ECOSYSTÈMES SUD AFRICAINS AU CARREFOUR D’INTERFACES ET INTERACTION D’ÉCHELLES Sabrina Speich S. Russo, O. Aumont, E. Machu, C. Messager Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer & LMI ICEMASA V. Garçon, B. Le Vu (LEGOS, Toulouse) Y. Shin (UMR EME & LMI ICEMASA) L. Shannon, C. Molooney (UCT, Afrique du Sud) Coordinator: Icarus Allen Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML), UK | MEECE is a FP7 Integrated Project which aims to push forward the state-ofthe-art of our understanding of impacts of global climate change and direct anthropogenic drivers on marine ecosystems end to end The specific goals of MEECE are: To improve the knowledge base on marine ecosystems and their response to climate and anthropogenic driving forces To develop innovative predictive management tools and strategies to resolve the dynamic interactions of the global change driver, changes in ocean circulation, climate, ocean acidification, pollution, over fishing and alien invasive species on the structure and functioning of marine ecosystems MEECE integrated ecosystem changes approach Climate Global Models: underestimation of climate subsystem processes Emission scenarios Global Climate Models not yet adequate to reproduce the whole spectra of atmospheric, oceanic and air-sea exchanges processes HadCM3 SST error (model-simulated) Modeling approaches to ‘downscaling’ from global to regional scale 1. using a regional climate model (RCM) – often referred to as ‘dynamical downscaling’. downscaling’. Note Note that that this this involves involves aa two-step two-step process, process, driving RCM at its boundaries by results from a GCM. 2. making use of empirical relationships between large and smaller scales based on historical observations – referred to as ‘statistical downscaling’. downscaling’. Note Note that that this this requires requires long-term long-term and and highhighquality observations at the location/region in question. 3. using a ‘stretched grid’ global model, with high resolution over the domain of interest and lower resolution elsewhere. Note that this poses challenges for physical parameterizations, flow distortion, etc., but avoids problems at boundaries. but climate predictions & projections must be done at global 4. use global response climate model tois produce ‘high resolution time scale, because the system’s fundamentally global slices’. Note that this avoids boundary problems, but there may be issues with initial conditions, parameterizations, ocean boundary conditions, etc. Climate Scenario Downscaling First step: A dynamical downscaling of the ocean using the Regional Ocean Model System (ROMS) Dynamical downscaling runs regional (climate) models in reduced (regional) domain with boundary conditions given by the (AR4) GCMs Russo & Speich in prep. Climate Scenario Downscaling Second step: A statistical calibration of the climate (IPSL A1B) scenario Hyp.: Find an empirical function T that downscales (or corrects the model outputs) cumulative distribution function (CDF) of a climate variable from large- (the predictor) to local-scale (the predictand) by applying an equivalent of proportionality transformation1 COADS Russo & Speich in prep. 1Michelangeli et al. 2009 Climate Scenario Downscaling SOUTHERN AFRICA 25° S 30° S 40° S Future steps: 1.Improving the physical downscaling by using a coupled atmosphere-ocean regional system forced at boundaries by the statistically corrected AR4 (AR5) GCMs; 2.Adding the biogeochemistry components to the regional coupled system (NPZD, ecosystems, endto-end models) 3.Implementing a full coupled regional system (including land biosphere, hydrology, atmosphere chemistry, etc.) ? 45° S 50° S Latent Heat Flux 10°W 0 WRF forced 10° E SST by OSTIA Coupled simulation WRF-ROMS 20°W 30°W MEECE integrated ecosystem changes approach OSMOSE Model (high trophical levels) in the Benguela SOUTH AFRICA Application to South Benguela for 19901997 Model dimensions: 0.15° x 0.15° Abundance and Biomass by: 11 explicit species •Species •Age •Size •Space unit •Time unit ¾ fish biomass >90% of captures 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 -26 -26 N W E Namibia 16 18 20 -28 24 22 26 Lesotho -30 -26 N -30 Min-Max limits for the size pred/prey ratio Spatio-temporal co-occurrence -28 28 Or ange r ive r -26 1. 2. S South Africa W E Namibia -28 -28 S 20 0 m # -32 -32 La m b erts B ay 5 00 m Or ange r ive r # St H ele n a B ay # -30 Lesotho Sald a nh a B ay -30 South Africa -34 # Po rt E liz ab eth H o ut B ay -34 # Ga ns b ay # 200 m # -32 -32 La m b erts B ay 5 00 m Ratio max Ratio min Prey size # -36 -36 St H ele n a B ay # Sald a nh a B ay -34 # 0 Po rt E liz ab eth H o ut B ay 200 400 Km -34 # Ga ns b ay # 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 -36 -36 0 16 18 20 22 200 24 400 26 Km 28 Predator size log abd Variable structure of the trophical network Opportunist predation: buffer role 1 µm 1 mm 1 m log Size OSMOSE: Modelling the life cycle Processes (x-1,y-1) (x,y-1) (x-1,y) (x,y) (x+1,y-1) 4 3 2 1 Spatial distribution 2 Natural mortality 3 Explicit predation 4 Growth or Mortality by starving 5 Mortality by fishing 6 Reproduction 5 6 1 1 Age 0 1st semester (x,y+1) 1 Age 0 nd semester 2 (x+1,y+1) Ex : Ages hareng Age 1-20 1st0semester Age – sem 1 Ex : Ages hareng Age3+0 2ndAge semester 3+ Forcing & Coupling: ROMS-NPZD-OSMOSE Travers et al. 2009. Ecol. Model. Food availability OSMOSE ROMS-NPZD (x,y,t,size) Natural mortality Copepods Ciliates Flagellates Predation Reproduction 1 ξ Fishing mortality Growth Starvation mortality Diatoms Nitrates Ammonium 2 Predation mortality Small Detritus Large Detritus 1 One-way coupling = Forcing 2 Two-way coupling (feedback) = Coupling - Parametrization Shin et al. 2004. S. Afr. J. Mar. Sci. Travers et al. 2006. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. - Sensibility analyses -Validation – POM approach Ferrer 2008, Msc thesis Travers 2010, PhD thesis - Calibration by genethic algorithm - Crossed validation with Ecopath-Ecosim ROMS-NPZD coupling Versmisse 2008, PhD thesis Duboz et al. 2010. Ecol. Model. Shin et al. 2004. S. Afr. J. Mar. Sci. Travers et al., 2010. J. Mar. Sys. Travers et al., 2009. Ecol. Modelling Travers et Shin, 2010. Progress Oceanogr MEECE integrated approach on the Benguela ecosystem Climate variability and impact S. Speich, S. Russo, E. Machu, O. Aumont, C. Messager (LPO IUEM), V. Garçon, B. Le Vu (LEGOS), Y. Shin (UMR EME), C. Mooloney (UCT) Two questions adressed: 1.How climate change impacts the regional climate system ? 2.How this affects the local ecosystems (adresses via different coupled systems: ROMS-NPZD-OSMOSE et ROMS-PISCES-APECOSM) Scenarios with fishing and climate variability Y. Shin (UMR EME), L. Shannon (UCT) Three questions will be addressed in the Benguela, using Roms-Npzd-Osmose and EwE: 1. How would climate change affects fishing reference levels? 2. Would climate change and fishing scenarios modify the trophic structure of the ecosystem? 3. To what extent are ecological indicators of fishing effects sensitive and exclusive to fishing pressure (vs sensitive to climate forcing)? Would climate change and fishing scenarios modify the trophic structure of the ecosystem? Shift between different alternative trophic pathways? Comparing ecological indicators across world’s marine ecosystems the IndiSeas Working Group OBJECTIVES A suite of papers published in ICES Journal of Marine Science (2010) presents initial results of comparative analyses of the 19 fished marine ecosystems (Shin and Shannon 2010; Shin et al. 2010a). The IndiSeas WG was established in 2005 under the auspices of EUROCEANS to: •Develop a set of synthetic ecological indicators; •Build a generic dashboard using a common set of interpretation and visualisation methods; •Evaluate the exploitation status of marine ecosystems in a comparative framework In blue, the first 19 ecosystems considered in the IndiSeas WG. In yellow, the participating countries The IndiSeas WG relies strongly on a multi-institutional collaboration for assembling a common dataset, and for allowing the global comparative approach to keep a good track of the data which underlie the indicators, and to account for the local scientific knowledge in the final diagnosis. The first phase of the WG (2005-2009) assembled the expertise of 31 scientific experts around the world, from 21 research institut Yunne-Jai SHIN IRD, UMR EME 212 Lynne SHANNON UCT, Zoology Dpt Indicators Headline label Mean length Fish size Trophic level of landings Trophic level Proportion of under to % Healthy stocks moderately exploited species Proportion of predatory fish % Predators Mean life span Life span 1/CV of total biomass Biomass stability Total biomass of surveyed species Biomass Biomass:Landings Inverse fishing pressure Comparing ecological indicators across world’s marine ecosystems Yunne-Jai SHIN IRD, UMR EME 212 Lynne SHANNON UCT, Zoology Dpt For each ecosystem, a synthetic overview is displayed with state and trends indicators. A summary diagnosis is provided by each ecosystem expert. Viewing options include time series for each indicator, descriptions of ecosystem and key species. The IndiSeas website The website has been developed as a platform to disseminate the results of the analyses beyond the scientific audience. It is intended to inform scientists, managers, policy makers and the public at large of the state of the world’s marine ecosystems as a result of fisheries exploitation. Next steps Building bridges with other scientific fields To strengthen the ecosystem diagnosis, additional indicators from other scientific fields need to be considered, allowing to: • Quantify the joint effects of climate and fishing changes • Integrate conservation and biodiversity issues • Integrate socio-economic issues Testing the performance of ecosystem indicators in fisheries management Performance testing will allow to assess whether an indicator and accompanying decision rules actually guide decision-makers to make the “right” decision, in hindsight. The suite of indicators collected by the Indiseas WG provides a unique opportunity to test their performance across a range of ecosystems. Developing reference levels for indicators Establishing reference levels for ecosystem indicators has proven to be a major challenge to implementing EAF, due to the complexity of ecosystems and their response to fishing in a changing environment. Ecosystem models (EwE, Osmose, Atlantis) will be used for identifying baseline unexploited reference levels and limit reference levels. Forçage/couplage ROMS-NPZD et OSMOSE Spatio-temporal variation of fishinduced mortality on plankton Quel est l’effet de la rétroaction? Predation mortality rate on copepods (d-1) 2.9E-03 Forçage 2.82.8E-03 10-3 Diatomées 2.7E-03 Couplage Diatomées 2.62.6E-03 10-3 4.104 2.42.4E-03 10-3 J F M A M J J A S O N D 2.104 6 10-3 Predation mortality rate on copepods (day-1) 1.104 5 10-3 4 10-3 3 10-3 2 10-3 1 10-3 Travers et Shin 2010 - Progr.Ocean. Couplage = moins de plancton dans la zone de nourricerie Travers et al. 2009 - Ecol. Model. Biomasse (t) 3.104 2.5E-03 Vers des scénarios prospectifs dans le Benguela sud - Des scénarios d’Aires Marines Protégées (ANR AMPED, coord. D. Kaplan) Avec Y. Shin (UMR EME), D. Yemane (MCM), C. van Der Lingen (MCM), N. Bez (IRD) Deux effets à tester avec ROMS-NPZD-OSMOSE: 1- Variabilité spatiale des réseaux trophiques 2- Changements d’habitats des espèces exploitées (scénarios Life-history IPCC) The same migration species occur in the South and West coasts so many interactions between the 2 zones Weeks et al. 2006 Hutchings et al. 2002 1) How would climate change affects fishing reference levels? - Simulate FMSY present conditions (already done in MSC LTLWG – T. Smith), and compare with simulations under IPCC scenarios (at least A1B, time slice 2080-2100) - For a set of key target species (monospecies approach). In the Benguela: anchovy, sardine, redeye, horse mackerel, shallow water hake, deep water hake 2) Would climate change and fishing scenarios modify the trophic structure of the ecosystem? Shift between different alternative trophic pathways? Combined fishing and IPCC scenarios. 4 fishing scenarios: - F status quo - Increase in F(global), F(small pelagics), F(large demersals) 2) Sensitivity and responsiveness of ecological indicators to fishing vs climate forcing indicator ? Linear decrease ? ? Environmental noise ? Set of indicators to be tested: Fishing mortality F Theoretical climate and fishing forcing: Mean size of fish, proportion of predatory fish, mean lifespan, 1/CV tot biomass, tot B, TL landings - Implement present climate conditions, increase in wind stress (trend), interannual variability - multiplier of F(global) - F(small pelagics): 0 to Fdepletion - F(demersal fish): 0 to Fdepletion