AET 515 - My Podcast Site

Instructional Plan
LaDonna Johns
Needs Assessment
The learning problem was the lack of environmental health and safety. The
opportunity will allow the facility to save money When the course is completed.
There is no information available in regards to Environmental Health and Safety
There should be a course on Waste Management , Noise Control, Energy
Conservation, and green Sustainability.
There should be information on how they get rid of there waste and how they
should conserve energy.
My recommendation is for the employees to take the course and implement the
course once the course is completed.
Instructional Goal
• They will learn the importance of recycling, and how to Control Noise
levels, Save on Energy, and how to go Green.
• Remember, the instructional goal helps measure whether or not the
desired learning outcome has been achieved.
• In addition, the goal establishes the learning objectives and
assessment of the instruction.
Performance-Based Objectives
• The audience will be all new hires employees at the resort.
• Work performance, and evaluations, and surveys
• Employees will have a test midweek of course. And
employees will need to do a role play as the final exam.
• Employees will need score an 80% on midweek quiz, and be
able to demonstrate how they plan to implement the
knowledge they have learned in the course as their final
Summative Assessment and Learning
Learners will be given a thirty question multiple choice test after learners have
completed eight hours of classroom time.
After learners have completed the four months , attending four hours a month
learners will give a twenty minute role play presentation on how they will
implement what they have learned from the entire course.
Learner Characteristics
• This is an entry level course with 5 women and 5 men. The age range is
21 and up with less than 1 month on the job. This classroom is a
diverse setting which consist of African American , Caucasian, Hispanic ,
and Mexican. The learning style in this class is visual and sociological
• The implications based on the characteristics will be group activities ,
writing assignments , multiple course quizzes, and role playing.
Learning Context
Instructional setting will be on the job training, Classes will be
held at the work place in the large conference room since the
large conference room has computers in them. Learners will
need to utilize the internet along with there text book that was
handed out the first day of class.
Learners will use the internet to retrieve information on the
importance of going green. Learners will walk around resort to
see the difference in lighting,
Delivery Modality
The courses will have three modalities, Instructor led courses Monday thru
Thursday from 9:00 A.M. to 12: 00 Noon. Web-base classes on Friday,
from 4:00P.M. to 8:00 P.M. And Virtual classes available all day Saturday
and Sunday’s. Courses will be developed to meet the unique needs for our
particular facility. Discussions will be tailored to specifically address the
Waste Management , Energy Conveservation, Green Sustainability, and
Noise Control, That applies to our industry and facility and we will include
strategic compliance considerations.
Instructional Strategies
All courses are available in all modalities, the first course is Waste
Management - E-waste is a critical issue for the 21st century and has distinct
connections to education. E-waste spans generations, races and cultures
and is inextricably bound to business, health, the environment and the
The intent of this course is to raise awareness about a fast growing
global problem, provide data on students’ knowledge about e-waste and
encourage employees to incorporate e-waste.
Focusing on e-waste has the potential for impact for our economy, health
and resort.
Instructional Strategies (Con’t)
The instructional led course in Energy Conservation will provide training courses in
educational, training, and skill development and experiences that lead to a defined
workplace knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
Training will address issues of safety, codes, and core competencies of an
job analysis. Training will be taught in an safe environment at the Resort. appropriate
facilities, tools, and safe practices. Training will offer a formal and planned learning
structure where the learner receives confirming or corrective feedback and the learner's
progress is monitored.
Instructional Strategies (Con’t)
The Green Sustainability course will be focusing on water and energy
conservation; waste reduction through recycling and composting; and
food sourcing from local, sustainable. Environmental sustainability is core
to the curriculum and the operational practices. Our mission is to prepare
and inspire employees to become industry leaders and responsible global
citizens.“ By saving our environment. And to share a commitment to
inspire employees to embrace environmental stewardship in their careers
and daily lives.
The Noise Control course provides an introduction to the physics,
principles, language and fundamental techniques used to control noise.
Emphasis will be placed on the practical applications of the physical
principles behind noise control.
Plan for Implementation (Quarterly Courses)
Waste Management
Monday 1 Hour, on-site instructional led course in the conference room
Teach employees once waste has been collected, that recyclable
items can be turned in to recycling centers and the materials
used to create new products. A recycling program connected
with municipal trash pickup is only one example of waste
management. Items such as oil, paint, or chemicals are not
usually accepted by standard garbage services. Hazardous
waste management services are available to control refuse
that can pose risks to the environment or human health.
Plan for Implementation (Quarterly Courses)
• Energy Conservation
Tuesday 1 Hour, on-site instructional led course conference room
• This course will teach employees about energy conservation
management is the management of processes and policies designed to
reduce energy usage. There are two main ways that are usually used to
manage the conservation of energy. Firstly, consumption may be
reduced such that fewer services and utilities that require energy are
used. Secondly, energy efficiency may be increased so that the same
services are delivered but with less usage of energy.
Plan for Implementation (Part 2)
Green Sustainability
Wednesday 1 Hour, on-site instructional led course conference
room hold virtual meetings – this is a great way of training and keeping
our staff on the same page no matter where they might be. Virtual
meeting cut out traveling expenses and can be enhanced with virtual
classrooms for training purposes. Make a green impression by ensuring
that our workspaces are eco-friendly. Small changes can make a big
difference like installing energy-saving light bulbs, use energy saving
computers and power management software to cut down on costs,
recycle old computers and ink cartridges. Document all your savings so
that you can illustrate the benefits of the green approaches.
Plan for Implementation (Part 3)
Noise Control
Thursday 1 Hour, on-site instructional led course conference room
This course will teach the importance of controlling noise in our facility, please note:
The elimination of a source of noise is the most effective way to prevent risks to
workers, and should always be considered when new work equipment or workplaces
are planned. A ‘no noise or Low noise’ procurement policy is usually the most costeffective way to prevent or control noise. Several Member States have databases to
help enterprises in the selection of work equipment.
All course are available via web base between the hours of 4:oo P.M. to 8:00 P.M. and
virtual all day Saturday and Sunday for professional development hours. All make up
courses should be done on weekends virtually.
Instructional Resources
•The nature of our organization will obviously play an role in what training opportunities
we will provide. Employees will certainly benefit from books, blackboard , tutorials and
videos on how to implement green strategies among their co-workers. Our online courses
are an efficient way of training our front-line employees
•Obtain customized training manuals that serve as excellent reference material
Formative Assessment
• Assessment
• Online Tutorials
• Short Quiz
• Multiple choice test
• End of chapter test
• Simulations
The large conference room is equipped with computers, the
instructor will be present to facility and answer questions during
testing time.
Evaluation Strategies
•All employees will be evaluated throughout the course,
after each course employees will submit a short paragraph
describing two take always.
• Each time employees come to classes they will be given a
survey sheet to provide feedback from the prior week.
•Every three weeks a multiple choice quiz will be given.
• Employees will have to turn end the end of the chapter
questions at the beginning of class, to be discuss in class.
Outcome Review
A rubric will be provided for grading as a guideline to employees.
A grading scale
A grading Plan
Grading on a curve
Grade Book
For future recommendations, Boardman Management Group will extend the
courses throughout the year instead of quarterly.
• All courses will be offered online only to cut down cost.
• The company will have a field site for the green sustainable class.
• All instruction led classrooms will be via satellite
• Employees will be able to use Skype
, B. (2003, Oct 7). Boardman Corporation University Course Offerings.
Belgium, O. (2005). Europen Agency For Safety and Health At Work. Retrieved
from http://osha.europe.ed/enpublication/fact-sheet/58
Brett, F. O. (2010, Aug 5). Resourses For Training Your Employees To Adapt
Green Strategies. Retrieved from
Brown, A., & Green, T. (2006). The Essentials Of Instructional Design
Fundamentals Principles with Process and Practice (5th ed.). Boston, MA:
Prentice Hall/Merrill.
Carey, W. L., , A., & , B. (2001). The System Design of Instruction (5th ed.).
Boston, MA: Ally and Bacon.
References (Con’ t)
McGriff, S. (n.d). The ADDIE Model of Instructional Systems Design: The “A”
is for Analysis. Retrieved January 31,2011,from
Smith, S. (2003-2011). Waste Management. Retrieved from