REVISED WASTE CLASSIFICATION AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR SOUTH AFRICA National Waste Classification and Management Regulations & Standards Stakeholder Workshop 30 July 2010 WASTE CLASSIFICATION & MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS National WCM Regulations AIM: To formalise relevant provisions of the Revised Waste Classification & Management System into the SA legislative framework. MAIN PURPOSE: o Consider higher order management options for waste in line with the waste management hierarchy. o Establish a mechanism and procedure for the approval of beneficial waste management activities. o Prescribe specific requirements for waste management. Supported by National Standards Standard for Leach Tests and Waste Risk Profiling – Leach test methodology, contaminant concentration thresholds & waste risk profiling. Standard for the Disposal of Waste to Landfill – Landfill acceptance criteria & Waste disposal restrictions. Part 1: Interpretation, Purpose & Application Definitions Regulations do not apply to: o Generators of domestic waste. Purpose: o Regulate beneficial waste management activitieswast o Promote the waste management hierarchy. o Establish a mechanism for the efficient approval of activities that facilitate waste minimisation & diversion from landfill. o Prescribe requirements for waste classification, waste categorisation and assessment of risk associated with disposal. o Prescribe requirements for transport, handling & storage, including tracking of waste. o Prescribe requirements for the management of waste, including landfill acceptance criteria & disposal restrictions. Part 2: Classification & Categorisation Classify i.t.o. SANS10234-GHS. Schedule 1 lists Pre-Classified waste (general, hazardous) that don’t need classification. If hazardous – develop SDS i.t.o. SANS10234-GHS & Label containers appropriately. Categorise waste i.t.o. WIS Regulations (Types of waste). Schedule 1: Pre-classified waste General Waste - Domestic waste; - Building and Demolition Waste; - Inert waste; - Waste tyres. Hazardous Waste - Health Care Risk Waste (HCRW); - Asbestos Waste. Part 3: Waste Management Evaluate waste management options i.t.o. waste hierarchy. Implement if available & feasible, at licensed facility. Consider any Norms and Standards related to the waste management activity. Treatment provisions: o No dilution or reducing potential for RRR, or o No temporary masking of characteristics. If disposal remains the only option – determine the Waste Risk Profile (all waste, except domestic, builders rubble & inert), and dispose in accordance with Landfill Standard. Part 4: Beneficial Waste Management Activities Mechanism & procedure for efficient ‘approval’ of waste resource utilisation & other beneficial waste management activities. Effected through the Minister: o Listing the activity as not requiring a licence, and o Setting the requirements or standards the activity is subject to. NEMWA 19(1) & 19(3): The Minister may list activities & must indicate whether a licence is required, and if not, the requirements or standards that must be complied with instead. NEMWA S20(1): No person may undertake a waste activity, except in accordance with the requirements or standards determined in terms of S19(3) for that activity; Mechanism in the Regulations includes ability of any person to motivate to the Minister, and specifies the information required. Fundamental: For beneficial activities that can be consistently implemented without health or environmental risk, and controlled through any requirements or standards. Possible Beneficial Activities Waste Management Procedures: o Refers to operations & management procedures. o Risk related to emergency/accident/upsets; no continuous impact if procedures followed. o Focus on process, standard operating procedures, design standards, EMP (could be existing). o E.g: drum reconditioning, car wrecking, transfer stations for recyclables, temporary used oil storage (bulking). Beneficial Utilisation of Waste: o Re-use, recycling, re-use & recovery – large waste streams. o Potential risk to health & environment that needs to be assessed – worst case – more detailed than above. o Issues not only operational- include thresholds, inputs, technology (focussed on the waste, inputs & outputs), emissions. o E.g: Application to land (road building, fertiliser); Reuse in end-products (bricks, aggregate in concrete, extenders); Energy or raw material recovery/substitution (incl. thermal recovery) Part 5: Record Keeping & Waste Manifest Requirements for records of waste generation (types & quantities) and management thereof. Requirement for maintaining a waste manifest system – Specific information requirements for generator, transporter & waste manager listed in Schedule 2 of the Regulations. Transitional Arrangements Promulgation – January 2011 Regulation 4 (Waste Classification)- simultaneously with classification of MR – 1 year. Regulation 5 (Waste Categorisation) – 6 months after National Waste Information Regulations, 2010. Regulation 6 (Safety Data Sheets), Regulation 7 (Labelling of Hazardous Waste) & Regulation 8(1) (Waste to be classified and categorised prior to acceptance by waste transporter and manager) after 1 year. Regulation 12 (Waste Disposal) - simultaneously with waste disposal & landfill design requirements of MR - 18 months for hazardous waste & 3 years for general waste. Subject to requirements & timeframes of Waste Management Standards. Regulation 15 (Records of Waste Generation and Management) - 6 months after National Waste Information Regulations, 2010. Regulation 16 (Waste Manifest System) – after 1 year. THANK YOU Nomphelo Daniel Deputy Director: Hazardous Waste Management Tel: +27 (0)12 310 3904