Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Survey Design Workshop Household Questionnaire: Water and Sanitation MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Goals and Indicators MDG 7 Target 7C: • Halve, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation MICS Indicators: • # 4.1 – Use of improved drinking water sources Proportion of population that uses an improved source of drinking water [MDG # 7.8] • # 4.3 – Use of improved sanitation Proportion of population that uses an improved sanitation facility which is not shared [MDG # 7.9] MICS4 Survey Design Workshop ‘improved’ means…. An improved drinking water source is: “a source that by nature of its construction is adequately protected from outside contamination in particular with fecal matter” An improved sanitation facility: “ a facility that hygienically separates human waste from human contact” MICS4 Survey Design Workshop MDG definitions = MICS response categories Unprotected dug well Unprotected spring Tanker truck Cart with small tank/drum Surface water (river, stream, dam, lake, pond, canal, irrigation channel) Bottled water* UN-IMPROVED Piped into dwelling, compound, yard or plot Piped to neighbour Public tap/standpipe Tube well/Borehole Protected dug well Protected spring Rainwater collection Sanitation facilities IMPROVED Drinking water sources (incl. delivery points) Flush/Pour flush to: piped sewer system septic tank pit latrine Ventilated improved pit (VIP) latrine Pit latrine with slab Composting toilet Flush/Pour flush to elsewhere Pit latrine without slab/Open pit Bucket Hanging toilet/Hanging latrine Shared sanitation of any type No facilities, bush or field MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Customizing Water and Sanitation module or changing of response categories Please don’t……. But if you have to: - Introduce sub-response categories - Request an exact definition of new (sub-) categories - Seek advice from RO/HQ - Maintain comparability with standard response categories MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Response categories to avoid Drinking water • Piped (use: piped into dwelling/yard and public tap) • Well (use improved-/unimproved dug well) • Spring (use improved-/unimproved spring) Sanitation • Latrine • Traditional latrine (use pit latrine with-/without slab) • Pit latrine • Pit MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Background documentation • Core Questions on Water and Sanitation for Household Surveys – Detailed definitions and explanations of standard response categories • Pictorials for Water and Sanitation Facilities – Drawings of improved and unimproved facilities – Useful for training interviewers • MICS Manual MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Main questions and purpose • WS1: What is the main source of drinking water for members of your household? • WS8: What kind of toilet facility do members of your household usually use? Note: both questions seek information on use rather than on access! MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Special case • WS1 Response: Bottled water – Additional question (WS2) to determine use of another source for HH purposes – Objective is to capture the real source of “drinking water” which includes water for: • Ingestion • Food preparation • Basic personal hygiene MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Other drinking water questions – WS3 and WS4: Location of source and time-to-source • WS3: Where is that water source located? • If drinking water source is not on premises: – WS4: How long does it take to go there, get water, and come back? • Rationale: If roundtrip >30 minutes, people compromise on their minimum daily water requirement by collecting less water • Is an indicator for both distance and volume of water collected – WS5: Who usually goes to this source to collect the water for your household? MICS4 Survey Design Workshop MICS4 Indicators – WS6 and WS7: Household water treatment practices • Multiple responses possible • Purpose: determine if people apply any home treatment to their drinking water and if so, what methods are used. #4.2 - Water Treatment – Number of household members using unimproved drinking water that has been appropriately treated: boiling; adding bleach or chlorine; using a water filter; or using solar disinfection (WS7=A, B, D, E) MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Other sanitation questions – WS9: Do you share this facility with others who are not members of your household? – WS10 and WS11 • Rationale: – Shared or public facilities are considered unimproved – WS10 used to distinguish shared from public facilities – WS11 used to distinguish shared between a few households from shared between many households MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Analysis • Use of improved water sources – Population using an improved drinking water • Household water treatment – Population according to drinking water treatment method and whether an appropriate water treatment method is used by the source of drinking water • Time to source of water – Households according to time to go to source of drinking water, get water and return, and mean time to source of drinking water • Person collecting water – Households according to the person collecting drinking water used in the household MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Analysis • Use of sanitary means of excreta disposal – Population using an improved sanitation • Shared use of sanitation facilities – Population using an improved type of sanitation facility shared between two or more households MICS4 Survey Design Workshop For questions or when in doubt……….. Please contact: 1) MICS-team NYHQ 2) DPP/SMS Monitoring Specialist Water and Sanitation: Rolf Luyendijk: MICS4 Survey Design Workshop