Corsage Construction Step-By-Step Directions STEP 1: Select Materials 1 Carnation 1 Stem of Leatherleaf 1 Sprig of Baby’s Breath 1 Yard of #3 Ribbon 1 (26 guage) Wire Floral tape 1 Corsage Pin 1 Carnation Choose flowers that are in good condition. Choose a flower color that is suitable for the occasion. Choose a flower that is a good size for the wearer. 1 Stem Leatherleaf Fern Choose a straight stemmed piece from the tip of the fern or use a side branch. Choose leatherleaf that is in good condition. 1 Sprig Baby’s Breath Choose flowers that are in good shape. 1 Yard of #3 Ribbon Choose a color that compliments the flower. Wire Use #26 wire for bows Use #22 wire for flowers Corsage Pins Use Pearl tipped pins. Step 2: Wire and Tape Carnation Remove flower stem Wire using the piercing method Tape to cover all of the wire Step 3: Select and Tape Baby’s Breath and Foliage Use 3-4” piece of foliage Remove leaves from bottom 1” Place foliage behind carnation. Use small sprigs of baby’s breath above and below carnation Position and tape both to carnation Step 4: Make a Bow Use 1 yard of ribbon Use # 26 gauge wire Tape the wire Make with at least 4 loops as directed in a previous lesson Step 5: Add Bow to Corsage Separate wires holding bow Wrap wires around corsage stem Clip wires to 1” and lay flat against stem. Tape the stem to cover the wires Step 6: Add Finishing Touches Hook, Curl, or Curve the end of the stem Add the Corsage Pin Place in Cooler Step 7: Clean the Work Area Put away all materials Sweep and Clean up area.