Sampling Municipal Harvests, Local Runs, and Restoration Sites Claire Enterline, Municipal Harvest Coordinator, Maine Dept. of Marine Resources Maine Fisherman’s Forum March 2, 2013 Reminder – 2013 Harvest Rights Towns must send in harvest rights and harvest plans NO later than APRIL 20 Send into DMR: Town article approved by selectman or town vote (however town approves articles) Article stating that the town wishes to exercise their River Herring Harvest Rights, and stating whether there will be a Conservation Closure or refer to the town’s Harvest Plan Harvest Plans may vary by town, but must follow the DMR guidelines Reminder sheets with more info in the back River Herring Populations: What’s the problem? Coast-wide River Herring Landings 1950-2007, NMFS Greater than 93% DECREASE in U.S. commercial landings since the 1970s Maine Municipal River Herring (Alewife + Blueback Herring) Harvests 1950-2012 Millions of Dollars 5.0 2-day closure 4.5 $0.45 3-day closure $0.40 $0.35 3.5 $0.30 3.0 $0.25 2.5 $0.20 2.0 $0.15 1.5 Year 2010 2005 2000 1995 1990 1985 1980 $0.00 1975 0.0 1970 $0.05 1965 0.5 1960 $0.10 1955 1.0 1950 Millions of Pounds 4.0 Millions of Dollars Millions of Pounds Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) was formed by the 15 Atlantic coast states in 1942 in recognition that fish do not adhere to political boundaries. Deliberative body, coordinating the conservation and management of the states shared near shore fishery resources – marine, shell, and anadromous – for sustainable use. Healthy, self-sustaining populations for all Atlantic coast fish species or successful restoration well in progress by the year 2015. ASMFC Shad and River Herring Amendment 2 Objectives of Amendment 2 for River Herring: Prevent further declines 2. Improve our understanding of bycatch mortality 3. Increase our understanding of river herring fisheries, stock dynamics and population health through fisherydependent and independent monitoring, in order to allow for evaluation of management performance. 4. Promote improvements in degraded or historic habitat 1. ASMFC Shad and River Herring Amendment 2 Management and Implementation Close fisheries (commercial/recreational) with exceptions for systems with a sustainable fishery Habitat Conservation and Restoration Dams, removal or fish passage Water Quality Stock Enhancement Permitting/Re-licensing of Dams What makes a sustainable fishery? Commercial and/or recreational fishery that will not diminish potential future stock reproduction and recruitment Sustainability targets – State defined For Maine: Self-sustaining population Not supplemented by outside stocking Fish passage counts or estimations Harvest + Escapement over 235 fish/surface acre Spawning stock biomass How many spawning fish are there? Repeat spawning ratio Why are we collecting samples? To gather information to assess the sustainability of the run over time Repeat Spawning Age Structure Number of Fish Number of Times Previously Spawned Age 0 3 77 4 376 32 5 87 132 20 6 4 24 29 2 1 4 11 7 1 8 All Ages 3 4 5 Age 6 7 2 3 1 544 189 54 4 1 1 13 2 What information do we get from scales? Species Age Repeat Spawning What do we NOT get from scale samples? Size of the run Must be over 235 returning adults per surface acre of lake/pond Estimated from harvests or by a fish count Total Run (Harvest + Escapement) 90,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 Escapement target (35 fish/acre) = 20,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Harvester Harvester Harvester Harvester Harvester or DMR or DMR or DMR or DMR or DMR Town (* indicates 2012 Approved Harvest) Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer *Alna: Coopers Mills 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Arrowsic: Sewall Pond 253 138 137 122 113 *Bath/W.Bath/Phippsburg: Winnegance 99 100 100 150 100 200 *Benton: Sebasticook Falls 99 50 101 100 Bremen: Muscongus Brook 13 18 *Cherryfield: Narraguagus River 100 100 88 150 Dennysville: Dennys River 50 *Dresden: Mill Creek 100 100 100 101 200 100 200 *East Machias: Gardiner Lake 205 95 100 50 125 200 *Ellsworth: Union River 99 71 100 100 100 50 100 100 Falmouth: Presumpscot River 100 27 79 114 72 Franklin: Card Mill Stream 100 125 110 50 115 50 100 *Franklin: Grist Mill Stream 21 28 34 50 55 50 73 100 *Gouldsboro: West Bay Pond 110 85 50 102 50 100 100 Hampden: Souadabscook Stream 12 *Jefferson: Dyer River 50 100 Mt Desert: Long Pond 100 100 100 200 103 Mt Desert: Somes Pond 100 100 100 100 150 105 *Newcastle/Nobleboro: Damariscotta Mills 100 125 150 *Orland: Orland River 50 100 100 Pembroke: Pennamaquan River 50 100 Penobscot: Pierce Pond 100 75 50 100 100 Penobscot: Wight Pond 130 *Perry: Little River 50 Phippsburg: Center Pond 50 Saco: Saco River 60 *Steuben: Tunk Stream 53 51 50 *Sullivan: Flanders Stream 33 38 76 100 50 Surry: Patten Pond 100 125 100 105 100 Tremont: Seal Cove Pond 71 88 *Vassalboro: Webber Pond 85 73 50 115 50 75 50 Waldoboro: Medomak River 75 100 93 50 50 75 *Warren: St. George River 100 199 100 149 100 155 250 *Woolwich: Nequasset 40 102 100 105 50 105 150 All Sampling Sites 1451 1122 2029 1703 1824 1488 2581 2175 Total 850 763 749 350 31 438 50 901 775 720 392 650 411 597 12 150 603 655 375 250 150 425 130 50 50 60 154 297 530 159 498 443 1053 652 12,198 Why does DMR take additional samples? Length-at-age if not recorded by the harvester/volunteer To make sure we have a sample if few/none are collected 60 Number of Fish by Length (x-axis) and Age (line color) Number of Fish 50 Age 40 3 30 4 5 20 6 7 10 0 20 21 22 23 24 25 Length (CM) 26 27 28 Alewife Dominate all harvests Spawn earlier (May) Spawn in lakes and ponds Blueback Herring Spawn later (early-mid June) Spawn in mainstem of rivers Why did we change to “River Herring Harvests” last year? Proportion of Alewives vs. Blueback Herring for All Sampled Runs 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Town (* indicates 2012 Approved Harvest) Blueback Alewife When do we start seeing blueback herring? Proportion of Blueback Herring Over Time for Selected Runs 1 0.8 0.6 BATH: WINNEGANCE LAKE BENTON: SEBASTICOOK FALLS DRESDEN: MILL CREEK 0.4 ORLAND: ORLAND RIVER WARREN: ST. GEORGE RIVER 0.2 16-Jun 9-Jun 2-Jun 26-May 19-May 12-May 5-May 28-Apr 21-Apr 14-Apr 7-Apr 0 Why do we need to know the species? Blueback Herring Total Length (mm) Alewife Age Does length at age differ between sites? Damariscotta Mills Mean = 289 mm Mean = 280 mm Grist Mill Stream Mean = 272 mm Length (mm) Dyer River Age (years) Card Mill Stream Mean = 269 mm Wight Pond Mean = 262 mm Age composition Differences between runs can be due to history, harvesting practices, and environmental variability Percent of River Herring at Each Age Group 70% 60% 50% 40% Arrowsic 30% East Machias 20% Warren 10% 0% 3 4 5 6 Age 7 8 Age composition Between years there are changes in mortality at each site – need to look at multiple years! Percent of River Herring at Each Age Group 80% 70% 60% 50% Dresden - 2008 40% Dresden - 2010 30% Dresden - 2011 20% Dresden - 2012 10% 0% 3 4 5 6 Age 7 8 9 Repeat Spawning – Differs between sites Repeat Spawning - Percentage of the Run that has Spawned 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 times 100.00% Percent of All Fish in the Run 90.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% BREMEN: MUSCONGUS BROOK 40.00% PERRY - BOYDEN LAKE, LITTLE RIVER 30.00% WALDOBORO - MEDOMAK RIVER 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% 0 1 2 3 Number of Years that 1 Fish Spawned 4 Repeat Spawning – Between Sites Repeat Spawning - Percentage of the Run that has Spawned 1, 2, 3, and 4 times Percent of All Fish in the Run 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% BREMEN: MUSCONGUS BROOK PERRY - BOYDEN LAKE, LITTLE RIVER 10.00% WALDOBORO - MEDOMAK RIVER 5.00% 0.00% 1 2 3 Number of Years that 1 Fish Spawned 4 Repeat Spawning – At One Site Number of Previous Spawning Years Age 0 1 2 3 3 100.00% 4 93.23% 6.77% 5 31.25% 63.54% 5.21% 20.00% 76.00% 4.00% 25.00% 75.00% 6 7 8 4 100.00% Commercial and/or recreational fishery that will not diminish potential future stock reproduction and recruitment For Maine: Self-sustaining population Not supplemented by outside stocking Fish passage counts or estimations Harvest + Escapement over 235 fish/surface acre Spawning stock biomass How many spawning fish are there? Repeat spawning ratio Claire Enterline, Municipal Harvest Coordinator 172 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333 Phone: (207) 624 – 6341 Email: