Session Two : Revenue Models
Define the type of revenue collection methods for B2C and BCB marketplaces
What is a revenue model?
Define the type of revenue models available
Understand the changes in the revenue composition of e-businesses
Collection and disbursement of revenue items
Use of credit cards
Digital wallets
Digital Cash
Collection and disbursement of revenue items
Electronic Letters of Credit – where a bank or other authority guarantees the payment, and therefore takes the risk associated with repudiation or order dispute
Internet based EDI – although less standardised than more traditional EDI, this approach has the benefit of integrating payment details with other organisational systems
Electronic billing presentation and payment (EBPP): the process by which companies bill customers and receive payments electronically over the Internet. There are two types of presentment models:
direct model: a biller delivers the bill to customers via its own website, or via a third-party's site consolidator model: bills from multiple billers are delivered to a single Web site, to be presented in aggregate to the consumer for viewing and payment
A revenue model is a part of the overall business model, and is essentially the underlying concept of how the ebusiness will attract and collect revenue
The three forms are:
Taxes/Individual Service User Payments
Financial Contributions from the public
Advertising – income from, for example, banner ads and linked to volume and quality of hits
Sponsorship – sponsorship from a company wanting to convey brand values through association with programs that fit the company's product or corporate image.
Subscription – in effect a membership charge for the ability to receive services for a specified time
Transaction Fee – in effect, a broking fee for facilitating a sale between two parties
Affiliate – referral fees when one website leads a party on to another where they conduct a transaction – and the original site therefore gains a cut of the fee : a referral type model
Sales – may be of goods or services, which can include information (for example, market information) or provision of web services themselves (such as server spaces for websites, or hot counters)
sales packages may themselves come in diverse forms, such as forward payments for a series of services or deliveries of goods, or agreements to purchase a number of as yet unspecified items (for examples, on a book club model) or basic sales plus discounts on add-ons and so on
Online sales revenues are further affected by sales channel decisions , such as customer service, purchase processes, website performance
Before the crash
Transaction Fee
After the crash
Transaction Fee
Discuss the feasibility of the types of revenue models the following companies use:
Harvard Business Review Online
Afuah & Tucci, Internet Business Models and Strategies: Text and Cases, 2001
Groucutt & Griseri, Mastering E-
Business, 2004
Soh & Markus, B2B E-Marketplaces — A
Strategic Archetypes Approach, 2002