Introduction to FERC and Federal Review of Natural Gas Projects Presentation to The Northeastern Area Association of State Foresters State College, PA June 5, 2012 FERC Organization Chart Chairman Jon Wellinghoff Energy Projects Administrative Litigation Commissioner Philip D. Moeller External Affairs Administrative Law Judges Commissioner Commissioner John R. Norris Cheryl A. LaFleur Enforcement Energy Market Regulation Electric Reliability Executive Director Commissioner Vacant General Counsel Secretary Energy Policy & Innovation Who is FERC? FERC is an independent federal regulatory agency that, among other things: ─ Regulates the interstate transmission of natural gas (siting & rates); electricity and oil (rates only); ─ Reviews proposals to build interstate natural gas pipelines and liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals, and natural gas storage fields; ─ Licenses and inspects non-federal hydropower projects; and ─ Monitors and investigates energy markets. Electric Power Wholesale rates for interstate transmission Interstate electric transmission ─ Reliability of high voltage systems ─ Siting and permitting* Within DOE-designated energy corridors As authorized by EPAct *Subject to recent federal court decisions Office of Energy Projects Gas Pipeline Program Evaluate applications for facilities to import, export, transport, store or exchange natural gas Authorize the construction and operation of facilities for such services Approve abandonment of such facilities Conduct inspections of LNG facilities and pipeline construction INFRASTRUCTURE BOOM (Certificated in the last 10 years) Pipelines 108.6 Bcf/day of Capacity and 16,208 Miles Storage Facilities 1211.5 Bcf of Capacity LNG Facilities 37 Bcf/day of Total Capacity There are approximately 217,300 miles of interstate natural gas transmission pipeline. Source: Based on data from Ventyx Global LLC, Velocity Suite, April 2012 8 Natural Gas Act The Natural Gas Act is the law that sets out FERC’s areas of responsibilities: ─ Section 1 – Identifies projects exempt from FERC jurisdiction ─ Section 3 – Allows FERC to authorize import / export projects ─ Section 7 – Allows FERC to authorize interstate pipeline projects (including storage) and grant eminent domain Projects Exempt from FERC Jurisdiction Local Distribution Company facilities (e.g., UGI, Philadelphia Gas Works, etc.) Intrastate pipelines (where gas is produced, transported and consumed within a single state) Hinshaw pipelines (gas is produced in one state, but is transported and consumed within another) Gathering facilities Natural Gas Act NATURAL GAS ACT Section 7(c) Interstate Case Specific Section 3 Import/Export Blanket Authority Automatic Prior Notice Case Specific Natural Gas Act Case Specific Review ─ Conduct a full review of proposal including engineering, rate, accounting, and market analysis ─ Conduct an environmental review by preparing an Environmental Assessment or an Environmental Impact Statement Project Evaluation How Does FERC Evaluate All Of These Major Projects? What Are The Criteria Used in This Evaluation? Balancing Interests People Like... But They Also Want... Due Process Expedited Process Smaller Government Effective Government Less Regulation Assurance of Fair Markets Market-dictated Outcomes Protection from Market Dysfunctions, Unexpected Risk, and Unjust Rates Protection for the Environment and Property Interests Ample Supplies of Low-cost Energy FERC’s Internal Review Process Initial review for completeness (10 business days) Issue Notice of Application Assign review team ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ Environmental Certificates Rates and Tariffs Attorney Engineering Certificate Process Non-Environmental Review and Analysis • Engineering – GQI, storage, hydraulic flow • Tariff – rates, terms & conditions of service • Policy – precedents, rules, regulations • Accounting File Application Parallel Processing Paths Environmental Review • Conduct scoping • Coordinate with agencies • Environmental resource review • End result: – environmental impact statement (EIS) – environmental assessment (EA) • Staff makes its recommendations to the Commission Issue Order Project Review Engineering Review Environmental Review Project Need (Public Interest Review) ─ Based on the Commission’s Certificate Policy Statement Final Steps of the FERC Process All aspects of the review (environmental and non-environmental) are brought together into a draft Commission Order which contains staff-recommended, projectspecific requirements. Final Steps of the FERC Process The draft Commission Order is sent to the Chairman and Commissioners for their consideration. They can reject staff’s recommendation, accept it, and/or modify it. If approved, the project proponent is issued a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity pursuant to 7(c) of the NGA, and with the right to eminent domain pursuant to section 7(h) of the NGA. Section 3 authorization does NOT provide for eminent domain. State and Local Permits Any state or local permits issued with respect to FERC jurisdictional facilities must be consistent with the conditions of any FERC certificate. FERC encourages cooperation between interstate pipelines and local authorities. However, this does not mean that state and local agencies, through application of state or local laws, may prohibit or unreasonably delay the construction or operation of facilities approved by the Commission. FERC 10 Major Pipeline The Environmental Construction Projects Review Process Office of Energy Projects NEPA Overview Is the project categorically excluded? ─ Projects with little or no impact (e.g., sale of pipe or abandonment in place) Environmental Assessment or Environmental Impact Statement ─ Level of environmental impacts ─ ─ significant (EIS) or less than significant (EA) Applicant-proposed mitigation Anticipated public controversy Phases of Project Review Project Preparation ─ The applicant working on its own Pre-Filing ─ FERC staff working with the applicant and stakeholders before the filing of an application Application Review ─ FERC staff working with the applicant and stakeholders after the filing of an application Post-Authorization ─ FERC staff working with the applicant and stakeholders to ensure compliance with conditions to the FERC approval The Pre-Filing Process Voluntary for pipelines, required for LNG facilities Used for projects requiring an EIS, or an EA where controversy is likely Normally requires the applicant to hire and fund a contractor to help prepare EA/EIS ─ Staff selects contractor from list of three provided by the applicant ─ Contractor works solely under FERC staff’s direction Goals of the Pre-Filing Process Early identification and resolution of environmental issues More direct interaction between FERC staff and stakeholders Interactive, concurrent NEPA/permitting processes FERC staff are advocates of the Process, not the Project! Goal of “no surprises” when application is filed FERC Staff Pre-Filing Activities Identify affected parties: Issue scoping notice ─ landowners Examine alternatives ─ agencies Arrange and attend site ─ other stakeholders visits and meetings Facilitate identification Initiate preparation of of issues Identify study needs preliminary NEPA document Facilitate resolution of Review draft resource issues reports The Environmental Report (13 Resource Reports) 1 2 General Project Description Water Use and Quality 7 Soils 8 Land Use, Recreation, and Aesthetics 9 Air Quality and Noise 3 Fish, Wildlife, and Vegetation 4 Cultural Resources 11 Reliability and Safety 5 Socioeconomics 12 PCB Contamination Geological Resources Engineering and 13 Design Material (LNG) 6 10 Alternatives Public Involvement During Pre-Filing Review The FERC Process Project sponsor holds Public Input Contact the project sponsor Open Houses; FERC w/questions, concerns; staff participates contact FERC Issue Notice of Intent to Prepare the NEPA Document (i.e., scoping) Hold scoping meetings Send letters expressing concerns about environmental impact Attend scoping meetings Public Involvement During Application Review The FERC Process Issue Notice of the Application Issue Notice of Availability of the DEIS Public Input File an Intervention; register for e-subscription File comments on the adequacy of DEIS Hold Public Meetings on Attend public meetings to DEIS Issue a Commission Order give comments on DEIS Interveners can file a request for rehearing of the Commission Order United States Shale Basins Maximum Reported Gas-in-Place (in Tcf) Devonian (Ohio) Shale (244) Cody Shale Gammon Shale Utica Shale Antrim Shale(76) Hilliard/Baxter/Mowry Shale (265) Niobrara Shale (13) Excello-Mulky Shale New Woodford Albany Shale Shale (101) (160) Pierre Shale Mancos Shale Hermosa Shale Lewis Shale (61) Barnett - Woodford Shale (265) Marcellus Shale (1,500) Woodford-Caney Shale Bend Shale Conasauga Shale Chattanooga Shale Floyd - Neal Shale Floyd - Chattanooga Shale (22) Fayetteville Shale (52) Haynesville Shale (717) Total Shale Gas 3,700 Tcf Barnett Shale (168) Eagle Ford Shale Pearsall- Eagle Ford Shale Note: While some shale basins have been identified with reserve estimates, others have no reserve data available. Source: Ventyx Velocity Suite 2011 and Navigant Consulting’s North American Natural Gas Supply Assessment – July 4, 2008 30 30 WHY SHALE GAS? Supply Drivers Shale gas is abundant and is becoming increasingly cheaper to produce Rockies gas can now easily reach markets in the Northeast, and with Ruby, the Pacific Coast Deeper shale formations (e.g., Utica) are now being considered as emerging supply sources 31 WHY SHALE GAS? Market Drivers Natural gas is in demand…now more than ever! Firming-up Variable Power Generation (RPSs) New Baseload Power Generation Replacing / Converting Retiring Coal-Fired Plants Natural Gas Vehicles 32 Marcellus Shale: What’s the Big Deal? Source: GasMart 2011 Chris Tucker, Energy in Depth A Sustainable Future for Natural Gas Getting It Right with the Public 33 Corning Tennessee’s Station 219 Leidy Rivervale Linden Lambertville Oakford TETCO & Columbia Interconnects Appalachian Basin Clarington Princeton Transco’s Comp Sta 195 Spectra, Williams, & NiSource Interconnects Sparrows Point LNG Approved or Pending Projects Mid-Atlantic Express Inc. Line 300 Exp (Tennessee) Rockies Express Pipeline East Northern Bridge, TIME 3, TEMAX (TETCO) Potential Projects Northeast Supply (Williams) Appalachia to Market Expansion (TETCO) Dominion Keystone (Dominion) New Penn (NiSource) REX Northeast Express (KM) East West Connector (NFG) 34 Marcellus Shale Projects Marcellus Shale Projects Tennessee Station 219 Corning Leidy Rivervale Linden Oakford Lambertville Appalachian Basin Princeton Transco Compressor Station 195 Clarington Approved or Pending Projects Appalachian Expansion (NiSource) Line 300 Exp (Tennessee) NiSource/MarkWest & NiSource N Bridge, TIME 3, TEMAX (TETCO) Appalachian Gateway (Dominion) Line N & N, R & I Projects (NFG) Tioga County Extension (Empire) NSD Project (Tennessee) & Ellisburg to Craigs (Dominion) Northern Access (NFG & Tennessee) The Constitution Pipeline Potential Projects Sunrise Project (Equitrans) TEAM 2012 Project (TETCO) Northeast Upgrade (Tennessee) Marc I (Central NY) Low Pressure East-West (Equitrans) NYMarc (Iroquois) New Penn (NiSource) Marcellus to Manhattan (Millennium) Appalachia to Market Expansion TEAM 2013 & TEAM 2014 (TETCO) NJ-NY Project (TETCO & Algonquin) Northeast Expansion (Dominion) Northeast Supply Link (Transco) MPP Project (Tennessee) Blacksville Comp (Equitrans) Ohio Pipeline Energy Network (TETCO) The West Side & East Side Expansions (NiSource) Source: FERC Keystone (Dominion/Williams) NiSource & UGI Northeast Supply (Williams)* Commonwealth Pipeline (UGI Service, Inergy, WGL) * Combined Transco’s Rockaway Lateral and Northeast Connector35 Projects Interstate Natural Gas Facilities and Shale Basins Impacting Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania & West Virginia Antrim Shale New York Utica Shale Marcellus Shale Pennsylvania Ohio West Virginia Storage Devonian Shale Source: Based on data from Ventyx Global Energy Decisions, Inc., Velocity Suite, May 2012 36 36 Shale Gas Estimates 12 Shale Gas Production In Bcf/d 10 8 6 4 2 0 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 Woodford Barnett Fayetteville Marcellus Eagle Ford All Other US 2030 Source: Based on data from ICF International and Compass Report January 2011 2035 Haynesville 37 37 Gas Estimate - Appalachia • Growth in the Appalachian region of Northeastern U.S. is driven primarily by Marcellus Shale production. • Regional production by 2035 -- projected increase of over 475 percent! Source: Based on data from ICF International and Compass Report October 2010 38 38 Questions? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Contact Info: Dave Swearingen Environmental Project Manager and Interagency Coordinator FERC Office of Energy Projects Division of Gas—Environment & Engineering 202-502-6173