Ecological Networks

WP 6: Ecological Networks
Principal investigators:
Jordi Bascompte (Sevilla)
Joan Saldaña (Girona)
Postdoc investigator:
Josep-Lluís Garcia (Girona)
Related research topics of PIs
Structured population dynamics (JS)
Adaptive dynamics (JS)
Habitat destruction & metapop. dynamics (JB, JS)
Food-web structure and dynamics (JB)
Spatial dimension of community dynamics (JB)
Plant-animal coevolutionary networks (JB)
Complexity in Ecology
Since the 70s it is well known that simple
models can display complex dynamics
Dinamical complexity
Several ways of introducing complexity
into ecological models to capture the
structural complexity of natural systems
Complexity in Ecology (II)
At the population level:
Individuals can be classified according to internal
variables (age, size, rank, stage, ...) rellevant for their
physiological state
Populations are not described by a number but by a
density of individuals with respect to the internal
Individuals can also be located in the space → density
with respect to the space and the internal variables
Population complexity
Example of complex life cycle:
Complexity in Ecology (III)
Questions at the population level
Complexity in Ecology (IV)
Role of hierarchical / asimetrical competition
in the ecological stability (rank vs scramble
Effects of the population structure on the
food-chain dynamics (persistence, stabilizing
Evolutionary stable traits (strategies)
(f.ex., optimal transition rates among individual stages,
optimal resource allocation, etc.)
Complexity in Ecology (V)
At the community level:
Community = a highly interconnected
assemblage of species characterized by
recurrent food-web structures (motifs)
= complex network of interactions
Sorts of interactions: predation, competition,
mutualism, ...
Trophic interactions in the web
Complexity in Ecology (VI)
Interaction motifs in food webs
Questions at the community level
Complexity in Ecology (VII)
Topological properties of static food
webs (connectivity vs number of species, degree
distribution, degree correlations, interaction strenght motifs, ...)
Food-web structure and stability
→ The diversity-stability debate
→ The role of body size in the trophic interations
Growing food webs: assembly models
and evolutionary models
Complexity in Ecology (VIII)
Examples of food webs:
Montoya & Solé
Complexity in Ecology (IX)
of food
Montoya & Solé
Population complexity & Metapop
The structured population formalism is
similar to the one used in metapopulations
individual stage → local population
population → metapopulation
transition rate → migration rate
Popul. complexity & Metapop (II)
transition / migration
stage/popul. 2
stage/popul. 1
stage/popul. 3
Popul. complexity & Metapop (III)
Population dynamics in discrete time:
N (t  1)  P(t ) N (t )
where P(t)=P(N(t)) is given by
P(t )  TS (t )  F (t )
structured population
P(t )  D(t ) R(t )
dispersal matrix
reproduction matrix
Popul. complexity & Metapop (IV)
What are the evolutionarily stable transition rates /
dispersal rates in the previous model?
Ideal free distribution among stages / populations
The ideal free distribution (Fretwell & Lucas, 1970) is a hypothesis about how
organisms would distribute themselves in a space composed of habitats of
different suitability if they were free to move so as to maximize their fitness
→ Individuals will so distribute themselves as to equalise the actual fitnesses in different stages / habitats
Metapopulations + food webs
local food chain
local population
Melián, Bascompte
& Jordano (2005)
Research objectives of the WP
Analytical results on persistence theory
in food webs: study of the effect of different
nonlinearities in food-web models on the dynamical
properties of the solutions
Mean-field approximation to metapopulation (and vegetation) dynamics