Prioritized Action Framework for the Flemish Region Financing Natura 2000 workshop – Belgium December 11th 2013 Content Prioritized action framework Natura 2000 in Flanders Nature Conservation Objectives for the Flemish region Strategic conservation priorities 20142020 Priority Measures for Natura 2000 Current estimate of financial needs for management of Natura 2000 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 2 Content of a PAF PAF in Flanders Prioritized action framework 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 3 Content of a PAF A. Overview of Natura 2000 network B. Status of the Habitats and Species C. Provisions for protection and management of sites D. Current experience with EU financial instruments E. Current estimate of financial needs F. Strategic conservation priorities 2014-2020 G. Key measures to achieve priorities H. Monitoring, evaluation and updating PAFs 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 4 PAF = synthesis Note on NCO implementation strategy Art. 17 report on conservation status Regional NCO basis report EU Biodiversity Strategy “Vlaanderen in Actie” Estimate of the benefits provided by the Flemish NATURA 2000 network 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 5 The map The figures Its ecosystem services Natura 2000 in Flanders 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 6 46 (9*) 27 annex II 67 annex I + 19 MS 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 7 Sites of Community Importance (SCIs) Total SCI sites: 38 Total SCI area (km²): 1,048.88 Terrestrial SCI are (km²): 1,048.88 % of national area: 7.8% Marine SCI area (km²): - Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) - Special Protection Areas (SPAs) Total SPA sites: 24 Total SPA area (km²): 982.43 Terrestrial SPA are (km²): 982.43 % of national area: 7.3% Marine SPA area (km²): - Total Natura 2000 terrestrial area Total Natura 2000 sites: 52 Total Natura 2000 area (km²): 1,661.87 % of national area: 12.3% 11/12/2013 Total Natura 2000 marine area PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium - 8 ANB. 2013. Prioritized Action Framework for the Flemish region Relative surface (%) of clustered land cover types for the Natura 2000 network in Flanders (2011) The clustered land cover types according to Corinne (2011) are mentioned between brackets. 9 FV – Favourable; U1 – Unfavourable inadequate; U2 – Unfavourable bad; XX - Unknown; NA – Not reported Conservation status Habitat types (I) and species (II&IV) cf. Habitats directive (2007) Region / Conclusion HABITATS SPECIES FV U1 U2 XX NA FV U1 U2 XX NA Range 28 9 10 0 - 37 5 13 4 - Area / Population 14 18 15 0 - 18 14 18 9 - Structure / Habitat 2 9 33 3 - 1 13 11 34 - Future Prospects 16 18 11 2 - 24 12 14 9 - Flanders 3 7 37 1 - 16 12 22 9 - Annex I and migratory species1 cf. Birds directive (2009)2 Region / Conclusion Range Area / Population Structure / Habitat Future Prospects Flanders 1at ANNEX I MIGRATORY SPECIES FV U1 U2 XX NA FV U1 U2 XX NA 19 0 11 3 30 17 2 0 0 - 16 1 14 2 30 17 1 1 0 - 16 6 10 1 30 16 3 0 0 - 16 6 11 0 30 13 4 1 1 - 14 4 15 0 30 14 4 1 0 - present or on date of entry into force of BD 1 % of the biogeographical population the approach for species cf. art. 17 HD 2Using 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 10 Nature Conservation Objectives for the Flemish region 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 11 A nested approach to setting NCOs Regional NCOs (R-NCOs) When in FCS on Flemish level? Criteria of article 17 evaluation (HD) Distribution of R-NCOs over Natura 2000 sites: specific NCOs (S-NCOs) One approach for Natura 2000: SAC (HD) and SPA (BD) 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 12 Participatory process Sense of ownership helps in achieving NCOs faster and with fewer troubles Opportunity costs Detects weaknesses in our set of implementation measures Shows pitfalls to avoid in the implementation 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 13 Regional nature conservation objectives Creation of 41,000 to 55,000 ha of European protected habitat types Creation of 4,000 to 7,000 ha of habitat of species (not European protected habitat types) In addition to existing approximately 74,000 ha 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 14 EU Biodiversity Strategy 2020 “Vlaanderen in Actie” (VIA) Strategic conservation priorities 2014-2020 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 15 Flemish roadmap to favourable conservation status (FCS) 1. Halt and prevent deterioration of the present conservation status 2. Reach FCS or improve status by 2020 for 16 habitats 3. Reach FCS for all habitats by 2050 4. Reach FCS or improve status by 2020 for protected species 5. Reach FCS for all species by 2050 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 16 BRON: INBO – ontwerprapportering cf. artikel 17 van de Habitatrichtlijn The Challenge Target Habitats Species Conservation status of habitats and species protected by the Habitats Directive in Flanders 17 1. Halt and prevent deterioration of present CS By 2020 all the necessary local interventions will have to be carried out in those sites (SAC or SPA) for which a negative trend in the local conservation status is reported while formulating the nature conservation objectives or where deterioration threatens 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 18 2. Reach FCS or improve status by 2020 for 16 habitats Realistic list based two criteria (stakeholder input) proper management is achievable by 2020 FCS or at least a significant improvement is achievable by 2020 Priority actions are related to development and proper management elimination of local environmental issues Reduction of acidifying and eutrophying depositions demands a regional approach 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 19 Reach FCS or improve status for 16 habitats by 2020 3. Reach FCS for all habitats by 2050 Interim 2020 targets for remaining habitats surface owned by public authorities or nature conservation NGOs under proper management by 2020 surface under proper management on private land in an officially recorded operational management plan 1/3 of remainder under proper management by 2020 Priority actions are related to: proportional development and proper management proportional reduction of acidifying and eutrophying depositions in a regional approach 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 21 4. Reach FCS or improve status by 2020 for protected species 34% of annex II species have FCS Over 50% of birds (BD annex I and MS) have FCS No specific goals for 2020 are formulated; knowing full well that realisation of the 2020 habitat goals (2. and 3.) will benefit the species. 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 22 5. Reach FCS for all species by 2050 Interim 2020 targets for all species realisation of 2050 habitat goals should ensure FCS for most species some species need extra efforts interim goals for “extra space needing” species improvement of existing habitats & 1/3 of targets for additional habitat Species protection programmes 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 23 © Patrick Keirsebilck 10* ‘extra space needing’ species will have interim goals for 2020 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium *Hamster 24 is not linked to Natura 2000 NCOs outside Natura 2000 22,788 ha forests Evaluation of conservation status on the whole of the region Not possible to reach FCS in the site because of the characteristics 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 25 From planning to acting The strategic management plan Natura 2000 Distribution of NCOs over subareas Define priority actions on development and management for each subarea measures to stop or avoid deterioration measures to achieve 2020 targets measures to achieve 2020 interim targets Define priority actions on environmental conditions for each subarea measures reducing environmental pressures to stop or avoid deterioration measures reducing environmental pressures hindering the 2020 targets 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 26 Overall strategic priorities Regional priority action on eutrophying and acidiphying depositions programmatic approach set up by end 2015 Defining ecological thresholds to mitigate local environmental pressures uniform reference framework local conservation status, appropriate assessments, E.I.A. and S.E.A., and environmental priority actions 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 27 General Measures Agricultural and forest habitats and species Marine and coastal habitats and species Wetlands habitats and species (including peatlands) Heathland habitats and species Securing ecosystem benefits Sustainable tourism and employment Programmatic approach to nitrogen deposition Priority Measures for 2014-2020 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 28 General Measures Preparation of management plans, strategies and schemes Establishment of management bodies Review of management plans, strategies and schemes Staff (conservation/project officers, wardens/rangers, workers) Measures to remove migration and dispersion barriers and bottlenecks Land purchase, including compensation for development rights Monitoring and surveying Site surveillance Provision of information and publicity material Training and education Infrastructure needed for habitat or species restoration Infrastructure for public access, interpretation, observatories and kiosks, etc 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 29 General Measures species protection programmes 30 protected species mainly outside Natura 2000 Complement of the Natura 2000 management plan Lampetra planeri, Crex Crex, Circus pygargus, Chiroptera, Cricetus cricetus, Botaurus Stellaris, Pelobates fuscus, Lanius collurio, Liparis loeselii, Misgurnus fossilis, Charadrius alexandrinus, Leucorrhinia pectoralis, Acrocephalus paludicola, Hyla arborea, Coronella austriaca, Porzana porzana, Circus aeruginosus, Muscardinus vellanarius, Lucanus cervus, Alytes obstetricans, Numenius phaeopus, Ixobrychus minutus, Triturus cristatus, Rana arvalis, Bufo calamita, Pernis apivorus, Nycticorax nycticorax, Anser brachyrhynchus, Castor fiber, Lutra lutra 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 30 Agricultural and forest habitats and species Development, restoration and management of grasslands & forests Restoration of natural or appropriate groundwater levels and / or flooding regime Mitigation of N or P influx Agri- & forest-environmental measures Compensation for income forgone Risk management (e.g. fire) Countermeasures against invasive alien species 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 31 Marine and coastal habitats and species Restoration and management of estuaries Restoration, development and management of coastal habitats Restoration of natural or appropriate groundwater levels and / or flooding regime Mitigation of N or P influx Agri- & forest-environmental measures Compensation for income forgone Countermeasures against invasive alien species 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 32 Wetlands habitats and species (including peatlands) Restoration, development and management of wetland habitats Restoration of natural or appropriate groundwater levels Restoration watercourse structure and / or flooding regime Improvement of surface water quality and water bottom quality Mitigation of N or P influx Agri-environmental measures Compensation for income forgone Countermeasures against invasive alien species Risk management (e.g. fire) 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 33 Heathland habitats and species Development, restoration and management of heathland Restoration of natural or appropriate groundwater levels and / or flooding regime Mitigation of N or P influx Compensation for income forgone Risk management (e.g. fire) Countermeasures against invasive alien species 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 34 Securing ecosystem benefits (e.g. climate change) Provisioning Goods and services produced by ecosystems enhance water infiltration Regulation & Maintenance Non-material benefits provided by ecosystems protection flooding by sea more space for recreation © Tom Linster © Tom Linster © Wouter Pattyn Cultural Natural processes regulated of maintained by ecosystems protection flooding by rivers © Tom Linster enhance denitrification © Patrick Van Keirsbulck © ANB enhance nutrient retention © Laurent Vanden Abeele 11/12/2013 store carbon in biomass store carbon in soils © Wilfried Rentmeesters PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 35 Sustainable tourism and employment AgentschapsDomeinen Als Goede gastheer Inrichten Onderhouden 11/12/2013 Financial support & compensation for public access PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 36 Programmatic approach to nitrogen depositions Systematic reduction of atmospheric N depositions to ensure favourable conservation status for sensitive habitats and species by 2050 and prevent further deterioration. Set up by the end of 2015. This program will comprise generic and area-specific policy measures a recovery package can lead to room for new local development whereby renewal of permits and limited expansions might be possible. 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 37 There is a return-on-investment! Current estimate of financial needs for management of Natura 2000 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 38 40,000,000 35,000,000 30,000,000 25,000,000 Development 20,000,000 Restoration Maintenance Total 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 0 Technical costs for nature development and maintenance Evolution in the period 2014-2050 of cost related to development, restoration and maintenance of protected habitats and habitats of protected species. Costs are expressed in EUR (2012) and without VAT. ANB. 2013. Prioritized Action Framework for the Flemish region 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 39 Type of cost 2014 One-off costs Land acquisition Nature development Mitigation of environmental pressures1 Infrastructure for access Recurrent costs Management planning Maintenance and management Mitigation of environmental pressures2 Monitoring Surveillance and supervision Infrastructure for access Licensing and appropriate assessment Coordination and overhead Communication and capacity building Total cost no estimate could be made, except preliminary studies 2 no estimate could be made 1 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Full period 2020 20.9 20.9 20.9 20.9 20.9 20.9 20.9 146.3 10.7 11.2 11.8 12.3 12.8 13.3 13.6 85.7 4.3 + ? 4.3 + ? 0.5 + ? 0.5 + ? 0.5 + ? 0.5 + ? 0.5 + ? 11.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 7.7 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.6 2.6 19.0 22.1 21.8 21.6 21.6 21.4 22.2 21.7 152.4 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0.0 6.0 8.5 11.1 13.6 16.1 18.6 21.2 94.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 6,3 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 23,8 5.4 5.4 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 36.8 3.6 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 22.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 5.9 81,9 84,2 83,3 86,3 89,1 92,7 95,1 612,4 Current estimate of financial needs for management of Natura 2000 for the Flemish region in million euros. ANB. 2013. Prioritized Action Framework for the Flemish region European funds LIFE development & acquisition European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) maintenance, development, environmental measures Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund (Interreg & EFRD) development (e.g. species, ecosystem services), environmental measures 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 41 Flemish financial means Nature policy Other government budgets flanking policy for farming maintenance of public properties regular policy Innovative financing options being explored 11/12/2013 PAF Flanders - Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium 42 Ecosystem services Yearly monetary value of 11 ESS Ecosystem services public health related services (air quality, recreation, health effects of contact with nature) soil carbon sequestration agricultural production and nutrient removal wood production, carbon sequestration in biomass, noise nuisance reduction and water supply € 800 million to € 1.4 billion additional benefits of NCOs: € 13 to 93 million extra per year REMINDER: NCOs also include maintenance of the existing ecosystem services Broekx Steven, De Nocker Leo, Poelmans Lien, Staes Jan, Jacobs Sander, Van der Biest Katrien, Verheyen Kris. 2013. Raming van de baten geleverd door het Vlaamse NATURA 2000-netwerk. Studie uitgevoerd in opdracht van: Agentschap Natuur en Bos (ANB/IHD/11/03) door VITO, Universiteit Antwerpen en Universiteit Gent. 2012/RMA/R/1 PAF Flanders Financing Natura 2000 workshop - Belgium Jeroen Panis policy officer area-based nature policy +32 2 553 78 99 11 December 2013 Information on NCOs & Natura 2000 in Flanders Ward Verhaeghe Project leader NCOs +32 3 553 78 85 Agentschap voor Natuur en Bos Koning Albert II-laan 20 bus 8 1000 Brussel 44