species project.anna

By Anna Blake
Native to Europe, introduced to the United
States in 1890 in an effort to bring all birds
mentioned in Shakespeare’s works to the U.S.
• Identifying characteristics include
an iridescent gloss on black
feathers and cream-colored tips
on feathers.
• Because they are generalists, the
starlings were able to thrive
wherever they were introduced. They
can eat a variety of organisms and have
are able to drive out any competition.
• Courses of action for removal include
habitat modification to remove possible
nesting sites, poisoning, shooting, and
Opportunists who are able to survive in a
variety of habitats in the United States
including grasslands, deserts, mountainous
areas, farmlands, and metropolitan areas.
Resembles a German shepherd dog, have
long, bushy tails that drag to the ground,
and long, narrow muzzles.
The coyote regulates small predator
populations by preying on them. As a result,
the prey of these small predators are able
to survive, thus maintaining a balance in the
food web.
Coyote populations are threatened by
humans who fear their proximity to
developments. Most are killed by humans
after attacking a human. Coyote attacks
can be prevented by not feeding the coyote
and building fences that coyotes cannot
jump or climb.
• Live primarily in old-growth forests
in the Pacific Northwest, including
• Large, have a round head with no
ear tufts, and dark eyes.
• These species indicate the existence
of an old-growth forest. As oldgrowth forests are removed due to
human development and timber
harvesting, the spotted owl
population has declined.
• The identification of old-growth
forests should be employed by
timber and developing companies.
Laws to protect these forests should
be enacted to prevent their
• Native and exclusive to
hot springs of Mojave
Desert. Declared extinct
in 2010.
• Dorsal fin is closer to the
tail than the head, and
can either have very
small for no fins at all.
• Extinct after natural
habitat was destroyed
by developers.
• Plant that is native to
California. It produces very
few seeds and has a low
tolerance to environmental
changes. Only three
populations still exist.
• Has bright orange flowers.
• Reasons for status include
agriculture, invasive
species, human
development, and grazing.
• Reserve established to
protect species.
• Grows in open prairies in
Ohio, Illinois, Iowa,
Wisconsin, Maine,
Michigan, and Virginia.
• Leafy stem with a creamy
white three-fringed flower
• Status due to land cleared
for agriculture.
• Courses of action for
protection include habitat
protection and careful
monitoring of populations.
• http://keystoneconservation.us/keystone_conservation/coyotes.html
• http://wdfw.wa.gov/living/coyotes.html
• http://www.predatordefense.org/docs/ecological_role_species.pdf
Spotted Owl
• http://www.eoearth.org/article/Indicator_species
• http://www.defenders.org/wildlife_and_habitat/wildlife/spotted_owl,_northern.php
• http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Spotted_Owl/id/ac
Tecopa Pupfish
• http://www.thedailygreen.com/environmental-news/latest/recently-extinct-animals-list-470209
• http://www.petermaas.nl/extinct/speciesinfo/tecopapupfish.htm
Large-flowered Fiddleneck
• http://ecos.fws.gov/speciesProfile/profile/speciesProfile.action?spcode=Q1SU
• http://www.centerforplantconservation.org/collection/cpc_viewprofile.asp?CPCNum=114
Eastern Prairie Fringed Orchid
• http://www.ncrs.fs.fed.us/gla/tesweb/plants/plants_main.htm
• http://www.fws.gov/midwest/endangered/plants/epfo.html
European Starling:
• http://www.invasivespeciesinfo.gov/animals/eurostarling.shtml
• http://www.columbia.edu/itc/cerc/danoff-burg/invasion_bio/inv_spp_summ/Sturnus_vulgaris.html