Phylum: Platyhelminthes class: Trematoda Schistosoma By Assist. lecturer Maytham A. Alwan Trematodes Schistosomes: Blood flukes Family: Schistosomatidae Genus: Schistosoma Spp. : Schistosoma haematobium, Schistosoma mansoni, Schistosoma japonicum, For animals(ruminant & horses) : Sch. bovis, sch. Mattheei, sch. Spindale, sch. nasalis, Sch. margrebowiei Disease : Bilharziasis or Schistosomiasis Schistosomes: Blood flukes Morphology: The male is broader than the female, and its lateral borders are rolled ventrally into a cylinderical shape , producing along groove or tough called the gynaecophoric canal, in which the female is held. lack the mascular pharynx, intestinal seca reunite after bifurcation to form a single canal. Lifecycle: Schistosomes are dioecious trematodes in which the sexes are separate . Life span : may live for 30 years in the human host. non operculate eggs, they have no redia, no metacercariae stages in larval development, the cercaria have forked tail and infect by penetrating un broken skin or ingestion . Schistosomiasis is a water borne disease . Spp. Sch. haematobium Sch.mansoni Sch. japonicum Name of disease Urinary bilharziasis (Vesical schistosomiasis), endemic haematuria Intestinal bilharziasis (schistosomiasis dysentery) Oriental bilharziasis Katayama disease(fever) Final host human Human& monkeys& rodents Human&domestic animals&wild rodent Clinical signs Hyperplasia & calcification of bladder Liver fibrosis , bloody Lung fibrosis, diarrohea spleenomegally Table Morphological differentiation between the species of schistosomes of man Male adult worm : S. haematobium S. mansoni Length 10 – 15 mm 6 – 10 mm Integument finely tuberculated coarsely tuberculated No of testes 3–5(4) Ceca reunite late reunite early 15 – 20 mm 10 – 14 mm S. japonicum 12 – 20 mm smooth 6 – 9 ( 7 ) in (cluster) 7 – 9 ( 7 ) (in column) reunite very late Female adult worm : Length 15 – 30 mm Position of the ovary posterior half anterior half middle Length of the uterus long short long No. of ova in the uterus 20 – 50 1–4 50 – 300 Ova : Spine Present terminal spine in urine, less, frequenitly in stool lateral spine short lateral spine (rudimntary) in stool rarely in urine in stool Habitat in human : Body vesical plexus of urinary bladder inferior mesentric vein, less frequently superior superior mesentric vein, less frequently interior Snails : (intermediate host) Bulinus truncatus Biomphalaria spp. Oncomelani spp. Differential Features of Shistosoma spp. Saline s. Iodine s. ( in stool ) Schistosoma japonicum Egg Schistosoma haematobium Egg Schistosoma mansoni Egg ( in urine ) Figure : Ova of Schistosoma spp. ( in stool ) 4/12/2020 8 4/12/2020 9 Female Oral sucker Male Ventral sucker Schistosoma mansoni Male-Female Copula Figure : Schistosoma mansoni male and female in copula 4/12/2020 11 Figure 3: Schistosoma mansoni male and female in copula Fig. 4 : S. mansoni, female and male In Saline R. B. C Iodine stain Fig. 5: Schistosoma mansoni Egg Man egg Snail Diagram 2: life cycle of schistosoma mansoni Methylene blue s. Fig. 8: Schistosoma japonicum female and male Saline s. Fig. 9: Schistosoma japonicum Egg Fig. 11 : Schistosoma haematobium female and male Eosin s. Eggs Saline s. Iodine s. Saline s. R. B. C Fig. 12 : S. haematobium eggs Schistosoma spp- Cercaria Schistosoma spp- Miracidium Fig. 15: stages from the life cycle of the schistosoma spp. Oncomelania Biomphalaria Fig. 16: the intermediate hosts of schistosoma spp. Diagram 1 : life cycle of Schistosoma spp.