Self-Awareness and Self-Love




Rachel Navaro and Julia Mulligan




The ability to be consciously in touch with what is going on inside of your body on a physical/emotional level

Sometimes referred to as body awareness, inner guidance or intuition

A benefit of having boundaries and being grounded

Is not:

Your likes, dislikes or personality



The ability to love oneself without judgement



Always uplifting

A verb

Is not:

Arrogance or conceit



Something you have to earn

A noun

What’s so important about self-love?

It feels good – to you and others

It effects your life on all levels

It is essential for loving others in a healthy, unconditional manner

It increases confidence and awareness of personal skills and abilities

It helps you make good decisions

How can we begin to love ourselves?







Through increasing self-awareness:

Boundaries (physical)


Through increasing thought-awareness

By choosing to think positive, affirming thoughts

Through the creation of new core beliefs

Self-Awareness: Boundaries

Boundaries and grounding are essential for a healthy relationship with oneself and others

Your boundaries define physical limits. They make clear the separation between oneself and others

Boundaries are intelligent, like a cell wall (structural support, protection, and filter) they “let in” what is good for you and “keep out” what is not

*Do activity

Personal Space Invaders

Self-Awareness: Grounding

Boundaries and grounding are essential for a healthy relationship with oneself and others

Your grounding cord connects you to the earth

Grounding keeps you balanced between the energies of inspiration and imagination and the stable earth energies of intuition and instinct

Boundaries and Grounding





Grounding Cord

Thoughts have power

There is no such thing as a useless thought. Each thought you have has power

We have between 50,000 and 75,000 thoughts each day

90-95% of our thoughts are repeated each day

We are largely unaware of our thoughts

Most repetitive thoughts are negative (fear, judgement, depressing, rejection, scarcity and resentful)

Thoughts do not just stay in your head, they extend out of you and effect others (saliva experiment)

Thought Awareness

Start paying attention to the thoughts in your mind. This makes the unconscious stream of negative thoughts conscious, and also allows you to more easily choose positive thoughts

Tool: Place a check on a notecard every time you notice a negative thought. Do not judge the thought for yourself, just notice it.

Tool: Notice when your inner peace has been disturbed.

Any disturbance can usually be traced back to a negative thought. Once you identify it, you can chose a different thought.

Making affirmations work

Remember that you are creating something new and fresh, not trying to redo or change what already exists.

Every moment is an opportunity to create what you desire.

Try to believe that your affirmation can be true.

Temporarily suspend your doubts and judgements

Phrase them in the present tense, as if you already have it

Phrase them in the most positive way you can. State what you want rather than what you don’t want.

*M & M activity

Common core beliefs that can be a problem: (check any that you believe)

I’m not OK, There’s something wrong with me, I’m unworthy/undeserving

I’ve made mistakes in my life and deserve to suffer for them

It’s bad to think highly of yourself. You’ll become obnoxious and brag about yourself

Love comes from others, not self

I will be happy and love myself when, I get all A’s, I have the right partner, get the right job, etc.

People, including me, are basically bad, selfish, cruel, stupid, untrustworthy, sinful or foolish

The world is an unsafe place

There’s not enough ________ (love, money, happiness, food, etc.)to go around

Life is pain, suffering, and hard work, it’s not meant to be fun

I don’t have control over what happens to me, I’m powerless to do anything about my life or the state of the world

Love is dangerous, I might get hurt

“The most powerful thing you can do (and it is very powerful) to change the world is to change your own beliefs about the nature of life, people

(especially yourself) and reality, and begin to act accordingly.”

Shakti Gawain

Thoughts to remember

If you don’t want to do it, become it, be it then don’t talk about it

Know your power, believe in yourself, and keep your core strong and safe
