Chapter 14 Electrical Safety References: 1. Walter H. Olson, “Chapter 14: Electrical Safety,” in J. G. Webster (ed.), Medical Instrumentation: Application and Design, 3rd ed.. New York, Wiley, 1998, pp. 623658. 2. David Prutchi and Michael Norris, “Design of safe medical device prototypes,” in Design and Development of Medical Electronic Instrumentation: A Practical Perspective of the Design, Construction, and Test of Medical Devices. New York: Wiley, 2005, pp. 97146. The environment Patients are exposed to more hazards in medical environments than the typical home or workplace Statistic 10,000 device-related patient injuries per year in the US Reason: Improper use of devices Inadequate training & lack of experience Increased complexity of medical devices Utilization of medical devices in more procedures User manuals are seldom read Design Name one device that will never go wrong. Fail-safe design: Because all devices eventually fail. Safe design + safe use Concept: Everything that can go wrong will eventually go wrong. Hazards hazard 危險; 危害物; 危險之源 • Sources of hazards: fire, air, earth, water, chemicals, drugs, microorganisms, Vermin, waste, sound, vermin 害蟲(指鼠、蝨等); 寄生蟲 electricity, natural and unnatural disasters, surroundings, gravity, mechanical stress, people responsible for acts of omission and commission, radiation from x rays, ultrasound, magnets, ultraviolet light, microwaves, and lasers. disaster災難 Action * Electrically isolated patient connections of the medical equipment * Education on safety for medical personnel * Medical-equipment testing procedures This chapter • Contents: physiological effects of electric current shock hazard methods of protection electrical-safety standards electrical-safety testing procedures. • objectives: to understand the possible hazards; to incorporate safety features into the medical instrument design 14.1 Physiological effects of electricity Electrical current through biological tissue: (1) Stimulation of excitable tissue (2) Resistive heating (3) Electrochemical burns and tissue damage (DC) Various levels of physiological effects Perception: Exciting nerve endings in the skin A tingling sensation AC 60 Hz: threshold = 0.5 mA (moistened hands); DC: threshold = 2-10 mA, slight warming of the skin; Let-go: Vigorous stimulation of nerves and muscles Pain and fatigue Involuntary muscular contractions Reflex withdrawals Let go current ≡the max current for voluntary withdrawal The minimal threshold for the let go current = 6 mA Various levels of physiological effects (cont.) Respiratory paralysis, pain, and fatigue: Involuntary contraction of respiratory muscles (1) Asphyxiation 窒息 Respiratory arrest: 18-22 mA (2) Pain and fatigue Various levels of physiological effects (cont.) VF: The normal propagation of action potential is disrupted Major cause of death due to electric shock 1000 deaths per year in the USA Threshold for VF = 75-400 mA Doesn’t stop until defibrillator is used (Defibrillation: A brief high-current pulse depolarizes all the myocardial cells simultaneously.) Sustained myocardial contraction: A normal rhythm ensues after removing the current Threshold = 1-6 A Burns: Usually on the skin at the entry points Physical injury: Can puncture the skin if V > 240 V Brain and nervous tissue will lose excitability when high currents pass through them Muscular contraction can be strong enough to pull the muscle attachment away from the bone. Let go current: You = 100 mA Your friend = 10 mA If the current = 20 mA Can you escape? Can your friend escape? Figure 14.1 Physiological effects of electricity Threshold or estimated mean values are given for each effect in a 70 kg human for a 1 to 3 s exposure to 60 Hz current applied via copper wires grasped by the hands. 14.2 Important Susceptibility Parameters Susceptibility易受影響姓 (1) Current magnitude Figure 14.2 Distrubutions of perception thresholds and let-go currents These data depend on surface area of contact (moistened hand grasping AWG No. 8 copper wire). (Replotted from C. F. Dalziel, "Electric Shock," Advances in Biomedical Engineering, edited by J. H. U. Brown and J. F. Dickson IIII, 1973, 3, 223-248.) (2) Frequency Figure 14.3 Let-go current versus frequency Percentile values indicate variability of let-go current among individuals. Let-go currents for women are about two-thirds the values for men. (Reproduced, with permission, from C. F. Dalziel, "Electric Shock," Advances in Biomedical Engineering, edited by J. H. U. Brown and J. F. Dickson IIII, 1973, 3, 223-248.) (3) Duration Figure 14.4 Fibrillation current versus shock duration. Thresholds for ventricular fibrillation in animals for 60 Hz ac current. Duration of current (0.2 to 5 s) and weight of animal body were varied. (From L. A. Geddes, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 1973, 20, 465-468. Copyright 1973 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Reproduced with permission.) Electrical devices include any weapons that use the effects of electricity to incapacitate (使無能力) the target. There are a variety of different devices but their principle of operation is the same. They are battery powered and use a low current, high voltage impulse shock for incapacitation. Other terms for these devices include Conducted Energy Device (CED) Electro-Muscular Disruption (EMD) Device Human Electro-Muscular Incapacitation (HEMI) Device. Source: Strength-duration curve I Id 1 e d / Strength-duration equation Strength- durationequation : T hestimulation current threshold(for short durations) I Id 1 e d / I : Rheobase current : Chronaxietimeconst ant rhe(o)- word element [Gr.], electric current; flow (as of fluids). Rheobase 基本電位,(引起刺激之最低電位). Chronaxie 時值,(引起肌肉收縮最少所需之電流時間). Rheobase: theminimumnerveimpulse required to elicit a responsefroma tissue Chronaxie(chronaxy): theminimumintervalof timenecessaryt o electrically st imulat e a muscle or nervefiber, using twice theminimumcurrentneeded toelicit a thresholdresponse. (Source : http: //www.t hefreedict incapacitate 使無能力 Stimulation threshold: = 3.5 uC/cm2 of charge transfer density (large amplitude, < 100 us, directly to the heart) Fibrillation stimulation threshold : single-beat stimulation threshold = 20:1 ~ 30:1 (electrode on the heart) = 10:1 ~ 15:1 (electrodes on the chest) (4) Points of entry Current threshold for VF: LA-RA > LL-RA or LL-LA Two points on the same hands > Two points on two hands (4) Points of entry (cont.) Figure 14.5 Effect of entry points on current distribution (a) Macroshock, externally applied current spreads throughout the body. (b) Microshock, all the current applied through an intracardiac catheter flows through the heart. (From F. J. Weibell, "Electrical Safety in the Hospital," Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 1974, 2, 126-148.) Current threshold for microshock (of dogs): 20 μA (total current) Current threshold for microshock (of human): 80-600 μA (total current) Safety limit to prevent microshock: 10 μA (5) Body weight Threshold: increases with body weight Threshold: increases with body weight 14.3 Distribution of Electric Power Electric power in health-care facilities for: Medical instruments, lighting, maintenance appliances, patient conveniences (TV, hair curler, and electric toothbrushes), clocks, nurse call buttons, etc. 240 V for heavy-duty devices: Air conditioner, electric dryers, x-ray machines This section: Safe distribution of power in health-care facilities Electric-power distribution Figure 14.8 Simplified electric-power distribution for 115 V circuits. Power frequency is 60 Hz. NEC (National Electric Code) 1996, 2006 * All receptacles be grounded by a separate insulated (green) copper conductor (Article 517-13) * The maximal potentials permitted between any two exposed conductive surfaces in the vicinity of the patient (Article 517-15) <1> General-care areas – 500 mV <2> Critical-care areas – 40 mV receptacle (電源)插座 Critical-care areas •< 40 mV (Article 517-15) •Patients are intentionally exposed to electric devices •Single patient-grounding point •Periodical testing of ground continuity •Receptacles: > 6 single or 3 duplex Unsafe General-care areas •< 500 mV •Receptacles: > 4 single > 4 duplex •Each rceptacle must be grounded •Patients are incidentally exposed to electric devices Ground faults Ground fault A short circuit between the hot conductor and ground that injects large currents into the grounding system ground fault ground fault The circuit breaker will open due to ground fault Isolated power systems In isolated power systems, large currents into the grounding system * will occur when there are double ground faults * will not occur when there is a single ground fault Isolated power systems are used in applications where loss of power supply cannot be tolerated. NEC requirement: isolated-power systems in operating rooms and locations where flammable anesthetics are used or stored Isolated power systems C = 0.3 F, Zc = 8.8 k @60 Hz C = 0.01 F, Zc = 26.5 k @60 Hz Line-isolation monitor (dynamic ground detector): to detect the occurrence of the first fault from either conductor to ground “Isolation” transformer: means to isolate the two conductors from ground Isolated power systems Figure 14.7 Power-isolation-transformer system with a line-isolation monitor to detect ground faults. Emergency power systems Article 517, NEC (1990, 2006) The emergency electric system for health-care facilities: Requirement automatically restoring power within 10 s after interruption 14.4 Macroshock Hazards Skin resistance Susceptibility to VF ? ? Skin resistance: Dry: 15 k-1 M/cm2 Wet or broken: 1% Internal resistance: chassis 底盤, 底座 Figure 14.10 Macroshock due to a ground fault from hot line to equipment cases for (a) ungrounded cases and (b) grounded chassis. 14.4 Macroshock Hazards (cont) Possible causes: * Failures of insulation * Shorted components * Mechanical failures * Strain and abuse of power cords, plugs, and receptacles * Spilling of fluids (blood, urine, intravenous solutions, baby formulas) 14.5 Microshock Hazards When there are direct electric connections to the patient’s heart Causes: (1)Leakage current in line-operated equipment (2)Potential difference between grounded conductive surfaces Direct electric connections to the patient’s heart Microshock-susceptible situations: 1. Epicardial/endocardial electrodes of externalized temporary cardiac pacemakers 2. Electrodes for introcardiac electrogram measuring /stimulation devices 3. Liquid-filled catheters placed in the heart to measure blood pressure, withdraw blood samples, inject substances such as dye or drugs into the heart, etc. (Internal R of catheter = 50 k to 1 M, much higher than the two cases above) It only requires a leakage current It doesn’t require a ground fault to induce a microshock. (b) With a grounded electric connection to the heart, the patient may receive a microshock while touching the chassis whose ground wire is broken. (c) There is a connection from the chassis to the patient’s heart. There is also a connection to ground anywhere on the body. The broken ground of the chassis could cause a microshock. Figure 14.11 Leakage-current pathways Assume 100 µA of leakage current from the power line to the instrument chassis. (a) Intact ground, and 99.8 µA flows through the ground. (b) Broken ground, and 100 µA flows through the heart. (c) Broken ground, and 100 µA flows through the heart in the opposite direction. Examples of possible microshock incidents Microchock via temporary transvenous pacemaker A figure from the second edition Electrode Surface Area Current density is the key factor that causes VF. Electrode area VF probability ? ? Threshold of VF Figure 14.12 Thresholds of ventricular fibrillation and pump failure versus catheter area in dogs. Conductive Surfaces It only requires a small potential difference between two conductive surface It doesn’t require a leakage current To induce a microshock. Electrode area current density VF more probable Electrode area electrode resistance VF less probable current magnitude EEA018 Example 14.2 Macroshock Macroshock: Minimum current I for VF = 75 mA Cross-sectional area A of the heart = 10 am 10 cm Current density J = 75 mA/100 cm2 = 7.5 A/mm2 vs Microshock Microshock: A = 90 mm2 I = 1000 μA J = 1000 μA/90 mm2 = 11.1 μA/mm2 Conclusion: Macroshock & microshock cause VF by the same mechanism Figure 14.10 Thresholds of ventricular fibrillation and pump failure versus catheter area in dogs. EE8016 Ground Potential Differences Solution: (1) A single patient grounding point for all devices used in the vicinity of each patient (2) Electrical isolation for all patient leads Figure 14.11 (a) Large ground-fault current raises the potential of one ground connection to the patient. The microshock current can then flow out through a catheter connected to a different ground. (b) Equivalent circuit. Only power-system grounds are shown. 14.6 Electrical-safety Codes and Standards A code =法規, 行為準則,規範; •a document that contains only mandatory requirements • uses “shall” • is cast in a form suitable for adoption into law by an authority that has jurisdiction • Explanations in a code must appear only in fine-print notes, footnotes, and appendices. A standard: • contains only mandatory requirements • Compliance tends to be voluntary. • More detailed notes and explanations are given. A manual or guide: • doesn’t contain mandatory requirements • Informative and tutorial 14.6 Electrical-safety Codes and Standards An arduous history of the development, adoption, and use of standards and codes for electrical safety in health-care facilities: 1. Explosions and fires resulting from electric ignition of flammable anesthetics 2. Microshock scare, 1970s, led to impractical proposals 3. Many years of debating over implicit requirements for isolated-power systems and very low-leakage current 4. NFPA 99-1984 and ANSI/AAMI ES1-1985 standards were adopted. arduous 艱辛的 14.6 Electrical-safety Codes and Standards NFPA = National Fire Protection Association NASI = American National Standards Institute AAMI = The Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation IEC = International Electrotechnical Commission) The NFPA 99-1984 ANSI/AAMI ES1-1985 The NFPA 99Standard for Health Care Facilities2005 (Evolved from 12 NFPA documents that were combined in 1984 and revised every 3 years) •Electric equipment, gas, vacuum, environmental systems and materials •The requirements for patient-care-related electric appliances •The performance, maintenance, and testing of electrical equipment •The performance, maintenance, and testing with regard to safety •The safe use of high-frequency (100 kHz to microwave frequencies) electricity 14.6 Electrical-safety Codes and Standards The National Electrical Code 2006, Article 517Health Care Facilities A. General; B. Wiring design and protection; C. Essential electrical system; D. Inhalation anesthetizing locations; E. X-ray installations; F. Communications, signaling systems, data systems, fire-protective signaling systems, and systems less than 120 Volts, nominal; G. Isolated power systems ANSI/AAMI ES1 1993 Safe Current Limits for Electromedical Apparatus Chassis and patient lead leakage currents NFPA = National Fire Protection Association NASI = American National Standards Institute AAMI = The Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation IEC = International Electrotechnical Commission) IEC 60601-1 (2006) standard Allows a “patient auxiliary current” up to 100 uA at not less than 0.1 Hz to permit amplifier bias currents and impedance plethysmorgraphy if the current is not intended to produce a physiological effect. Table 14.1 Limits on Leakage Current for Electric Appliances Electric Appliance Chasis Leakage, uA Patient-lead Leakage, uA not intended to contact patients 100 NA not intended to contact patients and single fault 500 NA with nonisolated patient leads 100 10 with nonisolated patient leads and single fault 300 100 with isolated patient lead 100 10 with isolated lead and single fault 300 50 plethysmorgraphy 體積變化描記 14.6 Electrical-safety Codes and Standards Code vs standard Code Standard yes yes Definition Mandatory Compliance Explanation 14.7 Basic Approaches to Protection Against Shock Protection against shock: Method 1: Isolate and insulate patients from grounded objects and electrical sources Method 2: Maintain at the same potential all conductive surfaces within the patient’s reach Neither can be fully achieved in most practical environments, so some combination of them must usually suffice. 14.7 Basic Approaches to Protection Against Shock Whom to protect? 1. Patients with accessible electrical connections to the heart. (哀莫大於心死) 2. Patients with reduced skin resistance invasive connections (e.g., coupled to electrodes) (e.g., intravenous catheters) exposure to wet conditions (e.g., dialysis, i.e., 洗腎) 3. Patients 4. Visitors and staff Cost-benefit ratio: safety vs purchase cost + maintenance cost 14.8 Protection: Power Distribution Grounding system: Essential requirement for protecting patients from both macroshock and microshock: Low-resistance grounds that can carry current up to circuit-breaker ratings (1) Macroshock: (2) Microshock: 14.8 Protection: Power Distribution (cont.) Grounding system: (cont.) A good grounding system protects patients by : (1) Keeping all conductive surfaces and receptacle grounds in the patient’s environment at the same potential (2) Protect the patients from ground faults at other locations (e.g., Fig. 14-11) Grounding system, hierarchy of (see Fig. 14.14) Patient-equipment grounding point Reference grounding point Building service ground Figure 14.12 Grounding system All the receptacle grounds and conductive surfaces in the vicinity of the patient are connected to the patientequipment grounding point. Each patient-equipment grounding point is connected to the reference grounding point that makes a single connection to the building ground. Figure 14.12 Grounding system All the receptacle grounds and conductive surfaces in the vicinity of the patient are connected to the patientequipment grounding point. Each patient-equipment grounding point is connected to the reference grounding point that makes a single connection to the building ground. Figure 14.12 Grounding system All the receptacle grounds and conductive surfaces in the vicinity of the patient are connected to the patientequipment grounding point. Each patient-equipment grounding point is connected to the reference grounding point that makes a single connection to the building ground. 14.8 Protection: Power Distribution (cont.) Grounding system: (cont.) Grounding system: (1) connection 0.15 (2) diff. voltage (between receptacle ground & conductive surface) 40 mV (3) The patient-equipment grounding point is connected individually to all receptacle grounds, metal beds, metal door and window frames, water pipes, and any conductive surfaces. (4) Each patient-equipment grounding point individually connected to a reference grounding point connected to the building service ground 14.8 Protection: Power Distribution (cont.) Isolated power-distribution system: * High cost * Only necessary in locations where flammable anesthetics are used 14.8 Protection: Power Distribution (cont.) Ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI): Function: = 0 ideally If |Ihot conductor Ineutral conductor| 6 mA Disconnect the electrical power source (to prevent macroshock) * Not sensitive enough to interrupt microshock level of leakage current. * Primarily for macroshock protection. Note: 1.Microshock doesn’t need ground fault; leakage current can cause microshock. 2.Microshock level of leakage current < macroshock level of leakage current 14.8 Protection: Power Distribution (cont.) Ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI): (cont.) •NEC (1996): There shall be GFCIs in circuits serving bathrooms, garages, outdoor receptacles, swimming pools, construction sites •NFPA 99: There shall be GFCIs in wet location, especially hydrotherapy areas, (where continuity of power is not essential). • In patient-care areas, circuits should not include GFCIs, because: the loss of power to life-support equipment (due to GFCIs) may be more hazardous to the patient than most small ground faults would be. GFCI ($10) This is attractive if brief power interruptions can be tolerated. vs isolated power-distribution system ($2000) Figure 14.15 Ground-fault circuit interrupters (a) Schematic diagram of a solid-state GFCI (three wire, two pole, 6 mA). (b) Ground-fault current versus trip time for a GFCI. [Part (a) is from C. F. Dalziel, "Electric Shock," Advances in Biomedical Engineering, edited by J. H. U. Brown and J. F. Dickson IIII, 1973, 3, 223-248.) N G H Electric device GFCI •When power is interrupted by a GFCI, the manual reset button on the GFCI must be pushed to restore power. • Most GFCIs have a momentary pushbutton that create a safe ground fault to test the interrupter. Example 14.3 Most GFCIs have a momentary pushbutton that create a safe ground fault to test the interrupter. On Figure 14.15, design the modification to permit this test. Answer 14.9 Protection: Equipment Design Reliable grounding for equipment * Power cords: Hard Service (SO, ST, STO), Junior Hard Service (SJO, SJT, SJTO) •Plugs: Avoid molded plugs (because of 40% to 85% invisible breaks within 1 to 10 years) •Strain-relief devices •Cord-storage compartment – to reduce cord damage • Be careful of three-prong-to-two-prong adaptor Reduction of leakage current (between chassis and patient leads) *Low-leakage power cords < 1.0 μA/m ---- are available •Capacitor between the hot conductors and the chassis can be reduced thr layout and insulating •Impedance from patient leads to hot conductors or chassis must be maximized Double-insulated equipment •Insulating material for the secondary insulation •Safe even when spilled insulation 14.9 Protection: Equipment Design Operation at low voltage (Use battery, < 10 V) * e.g., inhalation-anesthetizing locations Electrical isolation . Different voltage sources and different grounds oneach side . Isolation amplifiers: ohmic isolation > 10 M, isolation-mode voltage > 1000 V, CMRR > 100 dB •Transformer/optical/capacitive isolation CM CMRR Error ~ SIG Isolation barrier ISO Error IMRR* ~ Isolation barrier CR3 RF i ~ CM Isolation Capacitance and resistance ~ ~ Input common (a) + ISO Output common o = SIG ± CM ISO ± CMRR IMRR ~ i i3 i2 +V AII + + V Input control Gain *IMRR in v/v AI + i1 RK = 1M 2 +o RG CR2 i2 1 ISO + + i CR1 (c) o = i RK RG o Output control Isolation barrier FB AD202 In In + SIG In com +ISO Out -ISO Out (b) + Signal ± Mod Demod Hi ±5V F.S. 5V F.S. Lo ± 15 V (Driver) o Isolation barrier ± 15 V (Receiver) Power + 7.5 V 7.5 V Rect and filter 25 kHz Oscillator 25 kHz + 15 V DC Power return Analog signal in, i Freq control Osc 3 pF Q Q 3 pF Frequency-to- voltage converter (phase-locked loop) Analog signal out, o (d) Figure 14.14 Electrical isolation of patient leads to biopotential amplifiers (a) General model for an isolation amplifier. (b) Transformer isolation amplifier (Courtesy of Analog Devices, Inc., AD202). (c) Simplified equivalent circuit for an optical isolator (Copyright (c) 1989 BurrBrown Corporation. Burr Brown ISO100) (d) Capacitively coupled isolation amplifier (Horowitz and Hill, Art of Electronics, Cambridge Univ. Press. Burr Brown ISO106). 14.9 Protection: Equipment Design Isolated heart connections •Cardiac pacemakers powered by battery •Blood-pressure sensors with triple insulation •Catheters with conductive walls Quiz: Which is safer? A catheter with insulated wall or one with conductive wall? Why? Ans: 14.10 Electrical-Safety Analyzer Line Voltage Cord Resistance Case Leakage Current Earth Leakage Current Leads Leakage Current Instrument Current Insulation resistance Earth resistance Point-to-Point Measurement 14.11 Testing the Electric System Electrical safety relies on the integrity of the power connection. 3-LED Receptacle Tester Hot Ground Neutral Open The four possible states: 1. Hot (120 V) 2. GND 3. Open 4. Neutral Possible practical cases: 43 = 64 cases 3-LED receptacle tester: 23 = 8 cases 120 V ☼ 0V ◌ X 120 V ◌ ☼ 0V ☼ 0V ◌ X ☼ 0V ☼ 120 V ☼ Figure 14.17 Three-LED receptacle tester Ordinary silicon diodes prevent damaging reverse-LED currents, and resistors limit current. The LEDs are ON for line voltages from about 20 V rms to greater than 240 V rms, so these devices should not be used to measure line voltage. Description (in textbook) LEDs 1 2 Prongs 3 Hot Ground (Black) (Green) Neutral (White) ○ ○ ○ O G N H H H 2. Neutral open ☼ ○ ○ H G O 3. No possible wiring ○ ☼ ○ ― ― ― 4. Ground open ○ ○ ☼ H O N 5. Hot/ground reversed ☼ ☼ ○ G H N 6. Correct (or ground/neutral reversed) ☼ ○ ☼ H G N H N G 7. Hot/neutral reversed ○ ☼ ☼ N G H 8. Hot open and neutral/hot ☼ ☼ ☼ O G H 1. Hot open (or all hot) Note: The “correct wiring” is when Black = Hot, Green = Ground, and White = Neutral. Tests of Grounding System in Patient-Care Areas NFPA 99: Between ground and receptacle: < 0.1 ohm, new construction < 0.2 ohm, existing construction NFPA 99: < 20 mV, new construction < 40 mV, critical area , existing construction < 500 mV, general area , existing construction Tests of Isolated Power Systems Alarm Yes No 3.7 mA 5.0 mA Total hazardous current (leakage current + LIM current) 14.12 Tests of Electric Appliances Leakage current is the current that could flow from the point where a person makes contact with an appliance, through that person's body, and back to ground (or some other point). [Jim Richards] The leakage tests are commonly performed as the final production tests on medical appliances. During a leakage test, the appliance is powered up under operating conditions. The leakage test is not a common production test for most non-medical electrical appliances. Various leakage tests are different in how or where the human body comes into contact with a medical appliance. The measuring device (such as a current meter in Figure 14.19) in a leakage test simulates the impedance of the human body. Tests include (1) normal power application (hot to 120 V and neutral to 0 V), (2) reverse power application (hot and neutral reversed), (3) normal power with single fault, and (4) reverse power with single fault . Tests on single faults are essential because it is a problem that could occur. Two or more faults are unlike to happen, so tests on them are not considered necessary. Source: Jim Richards, Medical Electronics Ensuring Compliance with Product Safety Tests, 2002 Reference Guide (Compliance Engineering Magazine ) , Ground-Pin-to-Chassis Resistance Figure 14.18 Ground-pin-to-chassis resistance test Chassis Leakage Current Appliance power switch (use both OFF and ON positions) Open switch for appliances not intended to contact a patient Grounding-contact switch (use in OPEN position) Polarity- reversing switch (use both positions) Appliance H (black) To exposed conductive surface or if none, then 10 by 20 cm metal foil in contact with the exposed surface H N 120 V N (white) G (green) Building ground G Insulating surface I Current meter This connection is at service entrance or on supply side of separately derived system. Test circuit H = hot N = neutral (grounded) G = grounding conductor simulates the human body I < 500 μA for facility owned housekeeping and maintenance appliances I < 300 μA for appliances intended for use in the patient vicinity (a) 900 Input of test load 1400 0.10 F 100 15 mV Millivoltmeter Leakage current being measured (b) Figure 14.19 (a) Chassis leakage-current test. (b) Current –meter circuit to be used for measuring leakage current. It has an input impedance of 1 k and a frequency characteristic that is flat to 1 kHz, drops at the rate of 20 dB/decade to 100 kHz, and then remains flat to 1 MHz or higher. (Reprinted with permission from NFPA 99-1996, "Health Care Facilities," Copyright © 1996, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02269. This reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the National Fire Protection Association, on the referenced subject, which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.) Ammeter Design An ammeter is placed in series with a circuit element to measure the electric current flow through it. The meter must be designed offer very little resistance to the current so that it does not appreciably change the circuit it is measuring. To accomplish this, a small resistor is placed in parallel with the galvanometer to shunt most of the current around the galvanometer. Its value is chosen so that when the design current flows through the meter it will deflect to its full-scale reading. A galvanometer full-scale current is very small: on the order of milliamperes. galvanometer 檢流計(測驗微小電流、電壓、電量), Source: The input impedance of the current meter in Figure 14.18 % Matlab code for ploting the input impedance of current meter R1 = 900; R2 = 100; R3 = 1400; R4 = 15; C1 = 0.10e-6; f = [1e0, 1e1, 1e2, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6, 1e7, 1e8] Z_volmeter = 1./(j*2*pi.*f*C1) + R4 Z_total = R1 + 1./(1/R2 +1./(R3 + Z_volmeter)) Z_total_mag = abs(Z_total) Z_volmeter_mag = abs(Z_volmeter); subplot(2,1,1); semilogx(f,Z_total_mag); title('Input impedance of current meter'); xlabel = ('Frequency, Hz'); ylabel = ('Magnitude, ohm'); subplot(2,1,2); semilogx(f,Z_volmeter_mag); title('Impedance across volmeter'); xlabel = ('Frequency, Hz'); ylabel = ('Magnitude, ohm'); Input impedance of current meter 1000 999 998 997 996 995 994 993 0 10 1 10 2 10 6 2 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 7 10 8 10 Impedance across volmeter x 10 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 7 10 8 10 Lakage current in Patient Leads Figure 14.19 Test for leakage current from patient leads to ground (Reprinted with permission from NFPA 99-1996, "Health Care Facilities," Copyright © 1996, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02269. This reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the National Fire Protection Association , on the referenced subject, which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.) Test for leakage current between patient leads Figure 14.21 Test for leakage current between patient leads (Reprinted with permission from NFPA 99-1996, "Health Care Facilities," Copyright © 1996, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02269. This reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the National Fire Protection Association , on the referenced subject, which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.)akage current between patient leads Test for ac isolation current Figure 14.22 Test for ac isolation current (Reprinted with permission from NFPA 99-1996, "Health Care Facilities," Copyright © 1996, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02269. This reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the National Fire Protection Association , on the referenced subject, which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.) CONCLUSION To achieve adequate electrical safety in health-care facilities: . A good power distribution system . Careful selection of well designed equipment . Periodical testing of power systems and equipment . Modest training program for medical personnel • Scope: Ch 6, partial ch 7, partial ch 8 Ch 13, ch 14