Planning the waste collection system
 Factors need to be consider:
population distribution & density
topography & road layout
characteristic of the waste & quantity
disposal method used
weather condition
type & number vehicles available
number of location of transfer station
road design
Collection of solid waste
 The term collection included:
picking up of solid waste from the sources,
hauling of wastes to the location where the contents
of the collection vehicle are emptied
The unloading of collection vehicle is also consider
part of the collection operation.
 Activities associated with hauling and
unloading similar for most collection system
 The gathering or picking up of SW vary with
the characteristic of:
the facilities.
location where wastes are generated.
method use for storage of accumulated wastes
between collections.
 Collection in an urban area is difficult and complex:
Development of urban and sub-urban
Generation become more diffuse & quantity of
waste increases.
 The responsible of the municipal or district council
the privet waste management companies.
Low-rise detach dwelling (commingled)
 Manual method use for collection residential waste
The direct lifting & carrying of loaded containers to
the collection vehicle.
The rolling the loaded containers on their rims to
the collection vehicle
The use of small lifts for rolling loaded to the
collection vehicle.
 The method of waste collection will influence
the quality and quantity of recovered material
and the mode of disposal.
 Basically, four common types of residential
collection service
 curb
 alley
 setout-setback
 setout
 Door to door collection
 Homeowner responsible for placing the
 Most common method in Malaysia
 Terrace houses or link houses
 material collected from the home by the
collection crew
 In other case the collection vehicle equipped
with auxiliary container – then emptied to
the collection vehicle
 The use of small satellite vehicles
 The empty bins are taken back by the owners
 Disadvantages:
the bins are messed up by scavengers
bin are stolen
animal sometimes mess up the bins –
looking for food
 Door to collection
 Also call back lane collection
 Commonly used in many part of Asia
 Door to collection
 Containers are set out from homeowner’s
property and set back after emptied by
additional crew.
 Use two groups of collectors
 Faster
 Door to collection
 Same as setout-setback except:
 Homeowners is responsible to return the
container to storage location.
 Individual house collection
Manual methods
 Manual methods used for the collection of
residential waste include:
The direct lifting & carrying of loaded containers to
Rolling the loaded container to the vehicle
Use small lift for rolling loaded container
Low- and Medium-rise Apartments
 Curbside collection is common for most low-
and medium-rise apartments.
 Maintenance staff is responsible for
transporting the containers to the street for
curb collection
 If large containers are used, the collection
vehicle will equipped with unloading
High-rise Apartments
 Usually large containers are used to collect
wastes large apartment building.
 The contents of the containers may be
emptied mechanically or may be hauled to
an off-site location.
Commercial & industrial Facilities
 Manual & mechanical means are used to collect
 In many large cities solid wastes are collected
early morning or late evening
 Plastic bag, cardboard boxes and other disposal
container are used in manual collection.
 Collection usually accomplished with three or
four person crew
 containers usually used are:
Movable containers
Container that can be couple to large stationary
Large capacity open top containers
Collection of waste (separated at source)
 Must be collect gathered together before they
can be recycle.
 The method of collection include:
Curbside collection using conventional / special designed
collection vehicle
Incidental curb collection
Delivery by homeowners to drop-off & buy-back centers.
Residential (curbside collection)
 Recyclable materials are collected separately
from commingled waste.
 Some programs require residents to separate
several different material & store in their own
 Other programs only one or two containers to
store commingled recyclable.
 The vehicle used are for collect the separated
waste are:
standard collection vehicle
specialized collection vehicle.
Type of Collection System
 The system used may classified from several
points of view such as:
The mode of operation.
Equipment use
Type of waste collected
 collection system have been classified
according to their mode of operation into two
Hauled container systems (HCS)
Stationery container systems (SCS)
Hauled Container Systems (HCS)
 Suitable for removal of waste where the rate of
generation is high.
 The use of large containers reduce handling
time, / unsightly accumulations and unsanitary
 Container size and utilization are great economic
 The advantages:
is the flexibility – many different sizes & shapes for the
collection all types of waste.
Require one truck & driver to accomplish the collection cycle
The economy advantage
 Disadvantage
the use of vary large containers leads to low-volume utilization
unless loading aids provided.
 Three types of haul container system:
Hoist truck
tilt-frame container
Trash trailer
Hoist truck systems
 container size from 0.2 to 10 cu3 (2 to 12 yd3)
 Applicable in only limited cases which are:
For small operation and collects from a few pickup
For the collection of bulky item and industrial rubbish
Tilt-frame container
 Widely use especially among private collectors
 Used tilt frame loaded vehicle and large
 Suitable for collection of all types of solid
waste rubbish.
 Various type of large containers are available
for use with these vehicles
Open-top containers are used at warehouse and
construction sites
Large containers in conjunction with stationary
compactors are common at apartment, commercial,
and transfer station.
Trash trailer
 Similar to tilt frame container system
 Better for the collection heavy rubbish & often used
for the demolition waste.
 Pneumatic and hydraulic system
More complex than hydraulic systems.
Use low pressure air and vacuum conduit system to
transport rubbish through underground pipe
transport wastes from high density apartments or
commercial activities to central location for
Reduces traveling time & increases the waste
collection efficiency & minimize management
Hydraulic transports is being used for the
transport of food wastes
The major problem of this method is the / waste
water used for transporting the wastes must be
This system practical in areas where proper
processing facilities are incorporated into
treatment system.
Automated pneumatic waste collection & disposal
Routes of Collection
 The guideline should be taken in to
consideration when design the layout the
collection routes:
Existing policies and regulations
 the
number & arrangement of the containers
 Frequency
of collection
 Existing
system characteristic
 the number crew
 Vehicle
 Begin
and end should be near arterial
In hilly area:
 Should
start at the top and proceed
downhill as the vehicle become loaded
 The
last container to be collected must be
located nearest to the disposal site
 Traffic
congested location
 Should
 Sources
be collect as early in the day
at extremely large quantities
 Serviced
during the first part of the day
 Scattered
pickup points
 the
number & arrangement of the
 distance
between containers
 number
of block & arrangement
Layout of collection routes
 The general steps involved in establishing
route include:
Preparation of location maps
Data analysis
Preliminary layout of routes
Evaluation of the preliminary routes & the development
of balanced route by successive trials
Collection routes Layout – Step1
 Map of the commercial, industrial, or resident
housing area to be serve.
 Plot the solid waste pickup point:
Collection frequency
Number of containers
 Enter on the map the estimate quantity of
waste at each pickup location (if use
mechanically loaded containers)
 For residential sources - assume that
approximately the same average quantity
number of homes per block will be shown
 Use the tracing paper once the basic data
have been entered on the work map