BIODIVERSITY OF KYRGYZSTAN AND ITS INFLUENCE ON THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT • Dr. Taasilkan Zhumabaeva • 1st Winter Summit at the Anatolian Summit (WISAS) • “Collaborative Projects on Tourism, Sports, Bio-Diversity and Global Changes”, Febrary 2326,2012, Erzurum/Turkye BIODIVERSITY OF KYRGYZSTAN • -It is known, that, 93% of the territory of Kyrgyz Republic is presented by non-disturbed and lightly disturbed natural ecosystems. -Kyrgyz scientists pointed out 22 class of eco-system. The biodiversity majority of ecosystem is located on midmountainous zone between 2000-3000 m. above sea level, where can be met 14 among 22 class of eco-system, or 63,6% of territory. Territory, occpied by main types of naturel eco-system (percent of total territory) Cultural lands 18,1 Tugai 5,8 Bushes 6,2 Meadows 1,4 Steppe 3,4 Savannoids 1,4 Deserts 0,2 Mountainous nonwatered area 1,7 Lakes and marshes 5,8 Nivale –sub-nivale zone 19, 9 Forests 6,6 BIODIVERSITY OF KYRGYZSTAN (Alay, Noth Tyanshan) BIODIVERSITY OF KYRGYZSTAN (Alay, Noth Tyanshan) BIODIVERSITY OF KYRGYZSTAN (Central Tyanshan, Issyk-kyl) • The mountain Pamir -Alay BIODIVERSITY OF KYRGYZSTAN • The Lake Issyk-Kul BIODIVERSITY OF KYRGYZSTAN • Nut of the greek the most beautiful lake in the west of Kyrgyzstan is considered to be the ... BIODIVERSITY OF KYRGYZSTAN Quantity of types in different systematic groups (percent of total territory) 8,9 2,5 17,6 Non-vertebrates 54,1 Mus hrooms Highes t plants V ertebrates L owes t plants 16,9 Percent of total amount Non-vertebrates 54,1 Mushrooms 16,9 Highest plants 17,6 Vertebrates 2,5 Lowest plants 8,9 Among mammals to endemic types belong Menzbira ground squirrel, reluctant gopher, red Tyanshan and silver mice, red crying bird. Tyanshan and Pamir- Alai endemics are presented by 4 types of reptiles: Nicolsky lizard, Turkestan lizard, Pavlovsky lizard and Alai eyeless. BIODIVERSITY OF KYRGYZSTAN • Lizard (Серый варан) • The wildlife found in Kyrgyzstan • is also rich and diverse. 92 types of animals and 65 plants types, which form about 1% of varietal wealth of Kyrgyzstan under the risk of disappearance • Reservations and national parks of Kyrgyzstan The reservation of the Sarychelek The reservation of the Sarychelek The reservation of the Sarychelek The national park of the Kulun-Ata The reservation of the Besh-Aral BIODIVERSITY OF KYRGYZSTAN The red book of the Kyrgyzstan The red book of the Kyrgyzstan • Otocolobus manul ferruginea — At present into the Red Book of Kyrgyzstan there are included 68 animal types and 71 plant types • Endemics of the flores Kyrgyzstan • Kolokolchik Kolokolchik Ebgeni Alaya Rhaponticum-endemic Filomoidos milko Flora of the Kyrgyzstan Fumariola turkestanica Flora of the Kyrgyzstan Economic activity- including of biodiversity into macro-economic points of the country, potential economic benefits from biovariety, in itself, direct (medicine and raw material, materials for selection and formation) and additional (echo-tourism), as well, as expensesrestoration of damaged biodiversity. Manage mental – formation of partnership by involvement into cooperative activity of state and non-governmental offices, local population and the whole public. Juridical(Law) – including of terms and definitions, connected with biodiversity into all corresponding legislative norms, formation of legal support of biodiversity. Scientific – formalization of procedures of solution adoption, search for indicators of biodiversity, make up biodiversitial cadastres, monitoring organization. Three-united concept of sustainable development appeared as a result of union of three main points of view: • economic • social • ecological • From the economic point of view: optimal use of natural resources; • the use of ecological, natural, energetic and materialsaving technologies, including mining and raw material recycling, formation of ecological accepted products, minimization of wastes, their recycling and destroy. • There appeared two types of stability: • weak, when mentioning about not-decreasing in time of natural and produced capital; • strong - when there should not be decreased natural capital (within a part of profit from sales of not renovated resources, directed on the increase of value of renewed natural capital). Social basis of sustainable development is oriented on human and directed on preservation of stability of social and cultural systems, including reduce of the number of distracting conflicts between people. To achieve stability of development of modern society there is a necessity of the formation of more effective system of solution adoption, considering the historical experience and encouraging pluralism. It is important to reach not only inner, but intergenerational fairness. Within the concept visions, human development is not only the object, but a subject of the development. Based on widening of variants of human choice, as a main value, the concept of sustainable development considers, that human should participate in the process, which forms sphere of his life activity, contributes to accept and realize solutions and controls its realization. From ecological point of view, steady development should supply intact biological and physical natural system. Special significance has life capability of echo-systems, from which depends global stability of the whole bio-sphere. More over, the definition of “natural” system and areas of inhabitance can be understood widely, including formed man made sphere, such as cities. Basic attention should be devoted to preservation of the ability to self-restoration and dynamic adaptation of such systems to changes, but nonpreservation of them only in “ideal” static condition. Degradation of and the loss of biological diversity shorten the ability of ecological systems to selfrestoration Sky mountainouse of the Kyrgyzstan • Pick Khan Tengry (пик Хан- Тенгри (7110 м) Expedition to Tian-Shan (2010) Expedition to Tian-Shan (1966) Sky mountainouse of the Kyrgyzstan Pick Lenina (пик Ленина (7134) Pick Lenina in night (пик Ленина (7134) Sky mountainouse of the Kyrgyzstan Biodiversity of the Kyrgyzstan Biodiversity of the Kyrgyzstan Sky mountainouse of the Kyrgyzstan Sky mountainouse of the Kyrgyzstan • Tien Shan mountains Ala-Archa canyon Ancient forests Dolon pass, Kyrgyzstan Welcome to Kyrgyzstan! Thank you for attention