
Think Green keep Aruba Clean
"Solid wastes" are the
discarded leftovers of our
advanced consumer society.
This growing mountain of
garbage and trash represents
not only an attitude of
indifference toward valuable
natural resources, but also a
serious economic and public
health problem.
-Jimmy Carter, 39th
President of the United
States, Message to the
Congress, 23 May 77
It’s up to us to take care of our environment – it’s all in our hands!
What is E-Waste?
As technology improves on a daily basis, and it becomes more affordable to the masses,
so does the amount of technology that is discarded....e-waste.
Tons of printer cartridges and other electronic devices currently crowd our landfills, and
contaminate our soil, water and food with dangerous materials such as:
lead, cadmium, mercury, unused inks, etc.
What is Antraco Aruba Recycling?
Antraco Aruba Recycling is a division of Antraco Aruba Group,
that collects e-wastes like ink cartridges and toners.
We pick up the e-waste and ship these for recycling abroad.
We feel obligated as an ink and cartridge supplier to
educate the community about the danger of
ink cartridges and what it can do to the environment.
We will be working directly with local schools and
organizations to bring the importance of recycling
by providing educational programs and awareness
campaigns, so we can keep our landfills free from
Why is recycling ink & toner
cartridges important?
A modern day necessity with
an environmental challenge
•In one year, if the world discarded cartridges were stacked
end to end, they would circle the earth over three times!
•Depending on the plastic used, it can take
400 -1000 years for a print cartridge to decompose.
•Ink and other dangerous material can leak into soil from
discarded cell phones and print cartridges.
•It can take 2.5 oz. - 1 gallon of oil to produce one print cartridge.
•One school can use 300 ink cartridges per year.
•One student can use 6-10 ink cartridges per year.
•A medium-sized business can use more than 900
to 1600 ink cartridges per year.
What is our Vision?
“A cleaner and greener Aruba.
See the Aruba population and businesses
involved and evolve in being socially responsible.
An Aruba were the future generation can continue to
enjoy our great environment”.
So how does our
Recycling program work?
Picking Up
Start the
Ship to a
Recycling center
How can your business help?
Our goal is to educate your business and
the community by creating awareness
on the importance of recycling toners
and cartridges.
Thereby part of your contribution is for:
•The transportation costs of picking up.
•Shipping the empty cartridges abroad
for recycling.
•A small portion goes to printing costs of
flyers and brochures for educational
purposes on the need of recycling.
How to sign up
Don’t let your company out!
Antraco Aruba Recycling
L. G. Smith Boulevard 126-A
General: commercial.sales@antracoaruba.com
Natasha Croes–Welage - natasha.croes@antracoaruba.com – ext. 248
Ernon Croes - ernon.croes@antracoaruba.com – ext. 272
Enid Laclé - enid.lacle@antracoaruba.com – ext. 234
Karina Reategui - karina.reategui@antracoaruba.com – ext. 291
Daniel Driessen - daniel.driessen@antracoaruba.com – ext. 279
Sign up an be part of a wonderful and good for the island
and environment program.