


Proven Track Record in the

Renewable Energy Sector

Engineering 1,950MW of Power


Presentation Overview






Part 1 - What is a Planning Exemption

Part 2

–Why is declaration on exempted development required

Part 3 - How to determine if a development is exempt

Part 4 - Key Principles of Route Selection

Part 5 – Case Studies Incorporating Detailed / Best Practice

Design Measures


Part 1 - What is a Planning Exemption /

Exempted Development

A proposal which doesn’t require a planning application

Contained with Article 6: Schedule 2: Part 1: Exempted


57 Classes of Development which are exempt.

General: Class 26 , provides that ‘ the carrying out by any electricity undertaking of development consisting of the laying of underground of mains, pipes, cables or other apparatus for the purposes of the undertaking ’

General: Class 27 , provides that ‘ the carrying out by any electricity undertaking of development consisting of the construction of over-head transmission or distribution lines for conducting electricity at a voltage not exceeding a nominal value of 20kV’



Developments shall not be exempted development, if the carrying out of such a development would contravene any of the conditions listed in Article 9 of the Planning and Development Regulations.

16 conditions spread across four parts.

Which ones are relevant to overhead and underground line developments?


Part (a)

Contravene a condition of planning

Endanger Public Safety

Interfere with the character of the landscape / development plan objective

Impact on archaeology / geology / geological feature as protected within the development plan

Impact on any archaeological monument

Comprise development in relation to which ABP / Local Authority consider would require a Stage 2 appropriate assessment because it would have a likely significant effect on the integrity of a European


Part (b)

If the development is located in an area to which a special amenity order relates (Class 27 – overhead lines only)


A question is posed to the Local Authority as to whether a proposal is considered exempt development e.g.

Is the proposed development of a 20kV overhead line exempt at this location?

Is the proposed development of an underground cable exempted in this location?


Section 5 Application


Sufficient info must be provided to allow the Local Authority to make an assessment (Site Layout Map and other details) along with an 80 euro application fee

Not recorded on the public file

Declaration / Decision issues to the applicant and the owner

4 weeks decision date from Local Authority

Further Information can be requested from the Local Authority

Additional parties can be requested for comment

Negative decision can be referred to An Bord Pleanala by the applicant. Current ABP decision timeframes are c.18 weeks

Positive decisions can also be referred to ABP by objectors

Worst case timeframe = 4 weeks + 3 weeks + 18 weeks = 25 weeks (6 months).


Local authority issues a declaration stating that either:

The proposal is exempted under Section 5 of the

P&D Act

The proposal is not considered to be exempt development therefore a planning application is required



Connection Offers have been issued

Developer is entitled to construct all or part of this connection to the Distribution System (SI 226 2009)

Contestable Elements of this connection offer are as follows

(subject to oversight by ESB):

• Detailed design

• Route and site selection

• Site acquisition

Planning permission

• Deed of Grant/Wayleaves

• Equipment purchasing

• Construction

• Pre-commissioning


Section 17 of an CER authorisation to construct / license to generate application – Statutory consents to be listed, where appropriate (including planning permission).

Connection Agreement with ESB

Bank Finance / Due Diligence

REFIT 2 Section 7.4 - A “letter of offer” will not be made in any case unless (i) In the case of proposed projects planning permission has been obtained for the construction and this is demonstrated to the Minister in the application or it is demonstrated that planning permission is not required in any individual case…

Under the ESB Contestability Rules, “Where a connection is being built contestably, the developer building the assets is responsible for obtaining

Planning Permission and/or obtaining any other agreements required for the construction”. Some confirmation is required by ESB prior to commissioning and taking ownership of the assets”

Increasing frequency of judicial review proceedings.


Minimum Required Information

Standard Application Form

Site Location drawing of the development / General Arrangements

Application Fee (80 euro)

Recommended Information (as required by Local Authority)

Screening Statement for Appropriate Assessment

Archaeological Assessment

Best Practice Information

Method Statement for the works

Consultation responses from NPWS / IFI, if required

Photomontages (if relevant)


Standard Inputs:

Applicant name, address, company details (if necessary)

Site location Map

Description of the development

Interest in the land or structure. Demonstration of this varies between local authorities.

Consent letters from landowners

Declaration from a solicitor that consents are in place

Only Landowner names so that notification of the Section 5 can be sent to him / her


Suitable scales

Site Location Map 1:50,000 or 1:20,000

Site Layout Map 1:10.560 (6 inch scale) or 1:2,500 for smaller schemes

Identify connection route

Show Extent of associated lands

Pole set locations (recommended)

Joint bay locations for underground cable

Watercourse Crossings

Archaeological Features






Prepared by a suitably qualified archaeologist

An examination of the archaeological and historical context of the area in general and specifically the route of the proposed electricity line.

The archaeological assessment is divided into two separate phases.

Phase I involved a paper survey of archaeological, historical and cartographic sources. Phase II involved a walk-over survey and field inspection of the area of the proposed route.

An impact assessment and mitigation strategy has been prepared to highlight potential adverse impacts that the proposed route may have on the archaeological, architectural or cultural heritage resource. The mitigation strategy is designed to avoid, reduce or offset any adverse impacts.

Prepared by a qualified ecologist / environmental scientist in accordance with the requirements of Habitats Directive


The assessment is divided into two separate phases:

A desk study was to collate the available information on the ecological environment. The National Parks and Wildlife Service

(NPWS) and National Biodiversity Centre online databases should be consulted concerning designated conservation areas in the vicinity of the proposed development. Any plans and projects should be considered for in-combination effects with the proposed development.


A walkover survey of the electricity line route should be carried out to survey habitats and inform the preparation of the ecological and appropriate assessment reports.

Specialist surveys may be required depending on nearby environmental designations.


Preparatory Works

Site Investigations

Access to start point and setting out / launch and reception pits

Silt Attenuation Features:

Stream Crossings

Launch, Reception Pit and Joint Bay Excavation

Trenching Works

Storage of materials

Trench Operations

Managing excess material from trench

Directional Drilling works

Storage of materials

Drill Operations

Managing arisings from drill operations

NPWS via Development Applications Unit. This response can have a strong bearing on Local

Authority decision.

Area Engineer / Roads Engineer particularly for

Underground Lines along public road

Inland Fisheries Ireland / OPW re: watercourse crossings

ESB / Local landowners

If the Local Authority consider that:

A Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment is required due to potential impacts on nearby environmental designations.

Proposal results in Negative Visual Impacts

Applicant is not an electricity undertaking as per the

Electricity Supply Act

Article 9(1)(viiB) stated that if a Stage 2 appropriate assessment is required then the proposal is not exempt

A screening for appropriate assessment should be prepared and submitted with the Section 5

Application. According to the legislation no specific mitigation measures can be included in a screening statement

However, detailed design measures / best practice measures can be included e.g. bird diverters, silt fencing, bunded areas for refuelling

Survey info should be incorporated into the screening statement where necessary.


Local Authority / An Bord Pleanala will undertake an assessment.

If their assessment concludes that there are likely significant effects on the designated site then a

Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment is required. The proposal requires planning permission.


Under Article 9 proposed development that interfere with the character of the landscape or a development plan objective are no exempt

Check County Development Plan for any scenic routes and areas

Consult with Planner

Consider an additional underground cable route section – mitigates visual impact

Prepare photomontages from the scenic views and areas (if necessary)



Under the Electricity Regulation Act, 1999, which amongst other things established and gave powers to the Commission for Energy

Regulation and made amendments to certain provisions of the electricity (supply) act, 1927, “electricity undertaking” is defined as “any person engaged in generation, transmission, distribution or supply of electricity, including any holder of a licence or authorisation under this Act,.....”

Possession of an Authorisation to Generate and License to

Construct (Sections 14(1)(a) and 16(3)(a)) of the Electricity

Regulation Act qualifies applicant as an electricity undertaking.

These documents should be submitted with the Section 5 application where possible.

Separate confirmation can also be obtained from the CER if required.


Landowners are key stakeholders.

Underground vs. Overhead.

Environmental designations should be avoided where possible.

Archaeological features.

Visual Impacts


ESB - Functional Specification for 20kV

Overhead Lines

ESB - Specification for the Installation of Ducts

& Structures for Underground 10-20kV Power

Cables & Communication Cables








Case Study 1 – 20kV Underground Cable within an SPA and crossing over an SAC

Case Study 2 –20kV Electrical Connection (Underground and

Overhead) along Public Road

Case Study 3 – Hollyford Wind Farm - 20kV Electrical

Connection (Underground and Overhead)


0.875km of 20kV underground ducted electrical cable

30.5 metres of which are to be directionally drilled across a watercourse crossing

Hen Harrier is qualifying interest of the SAC

Various aquatic species are qualifying interests of the







Underground Cabling to avoid collision risks

Utilise existing agricultural trackway to lay cable

Directional drill across stream to avoid instream works or impacts to existing watercourse crossings

Joint bay / Drill Pits to be setback from stream edge on flat ground


Hen Harrier Survey according to Best Practice


Archaeological Assessment

Method Statement for the Works

Screening for Appropriate Assessment


National Parks and Wildlife (informal feedback that directional drilling works may require planning permissions)

Inland Fisheries Ireland (no objection on review of the method statement / drawings)

OPW (no objection)

Area Engineer (no objection)



The following design measures will be implemented during the electrical connection works:

A working wayleave of 4 metres

Directional drilling works will only be carried out during the period May to September inclusive.

No in stream works will be permitted.

Works shall not take place at periods of high rainfall.

A floating hydrocarbon boom and spill kit will be employed.

Plant will travel at 5km/hr.

If truck rutting is observed then bog mats or rolling road will be employed.

Expended drilling fluid will be stored in a mobile bunded tank for transport off site.

Silt fencing

Any excess construction material shall be removed from the works areas and disposed of in a fully licensed landfill.

No re-fuelling of machinery will take place within 50metres of any watercourse.

Tool box talks addressing the environmental topics


0.97km of 20kV overhead line mounted on single wooden pole sets (12 No.)

5.17km of 20kV underground cable. The power cable runs in underground duct within the existing public road verge for the entirety of it’s length.

The power cable crosses over three existing bridge locations.

The bridges span tributaries of a large SAC which is designated for various aquatic species (0.4km)

Freshwater pearl mussel is also a qualifying interest of the SAC


Underground Cabling along public road to reduce visual impact and minimise third party land impacts.

Overhead line for the last section into the substation across a single third party landownership.

Utilise existing bridge crossings to minimise hydrological impacts.

Joint bay setback from stream edge on wider areas of public road.


Ecological Site Walkover

Breeding Bird Surveys

Archaeological Assessment

Method Statement for the Works

Screening for Appropriate Assessment


National Parks and Wildlife (include method statement and noted potential collision risk of birds and potential hydrological risk SAC)

Area Engineer (review and approval of bridge crossing details and joint bays)

ESB (review and approval of bridge crossing details and joint bays)





4.77km of 20kV overhead line mounted on single wooden pole sets (12 No.)

1.21km (total) of 20kV underground cable ducted underground by directional drilling under private lands and public road.

One watercourse crossing


Overhead line for the majority of the route due to hilly terrain

Avoid Anglesea Special Area of Conservation

Avoid any instream works due to proximity to the

Lower River Suir

Underground line across a valley to minimise visual impacts along a designated scenic route

Joint bay setback from stream edge on wider areas of public road.



Planning Department (noted presence of scenic route along Anglesea Road and requested photomontages)

National Parks and Wildlife

Area Engineer




Section 5 applications are needed for grid connections and can potentially delay a wind farm development programme

Local Authorities will scrutinise Section 5 applications and are wary of objections and judicial review

Design Solutions need to be applied at an early stage


Thank You

James Conlon

Jennings O’Donovan & Partners Ltd.

